Who the fuck cares how other people choose to play single player games?
>Game journalists suck at video games
Nothing new to see here.
Who cares?
Yet he needed to write an article about it groveling for approval.
whatever, honestly my motivation to finish is running low so I get it
good thread
Average PC fag
He'll never git gud. I wish Bobby made pay2cheat or something so he can profit on this type of people.
>I'm too lazy to care about getting good at a game and cheated
Amazing thread
>and I feel fine
yeah right, if you were fine you wouldn't write a fucking article about it
Exactly. So why do we need an easy mode for a game designed to be difficult?
What a fag the only tricky part is the 2nd phase of isshin
>going to get 10000+ clicks for a zero effort article
I bet he'll feel fine
>I'm failing at something and can't cop with it so I seek validation no matter the repercution on my mental health and the exemple of other human beings through my supposed job purpose.
Is this an actual article or did you just edit the article where the writer said he used cheats to beat Hollow Knight?
methinks the journo doth protest too much
>virtue signaling
Ignoring is part of the problem, these people should be gassed or we will actually have easy mode in the future.
This is so brave and powerful. I'm sure it'll help other cheaters feel better about themselves.
This, why this fucker wrote an article about being pussy, i don't care about his estrogen level
Instead of DLC Sekiro should have microtransactions for temporary cheats.
Nobody cares how someone plays a singleplayer game. Of course, the entire point of this article is a not-so-subtle wave at the addition of a difficulty mode.
>beat it last night
>realized that if you just stay up his ass during his transition to second phase, you can stop him from taking out the spear at all until third phase
I've skipped really god-awfully implemented bosses with cheats before, but I wouldn't pick up a game notorious for its difficulty just to cheat at it. There's no shame in just not playing a particular game. Leave soulsgames to the masochists.
Just further solidifies the fact that "game journalists" are garbage at video games.
>i fell fine!
>*writes entire article in justification
I dont think he's ok lads.
this is meme worthy
>cheating when you can just cheese every single phase
If they bothered to learn the game they would find plenty of ways to make the game easier
But for real who gives a fuck how someone beats a single player game? It doesn't impact your playthrough at all.
Based. All those casuals talking about "easy mode". Can't even edit a fucking save game!
I cheat in all my games, I don't whine about it. I just do it.
>and I feel fine
Did he expect the game to assault him for cheating?
easy mode has been around for decades, and there was much easier access to cheats then too
So why do we need to fucking know?
his soul is seething right now
>Beat Sekiro’s final boss
No you didn’t
he gets paid i think he's laughing his ass of
Really? Got any video of this happening?
Not uncommon for soulsbabbies desu.
I kinda want to see that just because the rage of Fromsoft fans would be pretty hilarious.
No honoru
the final boss was literally easier than castle genichiro
>i-i-i feel f-fine
>No Shame
Except you would if you knew what you missed, you shithead.
That's like some rich twat saying they have no shame about going straight from college into a trust-fund that their parents set up. IF you have no benchmark for the benefits or experience of actually earning something, of course you won't feel shame from skipping the process
Who cares about other people judging you?
Casuals, that's who
your mom was literally easier than castle genichiro
Attack untill he blocks 2 times
Deflect all his shit
Side step if he do jump attack and attack untill he blocks 2 times
Side step behind him and dodge backwards if He does charge aoe
Dodge/parry his thrust
I cheated on the Snake Eye cunts but nothing else.
I have no regrets. Fuck those unfun bitches up their diseased gunpowder riddled assholes.
>guys, i don't feel bad about doing this thing! nope, not at all. look at how not bad i feel
>Undying begets stagnation
>I feel fine
Is this what they mean when they say they want to experience the game
Post yfw after you did it legit lads
>"i feel fine"
>write an article in order to find an excuse to not kill himself for being such a shitter at his job
>gaming journalists
>gets money for playing videogames
>can't play videogames
Don't care. He's a faggot for writing an article about it though
>"i'm no longer an incel because i raped someone and i feel fine"
You know that the journofaggot is playing you all like a fiddle right? They have zero passion and can piss at your hobbies, which they get paid for. You guys love video games so much that you get upset enough to give him clicks, share his article and so on. And at the end of the day, gamejournos are sitting there below gamedevs while you consumers which they shit on is on the very bottom. Man, you people are the most abused bunch ever.
One man
ONE fucking man
Exposed the internet as shitters
AND set a new low for clickbait game "journalism"
Not even Phoenix's Joker can compete
he cant be getting paid that much if his job is to bait clicks
i dont give a fuck how someone plays the game but dont pretend like its not you sucking and its the game being unfair. either git gud or shut the fuck up on how "fair" a game is
I wish I could get paid to write stuff about things I have to cheat at
I don't care if you use cheats. That's unpreventable on PC. But you're not getting an official easy mode and I don't want FromSoft to cave in and I know they never will since even an Activision published game didn't even have one. I think we're safe for a long long time.
I bought Sekiro a few hours ago, but I’m so shit at it I might just refund it.
Thought I'd get my shit pushed in but after Owl 2 it was just another fight.
Yeah, it reminds me of iJustine pretending she was too dumb to play Portal 2. All of Yea Forums went to every one of her videos to laugh at her, not realizing she was laughing all the way to the bank.
Feels good to be better than faggots like op pic
just beat the guardian rape I'm going to make it
Deep down he'll know what he did. That's why he has to virtue signal on twitter, and drink himself into a stupor everynight.
imagine being so bad at a commercial made-for-profit video game, that has what would be considered the most basic level of challenge to be called a video game back in the day, that you write an entire article justifying cheating and to feel validated by other casuals.
sasuga game journos, truly sasuga. I expected nothing less from practitioners of one of the lowest-tier jobs in existence.
nothing to see here
why do journalists get so angry every time a From Soft game comes out?
I remember a lot of this same shit when Dark Souls 3 came out which was by far the easiest souls game I've played, what the fuck is wrong with these people
Daily Reminder that PC gamers have ALWAYS been the absolute bottom of the barrel in terms of gaming skills.
PC Gaming the home of:
>Wasted dev time on performance testing and QA
>Graphics Fagging
>Pumping up games like Half Life which spearheaded the corridor railroad setpiece shit we have today
>Steam, centralizing all their software under some cloud org, whereas console games are still real physical things you can trade as a physical good
PC gaming is the literal Communism of gaming, Nintendo being basically the Reich in comparison
Daily Reminder that the one genre PC-U-C-K-S hold high as if a display of skill is literally Starcraft. A game that requires about the same skills as your average Ebay shopper.
