Why does Yea Forums crucify any game with cutscenes longer than 30 seconds as "linear cinematic trash" but unironically...

Why does Yea Forums crucify any game with cutscenes longer than 30 seconds as "linear cinematic trash" but unironically loves Persona 5, which is so fucking linear it might as well be made of yardsticks and is 80% cutscenes?
Is it solely because it's nip made or because of waifus?

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Persona 5 is trash.

Because it's ok when Japan does it. What's so difficult to understand?

Persona 5 was the biggest disappointment of 2016-2017. The game is tedious and the writing is the worst I've seen in any video game. It was honestly so boring that it made me appreciate some of the things Persona 4 did right. Persona 4 was bad but this was just boring.

>crucify any game with cutscenes longer than 30 seconds as "linear cinematic trash"
Name one time this happened


Because there is an actual game inside Persona 5 you dishonest little faggot

The Last of Us
God of War 2018
Red Dead Redemption 2

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persona 5 actually has gameplay, unlike western "games" (movies).

It's literally Pokemon but you crawl through dungeo- oh, wait, I'm sorry, "palaces"

>but unironically loves Persona 5,
no I dont, I hate Persona, especial IS/EP, fuck those games

those are movies.

if people played Persona for the gameplay and not the VN faggotry that is most of the game they wouldnt be playing persona

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Persona 5 was worse than 3/4. Don't know why it's regarded highly

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good job proving him right

It's a simple fact.

1) Every cutscene in 5 can be sped through and sometimes outright skipped if you don't like it.
2) The game has a hard divide between cutscenes and gameplay. When you're playing the game you're actually playing a fucking game. There's none of that halfassed western "there's no actual gameplay but the player is forced to hold up on the control stick for half an hour to slowly trudge through generic pretty scenery while some characters talk about shit you don't care about."

Because it has best boy

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Doesn't it literally have an hour long cutscene at one point?
>The Last of Us
>God of War 2018
Plenty of other reasons not to like it, and what makes it 'cinematic' is not literal cutscenes but the walk-and-talk shit
>Red Dead Redemption 2
Shitposting from pcfags, Yea Forums loved this game

>presses start during those "cutscenes,"

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it's what pokemon could be if game freak was a competent studio that put actual effort into their games.

you cant skip most of those cutscenes

It's "Pokemon" made by the company that literally unironically invented the fucking genre.

>Yea Forums is one person
I guarantee that out of the people that have played the game that post here the majority of them liked it.
I imagine that this extends to the majority of games except for flagrant bombs.
It’s all so tiresome

Thats called DQ5 or Joker, not Persona

Yea Forums hate persona 5 now because is sony exclusive

and they like Persona 3 because it isnt?

they pretend to like persona 3 because "old game good, new game bad." then they ignore the older games that are better than 3 because they aren't as zoomer-friendly.

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2 unironically has the worst gameplay in the entire fucking franchise and I forced myself to slog through The Answer.

Persona IS literally plays itself though

P2 is LITERALLY "auto-battle: the game"

PS2/PSP is easily emulated, PS3 isn't

fes gameplay is the absolute rock bottom of the franchise, and p3 has the worst dungeon "design" (in the loosest sense of the term) of any persona game on top of that.

So Pokemon but good?

I dont get people who attack Tartarus when P4 ended up doing worse, P4 dungeons were just straight fucking lines the entire game, at least Tartarus had some mixups to the design

P5 has a clear line between gameplay and the majority of the story. The story sections are split off and play differently than the gameplay sections. In your generic over the shoulder Sony action game, the "story" is delivered by interrupting the action and having you slow down while listening to dialogue where often times you don't get the option to skip.

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Midnight TV didn't have the giant 50-floor blocks that felt like a slog to get through, and the difficultly curve was more reasonable, in addition to each individual area being more distinct from each other than the various blocks of Tartarus. In addition each area of Midnight TV were the main dungeons of the plot, while Tartarus up until the very end was just a side grind in between the main operations.