Mortal Kombat

Kombat Kast is going on. The Kollector is being shown.

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first impression is 'eh, another guy with many arms who replaces Goro'

>he actually fights with many artefacts he collected over the decades
thats kind of cool. the fatality is savage!

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Fuck off tranny

He doesn't look too bad. He kinda gives me Scarcrow vibes.

That kollector niggas fatality SUCKS BALLS

Not impressed by this spider-like hoarder

>getting shredded to pieces sucks balls
well yea

it's boring
every character in the roster can do that, there was nothing special/unique worth attention

Better than Geras and Cetrion

Mortal Kombat died after 9

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>kollector is literally an outworld jew

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>rubs 6 hands

You got the Noob pic?


Kollector memes when?

sorry for shit quality, but this skin is much better

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This is the one that I'll probably use.

>they showed more of this guy than the character they just revealed a few days ago


Erron is back and he is a funny guy

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God scarlett with long hair is so cute



he kollects sheckles

She's from Middle east or something

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Let me fuck your girlfriend

most boring fatality

How come he's bare chested? A man wouldn't walk into a fight like that


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when did he transition ?

If we have to have guest characters, then I want them to be wrestlers instead of the same old horror villains.

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They didn't show the 3rd variation of Noob Saibot.
Which means, if they show Frost probably will not show her cyborg variation.

Go make a new thread you silly babies.

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These new characters sucks ass. Boon managed to create not 1 but 2 characters that fucking worse than Ferra Tor, lmao.

>mfw someone just gifted 100 aris subs and i got one

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Why does Noob look like he came out of Skyrim in this game? They really should've just recycled the MK9 design it was too good.

>still no Kitana gameplay
this franchise is dead.

dont be silly, nothing is worse than Ferrator

>the fatality is savage!
Christ can you reddit fags fuck off back to your forum. Why even come here to discuss it

Cetrion is kind of bland and tropeish but I genuinely like Kollector. He's got a cool thing going on and I like all the artifact moves

Thanks bruh

>hes literally "monster jew."

I like his design and gameplay.

>Oy vey, remember the Shaolokaust? 6 million Shokan mercilessly massacred! Its merely a coincidence that 80% of generals and nobility under Shao Kahn are shokans goyim!

So next week is D'Vorah.
I guess the other 2 is Kitana and Frost. I doubt for Cetrion. Since they'll had already mentioned it.
So last Kombat Kast?

>the fatality is savage!
Not really it's rather tame compared to the rest.

So where is Takeda and Kung Jin?
There is no logical explanation why they are not here when there is new threat to Earthrealm.

Not him but you're talking about Yea Forums, a place where people go YIKES and COPE. This place is a fucking dump.

Kung Jin died of AIDS and Scorpion killed Takeda in his sleep

There can be 2 more before release. They still havent shown Dvorrah, Cetrion, Frost and Kitana. I think that's it?

Man you guys are completely assblasted

Probably unlockables or DLC.

if this faggots want to sell preorders, why dont they show Shao Khan asap?

No one would download Kung Jin and I'm a JYBfag

Still, if they are not involved in the story, means story is absolutely retarded.

>So next week is D'Vorah.

who is bound to be the only attractive female character revealed so far.

Takeda is the only Kombat Kid I actually like

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No one would walk into a fight dressed like this, it's unrealistic and disrespectful.

I want to cum on her face.

is it too much to ask for even moderately attractive female models and subzero and scorpion to be white again?

Frost is the character not being shown before launch. The fact that she’s a cyborg now is supposed to be a surprise.

Kotal and Erron are the ONLY worthwhile characters to come out of X. The kombat kids and the rest of the grunts are pointless, irrelevant or otherwise redundant. Change my mind

>Liu Kang will be the main character in story mode

>subzero and scorpion to be white again?

Yeah he was good addition to the cast, same as Cassie. Still beyond how they add Jacqui which is probably worst MK character imo, but don't add Takeda.

Takeda and D'Vorah are cool too

>Kollector fatality is literally Mileena’s from MK X

they where white before x.

They already showed Cetrion.

The fat guy said, D'Vorah will be in the next KK and he also said that will be 3 characters. Which probably is Kitana and Frost the other 2.

Cassie is great in my opinion. The only problem that she works as replace for old Sonya and JC, not as addition.

You mean they were played by white guys?

That's reaching

Why would I do that when you're korrect?

because they were white.

Probably will not show that variation. They didn't show all the variations of Erron Black and Noob Saibot. Same about Cetrion.

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You already made the case for why shes redundant and pointless. NEXT

And you are a cuck.
Guess who's better.

>lol you like Mortal Kombat you're a cuck!
Its like the 90's all over again, right wingers completely assblasted about Mortal Kombat.

What the fuck are you smoking?

Scorpion is Japanese and Sub-Zero is Chinese.
So no they're not white but asians.

You make no sense faggot. Now fuck off.

Fuck, looks like Kenshi is sitting this one out. Noob basically has Possessed Kenshi moves.

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>Kicks opponent, jumps ontop of them and begins ripping them apart

Only differences are how both of them end, but still.

This is fucking crime that they didn't show Kitana yet, female face of the game, yet they threat her like some C tier shit like D'vorah and Frost. What the fuck.
>Mileena is not in

This guy looks fun as fuck to use, honestly. His moveset seems solid as fuck.

>look white
>speak American
>act white
>but their nom de guerre is chinese so he has got to be a chinaman!

>he thinks Mileena won't be dlc
She's actually the most popular female in the series, not Kitana.

Fuck off Tyler Landsdown you fat cuck, stop shilling your garbage game here


Mileena should never be dlc you cocksmoker.

if you wanna see the female face of the game head to your local tranny bar.