A genre so shit an entire country of soul less bug people embraced it as a sport because it's basically 1 step above filling in spreadsheets.
I got the hang of it after a couple of times, also all the effects going on made my poor base ps4 suffer
The moment when you finish Isshin with the mortal blade, the whole game was really good but that single moment elevated the whole experience to another level for me
The actual article mentions that they're just using a slow-down mod which isn't really cheating as much as slowing down the output (and input) so that people can comprehend what's happening. It doesn't make the player more powerful as much as it just gives clearer information to use.
And delay on the deflect-action is still present so you still need to make reads but it's a little more obvious when and where.
I was saying this is th eonly idea from that Celeste fuck that sounded reasonable as it keeps the balance of the game while making it more accessible to people who just aren't that good at processing information super quickly
He is probably too young to remember Action Replay.
What cheats? His wife's boyfriend beat the boss while fucking him in the ass?
Yea Forums is literally just a dumping ground for hacks to self advertise
Good for him, I guess?
I just don't see the point in playing a game like Sekiro if you're just going to bitch out and cheat. Might as well saved yourself $60 and watched a play through.
Good for him, he found a way to make himself happy instead of demanding the developers do it for him. Although if he's saying it to talk about the difficulty of the game being too much he can fuck right off
>23 pages
how do we stop the pc master race?
>Game """journalist"""
>Inept at games
Doesn't surprise me.
Being a games journalist is unironically a more shameful profession than working the till at McD's
>I remember a lot of this same shit when Dark Souls 3 came out which was by far the easiest souls game I've played
spoiler alert, it was the easiest because it was the last one you played and you had already understood and adapted to the mechanics
did you guys fucking read it?
>"The lightning attacks don't help things, which aren't too difficult to dodge after spending a few hours getting to the third phase and dying to them over and over. It wouldn't be a FromSoft game without a frustrating elemental damage type. "
He later goes on to say that doing a fucking reversal was too hard...
>XP exploit to boost your attack with dancing dragon mask
>Running around the boss in circles waiting for openings
Should have done either of those instead of using third party software desu.
That's fine but don't ask the developers to include it in the game if they don't want to :)
Because they like to whine alot and need some approval from their loyal readers. Dont be too discouraged as this gives From Soft alot of free publicity that will encouage them to make more games that gamers love and a game that journalists hate.
I miss Code Breaker. I miss Pelican, in general.
Wait what does that have to do with him not wanting an official easy mode
Lighting attacks are there to help you for the most part, you can dodge them by jumping but say you do the jump incorrectly and get hit it still gives you time to reverse it for an advantage in the air. Its either you dodge it and take no damage or get hit and get an advantage
Thanks for the groovy fight, Isshin. Craziest fight and it makes me feel good knowing these shitters won't know how good it truly feels overcoming the old geezer.
All the people I know at work that play DaS/MonHun/etc are all bro as fuck and have this good work ethic and are really positive "never give up" types who will never fail, yet all the people at work who are literal Marvel Movie Good Last of Us Best Game Ever types are so fucking quick to give up on anything and put in a pinky finger of effort to everything they do.
It absolutely shows a persons true nature the types of games they "enjoy"
>Sure, there's a return mechanic, but it's rarely practiced outside of boss battles until the very last stage, and even then, timing your jumps with swift lightning returns against a set of lightning attacks with different release timings—nah, I'm good.
it's like he didn't fight anything in fountainhead
>Snake Eye
the bull is much harder thought
I read it more as, "don't ask for an easy mode that could impact the overall design of the game, just cheat. Its fine". Seems like the best compromise desu
Also it's not that big of a deal given that he's using a slow-mo tool. So he'd still have to match up the hitboxes accurately and his movements were slowed too
Can you even call yourself a gamer if you can't beat the final boss of Sekiro without cheats or cheesing methods?
"and that's a good thing"
>The lightning attacks don't help things
They're exactly what makes the fourth phase even easier than the third
piss easy, just sprint and use the firecrackers if you absolutely have to.
same goes for guardian ape
This, instead of groveling he took matters into his own hands. We can debate whether it fucked the experience for him or whatever, but he made his own choice that doesn't impact the development of the game as a whole.
Easy mode would be great. Incels like you wouldn’t know what to do with yourselves as another safe safe is torn from you.
If you have been playing videogames for more than 5 years, let alone 10, and you can't beat Sekiro you have wasted your existence half assing everything you do.
My gf, who literally hasn't played videogames seriously since fucking Spyro 1 is up to the headless ape in Sekiro and close to beating. Infact she blitz'd Gyoubu quicker than I did and I've been playing From's games since DeS.
There's no fucking excuse, learning a videogame is fucking nothing when literal non "gamers" can complete it with some dedication.
>realized that if you just stay up his ass during his transition to second phase, you can stop him from taking out the spear at all until third phase
you have to do a specific loop for that
if you just keep attacking him normally, he will pull out the spear
you have to deflect specific attacks
Deflecting the charge stuns him and lets you hit his head which takes increased posture damage
The bull is just a check to see if you're too scared to play the game like it's meant to
If you play games on Easy mode, it's permeating into your existence. You're playing life on Easy mode, never taking risks, challenges, giving up after the first attempt at something. Weak.
The future president of the world will be someone that grew up playing hard videogames and every neck he steps on to the top will be a soft, limp, "Very Easy" one.
The hard part of Sekiro is that you regularly have to make a split second decision. Slowing it down makes all the difference.
>You're playing life on Easy mode, never taking risks, challenges, giving up after the first attempt at something. Weak.
that's what these people already do
that's why they cant handle losing in a game
they've never had to put effort in anything
I guess I got lucky with the loop. He did his thrust a few times which were ez dodges
if you have no problem with the bull you should have no problem with the ranger scum
Yea Forums was complaining its too hard. the only reason they are against it being easier with mode or cheats is because journalists and outsiders are complaining.
If there was an easy mode most people here would pick it and said they did hard
It's a fucking game. Chill out incel and try having sex for once in your life.
I don't, you just deflect the grab and use sabimaru
I suck at strategy games and even i feel ashamed i play them on lowest difficulties. Can't imagine how i would feel about myself if i cheat.
It's 1 thing to be a casualfag and to use cheats to beat the game because you can't beat it. It's another thing to write a fucking article on it though holy shit. Why do "journalists" write about such garbage?
There is nothing stopping anyone from getting good at the game and play through it just like everyone else. Many people don't realise or maybe don't want to admit it, but videogames are a skill and as such there are games with varying levels of difficulty to go along with it, just as there are books that are harder to understand for people who haven't developed the necessary skills to properly read them. Games are an interactive medium and as such there are many things that may appeal to someone, but in the case of the souls series the main appeal is its combat and difficulty. Granting players an easier mode would completely diminish and stray them away from the creators original intended experience.
