The man who leaked Assassin's Creed Rogue, Unity, Syndicate, Origins...

The man who leaked Assassin's Creed Rogue, Unity, Syndicate, Origins, and Odyssey JUST CONFIRMED that the 2020 game is codenamed Assassin's Creed: Kingdom and is about VIKINGS

What do you think about this? Will medieval England and Scandinavia be a good setting?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hope this is fake, pussified vikings is the last thing I wanna see.

badass! good job Ubisoft!

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I cant wait for the nigger vikings that 100% existed


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I'm expecting shieldmaidens out the ass for brownie points. That said, I'm onboard with the idea, pretty glad they're moving away from the mediterrenean for the next game.

stay butthurt, nazis

Just do japan already ffs you can insert all kinds of sjw bs and people would not care

don´t forget the strong wyman vikings

It’s gonna take place in the 800’s because that’s were most of Viking drama comes from. And the setting will be shit since Northern Europe at the time consisted of a bunch of villages. No castles either.

vikings is the 2nd most boring shitty historical setting imaginable
the 1st is, naturally, feudal japan

unless they actually change up the combat and gameplay drastically I don´t care

>muh noble savage vikings again
Yikes, I mean I'm all for a good Viking game that portrays them like the vicious blood thirsty animals they were. I'm just sick of all this nu-norsemen bullshit.

If Ubisoft had an ounce of creativity left they would have done a more interesting less known about setting. They could have made a game about ancient Mesopotamia with the Assyrians or one about the ancient clans in china before the first dynasty. They could have gone with the Roman campaign in Terraconesis (Iberia) against the Celt/Iberian tribes and the seige of Numantia (epic as fuck). Hell they could have gone full ancient aliens and made one about the Maya/Olmec/Inca. Instead we get's going to be real interesting all the mental loops they will got through to add a ton of shitskins into the game. I'm sure they will use slave trade and the occasional arab merchant as an excuse.

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they can't do Japan because the cat would be out of the bag at that point as Japan is 99% homogeneous and ANY browns or niggers on display would 100% expose their agenda

They literally cannot do it

>Another Assassin's creed where you don't assassin people
>Shit RPG mechanics
>No historical value
what happened to the ayys ?

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so you're saying there is a chance..?

Assassins creed is a good for history, incel.

I'm only joking. Ubisoft just has a habit of being weird with PC shit. For instance, in Origins, the Egyptians were actually ... Egyptian. There was only 3 black characters in the game. 2 of which were villains.

So they didn't fall for the historical revisionism there. But for some reason they decided to brag about how they included both male AND female children at the school in Alexandria, because they felt it was the right thing to do, even when girls weren't allowed there IRL. As if anyone would have ever noticed the difference between potato-faced children models in some small ass corner of the game?

Kinda weird man

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Cant wait to see 50% of the viking warriors/raiders as STRONG MASCULINE WOMEN and have the Viking portrayed as virtuous and noble while the Christian Anglos will be evil and oppressive. Ubisoft is very predictable with this.

Fuck those over used sets

>implying they wouldn't make a Japan game with Yasuke-kun dicking all the jap women.

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no, retard

will there be BERSERKERS?

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Do they really have to tie all their games to this shitty assassins plot formula?

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Let's hear yours, shitter.

Berskers existed.

shield maidens aren't real

In that picture Bayek does look Egyptian but his voice was made with a strong West African accent. Also as someone from that part of the world Egypt was still heavily and purposefully made more Black than it actually was and is.

Medieval England is of course a great setting, but Scandinavia? There's no castles, forts, or monuments to explore. They had 2-story wooden buildings at best. I feel like that will be really boring.

Egypt and Greece at least had many monuments, ancient wonders, temples and large cities in between the wilderness parts.

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Voice actor race doesn't matter. It's like when people complain Apu from the Simpsons is voiced by a white guy. It's VOICE ACTOR not RACE ACTOR.

(And I just loved Bayek's voice either way, that guy had some great range and emotion.)

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they'll probably make it more fantasy, big viking halls on the edges of mountains, underground druidic cities in england and old ruins of roman construction.

Egyptians back then were definitely less blacker and genetically nearly pure caucasians than Egyptians today. Genetics recently proved this. Egyptians today are crypto-nogs just look at Nasser. From my research it’s because of the Islamic slave trade and breeding black women. Black arabs and their descendants even though they’re part black are called “Abeeds” deragotry term for niggers in Arabic.

