Sonic Thread

>Sonic Mania is the best Sonic game ever made
*blocks your path*

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Other urls found in this thread:

SA blows, its aged horrible

Why was he so kino?

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Both wrong

They're good games, but far from the best ever made

>*Jumps slightly*

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Why are people trying to resuscitate this game's reputation all of a sudden? Even as a child I recognized these games were garbage.


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sonic 3 is the best sonic game

Unironically zoomers. I grew up with these games and I love them, but recognize they don't even touch Mania or 3&K. I like Heroes more anyway, despite its GLARING flaws.


When's the movie trailer going up?

sonic mania isn't good, it's bad.

he was created during the peak of emo when everyone could relate to him


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the only thing really terrible is the awful cutscenes and the big the cat levels and some of the amy levels. the tails levels are really pointless and confusing but not too bad. i still don't get what is happening though. is it an alternate universe? is tails imagining what it would be like if he was the hero? very strange.


They're fun

Based. Fuck Mania and Classicucks.

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Played Adventure when I imported my Dreamcast. It's shit. Adventure 2 is worse. The ONLY Sonic game with anything redeemable is Lost World. It's not boostshit, it's not nostalgiashit, it's just old fashioned shit. I only enjoy old fashioned, classic shit and your should, too.

This game fucking sucks.

Yeah. But I still love it.

That's okay.

>PS2 version

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this kind of conversation belongs in /sthg/ not here

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>lumping Modern and Adventure together

The point is, we don't need this kind of shitposting, it's pointless

Adventure is Modern


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it's 20 years old

Based and redpilled

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>Sonic has been shit for 20 years
Thank god Mania happened.

Nah man, it hasn't been consistently bad. Sonic Advance and Rush were pretty good.


Play the games user.

i like lost world

Fuck of syy

>Implying the sonic thread before this one wasnt wasted on arguing about angel island

> Sonicfags
Go back to Trash with you, we don't need you autistic furfags on Yea Forums

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I wish I liked the Adventure games but there's a lot of junk filler in them and even the tastier parts are flimsy in design at best. It's like sawdust bread that's been bejeweled in the hopes it distracts you from the taste.


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>Don't talk about Video games on Yea Forums

Oh I know, but after a while hearing the same exact routine of shitposts about Mania for months on end gets pretty tiring. It may not be a perfect game, but I don't see how it deserves this much obsession either. At least the angel island fighting was something new.

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I'm not going to argue with fags again about the state of the series so I'm just going to post games and music I like.

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based, it's literally the best part of Sonic's playstyle. Bring this shit back into 3D, ST. You did it back in 1998, why not now

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I'm hyped for /sthg/'s autistic meltdown when the trailer finally drops.

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SA2s level design is terrible

They got rid of it because shitters complained about things being slippery. It's why boostshit games are practically self-playing roller coasters.

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unironically this

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s-so...this i-is the pow-wer of sani-c-c-c!?

A Remake would sell insanely well,especially on the Switch desu,I would buy it on PC obviously

no kidding

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DAILY REMINDER the top pic predates Sonic Forces. The fanbase predicted Sonic Forces level design.

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Why are there so many Sonic Adventure threads all of a sudden? Did some e-celeb review them?

I was wondering why Classic Sonic seemingly had better rolling down slopes in Forces.... then I realized they just slapped a million invisible speed boosters to them to give the illusion of that. Go fuck yourself, Kishimoto.

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Iizuka stated he wanted to revisit Adventure 1 and Adventurefags came out of the woodwork in response. But there's nothing guaranteeing a real remake is going to happen.

Based and kinopilled

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Heroes has somehow aged worse than SA1 and 2. Loved it when it came out but playing it as an adult I now realize the new engine is shit and you kill yourself more than the enemies do.
Also the special stages are wasted potential for being the first instance of boost in the 3D games. Look cool, awesome music but control like garbage.

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I'm hearing Rusty Ruin just from looking at this.


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maybe in the future, my dude