I've never seen games journalists miss the point so hard as they have with this.
>Yea Forums is one person (besides me of course)
>this projecting
Post of the day
He shouldn't.
>New game adds easy mode
>Still has normal/hard difficulty
>Nothing changes at all
Who are you trying to impress? Are you that insecure that you have to prove you beat a flavor of the week game to make people pay attention to you?
I just beat Demon of Hatred after about 7 or 8 attempts but I've died 5 or 6 times on Isshin while only seeing the final phase once with no healing left, gonna call it quits till later cause it looks like I've got a ways yet to go.
This game is feels exhausting
I also suck at strategy games, but I juist don't play them rather than using easy mode.
I've been having sex since I was 13, estrogent
If you choose the easy path, EVER it displays who you are. "It's just a game" is the exact mindset as to why you will never go anywhere.
If you're not putting in your all into everything you do, its wasted time and you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. If you're going to play a videogame or spend the hours of your life watching a movie, it needs to be of substance or it's useless.
Hard work is hard work. Easy makes for people who will keep taking easy as the route forward.
Well I beat Sekiro's final boss without cheats, and I felt GREAT.
Sounds like that writer is really missing out.
Wow, so brave!
>Everything has to be for everyone! Your design decisions should come second to accessibility!
Yeah I used Cheat Codes to play as Chewbacca in every stage of Super Empire Strikes Back. I never wrote a fucking article about it.
he didnt play though
might as well watch youtube video and claim you beat the game
Why the fuck would I care what some literal nobody did in a single play video game?
Lifestylers really don't like being reminded that their hobby is just a childish time waster.
Is this what PC gaming has become?
I leave for few months and everybody is cheating at games and claim they "beat" the game.
>If you're not putting in your all into everything you do, its wasted time and you shouldn't be doing it in the first place
what substance are you getting out of life arguing about video game journos on Yea Forums user
Lol what a beta cuck.
>I feel so fine and secure in my decision to cheat at a video game that I wrote an entire article about how fine and okay I am with it
I just watched this great film. On the background at 2x speed while reading Yea Forums and I feel fine.
>Are you that insecure
Did you forget where you are?
Yea Forums is full of losers whose only pride in life is the hope of being good at a video game. They will never accomplish anything in life, die alone and no one will care.
>post doesnt even imply all
>just looking back at when the game released how many scrubs on here were complaining
does it hurt to pretend to be that retard and unable to infer the meaning of my post
Only people who care are Chevo hunters and DS2 Get Gud fags. I play hard because it forces me to work with the game whereas I'd probably be easy mode cheesing which is something I personally find boring but I don't care about other's because they usually aren't bragging about it either.
This dude is a total Cuck
Imagine not even being ale to accomplish things in video games.
I dont understand idiots who farm souls in DK one by one,nigga just trainer up 10k and go pass the boss. Stuck again use trainer for souls.
..and that's a good thing!
when I was a kid I cheated in Starcraft and some other games as well, not a big deal
Who -normal- here? I don't pick easy because I'm not disabled but I also don't pick hard because I want the intended experience of the game. Games that only have one difficulty, the intended difficulty are my favorite.
>removing the joy of seeing isshin struggle as you perfectly deflect every string and counter every attempt of him harming you
You will never know
>I beat Sekiro's final boss
>with cheats
Plenty of people find it hard, but they understand that's the appeal of the game. I raged against lady butterfly a lot myself, but nobody here unironically asked for an easy mode. There's the difference.
Difficulties ruins the game experience by default unless it's made as tool like in the tales of games.
I don't think anyone is trying to impress anybody by beating this game since a lot of people have beaten it by now. But since you seem upset i bet you didn't get passed the bull so let me flex just a little
So he didn't beat it?I beat Sekiro by watching it on youtube
Most satisfying bossfight since Alma in Ninja Gaiden.
100% seethe
A video game has certain mechanics that you must use to overcome the obstacles in the game. Completing the game requires a very good grasp of those mechanics, if not mastery. Thats where the enjoyment comes from. Thats why you play video games versus watching a show or movie.
If you cannot utilize game mechanics to complete the game, you do not understand how the game works. If you do not understand how the game works, how can you write a review of it?
>Deep down he'll know what he did.
it's fucking vidya man, it's not like he's going to get depressed or some shit like that.
I don't see why people get antagonized by these wimps. It's all sounds like the same middle school "Your a baby because you don't like I pick my nose" shit, how do you honestly get mad at this? It's more pitiful than anything that a bunch of grown adults has to defend themselves over video game experience and believe this is a legitimate case of harassment.
You have to understand this is Yea Forums.
People here take video games very seriously.
These fags would probably off themselves if they couldn't play their games.
>PC Gaming
You sound like you're not one of us. How about you get out?
PC Cheating
i didn't even feel that much of a rush after beating ng+7 orphan of kos
I do but not in the way you’d think. I’m probably an idiot for thinking like this but I have a lot of faith in people to accomplish things they think aren’t possible. And I don’t mean shit like become a celebrity or a billionaire, I mean shit like pass a certain class in college or get a new Job. It dissapoints me to see people think they actually need to be somehow gifted to be able to beat a video game and they don’t think a game should be given the time and effort needed to learn the ins and out of the mechanics the game itself tries to teach you from start to finish.
Sekiro isn’t some devilish brick wall that Fromsoft asks you to smash your face into and that’s it, it gives you the story context and the necessry mechanical lessons at the start and throughout the game that doesn’t require you to have 200IQ points and the reflexes of 9 cats to master, just asks for time and patience.
I get there’s people that aren’t equal, that they have physical and mental deficiencies and would benefit from an easy mode but then there’s others out there right now on twitter acting like they aren’t asking for easy gratification and that just want to skip the journey, skip the lessons that could carry over to other video games or even real life I don’t hate those people, they just disappoint me that they think so little of themselves and than lash out at others for it.
Imagine being so autistic you have to use an anime picture to hide your anger but can't hide the fact that you can't even properly spell words in your rage induced shaking.
>souls games are hard
only a weak basedboy autist would brag about beating AI
try speedrunning or playing league of legends aka playing against humans
>tfw I'm doing a "no damage boss fight" playthrough
>lots of people have already managed to finish similar playthroughs on youtube within a very short amount of time
>slowdown tool
did those fucks use this tool? wtf? and here I'm killing myself to beat each boss
>I’m probably an idiot
No, you're definitely an idiot.