I know this is hearsay for a viking game but please no ship combat, it was so dull in Odyssey. If there is ship combat give us another magic maguffin like the spear, but have it also effect the boat so we can get some fucking weapon variety

Absolute garbage. Pic related looks like many Egyptians of today.

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>bayek's VA gets no awards
>kass gets a dorito pope nomination
Absolutely bullshit, kass & alex have bland voice acting

Can they just reboot this shit already

Pic related is a modern Egyptian for comparison.

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Average Egyptian today is 17% genetically negroid. Average Egyptian between 1400 BC to 500 AD was 9% genetically negroid. Average Egyptian even before that we be near pure Caucasian since Egyptians got kek’d by Nubians in 700 BC.

The history and knowledge is there brainlet. And Nasser looks like a negroid, google him.

they'll revamp it a bit more i bet.

You'd see some very dark peasants walking around but none of them were actually black. Just extreme tan skinned. The only actual black characters i remember was the Hyena chick at Giza, The guy at Letopolis who double crosses you and buries you in the desert, and the one hunter chick Bayek recruits to be an assassin.

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Negroid admixture.

True but that guy isn't the pale-skinned Aryan the retards here would have you believe. He's clearly got a slightly tan complexion with dark hair. Which is appropriate, because Egypt is located in the middle East.

there's no egyptians, retard. There are arabs shits who swarmed Egypt territory centuries ago

Mesoamerica would be 10/10

No. We've been over this. You go egypt, greece, then japan. The symbols in that animus sequence in 3 point to this.

Then you do any other shitty time period you want, then mayans, a Darius game and then Ashurbanipal. Then you do Vlad the impaler and finish the series off with a title set in the future

Black Flag already exists desu.

Imagine being this much of a brainlet. So far no sources/proofs from you. Egyptians have more varied features than the Chinese but still on the whole they look like Ancient Egyptians as large scale population change was not as common as people think.

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Vikings will be fine if they let us SAIL to places instead of being stuck in Norway or Denmark.

You know, England, France, Spain, The Mediterranean, they even went to Africa and Constantinople.

They still make these games? It's literally the same shit every time with a different coat of paint

>tfw I saw this coming the second they started hamming up the mythological elements in Origins
hopefully they keep hamming that shit up because this game stopped being about assassins the second they had you play as the town hero in ACO

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they might show actual sex scenes at that point.

You're gonna doubt the guy who leaked literally all those games 6+ months early? He works for Kotaku, yes, but his leaks haven't been wrong so far.

How is that so?

I agree the we wuz aryans are as retarded as the we wuz kangs, but western liberals seem to think the people of the middle east are interchangeable with sub Saharan Africans.

I was hoping for a China-Japan-India trilogy

Odyssey had almost the whole of Greece so i suspect they'll add the edges of Scandinavia and the whole of the british isles.

someone explain this shit: If Bayak's son is dead then how did layla exist?

He's in
I used to really like this show before season 4 too, fuck history channel

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Fucking hell, you're right. Everyone was saying it's gonna be an "ancient trilogy" despite origins being in 49BC, not in an ancient time period. It's really a PANTHEON trilogy.

>Egyptian gods
>Greek gods
>Norse Gods

I just want an Ass Creed game set in favelas

I don't care about shitty vikings. I want to be a ninja who dresses up in different disguises and poisons fat warlords while they sit around waiting for their cock sleeves to giggle at their tiny penis

no one wants modern ac.

Bayek or Aya met someone else somewhere down the line & had another kid

Maybe they'll instead do Witcher 3 style, instead of 1 big map they'll have isolated maps set far apart. I think that would work best, otherwise we won't have much variety or interesting cities.

What are the chances we get to capture and sell slaves, be mercenaries around Europe, and go explorin on longboats?

I do

Layla is not their ancestor. New animus literally just plays memories from any DNA, you don't need to be related. She got Bayek&Aya's DNA from their mummies and Cassandra's DNA from some 2,300 year old dried blood on a fucking spear she found under a rock.