He's kind of hot desu.

>She's actually the most popular female in the series, not Kitana.
good joke m8

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There is none in Russia.

>every character has ranged projectiles/teleports
Its tiresome

Hes digging through your living body looking for things to kollect. Discarding what he doesn't want and putting what interests him in his bag. A tarkaten (tark-a-ten) chiefs head is pretty neat, into the bag it goes.

>another bare-chested male fighter in a complete opposite direction to the females
Dammit, now we've got to expand the image again.

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this is what happens when you pander to tourneyfags

Most men want to look like those barechested males.

Most Women get offended by other women who look more attractive than them.

It might be the S O Y that you drink but men are more likely to be shirtless in an action movie than a female fighter. I know you're too young to have seen the classic films where men are shirtless (Rambo, Enter the Dragon, Commando, Blood Sport). But it's all good, maybe if you stop watching porn and masturbating daily.

I swim at the bottom of the ocean and I register your every smile.

Oh right I forgot that Yea Forums likes it when games pander to casuals.


Nerd alert.

mk is a casual fighting game.

t. scrub crying about boner culture

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already coping it seems

fresh off of begging for an easy mode in sekiro I presume?

MK is one of the most casual fighters, dudr

No it's not. Not any person can pick up the game and just start being tournament ready. With anything if you practice you become adept at it. Now keep talking about how the females are covered up and how your hormones are angry.

And its still apparently too hardcore for Yea Forums.

Yes, they were crying when it wasn't muslim. And now look at what we've got

so mortal kombat is for literal fags?

Way to miss the point of my post. Get checked for a reading comprehension problem.

I know but it is one of the easier fighters to get into.

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Your post didn't have a point, retard.

You'd also remember boomer-wannabe that in those movies that you mentioned, coming from the era that they did, fanservice existed everywhere and people were much more relaxed about these things than now.

In the fucking past.

I am definitely not the one drinking the S O Y here.

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>I am definitely not the one drinking the S O Y here.
You and the cripples over at 8cuck have been crying about shirtless males for ages now. Beta as fuck.

maybe if your hand was mangled in some sort of industrial accident you might have an issue playing MK, but the reality is it's not, and never has been, a particularly complex or deep videogame to play.

The women who get offended by shit like this don't play MK, so their opinion doesn't matter

do americans really do this

Wrong, they've been crying about the hypocrisy companies show.

Are you fucking retarded? There isnt a single fighting game thats "hardcore" at the base level and you literally know nothing about why mortal kombat even has had its reputation for being "casual" in the first place, aka exactly why youre retarded enough to still yap your retarded mouth about MK11 which is getting universal interest and praise from pro players. I wouldnt be surprised at all if people like Floe actually move over to MK completely

Videogames are maturing and if you don't understand that you need to find a new hobby

You are clearly an idiot, but let me offer you some more worth by responding to you.
I am not against shirtless males. I am against having ONLY bulky shirtless males, while the women are small chested and almost completely covered head to toe for no reason.

cripplechan asking the hard questions

How hard are you fags going to cry when MK sells like crazy?

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It really did. Some loser is bitching how Yea Forums only likes casual games. So I'm making fun of the fact that he believes video games should be taken serious, gotta GIT GUD BRAH! So he/you are a loser that take video games too serious.

Geez, dude. That sentence was garbage. I'll wait until you fix it, and or make a more intelligible defense.

t. casual scrub
Thanks for your opinion retard

lmao this post.

maybe if your hand was mangled in some sort of industrial accident

HAHAHAHAH I actually do have a small portion of my index and middle finger missing on my left hand from an industrial accident. MK isn't HARD but it's not easy. It's not casual. Injustice is casual and I love those games.

Look at this tourist, how obvious can you get.

>casual scrub


I'm very casual. Is that really a problem with you? We can't be friends? LOL

Literally irrelevant.They posted their reasoning for having the women covered up and it was to do with being more realistic and that you wouldn't fight with uncovered skin

then they post loads of males... fighting with uncovered skin.

That's the fuck-up

well "argued" you retarded fuck, the worst part is that youre ACTUALLY too fucking retarded to even realize how badly youve embarrassed yourself

go on, make another reddit karma "last word" post though

How obvious for what? I like MK, yes. I'm a casual video game player, yes. I have a third of my index and middle finger missing, yes.

>Geez, dude.
Ok you can stop the trolling


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why did you post a picture of yourself? getting a little too self aware it seems

are the women still ugly? yes?
no buy then


>i spend my time getting laughed at at the enthusiast forum about X topic
>but im too good for spending time on not being an embarrassing entry level clown at the topic, bro, i have "life"

go back to memeddit and then kill yourself

Not even trolling. I have no clue what that guy was trying to say. I gave lists of movies where the man mancho man is shirtless. There's no real movie that has some skimpy bitch in a bikini and high heels like MK9. So MKX and MK11 finally trying to give females more personality other than:


It was boring. Characters with a 25+ year life finally have an original design and personality.

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did i have a weird dream or did they confirm in a kombat kast that noob is now gay?

>You and the cripples over at 8cuck have been crying about shirtless males for ages now.
Literally never happened.

lol who do you think you're fooling

Who are you quoting? I just find it hilarious some nerd is calling others "casuals" because they're not SUPER SEROUS about playing video games as a hobby. Sounds like the next school shooter if you want to know my opinion. Which I know you want to know my opinion because you won't stop riding my slippery dick.

The only thing that needs to mature in video games is good singleplayer content so I never have to play them with deluded faggots like you

>BI han
>that fatality (coming out fabulous as fuck)

I wonder

Wow it's another character with full screen attacks, a fireball, and a teleport.