It's a video game. It means nothing.
>don't see why people get antagonized by these wimps.
Because there are tons of even more weak wimpy nerds who still think that "professionals" are something more than "gets paid for it".
Because there will always be a lot of young and inexperienced people for the media outlets to capitalize on.
>fromcucks are falling for every clickbait shit article about Sekiro
You showed me, your skill in 1 (one) video game is very impressive
pretty much this
What you should do is avoid these people and seek out and encourage the people who are more willing to try. You shouldn't try to help someone who's, through conscious decisions, making mistakes. Let them learn the hard way.
>Clearly fake as fuck
>People still fall for it
dumb frog poster
Well said.
My thoughts: wow what a boring headline, I definitely won’t be reading that article. I can’t imagine who would.
Fun comes from overcoming challenges. Anything else is artificial fun.
Do you think Demon's Souls and Dark Souls would have taken off from such humble beginnings, and left such a massive impression on the industry, and been such a subcultural phenomenon if they shipped with an easy mode? The answer is no, the challenge is the art.
Why is it that Sekiro exposes more shitters than souls?
Oh hey, It's this thread again
Imagine having to justify yourself over a fucking toy.
does it count as legit if I mainly deflected lightning during the 3rd phase?
>listening to music you like is artificial fun
Its more challenging.
no summons or over leveling
He clearly doesn't or he wouldn't write an entire blogpost about it
everyone is on the same playing field, no builds or any bullshit.
So I should feel fine at my cheating at life since I'm white, right?
No one does, we always had cheats, big head modes, console codes and so on. The problem is they're making it an issue. "I used cheats and I'm proud" is like saying "I eat my food without salt", okay why'd you need to tell us? Because it isn't about the act of there being an easy mode or not it's a greater movement against merit based culture. Non stop articles, twitter personalities and the likes lumping it in with some kind of gamers are toxic and we shouldn't judge each other on our skill. It's like they can't accept they might be mediocre to shit at one specific thing and being reminded of that fact, the same ones who'd go to music school and be upset when prodigies and naturally talented folks would blow them the fuck out. I'm never gonna dedicate myself to be a top fighting gamer player, or a Starcraft cpm nerd but I don't shit on those groups as elitist whales.
They're masking it as a argument it needs difficulty switches, if that was simply the case no one would care but the venom they throw out shows their true long term intent. Here's what every single on of these articles and arguments comes down to with a allusional parallel "WHY OPEN BORDERS ARE GOOD - by the way Trump is Hitler and you should hate him and if you don't you eat babies." Well yes Mr.Journo, I'm sure gonna consider your argument with your fine points and implications I may eat babies if I don't agree with the splash title.
Imagine writing a “Combat Guide” and having to cheat
>feeling so much guilt about cheating in a game that you publish and article about it
How much of an incel do you have to be to give such a serious response to a shitpost. Holy fuck, this manchild is never going to feel the warmth of a vagina...ever
No clue, the game isn't that much harder, just requires a bit more thought like actually using items like fireworks and your hatchet arm/flame thrower arm and paying attention to attack ques to dodge and deflect.
Basically its like Bloodborne where the point is to stay on the offense as much as possible but having to pay even more attention than relying on invincible frames when dodge rolling.
His dick couldn't fall off because he already didn't have one.
>can't co-op
>can't even summon NPC helpers (all journokikes played through every single boss like this)
>can't outlevel enemies, no matter how many level ups you get in Sekiro you just learn new moves, only way to actually increase your life or damage is by beating the fucking bosses
You cant summon or over level
>calling others incels because they don’t join the circle jerk
Why would you cheat on a single player game?
Not really
The hard part of sekiro is processing the information on screen and making the judgement about the right time to respond.
It's more enjoyable the faster that happens but so long as there's a certain ratio between when you see a hit coming and how fast your character can react, I would say the core gameplay experience is maintained.
I don't necessarily think that the speed of that decision making is the hard part since that speed can partially be determined by the controller you're using (if its hard to hit a certain button at a certain speed like the bumpers for deflecting or even if there's just some innate delay due to damage or shit) as much as the animations and the need to know the timing/framedata on your deflect/dodge animation compared to the attack you're trying to dodge.
Yea Forumsirgins are experts at projection.
I'm sure some people may have but I doubt it.
Sekiro is a lot like other Souls games where a bit of knowledge is the key to acing the game. IF you know the animations and framedata of attacks by heart, and you know the exact frame data of your deflect and dodges, most encounters are really easy
Why did he make this out to be some sort of moral conundrum regarding cheats? Almost every game I played as a kid had cheats enabled just because I had more fun with it. Who gives a shit
>profesional with a degree and job
>Yea Forums fatso pedo poster
because its skill over stat. game requires you getting familier with the mechanics and everything which makes things harder to learn because you are forced to. after you learn and are decent its easier than souls
I beat Isshin on NG++ with No Kuro's Charm and Bell Demon. After the first 6 hours of practice I felt like giving up. The next day I practiced 3 more hours until finally doing it, and was rewarded with the feeling of fully completing the game at its hardest. That's true fun. Easy mode fags will never know this feel.
>All this free publicity for FROM
They must be absolutely loving this.
Hopefully the next game is even harder, to filter and enrage more shitters. I'm just happy FROM is a Jap developer, because if they were Western, they'd cave like the rest of the spineless faggots. No retards or casuals are allowed to play these games and I'm completely fine with that.
>I-I f-feel fine...
>i-it's not like it s-severely diminished my sense of accomplishment or a-anything... baka!
>The hard part of sekiro is processing the information on screen and making the judgement about the right time to respond.
That's exactly what I said. But not just the right time but also what the right reaction is at all or determine what attack is coming in the first place.
>as there's a certain ratio between when you see a hit coming and how fast your character can react, I would say the core gameplay experience is maintained.
The player character may be slowed down as well but the player is not. He has significantly more time to react and will make less mistakes and miss far fewer opportunities as a result. You can deal with badly timed deflects with no harm done for the most part it's primarily reacting badly to stabs and sweeps that gets people killed.
sounds like theres no need for an easy mode then?
>zoomer too young to remember when every single player game had cheats
Damn I'm too old for this place.
I want and need more Sekiro shitter rage
I ask you again, why would you need to play games?
Cheats should unironically be in every game instead of difficulty settings.
I played tons of Age of Empires 1 with cheats when I was 4 years old until I learned the game and could beat all my friends legit by 7.
I thought they fucking censored that scene. Someone lied to me.