25%, 75% and 100%

you do have a point there, but i hope for some long distance sailing with great sea serpents and violent storms. Having a hub section in Miklegard or some place would be great. This would be the protagonist etching his name in Constantinople,

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herodotus got lazy if he decided to just leave it under some rubble by the side of a road


Fuck that. Ancient India around the time of Chandragupta would be the tits. The Mahabharata could work really well with the ancient technology and shit.

We won't be able to catch slaves but AC Origins and Odyssey actually explored the subject with some nuance. There's quests where slaves don't want to be freed because they don't know any other life. Shit like that.

So maybe it could tie into the story somehow but I don't think it'll be a mechanic.

play Max Payne 3?

No, Baltic sea only. Fuck anglos, frenchies and everyone who thinks they're entitled to viking history. Vikings are for scandis only.

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None, quite, almost 100%

>capture and sell slaves
no chance
>be mercenaries around Europe
extremely low chance. You'll most likely have an accounting minigame where you send recruits/ships/whatever to "missions" all around Europe but you'll personally be limited to one map.
>go explorin on longboats
Possible, but given the setting there's a lot less to do around the British Isles than the Carribeans from black flag.

better yet Maya when the civilisation was collapsing

but i want to raid and trade!

Nah, it's not the same.

Don't worry, the series is bound to visit Asia/India sooner or later. They can't avoid that forever. I expect backlash anyways for this viking game, because certain people were already complaining AC is avoiding "diverse" settings such as Asia.

Stupid idea honestly. GoW 2 will be out by the time this turd rolls around.

No. It's going to have shitskin vikings, guaranteed.


The media has been saying there's a Division 2 easter egg teasing this

It's the Baltic sea, there are Balts made for raping and pillaging.

And nearly every single character in Odyssey is brown as fuck, not how ancient Greeks looked. Even today most Greeks aren't that dark tone, and this is after 500 years of slavery under the Turkish empire. Ancient Greeks were genetically entirely European still, and the only difference in skin color between them and Slavs would have been that they live only a slightly more south.

Yep, you can see it here:

Hmm, I agree to some extent, but there's something to be said for living in a Mediterranean country and spending all day sailing or working the fields. Lower classes and seafarers will definitely be tanned. And that is the case for most of the game.

But then you have shit like this, which is just silly.

Also, my issue lies more in the fact they just MAKE UP giant statues and monuments to look cool, shit that NEVER existed IRL. And you can't use shields or be in a Phalanx. And it's a grindfest.

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>Even today most Greeks aren't that dark tone
Yeah, maybe because they live in a modern city and spend most of their time indoors and aren't exposed to the sun 24/7.
If you look at Odyssey's characters you can see their features are still European, they're just very tanned, more than most people would ever get today.

Same shit new skin. You level up from 1-50, enemies 2-3 levels or more higher are sponges, bandit camps, caves, fortresses, leader houses and tons of boat riding are the bulk of the content. The boat combat will continue to be shit. They will add a Hawk or a Falcon for the drone view.

Greeks have a Semitic look, they literally look like arabs and most Greeks today have coily African hair.

>Still no game set in precursor time
>Not even a segment

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Yeah. Origins was refreshing, then Odyssey bloated it and cranked up the grind, I think a new game with that formula won't be too welcome. They need to change it up again .

Well, it's not feudal Japan, but at least it's in master race territory instead of Italian Mafia land. Next one better be in ancient china or Feudal Japan though. I swear to god man

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Pic related, the largest city possible in game thanks to the advanced culture of the Vikings. Amazing!

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The very least its time to shed the stealth out entirely. Assassin doesn't need to mean ninja, you are someone hired to kill a named target likely through any means. Especially in a Viking setting, let us go all out and have an even better combat system.

>feudal Japan
Worst setting ever

Roman empire game could have been so cool, especially if they took advantage of the massive size the empire encompassed at it's peak.

Why fuedal japan? Why not Joman era japan?

Boshin war or gtfo

If they ever do Japan I hope it's during the Meiji revolution, not the feudal era.

having Hedeby, Birka, Kaupang and such in game would be very cool.

your mum LOL

True but the climbing aspect would be all but lost, those cities are extremely flat and they didn't have tall buildings.

Wait they still didn't prevent destruction of the Earth?

>Hawk or a Falcon for the drone view.
It will be a Raven this time

that's why i expect they'd make Scandinavia fringe territory with England and parts of western Europe take the main scene due to bigger buildings.

