Congratulations Steam users...

Congratulations Steam users. Your childish review bombing has made it so that Borderlands 3 will NEVER come to Steam now.

Enjoy downloading the Epic Game Store!

Attached: based randy.png (620x595, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yep. Pc users are just as bad as any sjw now. Virtually one and the same. Replace "nazi" with "shill" as their fav word and they are indistinguishable

nice, randy is the man

>Enjoy pirating!

>Steam users purged a shit game from Steam


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hi randy, how are you?

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He'll put it on Steam in 6 months and he'll joke about how people came crawling back. He likes money too much to not put it on there, plus literally no other Gearbox related developers have put their shit on Epic.

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based valve keeping the trash games off steam

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And yet it worked. Randy Pitchford actually read the complaints.

Reviews are a valuable consumer outlet. If you're really going to throw a tantrum and yank your future releases off the only platform that lets people voice their opinion on your game then it's pretty indicative that they're probably telling the truth.

Randy is an ass, and it's hilarious watching him bumble his way through this latest topical drama as he just cements himself further as a retard that should have stopped making games after not being able to handle a fucking Source mod.


So pc users are just as insane and trans as nintendo. Interesting.

>giving games bad reviews is misusing the system

No, it's being used exactly as intended, don't do stupid shit if you don't want bad reviews

Yeah they just make them instead, like Artifact.

Why does anyone pretend Randy is a legitimate and decent businessman? He completely conned SEGA out of money which he diverted to development of his original Memelands. He's a scumbag and borderlands was always shit. How funny redditors only woke up to this thanks to him taking chink bribe money to make his third mainline game Epic exclusive.

If we datamine memelands 3 will we find some "barely legal" fap material that Randy loves so much?

I wish it turned out that way.
It'll be fun watching the steam shills sweat about it though.

fuck off tranny

Review bombing is the best tool consumers have to forcearm devs.
if you are a minority, you cant reviewbomb


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Your logic is so bad
>if he doesn't want his game review bombed, that means those review bombers were right

I love how conceded and self righteous you faggots are.

>steam user reviews are so powerful they can banish randybobandy from the platform by themselves

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Who gives a fuck about Borderlands?

It's funny because it rhymes.

>muh chinaman boogeyman
steamfags has gone completely insane over the fear of losing their game libraries


People review bomb because there is no way to retaliate against shit practices anymore. Any marketed game is going to get a half million sales no problem. Vote with your wallet literally doesn't work so the people are just going to lower public reception of the company.

Reviews do not frighten publishers or developers who treat their customers with respect. Any Publisher/developer that publicly decries reviews are attempting to steal your money in one way or another; not earn it.

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>you automatically lose your credibility in an argument when you disagree with me

>trying to strongarm steam with scummy insinuation

The trans calling the kettle trans. Interesting.

i don't care about any of this store war bullshit, i just hate chinks

hi randy, how are you?

Attached: angryxi.jpg (300x180, 7K)

based. steam negroes in ruins

This is a great point I wish more people would realize. I see opponents of reviews constantly touting that "vocal minorities" make the game's rating plummet over trite shit, but if it were really a minority wouldn't it make no difference in the reviews? I am so sick of dev bootlickers working against their own best interests

Tiananmen Square 1989

>retaliate against shit practices
>retaliating against devs choosing a platform that gives a better percentage

You are just a self righteous little bitch

That ex-valve dude had a point. Consumers have no meaningful way to voice their concerns to devs/publishers. Reviewboms can't be so easily ignored and actually hurt them.

Man, these devs sure are liking the no way for the user to voice their complaints and the increased cut

Sounds more like Randy kissing ass of his publisher because he had to work so hard to get anyone to trust him after all the underage porn he had.

this would only be true if everyone who bought a game reviewed it

Hello Zhe Yuan

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>make your game exclusive to a store that lacks a variety of features and basic fucking security
>be surprised that fans take it out on your previous works when they can't be direct with you due to said lack of features
I wish I could choke those retarded fucks

>basically confirming that review bombing actually works and has an impact
People are now going to do it even more. Thanks for gratifying us, Randy, you absolute tool.

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>consumers have no way to communicate with publishers and most developers, even moreso if their product is something the consumer loves and desires greatly
>consumers use the only highly-visible public means of expressing their opinion
>publishers and developers: oh no that's NOT okay

>makes me want to reconsider

Didn't he just say a few days ago he had no control over the matter?

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Where's the usb randy?

>He completely conned SEGA out of money which he diverted to development of his original Memelands
debatable, sega have a bit of a reputation of dicking around with their developers. sonic 3d blast was meant to provide royalties for TT for every copy every sold but Sega refused to pay for the re-releases.

I don't care about the dev. I'm the consumer, they should cater to me. If not, I'll find some other way to get the product and try to ruin the company as well. That's how the free market works.

So Steam users removed a shit game? That's unironically a good thing.

paying for an american video game sure bro , idgaf about a developers well being but its good for them to stood for their interest if epic gives them more benefit for them good , i will be playing their games for free regardless the epic store here (sothamerica) is not a viable option with the shitty regional prices they have and the inability to refund even once , i pirated metro , ashen and will do the same with outerworlds and borderlands , its a good call back to the nineties here people are starting to seed and torrenting more piratery will be rampant like it was here in the 90s so everybody wins the developer get more money with the exclusivity deal and i get to play the game for free from now on , the better outcome possible

If they didn't act retarded their games wouldn't be getting review-bombed.
Cause, meet effect.

he just said their posture, it's possible he's referring to future games that won't necessarily be published by 2k under the current deal concerning borderlands 3

Its clear randy takes this shit personally. Also he isn't the brightest lightbulb.

Well you see user, Randy Pitchford is full of shit.

Nothing of value lost.

Enjoy the fewer sales Randy.

Faliszek is a fucking great guy and I wish there were a hundred more like him still at Valve.

>either he's a liar and could have steered it off Epic or he's a liar and trying to bluff people into not negatively reviewing his games
A cunt every single way you look at it, takes real skill to pull that off

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>randy misses the whole point
I want PC to go back to the days when cunts like epic thought PC gamers were all pirates and we weren't worth selling to, go back to your consoles and leave PC for the companies that actually know what they're doing.

He doesn't, he just likes to act like he does.

exactly this. we need to get our opinions out there so other consumers realise when they're being persistently lied to by marketing. it's the only way to make sure games are any good

>Epic claims it's going to keep shitty games off its store
>All the shitty publishers shovel their shit onto the Epic Store
>Less trash on Steam
What a wonderful time to be a Steamfag.

it's not like the sales matter
epic is paying them more than they would make from sales on steam

>believe user reviews have little effect
>but also stop leaving bad reviews goyim

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scapegoating scary foreign countries is the modus vivendi of the trump era. but this is not the fault of one man, rather the fault of one nation. shame on you america. you need to do better.

unironically btw

Did they get offended because Winnie is yellow and stocky? What am I missing here?

Now purge the rest. That would be around 98% of the catalog.

not one person who claims to "like" this "game" (you can't like it and it isn't a game) ever played it alone. And if you did play it alone (ahhaha friendless faggot) you have 10 minutes to stream yourself playing borderlands and having a visibly enjoyable time. You literally can't.

borderlands and the entire lootershooter genre is the "social" genre where you can have "have fun" with your "friends" instead of having fun playing a video game.

after what happened with LoL and the movie industry people are right to feel that way

cant wait until all the new games on steam are pixelshit low effort indies and censored VNs

Go back to Chinkchan, Ping-Pong.