I beat the game using the tools given to me by the game and I feel fine
I hope the author realizes that whatever he has to say regarding strategies about the game means absolutely nothing.
In fact he probably mashed brainlessly against the bosses since he couldn't die
Dude, cheating is like "half the fun".
You can't summon and hide behind greatshields and poise.
>journalist thinks lightning reversal is too hard
It's literally the strongest attack you can do in the game
Also you pretty much HAVE to parry attacks to succeed.
>I want headpats for being bad at games
So why'd he write about it if it doesn't matter?
Of course, that's meant to be the cathartic turning point.
Because it's clickbait and he has a quota to reach.
Amidst all the bitching about the game's difficulty, the author bravely decides to write that he cheated to beat the game. He's truly a genius.
what kinda cheats?
you're so mad and eager to white knight for a blogger that you couldn't even type out "safe space". don't you have anything you like or care about that you don't want to be fundamentally changed? you should. something being more accessible to people doesn't make it better. the appeal of some games is that they're hard. wouldn't you feel any kind of shame trying to change how something is just for you, when everyone else enjoys it how it is? idk maybe not, but basically fuck you and people like you. i can tell you think you're a wonderful person, but i can see you so clearly and you're basically a pretentious faggot who probably has no friends and is an incel in denial. stop being you, just git gud.
faggot spotted
>James Davenport
Why is it always this incredible faghorn who writes this kind of trash??
I wish this diaper wearing paint sniffer would fuck off back to his hug box.
Yea if you use cheats that doesn't count as beating the game.
>bragging about this.
No shame, indeed.
>I don't care I'm bad THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS much!
Why do I feel like this article is fake?
I'm not talking about him getting depressed over cheating in a game, who cares. We've all done it. I'm talking about lying for a living and devoting his life to generating outrage for money.
I'd prefer one difficulty that is rock solid rather than three neutered experiences because they had to design the entire game thrice for Easy, Normal and Hard.
sadly it's not
Well we know that his dad doesn't love him. Now I feel bad for him. He'll never know what it's like to have a dad that approves of him.
accidentally replied to myself instead of
beating Sekiro with cheats is the equivalent of reading something like the reading Brothers Karamazov with a sparknotes next to you at all times
like, yes you did read the book, but you didn't understand it's meaning. you needed someone else to tell you HOW to feel, which means your own interpretations of the book aren't something you came up with. yes you beat sekiro, but you didn't understand it's design or appreciate it in the way it was meant to be experienced
you feeling fine is okay, but it doesn't make you any less pathetic or your insult to the creator's dignity less palpable
just let every game function be remapped to any part of the button and get adaptive controllers for disabled people. saying that they need cheats to complete a game is genuinely abelist, kill yourself
I want to fuck that fox
me too user
rikose since iqdb doesn't work on this image
So THIS is what it means to be PC master race...
I know who it is
my favorite doujin
just downloaded the game today finally, I think I might be in love with the combat
the beginning of the game has been pretty ordinary for a fromsoft game, when does it get "hard"
I died to his first phase (post-Genichiro) around six times, then beat all his phases in one go despite seeing them for the first time. God I was jittery at the end of it.
NG+ Kuro's Charm/Demon Bell is kicking my ass though, and I still have to do the Shura ending bosses and Owl (Father).
You have good taste user
If you felt fine you wouldn't need to make an article about it. You actually feel like shit because you couldn't git gud and need affirmation from people to feel "fine".
none but this only proves that gaming journalists dont actually play games
all gaming journalists need to be gassed
I'll pedo post your anus boy. Spread them cheeks.
He cheated? Did he modify game files? Isnt that ILLEGAL and not part of the EULA?
It took me like 2 hours fighting him, though admittedly it was very late and I went into full tilt mode until I had to force myself to sleep and beat it the next day (which I did pretty quickly). I kept dying to Genichiro due to impatience. First phase was tricky until I figured out the pattern where you can just keep back and forthing with really predictable patterns from him. I kept fucking up when I got to the third phase even though lightning reversal should've trivialized it. Basically I'm a big retard. Ultimately I did get 3 lightning reversals off and wrecked his face. Really really fun fight to learn, definitely my favorite fromsoft final boss. "Hesitation is defeat" was no lie, I mean most bosses you have to get over being a pussy but he was the pinnacle of that design philosophy.
They really should.
>Look it up
>it is actually fucking real.
Absolutely disgusting
>Finished Sekiro with heavy use of Cheat Engine.
>Couldn't even get past Ogre without it.
>Now i go online and shit on anyone asking for Easy Mode or having trouble with bosses, telling them to git gud.
Feels good, lads.
he gets pretty wild in the third phase, you're absolutely meant to fuck him up with lightning
These are the same people who tell you to "get laid"
Keep SEETHING faggot
sword saint is fucking easy compared to demon of hatred and owl2, hell, even owl great shinobi gives me more problems than sword saint.
Finally realizing why these types of people hate fighting games
>Yea Forums is full of losers whose only pride in life is the hope of being good at a video game.
D1 was literally chock full of people crying about the game being too hard.
I literally don't give a shit. If he wants to cheapen to the experience so be it.
EULA, in a pirated game?
>stuck on Genchiro for three days
>take breaks, beat other bosses, explore everywhere I can
>finally beat him
>Find out demon bell makes bosses stronger too, not just enemies.
It woulda taken a lot of tries anyways but still.
A gaming journalist cheating AND pirating???
>rainbow scarf
So is there a cheat product for ps4? I know PC can always cheat but like game shark or action replay for ps4?
I hope fromsoft bans him from all of their online games for admitting to using cheat engine.
Their online games are full of cheaters already.
Also stop seething.
Like a god
An invincible god
Is there a single article about this game that praises it for its difficulty? I can't believe what a pathetic hivemind game journos are.
>I've plagiarized all the articles I've written and I feel fine
I went and bought the ps4 version. Then I platted it. There's no achievements on PC.
You gotta teach these bitch developers to add an easy mode the hard way.
Just JTAG your shit, bro
No, because only incels care about difficulty.
>Beat it today without cheats.
>Beat all the bosses today without cheats.
I'm objectively superior to James Davenport.
he has inferiority complex so he writes articles with himself in the center while actually no one gives a fuck
Died a shit ton, took a break and came back to do it first try from there.
I'll admit i got a little gloaty with how easy that attempt went.
Good on him I guess lmao
I got stuck on sword saint, kinda wanted to beat him but then got my hands on DMC5 and kinda just forgot/let it go. Guess I should finish but I'd have to get back into the combat and after that it's probably just some 3 second long From tier cutscene that's not worth it
it's like when people feel the need to loudly brag when they pirate a game.
it makes them feel vindicated in their choice, and gives them the feeling that they're sticking it to some imaginary entity, when most people wouldn't give a fuck what they did.