Just insert some fantasy half-probable shit if stretched to its limit stuff that fills it up enough to be of gameplay use.
>This one area had a miniature lighthouse maybe according to some map we can't source
>Did it say it was 6 stories high, with a permanent fire inside and it was common to stack hay next to it?
>N-no don't think so
>Well, now it is *eagle scream in the distance*

They made shit up for Odyssey, they can just make shit up for this one.

Hmm, well it depends on which Unit studio is making it. Ubisoft Quebec has shown they have no issues with just MAKING UP giant-ass monuments solely to look cool, as well as having magic superhuman powers and shit.

Ubisoft montreal on the other hand strives to be more authentic...

Quebec made Odyssey, right? I would expect Montreal to make the next game.

Makes sense, numales love vikings right now with God of Onions and the show Basedkings, they want the numale audience

What do you guys think of "Modern Paganism" / Odinists?

Are they LARPers, Cultural preservation, neo-nazis, or something else?

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vikings are the most boring shit.

They could make Assassins Creed Africa and it would be exactly the same shit

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mostly just autistic hippies

It's hard to say. It probably won't be Quebec, we can be thankful for that. But Montreal had been working on Origins since Black Flag from 2014-2017, around 3&1/2 years. So only 3~ years for a 2020 release, I don't know if that's enough time.

At least, that's not enough time to significantly change things up, it could just be a setting swap with the same gameplay. But I don't think that's what they would want to do.

Isn't there another Team that makes AC? not Ubi Sofia, but who made Unity, Ac3, Ac2&B&R?

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that seems to be the usual time for ac games these days, three years. Origins got 4 due to the mechanical changes.
The team that made Unity etc was Montreal atleast.

it's a LARP. there's really not enough info to go on to recreate the norse religion to its full extent. Most are just bits and pieces.

Given that it's the Canucks who are making it, is Vinland in?

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a whole ten houses.
I'd doubt they take the risque with that.

They did already

American Assassin's Creed set in the Oregon Trail when?

Love Vikings but I don't want to play Assassins Creed. Ubisoft should just ditch the name and all the animus related stuff.

sounds good but i want to be able to plunder and pillage. assassins creed go all pussy when it comes to killing civvies

or maybe youre fighing against the vikangs idk

Bring back social stealth. Tie it into what you're wearing. Armor = more defense but you stick out. Disguises. Etc.

Make enemies less spongey, make EXP less of a grind.

Don't let us choose gender, it only makes the writing of the character worse bevause everything they do must apply to both a man and a woman. Pick one and stick with it. Like in every other AC.

Keep dialogue choices, but have the "animus glitch" effect play at random when you choose them. Like the optional scenes in AC1&2 you had to press a button to see. This way you still have choice but it doesn't break canon.

Bring back the HUD that reminds us we're in a simulation. Health = Synchronization. Shit like that. Its just a little flavor that makes the series more unique.

Tone down focus on ancient civilisation. They should be powerful and mysterious not found around every corner with everyone having an artifact.

Remove romances, these added nothing but poor writing by making every lover bisexual, and it's just a fade-to-black scene. Write in an ACTUAL love interest for the protagonist.

There you go I fixed AC.

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I JUST NEED A GAME BASED ON INDIA FFS. NO, Chronicles doesn't count. Seriously though, there's so much potential to make a good AC game based on South Asia but idk what's stopping them.

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They're saving India and Japan for when they need to win back the fans. Just like with Egypt


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>Black Flag

Vikings was one of those shows that just didn't work after Ragnar was gone.

Did anyone else play the multiplayer? I actually liked it a lot and thought it was unique and fit the game well. I was pretty disappointed when they stopped including it after 4.

That’s kinda boring

I always considered it but never actually bothered
Don't you have to pretend to be an AI and sneak up on someone else

His son Ivar the Incel had such potential as a anti-hero character but instead they just turn him into Viking hitler with 0 subtlety

So the protagonist is gonna be a woman probably because sjw shit

Yea. If a player was stalking you you'd hear whispers and they'd intensify as they got closer. You had to try to blend in or run and hope they didn't catch up to you. There was a bunch of skills to help a player blend in like Disguise, but you couldn't use them in front of a player because they'd see the animation play out.

That could be pulled off only 2 ways:

Either really well with an interesting and nuanced perspective that respects history

Or total fucking bullshit that just amounts to SHIELDMAIDENS WOOOOOO

Unfortunately I think they're going to have a gender choice so not only will it be shallow, the male character won't be good either.

