Grim Dawn

What item(s) are you grinding for? Where are you grinding?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why is the movement in this game such dogshit
why are the attacks such garbage
why doesnt it play like d2

The fuck happened? It's a weekend and the threads are already dead as hell.

I only have the base game. Waiting for the DLCs to get down to reasonable prices before I jump back into it.

shard of beronath recipe
the fucker doesn't drop

it's not a smash, sekiro, or general shitposting thread

Oh well, I asked earlier but I never got a reply that helped. Any of you fucks have a decent theory for a sentinel or oppressor?

>when you get a drop that modifies one of your abilities juuuuust right and start wrecking shit hard

>Be elementalist
>Everything dies
Feels great man

Attached: Elementalist.png (510x502, 683K)

>grinding for items when GDstash exists

>He doesn't understand grinding is actually the main point of these games
I bet you'd only have fun for a few hours and never touch it again

>everything dies from your horrendous looks
makes sense

What do the two expansions add?


And never forget it, fashion chump

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Heard a lot about this game. Is it worth playing solo?

Three classes, a lot of new items and content. Movement augments so you're not forced to pick Soldier or Nightblade to not be a snail. Items can transmute skills to better tailor specific builds. Another roguelike dungeon. I'm still exploring the latest expansion, but I highly recommend AoM.

It can be played entirely solo, most people do that from what I've seen. It's pretty fun overall if you find a build you enjoy.

GD has been the only ARPG I've actually liked playing HC in. Three alive 100s and one dead one now.

I've done it in PoE a few times, if only to get the cheevos, but I don't particularly enjoy it there in the long run. With so much RNG resulting from map mods and rare monster mods, I'll always ultimately find a way to RIP in some retarded way every single time even if it takes me until 99 to do it.

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What are the three surviving 100s you have?

Pet Cabalist
Pet Conjuror
Krieg's DK

Call me a boring fag if you will but another thing about GD is that the pet builds actually feel fun to play. The pets just have a lot more depth to them and you have way more stuff to do than in the other alternatives.

Still trying to get the rest of the fucking Belgothian set for my Infiltrator
At this point I might just make 3 more copies of the Helmet and throw them in the new transmuter and see what happens

Leveled an Acid sentinel to 100 then hit a wall because I don't have any gear.
Dropped 4 pieces of valguur though so I went back to my Ritualist.
With the new transmute system you can technically craft 4 helms of a set and reroll them to a full set if you have the resources, right?

>With the new transmute system you can technically craft 4 helms of a set and reroll them to a full set if you have the resources, right?
Oh shit that's a great point.

Too bad the sets I need don't fucking have helms aaaaaaaaa

is chaos damage shit?

Depends entirely on your Mastery choices.
Occultist/Demolitionist? Fuck yeah go ahead.
Arcanist and Inquisitor can make some use of it too, among others.

I followed a guide long ago
this is my first character and I'm pushing it so I can farm reputation stuff for my other characters

Is conjurer or cabalist better for a no gear newfag? skellies or animals lads?

Having played both in HC, you can get more damage out of cabalist with no gear I think. Conjurer is way tankier though and I'm loving it for HC but if you're SC I'd say go skellies.

There's probably some gear that will kickstart that setup into high gear, look out for some Chaos damage 1h weapons probably. I dunno about a specific set but there's monster infrequents and legendary sets for just about every setup you can think of.

Spin to win is too fucking OP, lvl 58 in some legendaries and epics thrown together and i tear everything apart easily on ultimate.

Alternatively, that more straightforward build for that combo is Acid damage.

>for a no gear newfag
Definitely cabalist. Drop the skellies and take transmuted thicc poison boi, he deals a lot of damage and basically has an unlimited HP.
Carried me to hardcore Ultimate without any major problems

thanks user, I was thinking about switching from chaos to acid/poison, but I think that requires specific legendaries

Actually it's even less specific,Nidalla's Hidden Hand converts Piercing to Acid on all of their autoattack procs and Night's Chill reduces Poison/Acid resist. And then Occultist has some obvious Poison/Acid stuff.