Really enjoying this shitty Overwatch style design where everyone has be similar so people don't feel left out if they wanna pick their favorite character.

Mortal Kombat is horrible with keeping their designs consistent.

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Women in mma wear minimum, slim clothing because that is what is ideal to fight in. The fact of the matter is there is a double standard and the women in this game do follow a strict and prudish design philosophy that results in bland, uninspired designs.

Mortal Kombat had thicc women in revealing outfits before MK9. It seems you are the one fixated on that game, not them.

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If shirtless half naked men were a problem with straight men, wrestling wouldn't be one of the most popular shows in the media today and in the past. It's insecure women who have problem with half naked women.

Ibuki's face in SFV is an atrocity

they dont really have an iconic or good design outside of the original ninja design that got literally reused to hell and back, they dont need to be consistent

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>It's insecure women
Right, retards on Yea Forums crying about Mortal Kombat are insecure women.

ninja's are cancer. the less of them the better desu.

Your logic makes no sense but okay.

I want all of the ninjas playable desu

/argument. These fucking white knights literally have no legs to stand on

Why the fuck does she have mask that looks straight out of Power Rangers?

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You completely shifted the topic. People on Yea Forums are complaining about the covering up, not REEEEING at the thought of attractive women showing skin. Cant you stay focused?

to hide the man jaw.

>REEEEING at the thought of attractive women showing skin.

why is Yea Forums upset at mk11 female costume design then?


Mortal Kombat 11 overall has been a strange ride. They refused to show any footage until exactly three months before launch. They heavily pushed Ronda Rousey as a guest voice at the nadir of her relevance. They keep using those fucking Kombat Kasts, knowing the hosts are incompetent mongrels.
The gameplay doesn't improve on MKX at all. Shorter combos, slower movement. Crushing Blows are a really stupid and unnecessary gimmick. Fatal Blows are longer, more boring, and more casual-friendly supers than X-Rays. I like the double-stamina bar in theory but in practice it dumbs the game down more because it refills by itself.
The graphics do look better than 9 and X and I'm curious about what Liu Kang and Kung Lao will do next because their cutscenes look like a throwback to Shaolin Monks. But overall I'm not as hyped for 11 as I was for X.

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Noob seems really cheap.
>Ghostball removes meter
>Krushing Blow only requires you to use clone moves you were going to spam regardless

Noob, Cetrion, and Liu Kang are going to be rape lords.

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Do you lack reading comprehension you absolute moron? Yea Forums knows NRS altered their design philosophy for females to cover them up and appease twitter goblins

already looking for excuses why you suck balls.

Just kys incel

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I want to rape with Jax.

Fucking kek

>dev team hard focused on giving all females garbage costumes because muh treating women with respect and all that stupid shit in MK11 when pretty much all the girls looked perfect without being fanservice trash in MKX anyway

Fucking yikes dude

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>Ronda rousey
>Not relevant

You know she's headlining Wrestlemania on Sunday right? The first ever women headline event of a WM. Probably only because of the spotlight she's put on the company and the women.

>ninja's are cancer. the less of them the better desu.
Then go play another game. Go play Injustice for example, that's a perfectly nice game right?

This is Mortal Kombat.

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if you find any of the women in mk11 attractive you're not a hetrosexual.

Injustice 2 looks much better than MK11 right now.

2 more Kasts with six characters left.
>Shao Khan

Cetrion got a showcase on Game Informer.

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Ed Boon might be ashamed like a pussy for what NRS created all these years until MK9, but we don't. We remember.

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>Go play Injustice
>this is Mortal Kombat
Have you seen Cetrion?

>Implying I'm not going to play spammy ass Noob. I love cheap BS zoning

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Finally a guy some logic and based arguements in here. Reading the shills comments drives me crazy lol. Also I dont like the introduction of so many injustice like characters to the roster. They went too far with that. Geras is good, that Frieza looking bitch looks ok, but Centrion feels like she dosent belong here in MK. Also the variation styles system seems to be here as well. I never really liked it, it was pointless in MKX and I always hated the block button because it was clunky compared to the opposite direction button block that every other fighting game has. Also I do hope they replaced that useless side swap move with a taunt button move.

Yeah I have seen her. What's your point?

You need a block button for the teleport attacks

>The gameplay doesn't improve on MKX at all.

hahahahaha oh my fucking god

the fact that you retarded children actually think youre some type of a spokeperson for the community of this game is fucking laughable btw, go actually kill yourself and stick to MKX retarded child


>I always hated the block button because it was clunky compared to the opposite direction button block that every other fighting game has.
It's been in every fucking game

>They went too far with that. Geras is good, that Frieza looking bitch looks ok, but Centrion feels like she dosent belong here in MK
Not only Cetrion. All these leather suits and tights that cover the females remind a lot of Injustice capeshit as well. Too futuristic and non-asian and ninja-like for MK's atmosphere.


the influx of asians and yellow washing is only in the past couple of games.

And he said he always hated it. I do too. It's shit.

All of the designs in X sucked. X just sucked all around.

Why is Cetrion "Injustuce"?

She's an Elder God.

None if her stuff us outside MK rules.
>Jax had a fatality where he is a giant and steps on you
>Triborg turned you into a wiggly jiggly meat cube
>Cyrax blows up the entire planet
>There are ROBOTS in MK
>A fat drunk who farts
>A ninja who changes colors like a rainbow
>A guy in a mokap suit
>A fucking indian and street cop and cowboy (literally the village people)

Cetrion fits in just fine within MK.

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The block move was used for moves on the old 2d MK games. I think after MK9 block was just block and had an alt use on some fatalies. I play fighting games from the 90s. Opossite arrow button as a block is much more narutal and as a responce is also faster. Literally every other fighting game choose this method over the block button because it is proven to be more effective. If Mk wants to be competitive, they should ditch it.