>if you don't like the game and give it a bad review, you're misusing the system
Honk honk

Nigger and Gook
Tigger and Pooh

dont worry, all the shit devs are going to the epic store

the lesson here is review bombing is working and should be amped up


WAHHHHHHH!!!! I did something slimy that people don't hate and I'm dealing with the repercussions! WAHHHH!!!

>Being this seething
Yes, cry more for me you little yellow-skinned midget.

how mentally retarded can you be to give gearbox your money?

It was a Chinese meme to compare their Supreme Roach King or Furher or whatever the hell he is to Winnie the Pooh because he's sort of portly. The guy got really butthurt about it and had all the memes systematically wiped by the government

I'm European and you're a certified faggot. Please, go ahead and hang yourself.

imagine defiling your PC with a console shooter aimed at reddit.

but those games are good, retard. they're not made by AAA publishers aka shit game makers.

I'll stick my neck out and say that I actually did enjoy BL1 when it first came out, but in the end it's exactly as you described. I played it with a close group of my friends and the fun mostly came from spending time with my friends in the game. I tried to recreate the same thing for BL2 but that didn't work out.

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Good. I hope people continue trolling the ever-loving SHIT out of every fucking game developer and publisher under the sun - unironically, too - so that these publishers stop fucking with us. This fucking game has 4 fucking editions and a season pass lined up half a year before it even fucking launches. Stop supporting this bullshit industry, and continue trolling these greedy as fuck developers. Thank you.

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>soibeard numales and a fucking pedo trying to take the moral highground in anything
>while a guy that dealt with boycotts before and far more hatred is perfectly fine with it

>People are unhappy with series
>People leave negative review on the series
What's the problem exactly?

and nothing of value was lost

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>Tfw bought Borderlands 2 left a bad review and then refunded just to spite Randy

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>Customers bad
>Developers gud

One dude brought down Blizzard-Activision, imagine a bunch of angry customers whom you've alienated because you were greedy fucks

Lol, someone call Randy's bluff and tell him that he is way to greedy to skip out on a Steam release in six months.


chinkcent shills out

Randy Pitchford is a pedophile that keeps child porn on a USB and Gearbox Software defrauded Sega out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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>Game is confirmed to have XP Booster Micro Transactions
Yeah naw Epic can keep this shit to themselves, if I want to play the story I'll fucking pirate it for myself and my friends.

basedest of the based

Enlightened and nirvanapilled.

god dammit randy what the fuck

Holy shit, based.

support indies and VNs or bust

He said gearbox publishing. BL3 is published by 2k due to the contract from the original BL if I had to guess. Gearbox publishing publishes risk of rain 2 and some crap no one cares about.

Bad consumer! You're not supposed to have an opinion at all! You're supposed to sit there and enjoy getting shit on by the people you prop up by purchasing and playing their games!

bo ling wa

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I'm not really interested in borderlands as a whole.

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Neat! Now pay attention as more and more devs choose epic because they don't want to deal with twats like YOU


Remember when Randy spent an entire day at a mall where he skulked about reporting stores on twitter?

what happened with LoL?

>A developer that appreciates his customers instead of shitting on them 24/7
Am I hallucinating?

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I played Borderlands with a full group of my best friends and we still hated it. It's not even fun with friends, and even if it were there are other games that are good and even better with friends, so why not just play those. Borderlands is the most whatever series out there and you rarely even hear anyone talk about it anywhere.

oh nononononono

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owned by chinamen

He won't be doing anything, he just likes to see the zoomer neckbeards sweat.

I saw this pic a shitton of time i just noticed he have fucking scrabble floor tiles. I hate him but i want them.

yo check this leak out

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it's penn jillette's bathroom

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>the only effective way for steam users to show their discontent
>the "people" in the industry calls it misuse and wants steam to regulate it
Why do these shitters always have such bad fucking opinions. The score can be given for ANY reason. There is no ruleset for what criteria is needed for a negative review. Fucking babies

Isn't that a big pile of lies? Didn't Steam already set up a system that unnatural review spikes are hidden by default?

So in other words, devs can't stand the heat and are whiny faggots that can't fathom that people might be upset with their boneheaded decisions?
Sorry buddy but if there are no reviews, people aren't going to fucking buy. People will reviewbomb you on sites like Metacritic if they can't do it on places like Steam, and you would be a disingenuous fuckwit if you think customer backlash is avoidable when you act like a grade A twat.

you forgot "have one singular typo cripple the entire xenomorph AI in alien colonial marines for over 6 years and nobody on the team discovered it or gave a shit"


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only in vidya are people literally threatened from being withheld products they would like to purchase when they are upset about being withheld products they would like to purchase.

imagine Martin Scorsese saying all his movies would only be on crackle for the next 6 months and when people complained he would respond "well maybe my movies will only be on crackle forever then!"

Except you literally can't imagine that because it would never happen. nothing like that would ever happen for anything besides video games.
Imagine complaining you can't understand a book and that the author hates mentally disabled people because it is difficult to understand. You can't, but it happens in vidya.
Imagine not being able to purchase a pornographic movie. It's almost absurd, but make that pornographic movie a pornographic visual novel and suddenly it's not fit to be sold to the public.

Imagine getting dicked over constantly by corporations at every turn, having few outlets to complain/voice your opinion and when you do brainwashed drones call you a shill or an idiot. Then a millionaire gets on twitter and says fuck you because you dared to complain about his shyster ways

Thankfully you don't have to imagine any of that. video games in 2019 exist. Thank you Nintendo, Very Cool

tianamen square yada yada yada

>defending China in current year
Holy fuck, they must be throwing him sacks of cash every hour on the hour.



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I was going to wait six months to get it on steam.
The minute it gets canned on Steam I'll pirate it.
Not sure what they think they stand to gain by prodding the bear.

Randy is a liar who loves money and got sued for CP I believe.
Do you think you can trust the word of a man like this?

And this just makes me even happier about pirating it when it comes out ;)

>want to fuck people over
>surprised when they do the same to you
What a glorious time to be alive

Epic Games can suck my fuck for how they handled the new UT and using lightweight with no other literal purpose than to use a buzzword since their client is not what they claim.

winnie the pooh

Fuck off, Randy.

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Some of the art in that game got changed to suit china. One character was a skeleton and he got changed because of china since china doesn't like skeletons.

This, if it's not on Steam I'm just going to fucking pirate it. If they pull the Steam version then they will never get my money.

Dude... Just listen to your customers... WTF is wrong with these devs?

How long untill he goes full Phil Fish?

iktf bro

Attached: file.png (256x144, 84K)

Their client actually uses more memory than steam, it's only lightweight in the sense that there's not features

I see what you did there and it's funny

does Randy think he's a victim?

it should be named bad ass drive instead of just cool

99% of the shit we buy the world ov er is made by chinamen.

He's one of the main writers for Portal, so of course he comes from seemingly the only game company that's cared to put up a platform that actually benefits consumers.

Oh boy CEOs having mysteriously entangled past lives that no one ever knew about or cared but are suddenly relevant awfully convenient for a certain argument even though it means nothing? Sign me right up.

That's Dota, not LoL

>Implying it isn't possible to deserve to have your shit smacked
Oh Randy...

good thing i already pirated it

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As if Randy "theres CP on my USB" Pitchford actually means it. Hes such a fake person. Doesnt he need all the money he can get since his gay homeless assistant stole all his money and put him in debt?

>Do action that will cause backlash/drum up publicity
>Blame the reaction without acknowledging the action

Faggot and a kike.