I'm slowly working on getting my Blademaster to 100, not sure what to focus on next but I've found a few pieces of Silver Sentinel so I may be boosting my dual-wield Cold Infiltrator soon. I'd like to get one of my two Oathkeepers to 100 at all whatsoever sometime soon. Or not get assfucked by goddamn SR40+.

Doing a demo/inq: Purifier. Im level 30 on veteran and the dps is like nothing else.

i want to play this game
but i dont really want to play this game

why don't GD have general thread? at least we could ve shared builds, character progress

Can pirated copies play online? I want to make a necro occultist and make a friend.

all the new items
SR75-76 and crucible 170
Getting the SR75 waypoint blueprint was probably the most boring time i've ever had in this game. 75-76 runs are ok though

There was one around when Malmouth was out but it died. A thread or two a day is fine

I'm grinding for Biscilla's pussy.
Yea Forums please tell me you did choose her.

Here is the build, by the way - everything is self found. I never finished farming the endgame items or the Ultimate itself, but this character definitely could do it if I wasn't burned out.

I play Nightblade\Soldier with Rhythm as main attack, and i think my build is shit. Really hard to stay alive.

Grim Dawn? More like Grim Yawn.

I'm fucking dumb:

>why don't GD have general thread?
It did have a /vg/ general back when AoM was out. But that only was possible cause i think everyone just had a hard boner for the necromancer. Don't think there's much interest in FG this time around, even the multiplayer is still as dead as it was before the expansion. Forums are also nowhere near the amount activity that AoM release had.

Summer comes earlier every year

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Is there a good endgame viable dualwielding gunslinger build? I have a hankering for some Roland Deschain action and this game has mostly just the right feel for it.

Is this a good game t sink hours into?
also how do I make sure not to get bored? I'm not big on hack and slash

>Hard to stay alive
Put 4 points in Menhir's Will.
Overall, damage is fucking easy to stack in this game focus a bit on defense if you need to.

i want general. i think, even russian 2ch have GD general, although it's permanently dead with 30-50 messages per day

Read all stuff, lore and atmosphere are pretty good in Grim Dawn.

Even comments defending this snoozefest are as boring as this trash heap of a game.

>requires a shield or two-handed
im dual wielding, nightblade is main spec

If you don't mind holding left click down for 80 hours then Inquisitor/Demolitionist is really good at point and shoot

it s good, like, first 300 hours and gets boring then

My dick, holy ice sheet

I'll check it out, thanks.

Then pump up Military Conditioning, Field Command, and Scars of Battle for more HP, Armor, Armor Absorption, and Defensive Ability.

Who would have tought that she gonna act like a total whore in FG.

>even the multiplayer is still as dead as it was before the expansion
I believe, I saw 12k people playing yesterday. Probably most of them are solo.

Get some vampire effect weapon addons.

byscilla still can't compete with sphinx tiddies

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I second demo/inq. Two points in inq for the dual wield and pump demo.

Are you a fucking stoner?

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>go to secret quest area of FG
>get a piece of camel shit offhand
>can only equip it if you also get a pair of shit-handling gloves that reduces the level req from 101 to 100
hidden gear is fun
holy shit the uber Crate boss smashed my shithole open like a can-opener though

>Two points in inq for the dual wield
Or just get the dual wield relic at lvl 15.

any set suggestions for dervish(oath+night) acid build?

It sucks that the've locked 3 skill points behind the final quest of FG. Now you can't skip it like you can AoM.

take poison and acid skills

sorry i meant sets

fuck bonebleach basin

It's even better if you play solo. You can play as long as you like at your own pace, buffs and auras hardly do anything.

No, it isn't a very good game, unless you are looking for challenges/achievements. Playing on Hardcore forces you into tanky builds and playing accurately, so your playtime extends a bit.

>No, it isn't a very good game
yes it is. Miles better than the alternatives

Just get a merit token and skip anything you want

better than other hack n slash maybe but only because it's a shit genre

Just use the new tokens to start on Elite. It's not that bad, chug an EXP potion from Malmouth at the start and prioritize Resist gear. Monster stats don't get that much higher than Veteran until Act 2.