>we wuz viKINGs and shit

>No assassins creed/watchdogs crossover using a modern day setting
Fucking hell why

one of the modern day abstergo characters from black flag is killed in the first watch dogs so they are in the same universe

Kind of already happened. In watch dogs 1 you kill a Templar from AC4.

I think watch dogs must have been born from the idea of a "modern day" AC game,
and of course a GTA competitor, however I think the series would be better off in a futuristic setting where there's more things to hack and mess around with.

That's an absolute, horrific, tremendous fucking waste and i'm disgusted that Ubisoft is doing this.

The entire Asscreed series is about parkouring around huge, urban cities and expierencing the high culture of ancient and historical civillizations. The vikings didn't HAVE large cities. There's so many other cool interesting, and underused historical settings that do have large cities, complex socities, etc and they go fucking vikings because normies are familar with it, I guess? Even though Asscreed has never minded doing more obscure shit like the Golden Age of Piracy, the French Revolution etc?

Litterally any of these would be better or as good:

>Roman Republic/Empire
>European Middle Ages
>Proper Ancient Egypt (as opposed to origin's poltemic egypt)
> Bronze Age mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylon, etc)
>Ancient Persia
>Ancient or Medieval India
>Medivial Southeast asian kingdoms (Khmer, Sukhothai etc
>Ancient or Medivial China, you could do like 3 fucking mainline games in China alone
>Fuedal Japan
>Postclassical Mesoamerica (Aztec, Purepecha, etc)
>Classical Mesoamerica (Maya, Teotihuacan, etc)
>Late Horizon Andes (Inca Empire)

For fucks sake, AFRICA has some kingdoms and empires as good or better then the Vikings, like the Mali, Songhai, Benin, etc, and at least those would be interesting and not overused as fuck

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Assassin’s Creed doesn’t take place in anything that close to the real world anyway with fucking magic apples. Who cares if niggers and spics are in it?

Fuck niggers

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Calm down, edge boy.

Great, can't wait to see how they try to force the characters be 60% female warriors.

Spotted the leftwing liberal

Enjoy immigrants

They did that in the last two

>how dare you want the game based on historical event to be historically accurate? You are literally a nazi!!!!!!!!!!

You just made all of that shit up

For all we know the next AC is a historical souls clone or a hack n slash with stealth mechanics for assassinations

I know about Aiden killing Garneau, I want them to expand on the shared verse a bit more. You could make a game with that setting, say a fixer/initiate running around for the brotherhood hacking abstergo shit and freeing animus prisoners so they dont end up like Clay, missions like that

I miss tenchu too man...

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There's a 0% chance it won't have ship combat. It's really popular in AC and vikings are known for sailing

I'm tired of fucking ship combat in these games. It's stupid.

You dont get to have the heritatge of a proud concuring warrior race with out acknowledging the bastard bro

>talking about the precise percentage of DNA for people who've been dead for millennia

>thinking a DNA test can tell you what someone's appearance is

>Hell they could have gone full ancient aliens and made one about the Maya/Olmec/Inca

m8 the inca and other Andean civilizations are 4000 miles away from Mesoamerican ones like the Maya, Olmec, Aztec, etc; the two were entirely seperate cradles of civilization; Greece and India have litterally more geographic and cultural exchange then they did.

Also making Ancient Alien shit be more promiant for them would be dumb as fuck. For them to just go "lmao they only have complex shit because ayys" instead of trying to actually convey how and why they were a complex society and give some context to them would be a waste. The only reason ancient aliens shit is so associated with them to begin with is because unlike with European or East Asian history, nobody gets fucking taught stuf about actual Mesoamerican or Andean society or history, or how they developed over time, so people just see the ruins and pyramids in a vacumn.

If people actually learned the whole timeline of their history (pic related is a good summary), and about their society, nobody would bother with ancient aliens shit

Attached: mesoamerica history summary.png (1457x1555, 343K)

Vikings did not use their ships for battle. It was a last resort to fire arrows from them or something.

Try playing black flag and odyssey then get back to me

I'm really excited. Unironically.

>despite origins being in 49BC, not in an ancient time period.

>2068 years ago isn't ancient

Mirrors edge?

literally no proof for or against it.