Yea it sucks. I like the idea of costume customization, but it sucks that we wont see the old school ninja costumes for the female characters because the onions boys and the wamen might get triggered

>everyone said Kollector was the cyborg when game leaked
>now saying its frost even though she has a normal human head
Just let it go, lads

X was great.
You are in the minority.

X is the best-selling MK game ever.

If you didn't like any of these designs you have shit taste in art.
>Kotal Khan
>Erron Black
>Quan Chi

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Cyborgs are part human though. Robots aren't.

We know the Cyber Lin Kuei are in the game from the trailers. Perhaps she's partially cyber. Her hands are cyber for sure in the trailer.

>ad populum
Fallout 3 and 4 individually sold way more than new vegas and 1 and 2 combined.

>You know she's headlining Wrestlemania on Sunday right?
WrestleMania? Come on, dude, WWE is a massive step down from UFC because of the niche appeal and "it's fake and gay" stigma. t. watched wrestling for years
>Geras is good, that Frieza looking bitch looks ok, but Centrion feels like she dosent belong here in MK.
Honestly MK has been a clusterfuck of different character designs since 1995. That's part of its appeal. that you can have Bruce Lee fight Master Blaster.
Now the least you can do is explain your position like a sensible adult.

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Kollector's alright but not amazing. Probably the best MK11 newcomer though.

Nope she looks like a boneles Ivy. Nothing in her personality/apperace fits with the game. Theres already a game for her and its called injustice. Geras fits with the game though. Yea back then there wasnt another existing fighting game with robots and so they added them. They did a good job, perfectly icorporating them in the lore with MK9 story mode

Generic one piece suits are good design?

>unreal engine 3


This, Geras and Kollector fit it's Cetrion that looks like sewage.

Is there any male character that doesn't have a bare chest skin? Like maybe one of the monsters?

>Not the first post from this IP.

>The absolute fucking level of obnoxious shit that new nature goddess character displayed
Found my new retardstomping character.

Kollector is fucking sick. I love character that use trinkets and magic. My favorite new character so far.

Elder Gods were in the lore before Cyborgs.

>good design
She's as bland as Jacqui is in design, no amount of denial from you guys will change that.

And looks better than 99.9% of games in UE4.

NRS are brilliant artists.

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>the music in Kollector's trailer

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>the fatality is savage!
Mileena had the same one in MKX and it was actually more brutal because she splits the person in half and they try to crawl away

Just calling her an elder god doesn't excuse an ill fitting design. Shinnok is also an elder god and he fits just fine.

Ue3 is outdated they could make it look better with obviously

Centrion looks like absolute shit. This is almost decade old graphics.

Singling out a couple you dislike doesn't change the validity of my point.

Never said it did, I'm helping you post a list of only good points.

Don't agree with Erron. I honestly don't feel he's much better a design than shits like Kobra or Dairou. Also was just one of too many guns-based characters we have which doesn't do him any favors either.

Kollector character way better than centrion.

Art direction plays a big role in how characters look, and X's was just God awful.
Meh, fine I guess. Couldve played up the insect aspect more.
Ugly face, butch haircut, bland spec ops outfit but its skin tight so of course virgins will drool over it.
>Kotal Khan
Played his design too safe for someone who belongs to an otherworldly race that were gods to earth realms mesoamericans. And his Alt is one if the ugliest outfits ever. Actually make his skin blue, have his tattoos glow more, etc. 11s armor and head piece are way better.
Terrible stitched together outfit. And lips are just fucking dumb.
>Erron Black
Awful, and I love erron black and cowboys. Face mask is a hannibal lecter mask instead of just a bandana, why? Why does erron not believe in sleeves? Looks like a fuckboy porn actor cowboy like Mcree I stead of a cool Man with no name type. Also his animations were awful, pistols look/sound like peashooters.
His outfit and mask actually are really ugly and bland. I like the way they made his skin look though
Bland uninspired, cluttered armor, ugly face.
Literally the same Shao Kahn design essentially.
>Quan Chi
Armor is too noisy and overdesigned
Pretty bland for a self absorbed fallen royalty kind of guy. Also his horn headgear looks fucking stupid. Should've been more colorful and ornamental.
All the Revanant outfits were ugly over designed goth trash.

>Mortal Kombat had thicc women
Mortal Kombat women were never "Thicc".

Mortal Kombat women were sticks.

>distinctly eastern outfits even in goofy ass MK1
>come from ninja clans
>they're white guys though

Find the nearest balcony and take a flying leap you fucking dumbass

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>too many guns based characters
2 cool og characters, and the two bland uninspired characters that I purposefully said weren't worthwhile additions.

>Mileena had the same one in MKX
yeah that's kinda lame
the music is great. kind of reminds me of the patriarch song from killing floor

Yeah, but gods had a strong personality like everyone else. They are malevolent gods. That bald bitch fit the bill on the other hand. Centrion just looks too ethereal, calm and too superhero-like to be in the game. She also has the stupidest fatality in MK11. There is nothing to defend here, seriously.

Do you actually believe that?
I don't believe shills exist on Yea Forums (who the fuck cares what anyone here thinks?) but hyperbolic language like yours usually means "I want attention by going against the grain."
Her design is fine she'd be kinda milfy with some tweaks she's just kinda boring.

If NRS were smart they'd have gone full Earth Mother with her and made her act all nurturing and shit. An upbeat character like the Cages. Maybe even make her Fatality non-lethal

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Why would you use Tekken 7 as your example, it doesn't look good
I'm a Tekkenfag and I'm disappointed with how shit Bamco was with UE4 in both Tekken 7 and Soulcalibur 6

So I'm not the only one who thinks that. Thanks.


