>attracts consumers due to their excellent art direction and/or premise/setting
>exposes and filters out the casualfags
>casualfags and game journos cry for easy mode because they couldn't experience the full glorious art direction, premise/setting, or story
honestly the level of savagery these two games provide is something that I doubt we'll see more of in the future.
Attracts consumers due to their excellent art direction and/or premise/setting
But Cuphead literally had an easy mode
I hope Necrodancer doesn't get casualized with Cadence of Hyrule. I hope Aria is in.
you couldn't finish the game with it.
The game actively blocked you out of completion and even mocked you for using it though.
Anti-Journalist is my favourite video game genre
Cuphead wasn't good though.
seething sony babby
And that's a good thing
Sorry it isnt coming to playstation snoyfaggot
Cuphead was actually good though, Sekiru is just a parry simulator that lets you run away like a little bitch any time things get spicy
Like clockwork. The NPC meme is real.
Seething sony tranny
Sekiro doesn't have good art direction, feudal japan setting is visually boring. BB/DS1 had good art direction (DeS to similar extent as well).
Not really, it's ablest
Don't break the conditioning, nintendie.
The fuck, when did cuphead arrive on nintendo playforms?
and here's why
>excellent art direction
It is the blanded Fromsoft game I have ever played. Everything looks the same. There is hardly any thematic subtext. And the writing is barely serviceable.
It's getting shitch port.
it's really easy to tell when someone's only played the game for three hours
Sekiro is sure as shit more visually compelling than BB's and DaS3's drab environments, having actual color was such a breath of fresh air
Difficult games are only getting more popular, thankfully, so I personally think we will.
They are both overrated games,trying to tell us something?
It's really easy to tell when someone is easily impressed.
I've played Sekiro for 16 hours and it's visually shit, I am not saying it's a bad game I am just saying it's not a good looking game.
Art Direction is not just color, same how sound direction is not just soundtrack. BB had a distinct unique tone to it's visuals, same as DS1, the game remains memorable years after finishing it. Sekiro, all levels blur into one, none of it I'll remember after finishing the game yet I 5 years after playing DS1 I can still picture the route you need to take to get to Anor Londo.