What are fun arcanist combos?

It's very likely that you'll get bored if you're not really into the genre

>is it a good game?
>no, it's a shit genre
what are you even doing here?

so why are you even here? I don't understand you people

come on mate, arcanist have, like 4 buildable skills - panatte missiles, aether ray, meteorites and flash freese. build around any of them.

You forgot CT

Ha ha xd epin comeback!

Man Oathkeeper has no fucking survivability. This is the worst leveling experience I've ever had.

chrono trigger, yes

take shield

>he doesn't mix it with soldier, literally the only other class that makes use of shields properly and has the most survivability in built

I don't know what to tell you man, sounds like you're a brainlet

Callidors Tempest retard ://

He has absorption, while spin to win/Vire's Might allow you to not get hit too much.

Super new player here, going Demo/Oath, am I going to regret this?

I have a shield. It doesn't help.
Eye of Reckoning sucks shit for leveling. Way too far in the tree and doesn't do anything to bosses.

Venomblade set looks made for it, except there's a mace that converts all EoR fire damage to acid, and you can't take that plus the full set.

Is grimdawn better optimised than PoE? Wanna try it but my toaster have problems with loadtimes in PoE

i figured venomblade, its such a fun combo class

>Eye of Reckoning sucks shit for leveling. Way too far in the tree and doesn't do anything to bosses
Tell it to my one billion of Guardian's Gaze procs. Or my procs in general.

oathkeeper is ok but only good skill is eye of reckoning

eye of reckoning is good even against singltarget, just put there some constellation skill and boost damage. and damage vampiric absorb

grim dawn runs single core, you can enable multicore in the ini file though

how do I do that

i leveled with it to ultimate just fine.

I haven't played in years. I ran a build that was tanky and all it did was stand around while enemies killed themselves from thorn-like damage. That still a thing? Had more fun with that than trying to emulate the typical D2 Sunmonmancer build.

Doubt it.

It's better now with the x64 version

with google, and even doing the ini file shit doesn't actually do crap. You need to use windows task manager and turn off 1 or 2 cores in cpu affinity if you want to force to to use multiple cores

Well i did, you just sound like you're bad at the game and just lashing out. Gitgud shitter

Vire's Might is absolutely insane right now, though I find it pretty boring.
I hope there is a good stand focused build, something like stands + mortar trap. I know there is one endgame item for this combo.

yes and new class boost those reflect and counter-attack by 10000000%

I've never really made it part act 2. got the new addon, now I started a character with soldier and the new class, is that viable? i just want to tank stuff, never die, throw my shield and charge around. anything I should look out for? i know about the planner website

Are there energy problems when using eye of reckoning?

Nice. I wonder if my laptop can run it. I miss my old computer.

>runny mascara

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everything you said is wrong. Amazing.

i have such fucker too, on ultimate. as you can see, only 1 active skill - eye of reckoning, everything else is buffs/auras. works totally ok

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only when you have 200% attack speed. I had to grab bard's harp on a DW EoR warlord cause 50 regen wasn't even remotely enough to sustain it

Why does everyone but me carry around all their components and a random assortment of legendaries/greens in their inventory? Literally all I carry are health/mana pots, scrap, dynamite, skeleton keys, and maybe something conditional at the time.

I heard that DW does nothing to it. Can't tell if it's true.

warlord is literally the strongest build in terms of survivability right now

Because you always pick up shit?

>ur bad LOL
Why do retards always use this as their go-to argument?
>level 67
>stupid enough to carry all sorts of random shit in his inventory
You don't even understand what the problem is.

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I did mine with 2 handers. Only Theodin on elite almost killed me. Everything else was a breeze
>I heard that DW does nothing to it
I'm not sure what you mean

I made a warlord and the only points i put in oathkeeper were master bar points. i'm not too interested in it's skills because the soldier has everything. The physique from both masteries alone makes you god-like, it's fucking crazy

Yeah dude I always just pick up tons of random gear and in some cases in that image, literal DOZENS of components. Maybe after farming for consecutive hours but I can't see that occurring in nearly every screenshot of someone's inventory I've seen.