The reviews are meant for the games themselves. The existence of Borderlands 3 on Epic doesn't affect the first 2 games at all, and should not impact the review. Even Borderlands 3 shouldn't be affected by this. These reviews took nothing about the games into account, and instead bashed them for having a future game be an Epic exclusive. You wouldn't review RDR2 worse because it's only on PS4 and XB1 rather than on PC would you? It shouldn't matter.

>Punching your opponents makes you a good person!
>Nooooo, stop punching me!

holy fuck who cares just play video games

>been waiting patiently for battleborn to die so that i can finally get my fucking hands on borderlands 3
>it's finally here and it looks good but of course fucking bitchford finds a way to fuck that up too
get rid of this fucking cunt already holy shit

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>Randy Pitchford is a pedophile that keeps child porn on a USB
So you store your CP on hard drive ? Absolute madman

holy shit this guy is just like that maldraw dude.

>people are review bombing because they have no better way of communicating with developers

>this is somehow their fault

Honestly the thread should have / after the post you're replying to, so it takes a special kind of moron to actually try and counter it.

What a nice way to describe the client in a way that makes it sound more favorable than what the end user is actually seeking. Nice.

>over 6 years
wasn't it only introduced because they shipped a fucked day 1 update built on a pre-gold source? No one cared after because the game was so poorly reviewed that fixing it would have meant nothing.

Ego the size of Jupiter.

>Overnight majority of costumers who bought the product 5 years ago are unhappy with their product.

I have not seen a review bomb that wasn't in the wrong, when you have no voice in how bad a companies move is, hitting their money is the only way for them to listen.

Sure you could argue that people could just simply refund their money but considering there is a time limit and how easy life can take your focus away from dealing with trivial issues like refunding, companies are going to keep money they do not deserve.

Negative reviews prevent purchases in the first place, makes people second guess especially if there is a good amount of negative reviews, sure it could be abused but not by one person or even a group, it would take a lot of unhappy customers for a game to be review bombed.

it's that simple.

Doesnt anyone thinks its awfully convenient that a guy who happens to be CEO of a company about to make a big announcement loses a pen drive or whatever you fags call it and the staff of the place he lost it in doesnt immediately return the fucking thing but instead decides to pretty much invade on his privacy and make sure it turns into a small shitstorm?

The videogame industry is probably the only example of a medium where absolute fucking hacks are allowed to shit on their userbase.

>Enjoy downloading the Epic Game Store!
lol no.

It was LoL too

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why would i care what noted pedophile and medieval times enthusiast randy "magic" pitchford thinks

*except indies

>steam misses out on a reddit "game"
oh no, whatever shall they do?

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Half Life was fucking boring. People only like it for the fucking gravity gun

>7 billion people on earth
>One of them was born as Randy Bitchford
>Yfw it wasn't you

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Self righteous entitled little bitch


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I think you mean conceited user. And of course we are self righteous. They want our money for their product while trying to dictate terms. Fuck them. I was considering buying BL3 to see what happens to the Tales characters, my only real interest in the franchise, but I'll just watch their scenes on Youtube.

I have no issue with other storefronts competing with Steam, but I do object to holding titles hostage to try and get me to install, and simply refuse to do so. I'll just miss out.

>karthus got fucked
I played him in the beta or whatever the fuck
he was pretty neat
he played like an shitty version of dotas zeus

>piss on someone's shoe
>"wtf dont hit me"
>then don't piss on my fucking shoe

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Bitch and moan and complain and protest to no avail like they are now?

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Randy is just a little bitch. Pure and simple. I have never seen the man say anything that comes close to being respectable

Didnt steam put up something recently regarding reviewbombing?

What this dude said hits it on the head. Enough people are upset that a majority are shifting the games' ratings. Is this a minority confined to Steam or representative of larger fan anger from unnecessary exclusivity, though a minority of upset people would be upset enough to actually reviewbomb?


indies use digital platforms as publishers, they literally don't matter in this.
the big problem are the motherfucking publisher companies, not devs(even if Randy is wacky as hell)
>t. someone getting bl3 in ps4 because i share vidya with a cousin and this way we both can play it

Taiwan #1

>to no avail
Did you read the tweet randy sent out or what?

>literal reddit game isn't coming to steam
based, we have enough garbage on there as it is

Why are sequels these days so far removed from earlier games? Dragon quarter, Mass effect 2, recent ff games, and so on. Sequels use to be better/improved versions of earlier games, but pubs/devs have something in their head to drastically change the games. Is it IP hijacking? Do they think they know better?

Not saying old = better, as both was nice for example, but bleh with most of everything else.

yes and people on steam dislike it
seems like the only winning move for the consumer is to not play

There is literally nothing wrong with review bombing anyway, when you post a bad review on Steam you also can explain why you did it so unless people can only see numbers and can't read words I don't see the issue. Look at positive reviews and see what they say, look at the negative ones and see why they're negative too. It's rare for someone on Steam to give a negative review to a game that used to be well-received without saying why they're doing it, and it's up to you to decide if their reasoning is good or bad. Right now you can look at the store page for a legitimately good game like The Return of the Obra Dinn and see a recent review from a fucking retard saying it's bad because he's too stupid to figure out how the game works at all....should his review be removed for "bombing" the game's overall status on Steam or can people just read his review, see that he's clearly stupider than the average person and read other reviews instead?

Devs and game journo faggots are using this opportunity to silence the "peasants". Devs want to do stupid fucking shit and get away with it and their journo lackeys want to get back at the audience they hate so very much. We know that the average person who plays games regularly is way more qualified to review a game than some faggot with a journalism degree and they know it too, the idea that they would even consider removing customer's ability to review a product they own is ridiculous.

Steamkeks are absolute cancer. I can't wait to for Valve to get serve a big serving of humble pie

who the fuck cares about bl3

Didn't the head of Epic confirm Tencent has a big influences on their decisions? It's not really a conspiracy theory.

Sounds like magaboy got his feelings hurt and his butt blistered lmao

I work with flash drives all of the time and can confirm this is legit.

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Its noy automated. And you can bet valve will take their time if they even decide to remove the reviewbombs.

>People still surprised about review bombs

You know why people do it? Cause it gets attention. Yet people act like review bombs happen for no reason and act like steam does nothing about it.

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Do you think Steam would allow a game about the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre?

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who's bitching other than plebbitors who want to play their reddit trash?

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>ToS literally states that their partners have access to it
Hmm.... This is really activating my almonds...

>randy follows him on twitter
Damn no wonder he keeps getting woke af.

I agree.
Personally it comes down to this, if you accept someone's money you should accept their criticisms as well, whether the criticism is valid or not should be left to the individual not some algorithm or some employee or company.

What he claimed is they don't but he's lying out his asshole, investors not influencing decisions is always a lie to try and pretend a company isn't a puppet terrified of losing funding.

That looks like a bold faced lie.
"The company's valuation is based on an October 2018 transaction where a consortium of investors, including KKR and Lightspeed Venture Partners, acquired a stake at a valuation of almost $15 billion.

Following the transaction, Sweeney's stake in the business is calculated at 44.7 percent. Before this, he was estimated to own 51 percent"

It's because Randy is a disingenuous shitter. He doesn't care to look at the problem from a perspective other than his own

They were conning each other. But Randy is a dick and he pulled the bigger con, so he's an easier target than sega is.

there isn't a single thing about your post that isn't faggoty friend

Everyone sees themselves as the hero of their own story. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

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Steam should have a page for developers. Like a facebook kind of thing where users can leave comments and rate the developer.