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I wasn't using the picture to illustrate anything user.

Erron doesnt, but they made his outfit sleeveless again for God knows why. Now he looks like one of the village people in a gay bar, again.

When i Saw the trailer the First thing i tought was the edit of the jew rubing hands

Jacqui didn't use guns, did she?

Not saying I want her to be.
But it's a smart move to make money. Why do you think Shang Tsung is dlc?
My guess is that Mileena and Reptile will both be dlc as well.

He had one in 10, no way they're going to leave it out in their bara party. I guess the ninjas don't have one.

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When the fuck is my Havik DLC?

Shotgun arms

Did you play the beta?
MK11 plays much better than MKX. It gives you way more options instead of just brain dead rush down and 50/50 nonstop.

Scorpion has major side pec and ab action though. And him and sub have their massive biceps on full display at all times.
Yes, her power fists had a spammable gun, it was why she was so popular with scrubs

I'd consider that fist based but okay.

Attached: 3b940c7c892a8fd5ca135c00f8db1fb7a25f1fc22084698b5b5774a0ff4b0e7d.jpg (400x296, 31K)


Kotal is great, a cool design and interesting personality. A "villain/anti-hero" with honor. Neat that he bucked the previous trends of Shao Khan and Shang Tsung's obsession with Earthrealm. He's more isolationist/nationalistic focused on uniting Outworld instead of invading other realms.

Erron is ok. But he's really just a more serious less sarcastic Kano. I like him but he's nothing special outside of his Cowboy aesthetic.

Ferra/Torr were kind of interesting. But I'm ok with them being a one and done. Decent filler character. But I don't want them to return. Liked the design though.

Jacqui is fucking useless. Literally just tiddy Jax.

Kung Jin was cool. I really liked him. But I'm partial to the Shaolin. He's unique and brings something fresh to the Shaolin faction than Liu Kang and Kung Kao.

Takeda has the best lore of the kids. Son of Kenshi raised by Scorpion. The MKX comics really fleshed him and Havik out.

Cassie is the perfect character to blend modern times with MK lore. I'm actually ok with her being the new face of the franchise. She's interesting in the story. I'm glad she is back in 11.

D'Vorah is super unique character. My opinion is that other than Kotal she was the best new character in X. She's really disgusting.

Kotal, D'Vorah, and Cassie are deserving of their slots.

Attached: mortal_kombat_11_cassie_cage-768x435.jpg (768x435, 46K)

Is that fucking Celebrity Deathmatch?

>MK11 plays much better than MKX. It gives you way more options instead of just brain dead rush down
user, rushdown wasn't even that bad in MKX. that is a meme. If spammy and trap-happy motherfuckers like Jacqui, Kitana, and Ice Clone Sub-Zero were viable in standard play, there's no excuse.

could you post a pepe or a wojak to mark your opinion in regards to each character

it's hard to read a post like this without wojak or pepe

>Jacqui is just female Jax
True, and Cassie is just zoomer Sonya with shadow kicks and you just like her cause muh dick. They easily couldve just used young Sonya act like her in 11 like how young Johnny is just oozing with his old self absorbed personality again.

Jacqui was the only truly shit new addition.
Rest were ok.
Kotal, D'Vorah, and Cassie were truly good additions,

Jacqui was boring in X, but she's almost the only interesting rush down character in 11

Cassie is literally a millennial with a millennial attitude, she had an actual arc and story.

Jacqui was solely "super serious military lady".

Attached: mortal_kombat_mythologies___sareena_by_jaggudada_d590ue8-fullview.jpg (900x715, 196K)

You fucking know it bro.

Attached: sick-reference.gif (443x185, 1.96M)

Am I the only one that does not like d'vorah without the hood?

I dunno guys, MK11 characters design are so bland compared to previous MKs, I know they wanna streamline the franchise but they're forgetting what made the franchise appealing

She does look more interesting in 11. I agree.
Doesn't excuse her blandness in X though.

I hope she is better in 11 cause I love black girls.

Attached: 1554068803024.jpg (883x544, 59K)

Just look at this gameplay, why everything looks so fucking cheap?
Guess they care about women respect more than actual game itself.

There is superior black girl, Jacqui is just waste of space.

>Jacqui is boring
>but Cassie isn't
Is it just because the Story Mode pushed her really obnoxiously hard? I don't get it, they have the exact same issues (except they improved Jacqui's moveset a bit in 11 I guess? Cassie's the dullest looking character in the game so far yet no one is complaining about her either, what am I missing here?) and are both completely redundant due to their parents still being in the game

You can't actually believe that.
How are Kollector, Erron Black, Kotal Khan, Shao Khan, D'Vorah, Baraka, or Kano more bland than lol different color ninjas.

Even the ninjas have more varied looks this time.

You REALLY want to hate this game huh?

Attached: ortal_kombat_cinematic_grab-768x402.jpg (768x402, 44K)

You better mean Tanya.

Look at this qt

Attached: jade25.jpg (1200x675, 82K)

wait did they remove the xray effects from the fatal blow?


Shit taste, Jade is a boring lump if nothing.

Attached: Mortal-Kombat-X1.jpg (760x428, 26K)

Kotal = Ferra/Torr > Takeda > D'Vorah > Erron = Cassie >>>>> Jacqui
Kotal and FT had unique gimmicks, good voice acting, standout designs and fitting movesets. You can tell they tried with those two

Takeda had a weasel voice and middling design (looks like a MGS character), but his techno-ninja/swordsman shit was nice.

D'Vorah had a cool design and voice but her moveset was uninteresting. They had a lot of potential with the bug controlling gimmick and wasted it on her shooting slime at people.

