13.5 hours.
That's how long it took me to beat the final boss.
I'm not memeing, I'm not trying to get a reaction, I'm not exaggerating.
I've beaten all 3 Dark Souls games, but this...
This is the hardest, most infuriating video game I have ever completed.
13.5 hours
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I'm planning to just quit after ashina castle genchiro because I'm not really digging the combat and it seems like a good place to call it quits.
Just side with owl and call it there
What do you typically play or how is your brain hardwired? I can understand 1-2 hours on a boss, and I've seen streamers go on for 3 hours, but people stuck for 5,10 or more hours just seems like such a weird thing to me.
Ain't got nothing on Gattsuo from ToV
my older brother has played since Demon's Souls right around when it released, obsessed with DaS, DaS3, Bloodborne and the last boss for Sekiro took him 3-4 hours, was fucking nuts
wow youre really bad at video games
if you don't like the combat then why not quit now? seems retarded to force yourself to play something you're not enjoying
to be honest thats mostly the peak of the game. Visit the village and temple before you uninstall though
Am I missing anything important if I torrent this? It looks fun and interesting but not 60$ fun and interesting.
I'm sure it involves a lot of doing the exact and thing over and over again in blind frustration and anger
The hardest phase is isshin phase one. the rest of the fight is parrying when you're too close and fishing for his jump attacks/miriki counter thrusts. This is why you take breaks, you clearly weren't in the mental state to analyze you play.
how to spot a faggot 101
There are no online mechanics
Same here, about 5~6 for me. The entire game requires you to be in a level of precision no other Souls requires, not even close.
I was so afraid to fight the final boss, but guess what HE IS FINE. I knew about 4 stages, and I thought the fight would be super long, but it's not if you play aggressively. The only two bosses I had issues with were the Butterfly (I went to fight her too early, I had only 2 heals and no upgrades) and Genichiro (it was the fight that made me learn to parry). Owl took me 3 tries.
How can someone call this game insanely difficult and yet say that Dark Souls is fine? Fucking BLOCK, spam l1l1l1l1l1l1, parry.
Honestly if they took like a couple hours of a break every once in a while they could kill it much faster
>I finished all the other games I swear
bullshit, I've seen literal clown streamers finish the first run in one sitting, while joking and reading their chat.
>peak of the game
Get a load of this fag.
He took me about 45 minutes and that was like 8-10 tries. The phases drag-on and the entire thing is an endurance fight. I still enjoyed learning it but I'm not surprised a lot of people spent a lot of time on him.
thats your problem noob
Well you're just bad. spam R1 more.
>Good place to call it quits.
Yeah keep telling yourself that son. Real gamers never quit before the end.
That's about 1/3 of the way in and there's an amazing endgame area that I shan't spoil (with the most beautiful FROM bossfight of all time) but it was in the demo.
At least look it up in a video!
Took me about 7.5 hours, finished at 6:30 in the morning. It was pretty satisfying to finally beat them though.
Going back to Dark Souls after this game is like child's play.
>real masochists
Fixed,there is a limit to how difficult,repetitive and tedious a game can be and Sekiro surpassed it,people are finishing it due to a sense of obligation more than anything else.
10 hours only reading manual.
i beat the final boss in 35 minutes
didnt even play aggressive, you just stay mid range and parry his slow ass attacks and hack for a couple hits when he recovers
It's a bad game with an infuriatingly passive combat system and it suffers massively from sharing so many mechanics with the souls series.
The camera is the biggest issue with the game, it's too stiff. Especially when you're expected to fight multiple enemies at a time for most of the game. And the controls feel sluggish because everything has loads of windup animations.
Also parrying feels like shit. It just does. You might as well just hold down the button for all the difference it makes. You still get loads of posture damage regardless.
I hate it and I'm only still playing it out of a fucked up sense of duty.
someone didnt play getting over it
takes you 10 hours to read 300 pages?
He is the ultimate test to see if you've actually been learning the combat system throughout your playthrough. Big reality check for sprinters/firecracker shitters
I found him easier than Owl. Owl took 4 hours but Isshin took like 2
I beat Isshin and the Demon of Hatred, but I still can't access the rest of the Ashina Outskirts idols. Is it only Old Grave that becomes available during the end?
