good way to kill the hype
>source: my ass
Don't worry, the paid shills on Yea Forums will post a shitty thread every single day about this garbage platformer
I don't care what you call your indieshit tranny
kys retard
I want some studio to announce a game in 2050 or something.
Not him, but how is it not? Especially with shit like path of pain.
The movement mechanics and the platforming parts are probably my favourite part of the game to be honest.
Star Citizen will be released in 2050 at it's current pace
Metroid, Hollow Knight and SotN/Aria of Sorrow aren't platformers
Donkey Kong, Mario and Shantae are
Post yfw the next trailer drops and the Epic Store logo shows up
You forgot a 0 at the end buddy.
I thought HK was just ok, I wasn't impressed by the unlockable moves
silk song better be cool as fuck
I'm going to get it on Switch anyway
Path of Pain is an entirely optional area, that only rewards bragging rights, that takes maybe an hour in a 25+ hour game
I'll pirate it anyway
...They are man. Games can and often are apart of more then one genre.
You haven't been following Hollow Knight for very long if your first guess when Silksong was announced wasn't that it would come out late-2020 at the earliest.
Barkley 2.
Good. They need to take their time to make a worthy sequel.
OP has not substantiated his claim at all, and we know they've been working on it for some time.