Cassie and Erron had the same problem. Good ideas, awful moves. Cassie's punches looked like shit, Erron had those stupid sand balls. What the fuck were those?

And we agree on Jacqui.

Attached: 0_MBbFTmYOojEXNhMI.png (768x512, 71K)

Krushing Blows have the Xray effects, Fatal Blows are more like non fatal fatalities.

Jade hasn't been black in 20 years.
She's clearly middle eastern or indian.

Attached: 1554055007979.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

The men are way too white, make them all black with a few asians and only the clearly evil ones are white.

>cumeyed whore

thats because they turned half the ninjas chinese and the other half joined ISIS.

The game is pretty clearly doing both though, as did the last few MKs
whether it's doing that well is another discussion entirely but covering both bases should be what devs try to do, they absolutely should not pander to Yea Forums who doesn't buy or play these games and forgets they exist a few days after release to move onto rosterfagging about the next unreleased fighter anyway

Called it

I want Tanya to do a split on my dick

Its still count as black

doesn't respond to my point about how they're both amongst the blandest and most redundant characters in the game at all

Lmao, I would rather play straight fighter V than MK11.

Attached: 1539426389286.jpg (715x619, 103K)

>Kung Jin so shit that no one ever lists him
Also nothing about Cassie was a good idea, what are you talking about

>new character has no titties
It's shit

Rambo is cheap as fuck with machinegun+explosive Arrow combo

Her being shoved down the audience's throat in the story mode is supposed to be an argument for her being a not shit character even if she is annoying

Now that's some spicy autism


>35 years old

Attached: ava.jpg (650x520, 261K)

Ok, I can't dispute your opinion man. I don't think Cassie is bland at all. But you do. Both of my posts explained why I feel that way about Cassie. If you disagree you disagree, dude.

But you can't pretend I didn't explain why I like her.

Attached: tumblr_o4kd02cqjo1t675ejo1_500_1.jpg (500x697, 82K)

Still waiting for the Terminator in MK

she's a great replacement for Stryker

The only thing making Cassie likeable to these idiots is their loneliness and their dicks.

>Erron Black, Kotal Khan, Shao Khan, D'Vorah, Baraka, or Kano
None of those characters debuted in MK11.

You said NOTHING about debuts.
You should have specified.

Even then Kollector isn't bland at all and he is a debut.

The Kombat Kast people are fucking bottom of the barrel. You got the fat jew who insults fans online and tries to be funny, you git the limp wristed faggot who wont shit up about outfits, you got the greasy looking dude bro tool who, again, tries to be funny, and you got the söy filled beta intern behind the scene swapping between cameras.

>tfw it's 2019 and conservative right wingers are once again furious about MK
Some things never change, I guess.

False equivalence. A man without a shirt is not equal to a woman without one.

She's not from earth so how the fuck is she Indian or middle eastern? She's a dark skinned Edenian.

Options are

1. Stop talking about it entirely and never mention it again
2. Pretend it actually didn't do well by some weird metric we came up with that makes no god damn sense
3. Say it was never SJW and we never said that and if you think Yea Forums didn't always love MK 11 you're a tranny!

Pick one

yeah, you'd much prefer to jack it to the former.

I fucking hate 16bit, by the fact that he changed from based fat neckbeard neet to this basedboy shitter.

>ugly as shit face
>only saved by a hood
Uuhhh no

What she actually looked like

Attached: kitana.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

>come on user u know u want her.

Attached: 67126379126354567.png (300x250, 18K)

imagine my shock, she's a white woman

Kitana looks like shit so thanks god mileena is sitting this one out

They only salvation for Kitana now if they purposely gonna make her barefooted.
I want Kitana's feet.

I unironically want to fuck X D'Vorah

Steve is a former pro FG player.
Him being gay is irrelevant. His knowledge is deep (like his asshole).

He'd destroy you in any FG.

Tyler is a nice dude, if he shits on a "fan" it was for good reason. Guaranteed to be some incel shedding tears over not being able to play with his virgin stink dick because "hurr no bikinis hurr" and incel mcmicropenis is too stupid to use pornhub.

Attached: f026d426-7dd4-11e5-9886-97e85c0a802d-780x819.jpg (780x819, 50K)

Mileena was already ruined in MKX, its too late sit one out.

4. Move on to the next outrage (I predict more energy into spamming VtM threads and how they're SJW). So sorta like 1.

16 bit haven't played on good level for a very very long time, he is not better than any top100 online player, which is pretty free.

>already posting their e celeb fag that lives rent free on their heads

the best thing to happen to Mileena was D'Vorah

my sides

>defending these 3 stooges
I'm guessing you're either that faggot Steve who got so BTFO he started craving dicks in his ass more often, or youre the fat jew who thinks irish steelworker caps didnt die in the 1800s.

Who mentioned black people? Fuck off pol

I actually want the Black Knight. That's a good callback to the other guys at Midway. He's basically the prototype for MK1's announcer (Shao Khan)

Its hilarious how you niggers want people to take your arguments seriously. Almost as the funny as people crying about "Scarlet" being covered up in the reveal.

I really hope this isn't a kinda shitty PC port like MK10 was.
Was the Injustice 2 port decently optimized?

>posts mk2
Zoomers everybody

It must suck being a conservative gamer.
You only get janky flawed indie trash like Kingdom Crap: Little Dickliverance.

Feels good being a chad liberal.

Inb4 "but le drumpf won, discord tranny"
Hillary won. Though. LITERALLY more votes.