>can't admit that he's wrong cause he's a sub 300 hour shitter.
Fuck off already. You clearly no grasp about mechanics or how to make a decent build, as evident by your retarded ass statements

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>not picking up everything.
You get full inventory of components after about 2 dungeon runs.

>tfw Ulgrim is Dassem Ultor

There are no fucking builds below level 40.
Oathkeeper takes longer than any other class to come online and actually do shit, and that's a fact.

How long until my occultist can have two doggers? Is that only from level 50+ gear?

How come sometimes a prompt comes up that says "items hidden" and I can no longer see items on the ground and the loot filter gets a red X over it? This happened in the forsaken wastes.

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Fully converted aether doombolts is so fucking borked.
Why is aether support so ridiculous,

Like that it doesn't add attack speed or damage at all. I don't think that guy was correct, but I never got to actually test EoR.
I'm using DW too, but that's for stats, procs and CD reduction on nightblades' heal. Plus DW EoR looks stylish as fuck.

You pressed a key or something, I think it's H

Does anyone use Blind Fury from Oleron in their Eye of Reckoning build? This has to be pretty fun to do right?

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>doing pet build
>get to Malmouth
>gets to the point where I'm dying every five seconds
>reskill my character to be a mage
>300% easier
>delete character
>now playing an Oathkeeper

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You pressed K.

Pretty much stuck with this build.
Aegis does decent damage for packs but it's absolutely horrible for single target, plus my survivability is shit to the point where I get 2 shot by most bosses and have to run around like a retard throwing a shield every few seconds.
I'm currently missing about 100k in retaliation damage from not having Way of the Three set.
Really not sure what to do from here other than slowly farming steps of torment or trying to make a new build.

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oh cool thansk

maybe. not really, OK doesnt have piercing damage, and im not sure about crits

oh...eye of reck doesn't crit? what the fuck that's lame

>tfw doing necro build
hmm this does not bode well.

no, it crits, it s just you dont have so much "attack ability" to have so much crits

>There are no fucking builds below level 40.
there are plenty of leveling builds pre-40 for almost all classes.
>Oathkeeper takes longer than any other class to come online and actually do shit, and that's a fact.
Yes, i admit it takes a while to get to EoR and both aegis and RF is piss poor at leveling. But outright stating that you doubt someone leveled to ultimate with EoR cause ??? Stop being stupid. Posting a screenshot with your 300 hours in game is supposed to prove what? I've played with people that have 1000 hours of playtime that still don't know the basics of the game. Besides no on is forcing you to take oathkeeper those first 10 levels

>3k HP
Look at this dude. No wonder you fucking die, my cabalist had 8k HP at this point, or even more.

offensive ability is the term you are looking for, friend

>offensive ability
>defensive ability

why didn't they used "crit chance" "crit resist" known to everybody

just got this shit a few days ago, should I make a warlord or a pet build lads?

Oh I'm sure you did it, my doubt is that it went "just fine."

>Yes, i admit it takes a while to get to EoR
EoR unlocks literally at level 9, that's a couple of basic Crucible runs.

>Like that it doesn't add attack speed or damage at all
pretty sure it does. and i think it alternates what weapon it hits with when DW. The thing with EoR is that it has low WD% so you want to get both EoR and Soulfire as high as humanly possible since they give flat damage

Because it's not only for crits.

Yeah, you're missing a ton of DA and playing a somewhat melee build in caster armor.

That's still 8 more levels than, say, forcewave, DEE, Firestrike, ABB, Primal strike, word of pain, raise skeletons etc. Most of the other masteries leveling skills are very early in the skill tree

>leveling skill

Also you can level with righteous fervor and smite just fine, that's what I did and I hit 94 in about 9 hours which is alright considering I do everything on normal and playing HC.