Not really. But honestly miyazaki should keep making games like this because the game just fucking does its own PR at this point.
It's just fun to see people get butthurt about it, to be honest
just started ng+ and even without the charm, I have been able to kill butterfly and gyobu first try, mostly due to my attack power that made their postures break instantly, or maybe It's me, because that Isshin fight took me around 9 tries and his posture took too damn long to break
what I'm trying to say, is that ng+ feels incredibly satisfying to do because you already mastered the mechanics by now
>easy mode
It's called watch a video before the fight. I mean you have to still execute the moves but I always find fights easier if I just watch someone else do it first as opposed to learning things myself via dying and trying again. I was too lazy to learn the owl 2 fight so just watched someone else and it was just a matter of doing it myself after
Are there in-game cheats for Sekiro?
Because i strongly doubt any vidya "journalist" can even remotely understand how to use CE or trainers
refer to It's just a button press away
but user Im in pre med, good grades and all, and im still able to play sekiro just fine.
we dont say you are a shitter for dying, but you are a shitter for using cheats or wanting an easy mode.
Pretty good fight
huh huh me click on headline that make me mad hu huh me lub get mad
Had to go through 3 more NG cycles to get all the achievements
>remember when the early miniboss generals shit on me and I needed to stealthblow + chip away at them like a scared bitch for ages
>take them head on like a chad in NG+ and easily deflect their slow blows and predictable sweeps
feels fucking good
NG+8 no charmed baybee
>Play Sekiro
>Get bored of the combat and lack of stats/customization after a couple hours
>Revisit DaS3
>Get bored of the combat after a couple hours
God fuckin dammit.
Will someone P L E A S E make an action RPG with character customization and DMC/Bayo/NG combat!?
I need it in my life.
Every time I did this the guy was doing the same things I already did except without having shit concentration
Since this is the most active sekiro thread currently, quick question.
I just gathered all the ingredients. The shinobi and owl are seriously wrecking my shit, anywhere else I can now go before I fight him to get stronger? Like new areas?
Not interested in grinding away skill points really
Someone had to say it
That nigger gookmoot won't let me post images
How can you go so far to beat everything else without cheats and then use it for final boss, a lot of people had harder times with other bosses
Surely that can't be the same dude who said this
Everything fun in this game happens after i beat Genchiro. But this fuckers moves and patterns far exceed any other soulsbourne boss ive fought
So Sekiro made him realize that hes pretty shit at video games?
>small ways to enhance your performance
Isn't cheating the opposite of improving your performance since it just brings everything to or below your current performance level and thus you don't improve?
No. Get a different hobby.
There's your fucking easy mode you looser journalists now fuck off
Good. If you're bad at games you should just accept it and cheat instead of complaining about how unfair it is that games are too hard for you.
AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA these fucking shitters are fucking pathetic man, i can't understand how people can be so bad at videogames, i've played all the soulborne games and they are easy as hell, i literally defeated manus in my first try, killed midir in my third time and overall kill many bosses too fast they can't even unleashed all their possible movesets.
>I need it in my life.
Got back
Make me, loser.
Let me guess..Gameinformer?
>4 part boss
not really, genichiro and isshin 1 is just the game testing to see if you know your parries and unblockables.
shit starts after isshin whips out his spear
No, PC Gamer.
things that never happened
His third phase is easier than his second phase, lightening reversal does a lot of vit/posture damage, and it's pretty easy to pull off.
>All these PC players talking about how easy the game is proibably did the saem shit
I got bored 15hrs in and cheated the rest of the way to be done.
I hope From adds a speed slider, but it's baseline at the very bottom so they realize how retarded their argument is.
>i feel fine
do you though?
God damn that AC reference is the most "how do you do fellow gamers" shit there is.
Why should I care that somebody cheated in a single player game?
Cause he really cared about Sekiro's story, he had to know how it ended, he wouldn't do this just be doing this for attention.
same group of people that think it's ok to cheat in the primaries
the absolute R A G E
W-Wait hold on don’t draw that conclusion that conclusion doesn’t fit my narrative STOOOOOOOOOP
>Professional that's shit at the thing he reviews/sells
>Justifying this
Why don't you get a real fucking job before you open your mouth?
So "game journalists" are trying to convince an entire generation of lazy zooners that don't know anything about computers or network safety ... TO GO DOWNLOAD TRAINERS.
Are you fucking KIDDING me? Did they really think this shit through? Trainers are sketchier than torrents of the games themselves, and half of them require you to disable your antivirus and everyone says 'Oh, that's normal for trainers' -- because it IS. But not something an amateur should be doing because there's a good chance there's a real virus in there. Oh my god what a bunch of fucking idiots. I hate game journalists.
>as another safe safe is torn from you.
>literally advocating for a self space for himself and other shitters
dumb tranny
The article is clickbait you guys do realise that right?
>Are you that insecure that you have to prove you beat a flavor of the week game to make people pay attention to you?
Journalists definitely are. If they can't play the games they can't make shitty articles about the games and they won't get clicks.
are you that insecure in your own abilities that you believe you are incapable of beating a video game without an easy mode?
doubt people here are giving it clicks
Felt good.
"you fundamentally misunderstand our game" has to be one of the most scathing responses I've seen
This. Most game with several difficulty levels usually feel watered down.
Sekiro could be the exact same game but more obscure and this problem wouldn't exist, without any of the hype or recognition, these people wouldn't look twice at the game, its only because the game is popular that they feel the need to be part of it and that they care about adding an easy mode.
>sekiro is hard meme
Time to stop
Why do "journalists" use their job like a Twitter
>Slowdown tool.
>Still takes damage.
Bullshit, most of the time it's just damage taken/given ratio.
You're over complicating designing games.
>I have no shame so that makes it ok
>"I just slept with a child and I feel fine - No shame" - James Davenport
That doesn't make you right
I don’t give a fuck about how he played the game but how is that “journalism”?
>he thinks escape genichiro is the final boss
It all makes sense now
Fucking cheater
I care when it starts affecting the game.
Giving the game an easy mode means that some sacrifice has to be made during development and it affects the game because of it.
Haha I can't wait until you gas yourself you sad bitter little man xD
>i have never played a fromsoft game
He hates his job/life/himself.