No game gets review bombed for no reason you understand that right?
People don't just wake up and say 'I'm gonna get people to review bomb this game just because'
If you make your customers unhappy expect backlash

Imagine being so childish that you move to a different platform

They published We Happy Few which flopped hard and a Duke Nukem collection which somehow had less content than the Megaton edition.

Literal brainlet.

this thread is so full of retardation i wonder if its all shitposts

everyone i don't like is reddit: a child's guide to Yea Forums

>block any other form of communication unless it's outright asslicking
>suprised that the reminaing outlet gets used to vent "steam"
Sweeny and fucking Randy knew peerfectly well what they were doing with this shit and the sad part is that enough retards will jump in to defend them for free on top of that.

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people from valve have already said in the past reviewbombs don't affect things long term unless it happens long term. The negative reviews show up at the bottom among the positive ones so you can see the red reviews that say "EPIC BAD >:(" but it doesn't affect the overall overwhelmingly positive / negative as the game rating. It's pretty easy for them to filter out reviews from a certain date to another but the publicity about it is out there

You dont seem like a problem then

Do you review bomb? Pirate? Harass devs for not catering to you?

If not, congrats. You are an adult

Steam has publisher pages now but there's no review or comment system, there really should be

It was the money, man.
It's always the money.

You've been blindly listening to Yea Forums too much. The head of Epic said the exact opposite of that.

Gearbox devved 2 half life games, retard.

Seems like it would be pretty easy to disable reviews by those who don't actually own the game.

Customers should voice their displeasure or companies will never know what they've done wrong. If customers are resorting to extreme measures to make their voices heard it is because companies are actively trying to not listen.

AAA companies with a bad rating would probably bitch

>his auto correct activated! That means I am not a self righteous faggot!

>Gearbox is publishing Risk of Rain 2

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How much do you bet until Chet gets some accusation tossed at him for actually standing on the side of consumers?

But Borderlands series are shit games regardless of review bombing.

People leave negative review on another game in the series than the one they're angry with.
It makes the review system useless.
This game has had low reviews recently, is it because of a horrible patch, the developer giving up on the game or did it get reviewbombed?

>Harass devs for not catering to you?
What does this mean
Because some people don't like talking to customers would say that anyone not sucking their dick is harassing them

learn fucking english chink

I'm the one paying. They aren't entitled to a good public opinion nor me paying for their game if it can be easily had for free.
It's not entitlement, it's being an informed consumer.
Fuck off kike.

Good. It's not going to work if it doesn't hurt.

When did Xi say that?

>randy days ago
>dude I have no control over this kind of stuff haha sorry bros :)
>randy now
>I'm not giving borderlands 3 to you steam crybabs!
So he can do shit?


3 if you count Decay, which for some reason was never ported to PC.

I don't know why the devs went to gearbox, gearbox is such a fucking shitty company for anyone not working on borderlands

>Nuh uh uh! You can't say we did a bad thing and show your displeasure or we'll double down!

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>If not, congrats. You are a good sheep, goy. Now come here and suck my circumcised dick and let the thin yellow dick fuck your asshole

>my games on platform x are being review bombed because i made a retarded anti-consumer decisions to make it exclusive to platform y
>am i the one at fault?
>no, the gamers are wrong!
like clockwork

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And thats what people ignore. Steam has so many systems in place even recently adding a system that automatically deletes negative reviews if valve decides its being bombed. But despite all that people just ignore it and thinks its the worst thing.

>Brandloyalist killing gaming again



>the Jew fears the review

>It makes the review system useless.
No it doesn't. I purchase games to support developers that make games I like. If a game is being review bombed because of something the developer or publisher did I want to know about what they did, and a review bombing is an effective way to relay that information to me: the customer. These are things I care about, just like they are things these reviewers care about.

They don't care about the consumer, they just care about the money, and the epic store gives more of it. That's how the free market works.

I'm not a consumer of borderlands. I don't care if its on epic store or not. And its is a shit game series. checkmate faggot.

What kind of degenerate manchild do you have to be to unironically reviewbomb a game because it's not coming to your favorite toybox? What are you trying to achieve there? This franchise is massive and these retards combined are like a drop in the ocean, this isn't gonna change shit, but show how pathetic and infantile you really are. This makes me want EGS to get more exclusives in the future, just so I could laugh at you, you fucking assblasted morons. Cope, idiots.

Being able to post public reviews on the store page is a powerful tool for consumers and gives them a voice. The inevitable abuse of the system is infinitely more favorable than not having the system at all, and anyone who believes otherwise is anti-consumer.

>we made an anti consumer business decision and got back lash ='(
Get fucked faggot.

More graphics = the more widespread games have to be. It's why barely any AAA games this entire generation have been on my radar.

So what, before this 2K is in charge of all publishing decisions don't bug Randy about epic, but now suddenly gearbox has a stance on where their games end up?

>comes into thread that has nothing to do with him
>becomes offended
Isn't it about time you dilate?

>Piss of fanbase

I haven't put out a single review on steam on any game
i'm just gonna pirate it and seed the fuck out of it lol
stay mad borderlands nigger

>stole money from sega to make their shitty borderlands game instead of Aliens CM
>complain about misuse
Fuck you Randy

>this isn't gonna change shit
Then why are you complaining about it if it's irrelevant?

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Reviewbombing doesn't wor-

Then give a developer and publisher review / feedback option much like you can give and see on online stores such as ebay, and have it displayed wherever they're attempting to conduct business so people can make an 'informed' decision including them.

But they'll bitch and moan like shit at the thought of such a system because then they can get fucked and will have to face the music other than go "Steam block all the negativity because it's about my own shitty practices involving my products, not my product myself."

Epic literally protects pedophiles. Nice.

I just checked Wikipedia and Tencent is listed at 48.4% rather than the 40% that's constantly repeated.
Checked the original article that has been updated since it was added, but the financial report from Tencent can no longer be accessed.

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artifact isn't terrible

Reviewbombing is a way for consumers to voice discontent. The problem is that it's the only reliable way of doing it. Don't reduce it to manchildren

>yfw all the money im gonna be saving thanks to Epic

Good, somebody has a legitimate reason to shit on Randy, more than anyone else here. Literally ruined a game just to help Borderlands exist, fuck him.

>people scream about negative reviews and go out of their way to limit the ability to leave one as much as possible yet never complain about positive reviews that say absolutely nothing or are trying to make a joke
>people scream about downvoting and say it should not be allowed yet are obsessed with upvoting and go out of their way to make low quality garbage to get likes
It really is staggering just how prevalent this behavior is. These people really hate feedback and just want meaningless reassurance so they can feel better about themselves. It's like Andrew Dobson times a million

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>Act retarded
>Person punches you
Fuck off Randy you little bitch.


all these twitter fags are quick to scream out "WHY ISN'T STEAM/VALVE DOING ANYTHING ABOUT THIS" but they literally did do something about it already. Steam is one of the only platforms where it actively points out anytime that a game has an abnormal spike in reviews, that way they let the consumer understand that it's just a passing phase while not doing any damage control or censoring/deleting comments. randy and all these faggots blaming steam can fuck off.

>This franchise is massive and these retards combined are like a drop in the ocean, this isn't gonna change shit
You're literally in a thread about Randy throwing a tantrum and threatening to drop his shovelware from Steam because of reviews.

Most authors aren’t willing to dumb down their writing, their feelings on the literally retarded don’t really change anything.