>Oathkeeper takes longer than any other class to come online and actually do shit, and that's a fact.
Level 25 Oathkeeper here, you're full of shit.
I've been doing fun shit since level 1 when I picked Aegis.

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aegis of mehnir is totally ok untill then

Aegis is level 1
Vire's Might is level 4, and it's absolutely fucking broken for leveling.

You’re mom and I’m grinding in her vagina.

>why is the movement in this game such dogshit
i dunno, it feels like trash compared to endgame PoE for sure
>why are the attacks such garbage
like what
>why doesnt it play like d2
d2 is the same slow garbo though, you just were younger when playing it

>highest level skill is a single target auto-attack
It's garbage for leveling.

>compared to endgame PoE
Please no. Oneshotting whole rooms at sanic speed is the worst kind of shit.

did you miss post?
I didn't know garbage skills allowed you to level from 1-94 in 9 hours

It buffs all damage, which increases my crowd clearing, which makes leveling faster.

Relying on procs is stupid.

I've only started a new game, level 14 now. Haven't played much Grim Dawn before, got to like level 40 once and then restarted it with different ideas for builds a couple of times. Now trying to build a one handed melee demolitionist with elemental damage and lots of retaliation. What's a good dual class choice for this? I currently have a weapon-granted passive skill that has a chance of spawning a damaging seal on attack, are there devotions or skills for that, too?

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>relying on procs in a game with huge emphasis on procs is stupid.
The only stupid here is you. Christ everytime i'm in these thread there's just full of people like you and that stupid 300 hour 'muh eor is shit' retard who are even more retarded than the average steam community forum user. God you fucking cunts are insufferable and awful at games. Fuck off

The sad thing is that the threads would probably die without the subhuman 300hr inbred cockmonglers infesting the walls

Bro, everyone agrees that Oathkeeper is worse at leveling when compared to everything else. The odd man out here is you.

yes there are some devotions for this, and for retalitation good is oathkeeper

I don't have Forgotten Gods yet.

oh well then just take something

Soldier would be your best bet.

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>i can use a skill that will work 100% of the time to quickly clear mobs in an efficient manner
>or i can roll a dice and let luck decide how long it takes to clear out this group
>ima go with the latter so i can pick my nose while playing lol

How does this work when you have two classes

Yeah I guess so, the other builds don't speak to me, their main features rely on pets or allies or on weapons other than a one handed and shield. If I go Soldier for Commado I'll just pick attribute buffs and stat buffs and things that have a chance of activating with default weapon attacks?

You compare them individually. Duh.

I mean the other classes, not the other builds.

>try the Drain Essence spell
>it eats through my entire mana pool in 5 seconds

how the FUCK do you manage this spell? even with spamming mana potions i still run out of mana almost instantly. its only level 17 so i dont know why it takes so much mana.
What do you boys reckon of this tree? Pure poison + retaliation Occultist/Oathkeeper, I found that Bramblevine shield and decided I'd like to build around it
It's a bit heavy on points but it could probably get away without using aegis for a while, it would just add more single target damage when I start using it

Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Grab survivability and shield skills too, that sort of thing.

What are you, level 10? Take points out of it.
Otherwise pickup one of those off hand weapons thatll double your mana recharge rate abd triple your mana pool.

Use ectoplasm

Any new viable ranged builds in FG?
Probably the most fun I had in the game was trying out a Shaman/Inquisitor ranged primal strike build with lightning triggering more lightning triggering more lightning out of my boomstick.
It was kind of a meme though.

Came back to this game after a few years.
Last time I played, Broken Hills was as far as the game had been completed.

How do I obtain these Empowered and Mythical versions of items?

They'll start dropping in higher difficulties, when you're at a higher level.

usually same drop conditions as normal version, but at higher level

>have 3 Stash pages full of legendaries
>deciding on an appropriate amount of legendaries to delete/sell in exchange for spawning one item I need per character
also if you're hunting a specific item, drop a name and I can search to see if I have it. If I have you, you can have it

Drain essence and flames of whatever are literally worse Albrechts in every way

Your armor is super low dude

Soldier or maybe Occultist pair well with Demo if you wanna do a tanky Sword and Board character

just use item assistant

Some full caster setups like Acid or Vit Caster Cabalist can be fun
Or become the biggest meme and do a Replicating Missile Arcanist/Inquisitor build.

