And it goes on

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gamergate 2 when

and on and on and on...

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Wtffffff time to leave bad reviews on the first Red Dead on Steam!
Who's with me fellow PC bros?

reminder that the "source" for this "leak" is literally a shitpost on Yea Forums

>posted 13 dec, way before EGS was a thing
I'm genuinely scared of this guy now.

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please let this happen

It's probably real. Borderlands and Red Dead are both published by Take-Two. Given the amount of units RDR2 will sell, that 18% decrease in the platform holder's cut is going to equal literally tens of millions of dollars in extra revenue.

simply not true.

EGS was released on 6th december.

did we even care about it when it came out?

Oh god, please happen. I want nothing more.

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r* uses social club
same as ubi games, literally no point to buy it anwyehere else


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no one did

>see this guy
>decide to check what he's up to recently
>still defending epic and shitting on steam
What would it take for this motherfucker to be on the r/gaming side for once?

>that 18% decrease in the platform holder's cut
user don't tell me you think that epic doesn't pay them for these exclusivity deals

>everything goes under for steam several months after he made that curse
that's some scary shit

EGS would be reasonable because 2K ist the publisher. But RDR2 will never be on PC.

> 4fuckr still exists

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>PC release prior to gen 9 remaster


What the actual fuck is that website?! And they're only posting that because they know Streamdrones will swarm the article

I use steam for the majority of my games and I'd love to play RDR2 via steam, but I actually kind of hope epic does this just to see the the outcome.

this or bloodborne

Epic paying for exclusivity is irrelevant. I was talking about the 12% cut Epic charges versus the 30% cut Steam charges.

If they sell just 1 million copies of RDR2 on PC, that would be $12 million extra for Take-Two just for releasing on Epic in stead of Steam.

or they can sell it on social club and make 100% profit

Doesn't work like that. Not everyone who would buy it on steam will buy it on the epic store

Or both. Epic "exclusivity" just means "don't release on Steam.

that mediocre game everyone forgot about in a week?

>make a thread on Yea Forums
>cite that thread in your own article
>post that article on Yea Forums
So this guy is legitimately going to be spamming Yea Forums for weeks now, huh

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Cool, can't wait to pirate it.

>Match Epic in Dev cuts. That's all they ask for.
>meanwhile devs outright admitt that they don't give a shit about the cut and only want the exclusive money
You tried, I give you that.

That doesn't really matter because that has nothing to do with exclusivity deals. They could get more sales by putting it on steam, there's no reason not to if they're not getting paid to or if they have their own store.

I mean, does Epic even have enough money to bribe Rockstar? because their games usually make a shitload of cash anyway.

they were only able to buy 6 months from 2k for bl3, instead of 1 year like the rest
imagine rockstar

Reminder this is their source

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>what is RSC
It may not come to Steam, but that doesn't make it Epic exclusive. This might honestly be the one case where I'm glad a dev has their own special launcher.

Good I can pirate it and feel zero guilt because FUCK DEVELOPERS

I've had a PS4 sitting here collecting dust for months and I have no desire at all to buy RDR2.

I wonder if we can now finally agree that the "game" fucking blows ass and people stop pretending it's good just because it's not on PC.

This faggot used to shitting on Yea Forums on the early days when Donald Trump is inaugurated, I guess he shift to shitting on steam and I don't even know if he's serious or pretending

Can't wait for Half Life 3 to be released soon so it'll completely BTFO Epic Games store.

why is epic exclusive bad news?

That would be funny.s