"Strong" men leaders are often very fragile. A guy in Turkey went on trial for making a stupid side-by-side comparison of Gollum and Erdogan

>correcting this misuse
Uhhh does he expect only good reviews on the Epic Store? Does he expect Epic to delete bad reviews, prevent people from sharing their thoughts on the product they bought? Randy "Piss Fetish" Bobandy is in for a rude awakening.

One of the instances where I’m glad I’m a console player

>gamers rise up and have their voice be heard
>oops better avoid this platform ha ha

why doesn't steam buy exclusive deals like epic?
is it because they are cheap jews or something else?

It wonder what would happen when tenscent gets more than 50%

>This CEO throwing a tantrum about reviewbombing as well as all the constant news articles and Steam itself trying to crack down on reviewbombing proves that nobody cares

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oh darn, whatever will I do, another boring looter shooter I was never going to play

No, no, Epic removed reviews altogether.

They never had a need to.

Is it just a coincidence that all the devs that go to epic act like fucking babies? There is no class, or reason to show respect. Just whining, tantrums, shit-slinging, etc.

>"I keep sticking my hand in this fire and it keeps burning me! This is totally unfair!"

>>"OK so stop doing it?"

>"It's not my fault; teach the fire not to burn!"

gaben is wholly dependent on the internet memesters and ecelebs to defend his fatass for free.
why spend money to fix shit while your slave cocksuckers exist just to do it for you?

are you unaware of Epic's review system?

Good shit.
I'm just laughing at you, dumb reviewniggers.
MUUUUH GAAAME ISN'T COMING TO FATFUUCK STORE BOOOOOO FUUUCKING HOOOOOO. Again, It's not changing anything, and just makes you look miserable.
>drop his shovelware from Steam because of reviews.
I really hope 2k ends up doing this and more publishers need to just move on and tell steam and steamcucks to fuck off. That will be the day.

>make decision people disagree with
>people voice their disagreement
What a loser

They build steam around the half life games no reason to remove then now

>we can throw out reviews or fix communication

Because they are cheap, yes. But there's more. See, Epic has already bought out a set number of copies for the game, and need to sell them to get the money back. If the games dont sell, the ones who'll have a loss is Epic, because the developers and publishers have been paid already. Theyre the canary in the coal mine and valve is watching.

They don't have a need to.
The sales and money they make off Steam and their games is already enough.

Contrary to it, they're even paying devs for them to NOT take exclusivity deals.

Haha shut up, really? They can't do that, they're a store!

>on the epic store
Oh lad
Its like you dont know how china works

Bethesda is a shining example of this.

there is already a system on deck to toggle review bombs from the listing
these stupid devs are trying to make any type of negative review wave invalid
the funny thing is, the most concerned are the one who have released garbagio in the past

It's not actually a majority.
Less than 1% or less than 0.1% leave a review for the game.

If 0.01% are unhappy and review bomb it tanks the review score.

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>More publishers need to drop shovelware from Steam
Yes, please.

This was my thought pretty much. Why would they be motivated to go back to a platform that allowed for users to abuse ratings?

>How dare you voice any negative opinion! This is why reviews are awful, because it gives the consumer a voice! Glad I'm keeping my game on a spyware platform.

It's bad for PC gaming as a whole. People should be able to buy games where ever the price is best, a lot of the times that isn't steam. Some people might prefer origin or a DRM free version as well, making a game steam exclusive prevents that. The other issue with exclusives/paying off devs is that now you have a system where some devs get money and others get none, that kind of system would just widen the gap between the haves and the have nots.

The last thing anyone should ask for is this.

>Epic's review system
It had one?

doesn't the fact that they can post a review mean they own the game? What's considered "misuse" by posting whatever they want as review then?

>victim blaming
Yeah Randy, that's exactly what you're doing.

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LMAO you ask these questions like I use the Epic Store. I'm not like you guys, I have a VPN :)

Anyone else doesn't give 2 shits about steam but don't want to see chinks do well?

Wait I'm dumb. What's this meme about Epic being spyware?

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>Steambabbies btfo themselves

Like pottery.

publishers/devs can opt in to reviews

of course, none of them do, but they can

Answer the question retard. If it doesn't matter why can't you shut the fuck up about how bad it is?

It's really devious, too. There IS a review system on the chink botnet, but it's entirely opt-in by the publisher. What do you think will happen?

When the fuck did shitting on your fans over your own mistakes become acceptable behaviour? It's not only in videogames even movies does this shit.

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was waiting for this.. took too long IMO

As much as I don't like Epic Store review bombing just shows how much of an autistic manchild(or literal child) you are. Only proved them right in the end.

>Yes, please.
Wait till egs becomes a primary platform leaving steam with $3 indie bullshit and porn games.

Bitch please, randy loves money too much to not sell it on steam at some point in the future

it scrapes your Steam and browser data and sends it somewhere

go back to your kiddy pictures randy

doubt I was gonna buy or play it
if I were I definitely wasn't now

Randy is a sperg and a pathological liar who embarrasses everyone who knows him professionally. Reminder he lied to a journalist about winning the name "Gearbox" from Gabe Newell in a poker game on a New Orleans steamship. His musical performance about bullies should make it clear how attention starved he feels and the ill advised stunts it motivates.

Randy went with Epic for the money and no other reason, but he's such a fragile narcissist that he can't figure out what way to lie on twitter. Epic is probably deeply annoyed that he won't just shut the fuck up.

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I remember the Ghostbusters 2016 director was a cock that did this. Any other examples?

When they realized that there are neough retards out there who either don't care or don't hear about it and still buy their shit. Only in extreme cases like BFV where this makes it on tv they feel just how much they fucked up.

Rami should really fuck off. I get he’s invested in the bizarre, anti-consumer portion of the left but sweet fuck the fact that he can’t even see where he stands is infuriating.

So my question is, does anyone even care about Borderlands 3? I played 1 with friends and enjoyed it a lot, even tho looking back at it - it had very little beside novelty going for it. Then I played 2 with the same friends and we quit it after like 2 sessions because everyone got bored )it was basically the same as Borderlands 1, but worse).

So at this point it's like.. who even wants Borderlands 3? It's probably going to be even worse than the previous games and there's plenty of looter shooters to play these days.

>steam turns into a discord gaming clone

>Publishers throwing away their audience for no reason
It's not money, because the money is with the audience. Everyone is just stupid as fuck everywhere, I can't believe anything anymore.

Oh no, not honest videogames. Where will I get my movieshit and loot shooter fix now?

Western devs don't get it
This shit doesn't fly in japan, you shit on your customers in japan and they'll shit on you back even harder. I really ought to stop buying western games, I'm not a weeb but seeing dev after dev show so much hatred for the people who have given them money and want to give them more money just baffles my mind.

Proved them right about what? Everybody knows they don't like reviews or want reviews because it points out how incompetent they are. Good developers and publishers love reviews because it makes them a ton of money. Shitty developers and publishers would rather have no reviews and spend half of their budget on advertising because tricking their customers is the most lucrative option for them.

No one else purges reviews. Go look at Yelp or Amazon. You got people giving 1 star reviews to steak houses because they don't have a vegan menu, and idiots giving shirts 1 star reviews because they don't like the color.

It's not like reviews are a bastion of intelligence and honesty. Why should Steam be expected to be the 1 review platform to curate reviews?

Im surprised that a chink platform has reviews at all. Dont dissenting views get you shot?
>Primary platform
Lol the absolute state of chinese not understanding consumerism


The Last Jedi

How else will they listen?
The sure as fuck don't listen to anything else.