This was found out a year ago

We already got prince of persia tho

How do you feel about playing as a female viking? Because that will be an option.

>The man who leaked Assassin's Creed Rogue, Unity, Syndicate, Origins, and Odyssey
Who's this fucking guy

Don't forget that the vikangz wuz black

The ships aren't built for speed, they're relatively small, they capsize if too many people are aboard them standing up, they do not have rams and are not made for ramming.

They're TRAVEL ships made to go long distances. Not for battle or naval warfare.

dont give a shit since they'll incorporate fantasy elements into it anyway.

Well on the one hand ubisoft is afraid of offending anyone or causing controversy that doesn't boost sales

On the other hand they wouldn't be black slaves, AAA games have had slavery (shadow of war) and AC has touched on slavery before with no problem

>mercenary all around Europe

Well actually far cry new dawn has something like this with its new special missions so rather high

> exploring on longboats

Considering black flag, rogue, odyssey and origins... 100% chance of this.

Will Kassandra be in this due to her being alive until 2018?

Tenchu Z was so much fun, killing guards while hanging from the ceiling isn't something you see often. The boss fights were pretty bad though.

And ANCIENT Egypt was 4,000-5,000 years ago. Ptolemeic Egypt was literally right before the 1st century and is considered classical not ancient.

I hope not.

>there's a lot less to do around the British Isles than the Carribeans from black flag.

What do you mean?

>extremely low chance. You'll most likely have an accounting minigame where you send recruits/ships/whatever to "missions" all around Europe but you'll personally be limited

Well far cry new dawn added expeditions where you go to some far off location (a special map) to raid a base for supplies

Just imagine unironically waiting for an assassin's creed game in 2019

Really excited to see all the racially diverse medieval Norsemen (52% of whom are women) and all the other dumb cunt shit they'll shoehorn into it. Fuck Ubisoft.

Well that's a fair point however origins had ship combat in a way despite not having things like canons

>>No historical value

Didn't Origins have a mode that was literally just a walking History class?

This. Like what the fuck is the point of this series anymore? It was supposed to be a trilogy and the bad guys were supposed to die in the third game. Now instead we have 25 parts, the original protagonist is dead and the metaplot is total horseshit. What is the point?

shieldmaidens at least were a thing though. While they were no part of raids or battles normally, viking women usually knew a bit of how to fight

But I like Kassandra. She has a nice ponytail

Yes, it also revised things to make it more "inclusive"

really depends on the type, cargo or war, as they could hold many tons of wares and about 70 men are needed if they work in shifts to row. I doubt they're made for ramming, you have a point there, but viking ships for the most part, are very versatile and can be quite fast if they're sleek enough, as seen with potentially the Gokstad ship or the Tune ship.
They're far from greek triremes or such when it comes to naval warfare though, but many naval battles have happened from ship to ship as written in the sagas or the numerous skaldic kvads.

This makes sense considering how they rebuilt the boat and sailing mechanic in odyssey and a viking setting would heavily emphasize sailing and pillaging so they would utilize the sailing mechanic and probably expand on it a bit more.

And don't forget "fans" assmad at the canon ending of your character having a straight sexual intercourse, because you know... the game is based on descendants or wathever.

"ancient" is a relative category. As points out, "ancient" egypt is speffically like Old/New Kingdom egypt, since egypt is so old, and on the other end of the spectrum, "Ancient Mexico" still includes stuff from 0ad to 1500ad, etc, since civilization there only really started around 1000BC

Sounds good to me. Kassandra was really hot and it was fun playing a godlike spartan chick. Playing a godlike viking chick/valkyrie would be fun too.

a bit of everything. The only thing they all have in common is to blame modern religion for everything and that all old cultures were enlightened.

I met some guy who tried to claim that all European cultures were vegans before they were converted to Christianity.

Well Triremes were historically used for battle, primarily ramming each other, or boarding. Although They didn't really have a lot of archers on deck, as again, that would imbalance the ship.

Do you like Kassandra's ponytail and want to pull on it?

Attached: Kassandra 3.gif (268x310, 1.89M)


maybe a bit for the ending. Just to connect to Rogue which played in the same part of the world.