>firecracker shitters
What, do people abuse firecrackers or something?
memorize 300 pages
why? are you some sort autist that learns phone books for fun
I don't exactly remember which idols are unavailable during that final stretch, but as long as you killed the Demon of Hatred, you're good.
they're a retard-crutch
I'll probably just hack it like I did with DS3.
If From won't make difficulty settings, do it yourself.
>get invaded by tryhard faggot
>kill him instantly since you have 99 of every stat and 10,000 hp
I dropped Demon's Soul after first boss, because I was bored. But Sekiro is fine.
The A-10C manual has 700 pages, get good
Where's the best places to farm endgame? All I have left are the ultimate combat arts, but shit is like 9 points.
Why don't you just watch a youtube video?
After numerous playthroughs, 100% NG+4 with bell and no charm I can safely say sword saint Isshin is just flat out poorly designed once he gets to the spear phase
It really boils down to never being confident when anything is happening because his spear is so fucking big the tip is literally offscreen. The attacks that are actually telegraphed (gun, jumping overhead, ichimonji) surprise surprise are not that threatening except sometimes you get fucked by the shitty terrain.
This gets really noticeable on repeated playthroughs, when you can breeze through the whole game in an hour and this is the only challenging thing the whole time.
>100% NG+4 and you still haven't gotten gud.
pathetic, really.
because it's not fun
>nothing of substance to say
100% chance you are trash who have only cleared NG no bell
This genuinely
I get stuck on bosses sometimes for an hour or two. Then I just take a break, or get some sleep, and usually do it like on my 1st/2nd attempt because I've already learnt the boss's moves and am in full focus
1.5 hours for me, what the fuck op? what are you doing?
maybe he's gonna fly one?
to play the game
already good in a10
Post proof, shitter
Did the same, the combat is just trash, hammering the block button like a retard isn't fun and nothing that entices you to "git good" unless you are retarded.
t. never had an engineering job
Retard. People are finishing it because the combat is insanely fun and better than any Souls combat
>getting invaded in sekiro
good job user, now theres one last boss for you to kill..
>Lose to Gen 2 phase 2 like 10 times for the most part.
>Play later
>Beat it first try and now everything clicks
I still did the bad ending. Isshin was fun though and a challenge. I didn't enjoy it much but I don't like to give up even if its a cope out.
>People are finishing it because the combat is insanely fun
you must hate video games if you rush through the game like that.
Tfw died 50 times to gyabu but 1 shot genchiro blind
You have awful taste. Probably think DS3 is good.
>*runs to your left*
nothin personnel, Sculptor
I just got to owl2 and did few tries. barely scraped his hp in first phase. its gonna be one of those 2 hour learning experiences again.
>reading a book so you can defend your Jewish overlords
Good goy
these parts are unavailable in late-game.
I wonder what's there tho, someone might be able to get there with hacks
Last time I was stuck on a game for hours was probably first playthrough of NG2 chapter 2 or something. With that tiny life bar and explosive ninjas and trying to get the rod of valor. But for an entire boss? Last time maybe Urizen last fight on DMD. Took like 7 tries because I didn't understand how to avoid is little shimmy uppercut kick shit after his AOE until I realized I can just stay far away and dodge both instead of being close to the AOE. I've seen shitty streamers pick sword saint apart slowly though so you could've always done that.
I dropped the game because I got tired of beating Genichiro's ass every time I want to have another go at grandpa. It's tiring.
It's all so tiring.
Congratulations, you're retarded.
Is Sekiro harder than Ninja Gaiden 1/2 on Master Ninja Mode? Those are two of the most challenging games I've beaten.
>played against Genichiro for 8 hours
>turn off HDR
>beat him next try with 0 damage
Turns out From actually did include an easy mode...
You might have brain damage
Are we going to pretend that is something? Its still is a poor mans NGB and a poor action game in general besides a few bosses that are fun. Normal enemies suck and are recoated up until close to the end or some terror gimmick niggers.
BB was the height of Souls combat and it was only okay the reason people enjoy Souls games is for the complete package. I only played countless hours of the shit PVP to grief people who don't understand how to avoid being baited.
is Sakura gonna be alright?
You can be delusional all you want, but in reality Sekiro is currently the best action game
NGB is much harder on hard let alone VH/MNM. Nothing in Sekiro compars to the Marbus 3 boss gauntlet. NG2 on MNM is harder but im not sure about Mentor probably.