When the kikes realized they had successfully subjugated everything and there's no way to get away from them.

Randy here is my response

>Do as we say

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it's opt in

Captain Marvel comes to mind

good lord that face

inb4 that Chet dude is accused of sympathizing with white supremacists and alt-righters.

I fucking love how PC gamers are fucking tearing each other apart over a game not being on their launcher of choice

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It's not even a case of being a weeb. Japanese developers and publishers are just so much more professional. You got people like Kojima, Yoko Taro, and Kamiya that are chill but they know how to handle their shit. They don't bullshit people and try to win victim wars. West? My god I knew video games originated as a kid's hobby but the way these fuckers never mature past the age of thirteen makes me want to quit western developed games entirely. I would actually rather stick to games like Fate/Extella and Senran Kagura over whatever steamy shit comes out of the nearest western developers' enlarged anus.

>Still no episode 9 news

What have you got to hide Disney? You teases TFA in January 2016.

>Epic Dataminer becomes an echo chamber of sensitive shovelware studios
wtf I love Pooh now?

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"Oh no, now I can't support Gearbox, what will I do now"

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Captain Marvel was pretty tame about saying fuck you to fans, honestly. Even people who weren't against the movie on principle were lukewarm about it.

I think I can think of a reason why western devs are crybabies. College indoctrination

And nothing of value was lost.

I played the 2nd one for like 30 minutes, and that was it. It's hard to put into words. I simultaneously enjoyed it and was absolutely bored of it at the same time. Like sex with OP's mom.

>randy löiterally proving that review bombing works as the only legitimate method to get heard
Thanks randybobandy. I'll double my efforts from now on.

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Borderlands is shit and Randy's a faggot. The Epic store is perfect for faggots and their shit games.

>more and more *shitty devs
Fixed it for you sweetie

Mostly because Carol fans don't exist. It was more Captain Fungus herself telling whites to fuck off or something along these lines.

Why doesn't steam make it so you can only review a game if you own/played it?

Oh, man, I wonder if Tameem can be ranked among Romero and Blezinski for big egos swatted back down to earth
>actively shit on the original fans of the series
>game flops hard as fuck
>the dude behind any and all good ideas from your game announces that "DMC is BACK!" in the same stage where your studio gets bought
>DMC5 takes the few good things your game had and does them well
>it outsells your game within a week
>your game is now only defended by poor attempts of journos

Justice rarely ever comes, but boy, is it sweet when it does.

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wasn't steam working on an anti-review bombing algoritm?

Whatever I just remember I don't really care. Gaming in general has mostly gone to shit, I have no use for a gaming store anymore.

fucking greenlight started this whole shitshow.
I honestly wish it never happened, really i do.


How has it proven them right? They complain about negative reviews but would no doubt oppose a visible dev rating on their store pages as well, with the ability to directly review the developer.

They want their cake and eat it, and unfortunately for them, and for customers, the only outlet is in their games review sections. But as said don't expect them to jump to an alternative outlet and discussion area which enables visibility at the same time forcing some form of transparency, they only want obscurity of negative in place.

I know a guy who unironically defends DmC and I'm kind of dreading the possibility that I might see him at a party tomorrow.

You do have to own a game to review it.

If a game gets reviewbombed that timeperiod gets excluded from the overall rating, tough you can turn it off in the options.

Free Tibet

There's a difference between manufactured and designed, brainlet.

>this game I like is bad because this other game I'm looking forward to isn't going to be on the digital storefront I use
Reviews are a valuable consumer outlet, so how is this at all honest when they aren't even reviewing the games in the first place?

A misuse of the review system would be giving a positive review to Skyrim for having depth of gameplay.

This is fine.

But thats how it works, you dumb faggot. The reviews also show the reviewer's playtime so you know people with 1 -2 hrs playtime are full of shit

>piss off your fanbase and consumers
>well I'm GLAD my game is on the epic store so you can't give it bad reviews
holy shit this doublethink is ridiculous

Wasn't it only Brie Larson who was like that? Shes a terrible miscast anyway

>implying I'm gonna buy redditland 3
Kek. Do you know where you are? Most of us don't even play videogames.

They did.

I hope they take the other games off of steam too because they're garbage and gearbox doesn't deserve anyone's money

The only thing Randy proved was that Reviewbombing indeed works. Otherwise he would've never responded to the epic deal since there is no other way to make yourself heard.

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The bitch was mad that too many critics are white dudes. It's not even fans she's after. It's the fucking people in the jew'd up critic industry.

lol he busted himself, how can one man fuck himself over so many times?

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>waaw stop shitting on us
What an oversensitive retard.

Ocean's 8, The Last Jedi, Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Get Out, Us... These are movies you aren't allowed to criticize because if you do then you're a racist, woman hater, incel, etc.

>Answer the question retard. If it doesn't matter why can't you shut the fuck up about how bad it is?
How bad what is? Your retarded behavior and this delusional mindset you reviewniggers are in right now? You dumbcucks think you're entitled to an opinion and can change things by reviewbombing games on steam. People with money rule this shit, not you. So, you can cry and reviewbomb all you want it's not changing anything and I'm just glad to witness this shitstorm and laugh at you, you pathetic retards. Go tell your friends to post a negative review, that will teach those suits not to fuck with the gaymers. Also, cope, I don't give a fuck about borderlands.

I mean, Borderlands is bad.

They are reviewing an aspect of the series.

wanna know how I can tell you're a leftist tranny from reddit?

So punching nazis and making fun of Trump isn’t okay now?

> waaaah just shut up and consume the latest products waaah stop being maaaad

>Tencent's CEO Pony Ma
I bet randy watches MLP

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>Enjoy downloading
I always do

Boy you sure are mad, and you evaded the question because you know it exposes your hypocrisy. For something that you claim doesn't matter you're frothing at the fucking mouth to admonish it.

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>Get Out, Us
the only drama I'm aware of over these is people getting mad about Peele saying he didn't want to write white protagonists.

Tame my ass. There's a plethora of articles and Marvel actors shitting on fans. Even the actor of Shazam, who has nothing to do with Marvel, was in on the bashing.

The movie itself didn't have much sjw shit tho but nonetheless it was pretty boring and meh movie not worth all this fighting.

>text can also go inside a file
Only one to make me laugh, pretty good.

>the people with money matter
Do consumers suddenly not have money?

>randy pitchford makes a fool of himself
I missed these threads

Did this generation just forget about the golden rule of never feeding the trolls?

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>it was pretty boring and meh movie not worth all this fighting.
describes most of the movies that get placed at the center of the culture war

>Bend over quietly for your rich overlords and spread your ass!
This is your brain on communism

Quit talking out of your ass you underage /pol/fag.
1 BILLION keep seething fag.

How can we spin it so that everybody thinks that steam is the go to platform for the alt-right?

Your brain is in your ass? Typical brap poster.

>These reviews are all terrible
>Looks like Steam users really don't like the Borderlands series
>We were right in our decision to not bring it to Steam
Anyone who honestly did this as a form of "protest" expecting to get Borderlands 3 on Steam is retarded. I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to remove the entire series from Steam altogether so new players would be more likely to purchase in EGS.

>Take bribe for exclusivity deal

Why would you fucking talk about dmc at a party in the first place?

When is amazon going to step into gaming. I unironically believe they can do better than epic and google

I like how everyone is constantly bitching about Epic and Steam. What's the matter mustards? Don't they make physical copies for your irrelevant platform anymore?