Though they seem to be very intent on not connecting to the older games and actually being shitty ARPGs instead of having anything to do with assassinations

wow, that's pretty retarded. Did you get through to him or did you just let him speak his mind.

we wuz viKingz

They could definitely fire arrows from onboard the longboat if they were traveling down a river or something but they absolutely 100% did not have battles with other ships.

I won't mind a female viking protagonist just PLEASE don't let us pick between male and female, it just makes the writing shit and the character less focused and generic because they're writing shit to apply to 2 people at once. Either have MALE or FEMALE protag, don't let us choose.

I thought it was almost confirmed that the next game would be Rome so that they could reuse tons of assets from Origins?

Can someone redpill me on the animus and the future timeline story?

I never played past 2.
What happens to Desmond?

Whoever leaked that Information must have thought Ubisoft Sofia was making a Rome game because they actually worked on the Roman-occupied Cyrene region in AC origins.

Desmond dies. Future timeline is retarded first and then nearly completely abandoned. The only real thing that happened was that Abstergo pretty much controls everything but there are still Assassins

Desmond blows up a temple and dies saving the world

This. Kassandra should have been the only playable character in Odyssey

well you could check the Battle of Svolder or the battle of Nisaa, which prove naval warfare in those parts atleast.

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If they had chosen a less known setting then you wouldn't be able to recognize the historical stuff easily which may defeat the purpose of putting it all in the game and make it far less marketable

Plus an AC setting needs to facilitate the gameplay

Sorry, I misunderstood. Boarding other ships definitely happened, I thought you mean rows of archer firing arrows and shit like that.

>Desmond dies
>Future story spends like 5 games not advancing at all before being resolved in some random comc
>New storyline featuring some chick and her misadventures

Attached: ac comics.png (660x328, 270K)

Could be alright, I would be down to go on adventures as a warrior woman with a cloak, helmet and shield.

This, Vikings are a FUCKING WASTE

am i the only person that wants an assassins creed game to take place in early 1900s new york city and you get to run around sky scrapers and construction

Attached: new-york-construction-workers-lunching-on-a-crossbeam_u-l-pzs3wh0.jpg (550x413, 47K)

oh, right. Looks like we just wrote past each other, but that happens, so.

They should have done this from Assassin's Creed 3 and make the assassin half-portuguese half-japanese.

The closest we got was when you climp up the Eiffel Tower in Nazi occupied France in Unity

>The video game will continue to be a video game

Also you only described 2 of them anyway

underrated post

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Not gonna lie, I despise beaners and all but fuck me if I wouldn't play some kind of gritty dark horror fantasy Aztec/Mayan themed game. Where you have to kidnap people and sacrifice them to your blood gods and go into caves that lead into the underworld and fight demi-gods.

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Calm your tits mesoamerican user. I know, I was just bundling up the cultures of Central/South America to make a point. I doubt many anons besides you know anything about the it aside from the blood sacrifice memes. I think it would be fascinating to see a non-politically correct version of Aztec mythos by a good studio. It will never happen because western studios are incompetent as fuck and Japs would just make a ton of waifus. Unless Fromsoft makes some kind of mesoamerican Dark Souls.

>I despise beaners

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They hit a new formula they will churn out, I described the future until the games start selling poorly or doing critically bad like Unity and Syndicate.

Only if I can giver her black highlights and have her fuck black guys.

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White people aren't allowed to have any culture for them

I just started playing origins. How involved is rome in the story?


They'd probably just make all the Indians be negroids.

How would that make it less marketable? If the marketing team knows what they are doing they can definitely make it marketable. I doubt anyone played Origins because "OMG!!!1! CLEOPATRA YAAAASSSS QUEEEEEN" maybe some faggots did. This is like saying you can't make a fantasy RPG because nobody will recognize the setting.

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It only had one thing changed.
t. I actually played the game.

Julius Ceasar shows up and there's a part of the map occupied by romans

Pre-12 000BC is cool and unexplored both in media and main stream history, so Ubisoft could just make shit up for the huge megalithic cities.

They could make a game set in sub Saharan Africa and have everyone be white.

If the combat and parkour is like Origins or Odyssey then I dont give a shit

>tfw we'll never have an ASScreed game set in Three Kingdoms era china

Fuck all the templar nonsense, I just want a comfy game about carrying out assassinations on merchants, government officials, and anyone I don't agree with while chinese music plays in the background.

>killing merchants
are you a legalist.

