Other urls found in this thread:
mario moves way too slowly it's kind of bad, the rest is pretty impressive though
>ywn play LBP1 for the first time ever again
>still no doom ported/recreated in lbp
>mfw Yea Forums is going to use this cool as fuck creation for forced ebin consolewar shitposting
>mfw I have no face
also it's sad what happened to LBP
People always hyped up MM games are "you can do anything" but my god the floaty platforming is something that existed in all 3 LBP games and so far in Dreams
Too bad about the shitty gameplay
>b-b-but Nintendo is for kidsz!!! BING BING WAHOOO
Is there something original from this shitty company and their fanbase?
Damn, it only took a few posts I miss it too.
It's exist in LBP Karting
Someone's gonna make a 3D Mario Maker in Dreams.
>autistic screeching
Fuck, Yea Forums. I want to go back.
It's still shocking to me how bad the movement feels in LBP for a game made in the mid 2000s.
Where's that webm? The game plays fine.
Please stop shitting up the board you goddamn retard.
the whole ost is just both good and bad feels at the same time
>that one retard in the last thread who claimed it was a mod
Big kek
>Shitty physics
>Floaty platforming
Game will always be trash because of this.
>the second mario starts moving
you can emulate looks a lot but god damn
>When 2:15 hits
Literally a few posts above you, you shitter.
this webm shows floaty platforming, though. I love LBP and 2, but they don't control that well as platformers - they truly shine for their level creation tools and just being really soulful games.
LBP came out first
sonygros are fucking pathetic
this is already the 2nd thread I've seen today, an earlier one opened with shitposting about mario maker being 'finished' or whatever. Yea Forums is fucking obsessed with consolewars
>the "happy ending" song that plays at the end of many community levels
No need for a console war, we already know PC is the best.
Is this supposed to look good?
looks neat, but this didn't need to be a platformwar shitpost either
it is good
>this WebM everytime with LBPfags
>doesn't even make the jumping better, just makes you fall faster
>this was made to prove a point in some brainlet's mind
These LBP games always amaze me. They should be way more popular than they are.
I feel like that's the biggest issue with games like this and their upcoming one. People will just copy everything under the sun and the good shit will be burried underneath it.
Sony killed it by handing lbp3 to shit tier devs. At least dreams is out soon (in early access)
Yeah, it's a shame.
As someone who played LBP and LBP2, I can't really get excited for Dreams because I know it will ultimately have the same fate.
>[Insert Object] Bomb survival levels
>Heart 4 Heart levels
>Long-winded text rants as levels
>Audio recordings as levels
>Free DLC scams disguised as levels
>low-quality recreation of famous game levels
>slapped together in 10 minutes levels
>the same level posted multiple times
All of it floating to the top, because trying to moderate it is an absolute bitch and a half.
The scariest thing about LittleBigPlanet's terrible jumping? To some Media Molecule devs, that's their idea of good platforming. What the fuck do they think when they play a Mario game? Are they grossed out by how snappy it is?
>every game needs to feel the same
The atrocious movement breaks the neck of little big planet and all its worth.
Who are you quoting?
>"Every game needs to feel the same"
>When every Mario game has different jump physics that all manage to work
Mario is a fat ass plumber and sack boy is a glorified teddy bear. Do you really think they should jump the same?
Considering LittleBigPlanet is about creative freedom, I think we should be able to choose if we want the sack bois to act like Mario.
However, there are games with floaty movement that still has fantastic movement. Go download Cave Story right now. It's free and might be older than you.
>best mortal kombat level ever
>When every Mario game has different jump physics that all manage to work
What's next?
Mario Maker in Littlebigplanet in Dreams?
>floaty platformers
No thanks
>Sony game thread
>absolutely flooded with console war shitposters
Every time. Can't talk about ps4 games on NintendoGAF
Pc port when?
LBP was too based to be left rotting on the PS3
Sackboy is a cloth sack though. He's not supposed to be weighty like Mario.
Imagine the shit people will make in Dreams. Only 2 week away too.
It's on PS4 too, as will their new game
Yea Forums is obsessed in make fun of everybody for any reason, this is a toilet board when people come to take a huge shit and pretending to be retarded.
The realty is that nobody gives a fuck about consoles, people just want to post memes.
there new game on PC? what is it called?
Steam or epic store?
No, PS4
They are literally a fucking sony first party studio. What makes you think anything they'll ever make is going to be on PC?
Impressive as fuck but the physics look awful
Then again LBP platforming physics have never been good so
God I hope Dreams has an amazing OST. Bonus points if they include LBP songs too.
God I miss LBP1. Selling that disc was the biggest mistake of my life and LBP2 just doesn't compare.
Don't expect licenced music like lbp, they're committed to making everything with the game's toolset, even the music. They have some serious talent though. Check out their GDC and E3 musical performances
All the cool kids are going multiplatform, but i guess the only reason to buy an xbox coming to PC is just desperation to keep up with sony sales
>That song
LBP was a gift of a game back when it came out. Sony squandered that franchise. They should sell the IP to Nintendo.
The music video for this song is great too.
Still floaty and even worse because movement isn't smooth.
>song hits in the nostalgia
>song is even about recapturing the past, trying to change what you did wrong
>music video has the dude dying and meeting his child self
>11 days
I can't believe it's actually coming out.
Just create mode. Will have to wait longer for the story mode, where most of the charm will be.
Create mode is the real meat of these games. 90% of my lbp time was spent making things