,why does the fucking shard of beronath recipe won't drop

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Panetti's shenanigans have been popular for a while.

did you misquote, user

>Replicating Missile
I've actually considered it. I'm only missing a few items for it to work too.
Also building a vit ritualist with infinite life leech now.

pls dont cry esl user

I just wanted to summon the double birb but to my surprise the new expansion or some patch changed the item and now you need a fucking whole set, like if it wasn't hard enough to hunt for an specific item now i have to look for several, holy shit this crap ruined my day.

You people are using grim internals, aren't you? Surely you aren't still manually picking up components and actually walking to the rogue dungeons.

I forgot the verbal tense mid phrase

Weird i had my problems mainly in the city part but not as much something must be wrong with your gear or abilities.

Except now you can change one set item into another from the same or different set.

>have to play through the game 3 times to start gearing up
No thanks.

I actually happened to find two copies of that gun that adds more weapon damage to Replicating Missile so I was going to try it soon

Necro is so fucking broken. It's stupid that the top 8 builds all have necro or arcanist

The transmuation feature is gay and half baked. It should have been available to all epics and legendaries instead of specific set items.

>boring as shit
>no challenge, no fun loot

> even more boring but at least you can get more interesting loot

>sick to death of the game by this point having to grind your ass through 2 other difficulties

What top 8 builds?

who is forcing you to play like that? play something melee with low aoe like viper strike if you don't want to 1 shot 2 screens worth of mobs

You can blow up other legendaries to get materials for the legendary smith
Yeah it's a lot more roundabout but if the game wants to give me like 15 copies of the same goddamn Nightblade pants then at least I can eventually get something else out of it

Playing my first caster after a death knight and pet build(conju)
Its cold based on RoH. Feels pretty gud so far

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All some variation of spellbinder damage absorption abuse

You can buy an item in Forgotten Gods that lets your other characters instantly jump to Elite or Ultimate and gain all shrines and quest exclusive skill points and shit from lower difficulties.

That'd only be good if you can craft every legendary, which you obviously can't. As it stands dupes are still mostly trash

Cold is pretty based until you're grinding undead nemesis

why are they cold immune or something

Yeah i know but it ruined my day the way in which how roundabout it is, i just wanted to have a second birb with that one item not having no waste time on a whole set.

Legendary Smith as in the "Give me 6 Missives/Mutagens/Wendigo Spirits and I'll shit out a random Legendary" guy in Malmouth
Blowing up legndaries gets you those or at least the lower tier materials which you can combine 6 of to make the Malmouth materials.

There's another new smith like that in FG too, uses the FG rare materials.

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I completely forgot he was a thing.
Still gay since that leaves out epics.

I have literally no idea what is in his right hand.

>walking to the rogue dungeons
what? what does that mod do?

>try to do the kill Krieg below level 10 thing
>kill him
>achievement doesn't pop
>turns out that if killing him gets you enough XP to hit 11 it doesn't count

>not doing a Soiled Trousers run

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It just has capped cold resist and lowering cold resist is really rare. Only like a few things do it

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Cthon did nothing wrong

Neither did Korvaak.
Fuck these witch god pussies.

It gave me literally just a couple of pixels into 11, if I hadn't fat fingered just one of the floating eyes on my way through the lab I'd have gotten it

I'm playing this game for the first time. I'm following a build which is pretty effective but boring. Is there any way to play effectively without pumping one single skill to be effective?

The witch gods are literally all cucks.
Solael's whole story is getting his wife fucked by everyone.
Dreeg has a thousand eyes to watch everyone else fuck.
Bysmiel is a cuck like every other summoner watching other things kills stuff for you

Vitality catalist.
You have like 8 buttons.
Ravaged vagina, doombolt, curse of fragility, blood of dreeg, blood pox, siphon

Korvaak a gay, celestial genocide when?