Did everyone take out their disk drives to make space for another HDD to store your anime collection?

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t. randy

because we're all a pack of nerds and video games tend to come up

>Furious chinky cant read

>do better
the way you people speak is so fucking obnoxious

Yes, but what trolls? It's a documented fact Epic datamines your shit, just like reviews are in the right to slam Randy for fucking DRM exclusivity, as shit and worthless as Redditlands may be.

Physical copies haven't mattered in years, you get a disc and then you still have to sign up for steam anyway because publishers cannot be fucked to have a non-steam version most of the time.

Sure, let them. Let them uproot their entire aeries in protest of their consumers having a voice. I hope they do so Gearbox can make another step towards dissolution as another big release dies in the crib.

Because its a shitty thing to do. Consumers want options. Plain and simple. Yet publishers do stupid shit that makes people pirate and get surprised when people do.

maybe I just stopped paying attention to culture war drama after TLJ

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Phil Fish didn't lose a memory drive full of cp mate

The Steam icon is pretty much already the emblem of the "PC Master Race." They've pretty much already done the work for you, you just need to point it out.

I just changed mine. So there. Fuck Gearbox and Epic.

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Remember that physical copies haven’t mattered in nearly a decade.




kinda hard atm since valve flies lgbt flags, taking down racist groups on steam, hiring diverse employees etc.
they barriered themselves quite well in that department and youre going to sound like a dumbass if you point and scream nazi at them.

Who the fuck even plays Boredomlands anyway?

Sitting on the couch touching my buddies dick is fun too.
Fuck the fun co-op argument and those that use it.


>has literally turned around a take2s decision when it came to GTA mods

also what is steam supposed to do? lock reviews? turn them back before the company made the decision to pull from steam?
This decision just drives people to pirating

LOL "magaboy"! good one!!!!
-sent from my iPhone 6S

You do realize Epic Store's blocked in China right?

When social networking took such a strong hold that they realized consumers could counter viral market their viral marketing. Consumers having power is terrifying to companies in these fields, it means you actually may have to take a risk rather than have a guaranteed hit you can make from brute force, that they may not like your new monetization options or changes whether for political or financial. The Blizzard redshirt guy is a good example, one singular lanky fuck making a mild zinger became a fucking swell that hit them in the stock balls. When AVGN said "Eh, the new ghostbusters may be alright but I like the original so I'll probably not see it." they dived on him like a hawk in a all you can eat defenseless animal buffet because they needed to make an example of him and snuff it out early enough and it didn't work. Companies aren't dumb, every move they make is long term and calculated even if we think there's simple reasons. Progressive changes or casting can be used to bait radicals or create fake radicals to discredit dissent on your product and creative counter narrative (remember when EA made a fake petition stocked with bots), Epic's exclusive deals opens the door for more aggressive business moves in the industry and monopolization, moves to digital can be gamed to make gaming a pricey subscribed service or drip feed up front development, removing "gamer culture" can make things seem more enticing and normal to the general base for marketing purposes and reinforce games as "toys" which gives you more liberty to do toxic changes industry wise since they're just toys after all, all examples.

It's a game of fucking ball today between consumers and high level business and business is tackling when it was supposed to be two finger touch football and when they tackle back they go to the coach to cry we're breaking the rules.

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The devs know full well why they're being reviewbombed

But what if Gaben got #metoo'd?
That would be effective I think.

>it took this long for retards to realize User Reviews are not accurate ratings
Wow lol

>I have never seen the man say anything that comes close to being respectable
I don't know why but out of all the things that you can say about a person this is one of the most hurtful things I've seen. I hope he reads it

Wut? Valve-drones are weird

Wow lol, that sucks. A shame your platform is getting raped by online publishers.

Baring subhuman chinks demanding localization, reviewbombing is the one single time when reviews are accurate ratings.


>People with money rule this shit,
Yeah didn't buy the game. Not interested in getting an epic games account either.

gaben isnt known for his love for women
back then people thought he's secretly gay or smt

Not as weird as the Chinese government officials shilling for Epic.

>Anybody admitting to being raped by THAT fatfuck
Seriously, if Gaben had raped me, Id kill myself out of sheer shame

Once a liar...

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nobody cares

They should do it, them and every dev who hates their consumer. The only way people will see how absolutely shitty the epic store is is by using it.
You've seen the epic store page right? Imagine if instead of having 20 games epic had 10000 games to sell, how the fuck do you sell your game on a store that looks like that?

Great, now what do we gotta do to remove Boringlands 2 and Pre-Sequel and all that other Burch cancer from Steam too? Oh and his Alien game too, since that is probably why he's so butthurt about user reviews in the first place.
Fuck Borderlands, Fuck GearBox and most definitely Fuck the Randy Pitchfork.

Lol winnie the pooh tianeman square
Valve-drones are faggots, keep sucking Gabe's cock and crying about him losing his monopoly


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The fact that all those headsets sold so much disproves your retarded statement.

Only ensuring I never buy their shit game even on sale

>Do consumers suddenly not have money?
You're the minority, most consumers will install that chinese spyware and eat memelands 3 up like it's nothing, again all of you are just a droplet in a huge fucking pool.
I'm not spreading my ass, dum dum, I know for a fact reviewbombing isn't gonna change anything. What are you trying to achieve there? They don't give a shit about your opinions.
I'm not mad, the only way to actually battle this egs bullshit is to persuade most customers (who by the way don't give a fuck which platform the game is coming to) to not buy the game. Until then, sure, call me mad.


>Paladin activates Aura of Influence

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>Overnight majority of customers who bought the product 5 years ago reacted to news that made them now unwilling to recommend others spend money on product
Reminder Steam doesn't even actually have reviews, it has recommendations. It's pass or fail, either this is a good use of your money, or this is not a good use of your money.

Gullible normalfags who believed the hype

The fad is over now. Nobody cares anymore.

>>scapegoating scary foreign countries is the modus vivendi of the trump era
You clearly don't pay attention to international politics. Trump has been doing more to foster international relations with less-reputable countries and bring them inline with global standards than any president in the last 40 years.

it is actually your fault people are taking massive shits on you randy

>or create fake radicals to discredit dissent on your product and creative counter narrative (remember when EA made a fake petition stocked with bots)
Also a fake protest.


while alienating everyone else

and also failing to actually bring the less-reputable countries in line with global standards

Jokes on the devs, I dont play trash

And they paid developers to not go exclusive DURING the hype, proving they themselves believed VR would grow. Again, you're literally retarded.

I played the first borderlands for a couple hours before getting bored. Im not interested at all.


You underestimate the power of memes, my friend. Already this shit is going viral on twitter, FB, youtube and various other sites. If anybody was planning to buy that game, there is a very good chance they'll hear about this shit now and change their minds.
Also, you look for reviews and opinions on things you want to purchase to see if youre getting your money's worth. Not everybody is walking around with pockets so full of cash that they can buy whatever garbage they want blindly

Sure is a distinct lack of an argument there, hubby.

>Ban Blue Shirt Guy because you're scared of him mocking you
>Red Shirt Guy is unleashed instead and destroys your company with one line
It's like pottery. It rhymes.

you have 10 seconds to explain why a sustained exclusivity war between epic and steam won't just lead to a new era of rampant piracy, denuvo is dead and server-based authentication gets cracked faster than ever before

Ok lets be honest with ourselves

Were ANY OF YOU even considering buying Borderlands 3?