If you truly, SELFLESSLY cared about disabled people you wouldn't be pushing for an easy mode, you'd be pushing for more alternative controllers and custom control mapping to exist. Disabled people want to play the EXACT SAME GAME as everyone else. Not a pansy mode version of the game. If you want to whine about not having time, well, maybe you just need to play a game you do have time for and accept this game was made for people who don't as your kind always so aptly puts it "have a life".
Oh also before you REEEE at me about gatekeeping this isn't gatekeeping. I'm by no means saying you can't play the game. Go out and play it right now. Its a good game and really fun too. You should play it.
If you just want to say you beat it because its the hot new thing to be into well there's only one thing to say to that... get good
But i played (finished) all the soulsborne and Sekiro.
People making it out to be a mystical experience, lol.
>Game journalists writes an article to cope
If you like the game, you might as well try this boss for couple of hours. (days if you’re completely brain damaged)
If you don’t like it, then do whatever and cheat it’s ok, but don’t bother devs and others with difficulty talk.
End of discussion fags.
>Bullshit, most of the time it's just damage taken/given ratio.
if you believe this you haven't
daily reminder that 99% of game journalism is and has always been a joke
What about disabled people with slower reaction times?
Its like making a blind guy enjoy a racing game, well or any game . They just want like it anyway.
They will learn. The game is made in a way where death is inevitable that means that you can learn from your mistakes. Unlike journalists disabled people aren't a bunch of little faggots who need mama to give them a participation trophy. They already live life on hard mode. You know what they did? They got good
you mean casuals
>Focuses on Fortnite articles
Does anything more need to be said for this tool?
I haven't made it to the final boss yet, but so far I honestly have no clue how people think this is harder then Bloodborne.
You actually block and your parry window is so huge. It's like bloodborne easy mode.
I don’t give a shit just don’t brag about it
Game is default easy mode without No Kuro's Charm and Demon Bell. You need to beat the game to unlock harder difficulties.
I just beat sekiro's final boss with the demon bell on. The thing is I don't feel fine... My mental its fucking shattered... 4 fucking hours.
Thank fuck though because I also feel like a fucking god... The feeling a cheater will never feel
Games not for you then
You seriously can't think everything can be enjoyed by everyone.
the game really does make you feel like sekiro
Clickbait, and you fell for it.
Still trying to legitimately beat a mid-boss I accidentally cheesed, it's the first Purple Ninja in the Hirata estates.
It's funny though. If they only played the game for a while, they'd realize that the game offers you many ways to cheese a fight. You can deflect the Blazing Bull's charge and end the fight in five minutes, or keep chasing his ass. You can take out every one of Jyuzou's posse and re-aggro him later once you have the samurai partner, etc.
They don't want to feel challenged.
Based cheatchad
I thought the first phase of isshin was harder desu, though his third phase is definitely the easiest
This is why I post that I pirated games desu. I pirated Sekiro btw
So basically easy mode is unnecessary
Exactly, the baby took the advice to just use a trainer.
I just beat Isshin a few seconds ago
Feelin pretty good right about now
How exactly do you cheat? Using a guide?
I had to use a guide to figure out how to beat Black Cerberus in The Surge. I had 80K scrap just from attempting to beat him, so about 20+ tries. Never would have guessed the trick to beat it.
>They don't want to feel challenged.
they never do, not in ideas, not in politics, not in beliefs, not in movies, not in music, not in books.
trainers that give you infinite health and increase posture damage making things a one hit kill
b-b-b-b-but you gotta support the industry!
I don't have fun when I use cheats.
Took me a while but I beat Sword Saint on my own and it felt damn good.
There is literally NOTHING (0 things) wrong with having difficulty settings. Get over your stupid egos, incels.
Shitposting on Yea Forums is more fun than playing games, so if someone like FROM goes under and people cry about it on here, it's more value for me, not less.
When will gaymen journalism end? We no longer need it.
if you haven't beaten the game with demon bell and kuro's charm active you haven't even really played the game
This is the correct way to handle difficulty settings. You can be a pussy, but you have to acknowledge it and accept that you are definitively the untermensch.
Kill yourself you damn cheater
t. thinks little of himself and lashes out at others for it
I mean, you learned the game and exploited a weakness. They way it's meant to be.
t. tranny
Does your world view change when you find out that name you put between parentheses wasn't a Jewish one? How do you react to being proven wrong?
I thought this was another fake headline thread.
I really shouldn't be surprised that it's real.
since when journalism is a fucking blog?
How is this game hard, once you learn the gimmick, it gets very boring. I struggled against LB but by Genishiro it was over.
have sex
I hope the DLC has even harder and crazier fights.
I would've had him 30 minutes earlier if I didn't jump off the cliff like a retard when he was 2 hits away from death.
People who play easy modes don't play games. They wanna play movies and games aren't that good at being movies so they are both scrubs and plebs.
>People think From looks at this loser and laugh when Miyazaki himself would probably be sad for him that he couldn't enjoy the game and went so far as to ruin it for himself instead of believing in himself to get better at it and conquer it through work and perseverance.
>My identity is based around playing computer-based glorified obstacle courses at the highest predefined difficulty when video games are no where close to difficult in the grand scheme of challenges available here on Earth
Lol, I couldn't even imagine being you and I've completed every single fromsoft game
Solution: make an even harder mode and call it normal mode, push the current difficulty into "easy mode".
Git gud.
Who are you quoting? There is no end to playing games if not the challenge and interaction with the systems. Generally games aren't played for their stories because other mediums are better at it and do the same kinds of stories in games better than games do. Have sex.
Ah yes Ocarina of Time and Crysis, great games known for their blistering difficulty
Have sex
>implying they are only popular for their stories void of all challenge and gameplay
Take it back to r/braincels, Elliot
Can't really blame him. I like that they were experimenting with the combat in this game but it's a mess.
>Ocarina of Time
>No easy mode
No respect for cheaters and hackers.
Especially those who brag about it.
He feels no shame because he never had any principles to begin with.
I'm glad you admit defeat. All according to keikaku. *sheathes dick*
>feels fine
>needs to proclaim to the world he cheated
i jerked off in the shower and i feel fine
just admit that your ego is derived from digital entertainment created by other people, we all know it's true you're fooling nobody
This one post ended the thread.
Why? You are the one projecting all this identity crap. All I've ever said is that games have no reason to exist without the gameplay and an easy mode that trivializes gameplay away is boring. The only people who think beating video games is something to be proud of is the people clammering for easy modes so they can beat those games and talk to their friends about how they beat them as if it is some sort of epeen or twitter clout. Beating a video game is nothing to pride yourself in or """base your identity around""" because video games are literally made to be beaten. I was kinda getting tired of the shitposting but I'd figure I'd humor you one last time because it's getting harder to tell that you are just acting retarded and aren't actually retarded and someone to be pitied.