Attached: 43F9AD6800000578-4858216-In_September_2014_Quinn_tried_to_get_an_injunction_through_a_cou-a-2_150472 (634x634, 93K)

16bit is an annoying attention seeking fag. He wasnt even fucking relevant during mk9 when he actually performed. And Tyler is just retarded which is why hes kept in a social media oriented position. It's his job to diffuse fans like that not insult them. Easiest fucking job, yet it's the ones retards fuck up on the most since they let their minimal power go to their head.

chun li is ugly as fuck though

What the blazes

So a lolobertarian pretending to be lefty

Wow you figured out that post wasn't by an actual lefty? Wow you're really smart bro!

>Kung Jin was cool.
t. Homo

More interesting? is just a bland black chick with a Mass Effect Andromeda suit

what's the point of larping as a smug gay left-winger? is it fun? do you get paid?

Imagine being so obsessed you circle jerk eachother about how much of a free thinker you are and how you "hate" this place, while you post here in the first place.

Attached: 1554326346718.gif (202x244, 785K)

The best way to argue on Yea Forums is to pretend to be the people you disagree with and act as retarded as possible.


Attached: 1554363607934.gif (245x200, 497K)

You mean imagine being an 8cuck?

Attached: cripplecucks.png (974x748, 174K)

Right because lobbing incel and nazi around makes people take your arguments seriously

Attached: 1554008285026.jpg (888x894, 68K)

Obsessed. That's really all I can say about you.

Gameplay wise she looks much better than X.
Hopefully her character is given more depth in the story than X.

I like Mass Effect armor though. She got thus cool sci fi dress with heels as an alt.

that's a man.

Attached: 15454667.jpg (600x637, 43K)

Mileena rips them apart and eats them.
Kollector rips them apart and collects their parts (and throws away the stuff he doesn't want).
Also, he actually finishes them off.

Might as well post cope or seething or yikes

sorry to burst your bubble but youre not a chad if your pic related is a thing you find attractive

>the Chad Kollector

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yes overwatch is very interesting

Attached: IMG_20190405_171443.jpg (502x438, 44K)

Well how else would you describe your behavior. I'm convinced you actually think I'm one of the people in your screencap.

>Not worshipping unburnt_witch
Pick one

You lost goober geeter. Bow to your queen.

Attached: five guys.jpg (803x1200, 133K)

he looks fun. shame geras and the aloy looking bitch are generic as hell

is that a tranny?

obsessed cringe seething yikes tranny incel have sex oof

Looks like a human manifestation of herpes

Just on a superficial level she got the best MKX fatality and a lot of people love her porn, her couple of classic SFM are dick destroyers, the one where shes fucking some chick from the back with her futa cock and her huge ass is bouncing around kills me. Then she has that other where she does a selfie with some people and fucks them all.

Pls no bully.
Zoe is cute cute cute.

Attached: 1554445203395.jpg (901x1200, 129K)

>Erron's jar of Reptil's acid

Fanart of Erron collecting acid from Reptile when?


It's already on /vg/.
There are a few pics already.

Where does the potent acid come from?

Zoomer go away.
If you don't know Zoe you are too young to be here.

Attached: CXmSpplVAAANq7k.jpg (960x960, 124K)

I got gonorrhea just hovering my mouse over this

Kitana didn't exist in MK1, user.

>hes literally milking Reptile

Take a guess.

Amazed this terrorist site is still around

Reptile's dick.

Erron had to "milk" Reptile.

Attached: tumblr_o6zyxh7S751r91du3o1_500_1.jpg (500x406, 67K)

Piss off with your ugly-ass Literally Who photos you beta male.

She's queen alright. Queen of trash from the land of Cuckington.

What device does he even use?

You can just ask me to post more, user.
Don't be shy.

Attached: 43F9B6F700000578-4858216-Speaking_to_DailyMail_com_Quinn_said_writing_her_story_was_like_-a-1_150472 (634x634, 79K)

His mouth.

Attached: boggdalands.png (1104x714, 913K)

Attached: zoequinneating.jpg (600x600, 161K)

His asshole.

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Attached: 1551985603049.jpg (1280x720, 225K)

All new characters are terrible confirmed.

Maybe you should just poke your eyes out and stick an ice pick in your frontal lobe.

You'd be better off. Might improve your shit taste homie.

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I knew it sounded familiar.

Your mom

Attached: 1554066545312.gif (500x296, 466K)

when's sheeva?

dem MK threads are absolute garbage

They really took a nosedive due to all the muslim kombat shit, 9 and X threads weren't bad at all.

all female fighters look boring and ugly, isn't it sexist lul

You mean the REALLY REALLY REALLY forced Muslim Kombat meme that is verifiable shitposting with no validity.

Attached: 1553972542486.jpg (2048x1536, 561K)

>cosplayers have to do genderbender costumes because all female fighters look like shit
can't make this up

>with no validity

Attached: MK11 female ninja design.jpg (800x800, 26K)

No validity you ugly motherfucker.

Attached: 1553728732469_2.jpg (296x440, 21K)

Come on user showing a little navel isn't much. Even Injustice 2 had pic related.

Attached: tenor (3).gif (480x270, 2.24M)

>one single costume that doesn't even hold half a candle to her original workout attire in 1
Boy you really are proving him wrong, aren't you?

Goalpost shifting cucks.

Not really, notice how he said female NINJA design.

>every MK thread nigger posts same fucking image of fugly Sonya as argument of female fighters being sexy

Attached: 1472780457690.gif (353x209, 2.62M)

>goalpost shifting
>by comparing it to their own most recent game
>a T-rated one no less
You might be the most dedicated fanboy ever. If only you were as committed to learning modern English.

Can't we have just one thread without talking about T&A? Lets make a MK thread on /aco/ and do that shit I'm down

Attached: balalaika-scars.png (616x347, 87K)

I think 11 looks really cool.
I especially enjoyed all three characters on the Kombat Kast today.