Does it matter which one you use in terms of the legos you get or is it all just to dump different mats?

You can save any location on the map and teleport there. It comes with being able to tp to the door of every single rogue dungeon as if you're using a waypoint. Gave me motivation to grind since I don't have to run around fucking broken hills anymore.

Anything that's not Soldier + Whatever tends to be pretty button heavy
Even some of those builds have a good pile of active skills by endgame, my Warder has like 5 skills I'm hitting constantly.

I would but shit dont work. Version

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Have you tried reading what that says and actually doing it? Its updated for

How would I have misread anything if I got to that error, retard

You need your game updated with hotfix 2

Did you faggots know that theres a 1h mace that looks like a shield from FG? Stats for oathkeeper is insane

Is Vitality or Pet Ritualist any better with FG? Still farming for Valguur's set and getting a decent MI for the somewhat permanent +10 Primal Spirit.

that was many patches ago dipshit. Warlords are the top builds right now

>cant conjure straight mages with necro
I hate getting almost half archers

Nah, that's a totally normal shield.

I need you guys to explain something
why are there sometimes than a little dmg on an item (7-15 for example) gives you a lot more damage than +50% of that type of damage?

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>Tfw no Alkanos rings
Other than that I'm leveling a purifier.

"what are you grinding for..."
Yep, that's a "yikes" from me.

How stats work is uneccesarily complicated in GD, read the stat descriptions by hovering over them in the character panel or read the game guide on their website.

I really liked Torchlight 2 a heck of a lot, and I know that's babby's first ARPG.

Would this be something I would be interested in?

Damage Per Second should just be Damage, removing Attack Speed from the equation.
>weapon A: 100 damage +0 attack speed
>weapon B: 50 damage +10 attack speed
>game considers B to be better, even though all damage is decreased

Any suggestions on this build? A little disappointed how much safer/better ranged is unless you go soldier/shield but still hoping this is viable for non modrigen/ravager/etc.

Like with most ARPGs, the dps number doesn't really tell you much.

yes. also babbys first arpg should be d2. If not then you should consider streaming yourself flossing zoomer

It's a fairly safe bet you'll enjoy this as well as this is much better then TL2 imo.

+% damage is additive, not multiplicative so when you're late game and have +2000% cold damage, adding 10 cold damage ends up being a lot more than adding another 20% cold dmg.

Pet Conjurer or Oathkeeper/whatever?

Attached: YdZNNqC.jpg (640x480, 72K)

>tfw only one piece of Belgothian's Slaughter

If you like character building, be sure to post when you hit 1000+ hours.

best part is you can use it for skin swap

Attached: THE WALL.jpg (1920x1080, 886K)

just play the grimarillion mod or something. i think that has the ability to have 324242 skeleton pets

Anyone here using mods?
Been trying out grimarillion for a bit and it's amazing.
Loving the D3 classes especially witch doctor is a blast with haunt.

I've tried several times to get into it but i couldn't be arsed to start over from literally nothing again after sinking thousands of hours in base game and having billions of components, gear and all blueprints unlocked

Something about some skills using weapon damage. Adding flat damage adds to the total base damage of the skill which is then multiplied by the bonus damage or something like that, while %50 only adds to the multiplication of base damage.
If you have 100dmg spell with 400% you deal 400 damage, with 450% it's only 450dmg while if you add 7-15 you deal 480- 520 or something like that.

>Most of the FG gear is fire and/or phys
Guess I should make a demo+something class.

It's capped at +35% because retarded reasons.

+% damage stacks additively so it technically has diminishing returns. Lets say you do 10 damage. If you have +500% damage you do 50. If you got another +50%, it would become 55 meaning you actually only increased your damage by 10% right? With flat numbers though, so long as its the same type as the +500% damage we started with, gets multiplied by that 500% so something like 40 damage becomes 200 damage added which is way more than the incremental increases we were getting with your 10 base damage

Inquisitor unironically deals more fire and physical damage than demo


Attached: disgruntled raccoon.webm (240x426, 388K)

Purifier it is then.

bitch that shit is so cash

Cadence is so broken with conversion. Why is soldier allowed to be so good when it is so boring

Red pill me on the new azrakaa devotion Yea Forums. It looks so good but im speccing for retaliation on my paladin so im having to choose between it and messenger of war

Not him but I am a retard with numbers and these were great explanations. Thanks anons.