I'm surprised they haven't made one by now. With every western developer getting on their knees and chocking on chink cock. Ubisoft seems to be one of the few that isn't aggressively courting the Chinese market.

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I sling my smokebombs and blades for whoever can pay for it user.

>not victorian england
syndicate was a big NOPE same with bb

LOVE me some BLACK and MUSLIM vikings.

I hope all the vikangz are black, wealthy, and highly intelligent.

>french revolution
are you dumb? american here, we dedicated a shit ton of time "learning" about that in school. too much if you ask me.

Nazi has not meaning nowadays, try harder

>Bring back social stealth
Too much of a hustle, they will just copy paste the two previous games system.
>Make enemies less spongey, make EXP less of a grind.
But how are they gonna sell in game boosters if the game is not grindy?
The last good asscred was brotherhood, prove me wrong...

There's 100% going to be blacks as slaves.

Sure, I'll prove it. Everyone can only enjoy the first 2 AC games they play before being burned out. You started with AC2 and Brotherhood was your second game. I started with AC1 and thought brotherhood was shit. In retrospect I realised AC2 was also bad because the combat was so easy and shallow compared to AC1, which was the only game where getting in a big fight had some level of risk.

Attached: pick_a_side_2.jpg (1167x1169, 194K)


>Y-you... you're wrong!
>You didn't just destroy my world
>Nooooo you didn't!

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neck yourself, avatar faggot.

fuck off, next one is set in based rome

Attached: UrbanRome01.jpg (1200x684, 262K)

Lol, I know you hated ac3 purely because it was your third game.

Just like AC2 and acb?

Not the faggo italian rome, but the classical latin rome and also entire peninsula + carthage DLC

>copying the Game of the year

No surprise but quite pathetic really.

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my first was brotherhood, loved it but didnt like revelation or 3 but then i liked black flag. Haven't played any of the new ones.

Oh fuck, you’re actually right.

who gives a fuck, all asscreed games are boring casual trash that plays itself, literally mainstream cancer

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have sex

Shit, but what about Jesus?


I would too but dark-fantasy gorefest Meso-sturff has overdone. Nobody ever talks about how rad their cities were with murals and frescos all over the place, gardens built into the courtyards and in noble's homes, their circles of poets and philspohers, etc

It's why an Aztec asscreed would be cool, because they could show that stuff and their actual society, not just hyperbolzing and exaggerating one specific practice (sacrifice) and it's religous associations

Obscure in terms of presence in fiction, I mean. There's more media with viking shit then litterally all of the things I listed off in that post + the french revolution combined.

>implying a fromsoft meso-souls wouldn be historically accurate at all
It'd be as exaggerated as Apocalypto was. I'd be down for that, but it's wouldn't be accurate at all.

As I said above, Asscreed would be well suited to it. Sacrifice could be present as both something you do to enemies or as part of the plot for maybe you eavesdropping a conversation between two political officials about them trying to play up the need for captive enemies soldiers in order to keep morale up to keep a military campaign going, and maybe have it so when you pass by the main altar in a city there's a sacrifice going on, but otherwise not have blood and gore stuff be a big theme, since historically that's how it was: it was an element of their society and religon, sure, but everything was revolved around it: Most people were living lives as farmers, artisians or merchents, nobles as political officials, priests, or poets/philsophers, you had marketplaces, gardens, and festivals people were in, you had schools and places of worship, etc.

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>I would too but dark-fantasy gorefest Meso-sturff has overdone.

What? Name me one game that isn't some isotropic shit.

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Assassins Creed was gay since the first

Literally most depictions of Mesoamerican culture in fiction is just "dude human sacrifice lmao"

If you mean by sheer quanitity of it, then sure, it's not overdone, but that's because Mesoamerican shit is rare in general: When it IS done, it's almost always playing up sacrifice.

cultic death permeates the culture.

Ah...I mean they did commit mass genocide. There's literal towers of skulls and they have found mass graves with child skulls in Mexico. There's no playing up the truth... I know you like Mesoamerican stuff, I think it's pretty cool but lets not pretend they weren't blood thirsty savages.

Attached: Skull tower.jpg (900x883, 273K)

>and Japs would just make a ton of waifus.

Sounds like a great game to me.

>tfw you live in a timeline where there are no mesoamerican dating sim franchises.

Feels bad.

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