Sekiros difficulty is a meme spawning from the learning curve of deflecting/learning animations to Mikiri/sweep/grab counter. Once you get over that its pretty standard besides SS not a pushover game but not a action game on higher difficulties.
>But muh NG+ and charm
Which just mean you have to play as you've already learned but better where as NGB gets harder and harder and adds boss help/new boss moves/Berserkers.
Definitely not, but Sekiro is still a pretty hard game the first playthrough
>BB was the height
Try ruining a fight club in DaS3 with an obscuring ring, silvercat ring, and a bow. Nothing beats the amount of ways you can dick around in DaS3.
sekiro is hard by general standards. its not hard by the extreme standards set by ngb and games alike.
You've never played a NG game or any action game most likely. At most one or two on normal mode well mashing like an idiot to claim this.
>No variety in how to fight bosses because most arm tools are ass
>R1/charged R1 is close to your only viable move since most combat arts suck because boss poise/blocking after 1 hit
>Hitboxes/tracking far less polished.
>Normal enemies are terrible and uninteresting to fight.
I mean you have no argument to stand on especially if you wanna go after the tippy top with NGB. But keep thinking this From drone you haven't explored the genre for jack shit you'll just eat any 7/10 flawed turd Miyazaki shits out.
that's pretty quick, my first playthrough was nearly 40 hours
>people are playing and finishing the game because its fun
>'uhh like that matters'
k brah
I have. Sekiro is a lot better than any Ninja Gaiden. Combat is better, and don't even pretend like the bosses aren't a thousand times better.
Well its cute to lie. Saying "its better" with no argument as to why when one is stand right in front of you isn't a argument but whatever. If you think a game with more polished mechanics, more variety in their usage and more side attacks is worse there is no hope Miyazaki has that dick in far too deep.
Again play above normal and I still think that is a lie that you even touched NGB/2. Since you make no reference to anything in your posts but spew nonsense. Sekiro will be remembered as that "hard" game with nothing of quality to speak of in less then a year.
Do NG+ and you'll say "wow I don't know why I ever thought this game was so hard" even when you do a no charm run with the demon bell equipped its still really not that bad.
You don't have a say in it being better than Sekiro until you've beaten NGB on Master Ninja
Friendly reminder if you beat sword saint and you didn't parry the lightning you're a bitch
>Sekiro will be remembered as that "hard" game with nothing of quality to speak of in less then a year.
As opposed to NG, which is forever forgotten and only brought up in comparison to better, not dead series a la DMC. Convenient to shitpost with but enough memes
still beat tho
Just had to jump in on this. First, I've played NGS and tried to get into NG2 but never did for some reason. With that said, I had 91 deaths in my first run through of NGS, with 2 of those deaths from bosses. Next difficulty up I had 0 deaths. NGS is definitely punishing but easier than Sekiro. Sekiro's main downfall is how easy levels become to run through and kill everything.
Also, combat arts and ninja tools are far from useless in boss fights. How can you judge both games fairly when you clearly suck at one a lot more than the other?
lol remember when Yea Forums actually convinced people this shit would be 8 hours long
I actually did the exact same thing without planning it or anything. Beat Genichiro and closed the game, haven't started it back up since then and that was like a week ago.
It still is. Most of the padded length is just the boss fights
NGB on hardest is far easier than Sekiro in hardest though. Funny a pathetic lying cuck like you compared one games hard mode to another's easiest one. Says a lot about you and your delusional agenda.
At least I am truthful and correct.
honestly, the game is very short if you skip everything and are good.
>it is except when it isn't
It is a 40-50h game. So sucking Ninja Gaiden dick, it's nowhere near this good
>not taking breaks every form
>not looking up videos of techniques to use to beat him
>not being a fucking mouth breathing autist who probably can't even wipe his own ass without assistance
It's just that simple.
It's not very long, you just waste a lot of time sneaking around.
it's like 35 minutes if you don't suck bro
>not looking up videos of techniques to use to beat him
most guide videos give terrible advice like running and baiting the lunge attack. the guides are by shitters to shitters.
By that logic, Final Fantasy VI is a 40 minute game. Sekiro being an 8 hour game is quite impressive then.
Just killed him after about a dozen tries.
His death at the end was kino.
Yeah but you're a bitch