Amazing. I want it on my wall

>having a wide variety to choose from is bad
I honestly don't get you people. I really don't. If you don't want it on your front page, filter the tags. Also, who the fuck actually looks at the front page? I go straight to the search box when I open Steam because I know exactly what I'm looking for and don't need to be told by the store what's good and what isn't. Why would you demand to be advertised to? The fuck is wrong with zoomers?

Fuck no, those games are complete trash. I just love seeing Randy getting BTFO'd

My gripe with Steam is the inability to have tag exclusion in the store. Hiding a limited amount of tags is not sufficient.

I pirated the first 2. Guess what I'll do this time.

>while alienating everyone else
says you. and at least he's trying. more than you can say for the last 4 presidents.

This was also the case with metro exodus which ended up selling well.

I am here to laugh at Randall for his failures

already preordered the super deluxe edition :^)
PS4 tho, this way I can share it with my cousin so we both can play

Oh yes, it did. Speaking of, how many units did it sell again? I cant remember

>metro exodus which ended up selling well
Still waiting for the numbers, Sergey.

I pirated the first one back in the day to see what's all the fuss about and this was my reaction So no. I'm just here for the shitshow that's definitely more fun than this game.

>ended up selling well.
that's a lie. it sold well compared to the last game, which sold poorly. that's all you and I know

In my mind I thought "There is gonna be a way for Randy to look like an even bigger idiot and he is gonna find it".
But I didn't think it was gonna take 5 minutes.

Nah, fps arent my thing. Watching epicshills splash around is just too much fun tho

This falls back to the issue of tag abuse. The developers/publishers are the ones that do the tags. So they naturally gravitate to popular tags and avoid negative ones. It's up the the Steam user to report tag abuse but the whole system is so "under the hood" that most people don't know that.

>Waaaaah stop downvoting us!
Not a chance, Epicucks.

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Better than last light on steam, that's what they say.

I would have, even on the epic launcher. Played through the other 3 games with the same 3 friends. But 2 of them refuse to use the epic launcher so we'll just wait for the steam releaes.

Players do have effective means of communicating, though. It's easier than ever to speak directly to developers and publishers and CEOs, thanks to social media.
Communication is not the problem here. Tim Sweeney has publicly commented on the issue, he is well aware that people want Epic to stop sniping exclusivity deals. He just doesn't care.
At this point, review bombing is just people trying to browbeat 2K into submission the only way they know how. I doubt any people leaving those reviews actually think that doing so will change 2K's mind, they're just doing it to lash out.

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>The developers/publishers are the ones that do the tags.

I would reply with a graphic of a skeleton waiting, but the depiction of ghosts and skeletons are illegal in China. I wish that were a joke.


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Oh, fuck you. They most definitely do the tags and write the descriptions, including the descriptions for 18+ content.


Oh yeah, that reminds me chinks killed Skeleton King on Dota too.

I'm still Gunna pirate it even if it was on Steam

Last Light was a complete and utter flop so that's not saying anything meaningful

The reason the DoTA hero was changed was beause he was originally "Leoric, The Skeleton King" which was too much alike to a Blizzard copyrighted character. Once Dota got popular blizzard didn't want valve using their character.

Which version of last light though? And by how much? Why cant you give any numbers? Even an approximation will do

>says something on twitter, forum , subreddit
>get post delted, thread locked, account banned
This shit has been happening since at least '10 and only got worse. Unless you outright lick their assholes they won't give a fcuk. Steam reviews are something they can't touch, unlike steam forums, and it does hurt them down the line since the common normalfag only looks at the colors of the reviewletters and not the actual reviews, so they can't ignore it.


Nobody has reliable numbers which makes the journalist claim that they know but aren't telling even less credible.


Better then LL during launch week. Keep it straigh Sergey, more lies won't help you. And we're still waiting for the numbers. If they're so high it shouldn't be a problem to simply release them.

Remeber kids, hard numbers mean the game actually is doing/did well. Percentages is nothing but marketing spin.

Bull, he could have remained a skeleton.

Steam doesn't have all of that fortnite money.

It doesn't benefit anybody but Randy and the executives. The devs don't get paid more, the consumers don't get paid less, it doesn't make a sequel happen, and epic can't sustain the percentage discount loss.

Nobody wins but the CEO whose asshole you're eating out right now.

>how can steam allow people to express their dislike for our product, UGH THIS IS BASICALLY ABUSE

And banned any future Winnie the Pooh animations from entering the country, no less.

yeah, they just have DotA2 money, CSGO money, TF2 money, and 30% of every single video game sold on their platform

whatever will they do

Marrow monarch doesn't sound good enoigh.

I think they're not aware of the factors that lead to steam being the way it is today. It used to be so fucking hard to get games onto steam, to the point where indie devs were insulting steam for having a high barrier to access. Then valve made greenlight, indie devs said it was too slow or they couldn't get their games through so valve said fuck it and opened the flood gates. Now they want valve to close the floodgates because there's too many games and a lot are shit.

Basically in an effort to help devs and give customers more games they fucked themselves because there's 'too much competition' and too much choice for the consumer.

Sounds fucking rad, actually.

All these years you've been talking shit about Randy and now he's striking back with a vengeance. Be a good sport and take it, gamers.

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Review bombing unrelated products because of something the publisher of the sequel did isn't expressing dislike for the product being reviewed, when the point of reviews is to talk about the specific product.

>Borderlands 2 is unrelated to Borderlands 3
not the best marketing tactic

>borderlands 2 is bad because secondary complaint about borderlands 3
Uhm... idiot gamers?

Hey retard, the GAME should be the thing reviewed, not the DEVELOPERS/PUBLISHERS.
Fuck off with your SJW-esque bullshit!

No, in fact I'll shit on him even harder for being a little bitch

Hence the timeline to see when review bombs happen, so that people can judge both the review bomb and the ones only related to the game itself.

how do i find a japanese girl who hates the chines to the point of having an oversized sign like this

Here's what will happen:
1. You'll cry a lot, like you are now.
2. You will kiss the ring and buy BL3 full price from epic store.
3. You will fucking like it.

Fire should be fought with fire, gamers unironically need to rise up and fuck over publishers in every single way possible

The problem is that it's the most viable way for people to voice criticism. The Borderlands 2 review page is the only place they can go

They had a dart board with names like calcium czar, bone baron,etc. The wall had wraith king and icefrog sucks at darts.

>no way to voice complains
>suprised that the only option left is being used to vent steam
Unbased retard.

Fuck off randy

So, is nobody going to talk about how there is LITERALLY a system in place to prevent unrelated review bombing (which you can optionally disable)?

Fucking dumbass gaybox Chinese pawns.

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Uhm, hello. Ever heard of Reddit, Twitter, 4channel or where fucking ever?

>epic store
What an odd way of spelling rarbg



fuck you

First off they stated that is sold better at launch then steam which is not surprising considering last light was a literal who game at the time and the series only became somewhat well known later on. Also those sales figures also included steam pre-orders before it went exclusive which further dilutes its actual sales number on epic.

>2. You will kiss the ring and buy BL3 full price from epic store.
Normal people have much more willpower than you think, subhuman ant-man.

This is the same guy who held on strong about Battleborn not being shit and never going FREE.

Yes, you'll pirate an MP game and miss out on half of it. Very fucking likely.

But I get it, it's good optics to pretend like you will. Too bad this gamer cause is already lost.

Attached: life as a pirate.gif (500x206, 477K)

Majority are fine with it.
You, the minority, think your voice should count much more than others.