For the love of all that is holy, how do I beat him?
Sekiro help thread
It's a very straightforward fight user, there's really no trick to it. Be extremely aggressive.
>struggling with Owl 1
You're not gonna tell me you're worse than DSP Yea Forums?
Will fighting the divine dragon lock me out of anything?
You need the full prosthetic tree to endlessly spam firecrackers then keep jumping between the door and the wall until you phase up and out of the map. Then throw shurikens from the sky box at genichiro until he dies, filling up spirit emblems from mobs around the castle - you'll need noclip for that. That's the only way to actually pass this boss and is canon.
He's actually way easier than you might think. This is the game teaching you to dodge instead of just parrying and attacking.
>When he throws shuriken and jumps, time a dash and attack
>Parry his smaller attacks, dodge his bigger ones
>Use the mist feather on longer combos to get behind him for a free swipe
I honestly found Genchiro and the blue samurai before him bigger leaps in difficulty than Owl.
Work on chipping away at his health bar before trying to break his posture
Yes. Do any shit you can before it because certain things get locked off
Genichiro was way harder
Just learn his timings and sidestep the balls
Two of the endings, if you haven't finished eavesdropping on Kuro or got his rice ball and eaten it in front of him.
Also worth noting you pick your ending at the very end and can't pick a new one till NG_. Don't make the same mistake as me and assume you can just endlessly fight the final boss to see all 3 endings.
like what? ive done the great carp and owl 2 and shit, im going for purification.
Not needed. Just wait for his constant 2 shurikens then leap.
>Genichiro takes me over two hours two beat on NG
>nervous to fight him on NG+
>smoke his ass first try no sweat
This fucking game
God I'm pissed.
>Do all the shit I need for the best ending (serpents etc)
>Turns out I missed some random book in a pond to trigger the actual questline
>Go back and do all that stuff after getting the normal ending
Fuck off. This is just like Bloodborne all over again.
>Collect all 3 umbilical cords
>Don't eat them, hold onto them thinking they're more important that way
>No good ending for you!
Surely you realised from Headless Ape pt deux that the game is only hard in the first run?
Which makes the easy mode argument even more laughable
I found him ok the first time but on NG+ could not unlearn his final fight moves. After a jump he thrusts in the first fight whereas it's a major opening in the final one.
Not just that, i had the book but you need to do specific eavesdrops AND rest at certain points. I accidentally did the whole rice for kuro and persimmons for the divine child but never got the further request from the divine child.
I can just give sake to whoever with no consequences right?
Then you'll be fine so long as you've done Owl 2 beforehand
If you give monkey booze to emma she gets wasted and there's an ass fucking mini game where you hit L1 for perfect spanks.
You'll be fine then. After you kill the last boss you have the option to give him the Divine tears or both items. Giving both is the purification ending
Need gelp with Genichiro's lightning fase. I fucking die in one hit what do.
>my face when Owl dropped a god damn Lloyd's Talisman on my ass
Not cool, dad, not fucking cool
there is a guide how to parry it in the room where you fight the ashina elite
for anyone struggling with genichiro try turning off the music. for whatever reason it was easier for me to learn him while it wasn't playing. maybe because it makes it sound overly dramatic when it's really just a back and forth and you should approach it calmly. i died to him probably 15 times then when i turned off the music i was able to get him to his next phases.
waifufags seething that this game was not made with them in mind
emma is boring and bland and outclassed by every other (male) character
GOFTY, man good job
Genichiro was such a pain in the tits, took over 2 hours for me and was easily the hardest boss I have faced in any of froms games bar none
I swear to God in the final stage the lightning attack is a 50/50 on whether or not it actually deflects regardless of your input
for anyone who has completed it how does it compare to the remaining bosses difficulty wise?
I'm stuck on him in ng+, no room for error so I just plug in head phones and play Foo Fighters Run and bring out my inner shinobi.
half say owl is worse, half say owl isn't as hard. really depends on your play style
Be as aggressive as you can, if you just stay on him you can get into a good rhythm of Attack > Attack > Parry his left to right/right to left slash and repeat to build up a fair amount of Posture. Having just beat him the trickiest part of the fight was always the absolute beginning where you're yet to get going and he's free to use his larger attacks. A general rule I've found helpful for myself is that with bosses like this where the second phase is just an expansion on the first is to refuse to use Gourds/revives in the first phase. It forces you to git gud against their standard stuff so your only concern in the second phase becomes the new tricks.
DLC when tho
Play passively and just wait for him to open himself up for attack. His jumping overhead slam is a free hit every time he does it. Its the faggot way to do it but if you're really struggling its the easiest way to do it.
Guardian Nigger keeps raping me because I don't have the retarded frame-perfect parry system down because I'm not autistic.
I was stuck on this asshole for almost a week. Finally beat him this morning. You unironically have to just get good. Deflect every strike, and attack every opportunity you get. The over head swing after the two shurikens is a good opening. Also when he throws his gay little anti heal bomb.