Attached: don't know nothin.png (179x139, 2K)

Something something human mundaneness btfo spooky ghosts and eldritch beings


Should I go Bird Summoner or Skellie Summoner?

Cause then i cant fit obelisk of menhir

thanks anons that made it pretty clear

bird summoner is hard to get the gear for and they nerfed it recently anyway

Well to be fair my math in the first post was wrong because I assumed you still had 450% when I talked about the flat damage. The point still stands though and my excuse is that it's 5am where I am at.

No? Are you talking about a different game?

What's a good class to combo with Necro if you want to summon a lot of things


Shaman or Occultist

>and they nerfed it recently anyway
yes. very recently. like literally a few hours ago

>8 Charge Levels: 30% 50% 65% 80% 90% 100% 108% 115% 150% Main Hand Damage
>damage is maxed with one charge
This obviously isn't how it's intended, right? When will this bug be fixed?

Check the grim dawn wiki game mechanics page too, it's pretty legit.

Oh, that recent patch? I thought it was just a hotfix. Guess I'll read into it.

fug.. guess im going with the skellies then

sheit I didn't even know they nerfed it again, I was just referring to how you can't get 2 birds at once now with FG

3 birds*

>Summon Guardian of Empyrion: guardians are now less vocal about their ghostly situation

Holy shit, glad I wasn't the only one annoyed about this.

Do i have to be level fifty and unlock higher tier drops before i can get an item for two hellhounds?

3 birds have never been possible user. What was nerfed was that can't get 2 birbs with 2 briarthorns which each other anymore since they require full sets and those sets overlap

>Haven: replaced flat Health with % Health

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What is a good beginner pistol/rifle build?

Is there anyway to reduce the CDs of Agies of Mihir? really want to make a build that spam the skills only.

you must be lying
i could swear i calced up a 3 birds build in AoM but then dropped it before actually playing it because i knew i'd never get all the gear for it

This helps me :)
try this one maybe (the 2h variant is still good as of current patch)

I'm not. 3 birds have never been possible.

>So.. any info on what changed with the Birbs and how much?
>Or if there is some way to see the lastest base pet resists somewhere, where?
Previous values...
Physical 90%
Pierce 99%
Fire 50%
Cold 50%
Lightning 50%
Poison 100%
Vitality 30%
Aether 30%
Chaos 50%

Current (in line with other pets) values...
Physical 20%
Cold 15%
Lightning 500%
Aether 25%

Holy shit birds btfo. No wonder they could basically facetank celestial superbosses without dying

stop shilling your diablo 2 clone

What's wrong with that?

Faggots like you should get permabanned

>celestial superbosses

Attached: so innocent and pure.png (105x225, 12K)


Any good, up to date mods for Grim Dawn lately?

Pretty sure Grimarillion is updated, but that mod isn't new

>Stop shilling ARPGs better than Diablo 2

Sorry :(

Why are the ability descriptions in this game so incredibly verbose and resistant on getting to the fucking point?

Is it any good? I've looked at it before, but it looks kind of confusing having so many difference classes. Does it modify other things to add a lot of content?

it's the most popular one and even has a small community around it that posts builds on it and stuff

literally no aoe

I should have bought the base game when it was on discount.

Attached: 1501763894185.jpg (720x529, 33K)

dont bother with it for leveling

sear souls is much better combined with spectral wrath, you can just cruise through veteran without doing much

t. 300 hour shitter

What's your obsession with 300 hours?

t. 301 hour GOD

It'll go on sale again soon I'm sure. They'll want to sell the expansion by lowering the price of the base game, and they'll go through several cycles of that while the expansion is still relatively new