It's ok, he's a pussy though
Just because you don't derive identity from hard games doesn't mean most of the people in this thread don't, like who is actually upset someone """"cheated"""" in a single player game
Those are better be some shit cheats.
God speed Banned member of resetera.
Then why @ me with that?
Oh Captain my Captain!
Yea Forumsutistic Yea Forumsirgins
Why doesn't Sekiro just fucking behead Genshiro? How many times is this faggot not gonna die?
>banned for that
I mean, if this journo got past Genichiro then whatever. Genichiro is the only boss you can't cheese in any way and he's pretty tough. Frankly, you're a shinobi, not some noble knight with honor. If you feel satisfied with cheesing then that's on you. You paid for it.
I've been wondering this for a while now but why are people always so mad that action games are too hard and don't even an easy mode but no one bats an eye when puzzle games are too hard?
Where're all the articles about Baba is You being too inaccessible for the mentally retarded?
>Where're all the articles about Baba is You being too inaccessible for the mentally retarded?
Because all the chad downies are too busy eating dirt to care.
It's not even bragging. It's a sort of humble preemptive defensiveness. Like the writer knows cheating is obviously taboo, and is trying to convince not just the audience that it's fine, but also himself. Like a kid who plays with fire or throws rocks at small animals and asks what the big deal is when he gets scolded for it.
suppose this post was to much of a challenge to swallow so they banned.
Oh no, losing some Yea Forums faggot's respect!
Very much like a tranny, yes. They had a goal but they just ended up mutilated but all like "look at me boys" as though anyone with any sense wants that shit
I felt like I was missing something with the blazing bull, and I googled "blazing bull sekiro" just to see if there was a hint I could use. Someone mentioned "fireworks" or something like that from the vendor after Gyoubu. And I felt disappointed in myself. So I killed the bull by staying behind it at all times and blocking/deflecting what attacks I could.
Better than nothing I guess.
Someone explain to me the points of these articles. What is the actual point of """writers""" telling the rest of the world that they cheated to beat a vidya game?
>thought third phase Ishin was going to be a ball buster.
>Lightning attacks.
because the faggot killed himself
unloading guilt.
But most of all, getting clicks from retards like you see on this board.
I did the same shit, took that nigga to second phase and just couldnt deal with that lance. I feel like shit about it though
have hetero sex
Whenever someone complains about difficulty like thus respond with their own GAMERS RISE UP meme
Post achievements and playtimes. If you're not overcoming a challenge, then why even play video games. I play games because I enjoy the challenge.
He's a cheater but at least he's being honest about it and that I can respect. Hopefully he had fun and eventually comes back for a legit playthrough.
Fucking faggots that demand cheats to be integrated into the game as an "assist mode" just so that you wouldn't be able to call them out for their cheating are the real cancer and should all be gassed.
Can't summon.
You never played Crisis on the hardest difficulty, did you? In addition to it's graphics, It's actually known for certain aspects of it's difficulty changes. Poser.
write an article on forbes about it, might make you feel better.
Back to the l'Arc en Ciel, Sully.
>games are about hard work and perserverance to overcome a challenge
>just cheat because you couldn't handle the bantz
In a way its fitting. These types of peope will never grow
Not that user but just wanna toot my horn
>asking for easy mode
lowkey projecting their white privilege in the games they play
No one cares if you cheat in a game. People care when you boast about it. If you cheat in extra materials in Monster Hunter because you want Rathalos armor, but don't want to farm for plates, because fuck having a 1% drop rate. yeah sure whatever, but you didn't earn it so don't boast about it like you accomplished something. With that being said, cheating in Sekiro completely defeats the purpose of the game and should be mocked.
Back in the day, I beat Twisted Metal 2 with every character with infinate ammo, infinate health and homing napalms activated.
I saw all the endings, I blew shit up and I loved it.
I was also 13, and a shit gamer.
Now, I never use cheats and have beaten hundreds of games without them.
It's a perfecrly valid thing for a noob to do noob things like cheat. It's also valid not to.
What's stupid and annoying it people bitching because other people to things (on either side) that you don't like. Especially when said things effect you in no way, shape or form.
I'm not taking a firm stance on weather Sekiro is too hard or not, because I genuenly do not care about that. But I will say that if noobs wanna pretend to be hardcore and either cheat or use an easy mode in any game, then what's the harm? And also, if someone wants to be challenged, fight bullshit hard enemies and brag online, then what's the harm in that?
It would be best if each side had their own, mutually exclusive pool of games, but that's just not how it is. So shut the fuck up and deal with it.
Impressive. I got to the part with the pink hat or whatever and said fuck it. I should go back to it though.
Souls game's aren't hard.
t. 1000 hours in the series
No one cares that people cheat. They care that they feel the need to attack those who don't by using cripples as a reason for an easy mode, and then boasting about using cheats.
Nobody, but that doesn't mean we can't mercilessly mock scrubs for being scrubs. Plus the guy who wrote this article robbed himself of the entire point of the game, overcoming adversity. He's probably used to playing shitty movie games where the "gameplay" is a vehicle for some shitty fanfic teir story.
Get on my level.
desu more power to you if you want to cheat. My only problem here is that these journos actually have the gall to clickbait people by writing an article about it.
>mfw it only took me three tries
The souls series challenge is actually non-existent because all the obstacles can be overcome with simple persistence. Any boss can be beaten by simply out levelling them.
I don’t give a shit about what other people do.
>And I feel fine
That’s what I often do in games if I’m dying to progress but can’t break the skill wall. I eventually go back to it with a save but I’m not going to get into controller-tossing frustration when I can just quickly run a console command or run a trainer.
The only reason you'd be bothered by someone boasting about winning something is because you believe there is egotistical validation obtained from beating said thing this the cheater is devaluing it.
Your ego is toed to video games and it is hilarious and pathetic
So, he publicly admits that he sucks at video games and his opinion should be disregarded. Got it, thanks.
Add easy mode but make it an unlock only available after beating the game normally
Video games are my hobby, of course I care about them James.
Imagine having a sense of supperiority from playing a digital obstical course
Fuck yeah I don't need to imagine it. I'm living it every day.
And it feels good.
You can't argue against my points because you know i'm right, so you start attacking my character.
Guess how I know you're a virgin AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
What's wrong with being a virgin? That's not very inclusive.
Because your character is the problem here, you are moving numbers around in a computer and then attacking others for moving them around in a different way
It actually is inclusive because everyone is born a virgin, fuck off virgin