Kollector and Erron are possibly going to be my go to characters.

My biggest concern are that the 5 characters from the beta seem REALLY outclassed by each new reveal. I hope the beta 5 get reworked before launch.

Attached: mortal_kombat_11_cap_3-768x408.jpg (768x408, 40K)

She's probably going to be the only one with a midriff. Even then, its really odd that they didn't even go with a Halter sports bra. Just with that it could've been an easy Classic MK 3 - 4 costume but I guess that showing too much of her midriff.

Attached: sonya_blade___mortal_kombat_3_by_zabzarock-dcml8f0.jpg (1012x789, 123K)

Attached: sonya_blade___mortal_kombat_4_by_zabzarock_dcml8k0-pre.jpg (1012x789, 76K)

Right now eirher Skarlet or Kabal are mine Skarlet just looks way to fine and Kabal has been my main since MK3.

savagery is no match for skill

Attached: Puffy Volvo.jpg (580x280, 15K)

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Guy tried to see if he could do some edits. Gets shit from autis for daring to even attempt so

Attached: Screenshot (32).png (499x266, 201K)

Guys, I'm worried about Reptile...
What's Erron doing with him??

Looks better but still ugly. Of course the white knights and trannies would hate it, they like that its ugly and tranny looking

Why the actual fuck is her head so wide in the first place? It looks wrong.

>that left image

Erron is milking him.

I don't get it.

B..b..but they're both men. That's not how it works..

kitana is shit

at least these fags are unironically passionate about the game

>the amount of pure assblast from Yea Forums in this thread


Today I watched a bit of Kombat Kast and guy in pink was demonstrating counter move on Kollector. He failed around 5-6 times and only 2 were successful.

I like both desu. New face looks recognizable and it's not really that ugly, they are just different. Would really like longer hair but it's probably just engine limitations, it's hard to pull off so it would look ingame.

Out of all the edits done here there have been zero complaints

everyone could fuck up when you do that shit every week. he probably knows his shit, just look at how fast he is navigating the menus, you can tell he spent a lot of time on it

fuck off guy in pink

That is Steve Beran arguably one of the 10 best pro fighting game players of all time. He used to go by 16bit. He was one if the best MK 9 players of all time. If you think Steve is shit you are clearly a know nothing casual tourist here to stir shit.

He was playing against Jax whose projectiles are unorthodox. Kollector is a new character and Steve typically mains rushdown characters.

Never speak on MK again.

Attached: 1554000716124.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

>unironically a copy-paste of Malthael
You can't make this shit up.

nigger are you high

Attached: 11att.jpg (1280x720, 226K)


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is shujinko in the game yet?

Meant Steve Brownback

remember the 8 billion in the outhercaust

>hated the new skarlett when she had short hair
>literally pop boners looking at her with long hair

whats going on bros?

Yeah he's really cute

>Cetrion is Poison Ivy and has a tie for dumbest fatality with Jackie
>Kollector is just Scarecrow
>Garrus is just Zasalamel

The new characters this time around are weak. I don’t see any of these returning. Maybe Kollector

you seem really upset pink guy. I know you were competing at some US regionals in MK at some point, but it's nowhere near "one of the 10 best pro fighting game players of all time".
Today you were absolute garbage because it's your job to demonstrate and you're being payed to do it.
now get the fuck out you dumb shit

No. I doubt Shujinko returns ever.
Boon notoriously hates most of the 3d era newcomers other than Bo Rai Cho and Frost.

If any of the 3d era returns it will be Havik because the MKX comics gave him real depth. And Havik has a decent fanbase fighting for him.

I'd love to see Shujinko, Drahmin, or Ashra in a modern MK personally.

Attached: 1554043346366.png (695x705, 406K)

>fight night
good taste boon

> hates most of the 3d era newcomers other than Bo Rai Cho and Frost.
even kenshi?
everybody loves kenshi

Kollector will end up being a fan favorite like Kotal, Erron, and Cassie did in X.

We'll never see Geras or Cetrion after 11.

I know you'll reply with "Cassie sux". But she does have a decent following. Unlike Jacqui whom NOBODY wanted to comeback.

Forgot Kenshi. Yes, Boon likes him. I knew I was missing one.

Have sex.

What's your favorite character and ability?

Attached: shang2.png (450x256, 193K)

nobody likes cassie, people liked takeda could this happen? Since MK launched in 92 it has always been about one thing above others. Hot chicks. MK 1 was all about it, MK 2 was all about it, and MK 9 perfected it. But now they want to remove the ONLY reason people cared about these games, just like the Japanese Equivilant DOA tried to.

Attached: 1517048134799.jpg (632x758, 157K)

Yea Forums went apeshit over that, though. It's REALLY weird when you guys begin using images of other things Yea Forums went apeshit over as examples of the way to make a game Yea Forums won't cry about.

>cry Starfire looks like a nigger
>years later say you wish girls looked like this other girl you went crazy about existing

i would've loved the long hair on the right to turn into blood during kombat

And the devs of Dead By Daylight are rank 20 in their own game and try to design it around other rank 20's.

Surprise: Devs don't have the time to get good at the game they make.

Jacqui's fatality is awesome, though?

Anons litterally did the same shit for Cassie calling her an ugly nigger qhen MKX came out now since she looks different everyone started calling her MKX self sexy with big tits

She's black so I don't like it






Attached: tenor.gif (386x280, 3.13M)

Oooh tough.

>Ice Ball

>Chop Chop

>Grenade Toss


Deadly Alliance
>Quan Chi
>Teleport Stomp

>Bo Rai Cho
>Puke Puddle

>Backbreaker Command Grab

>Noob Saibot
>Clone Tackle

>Kotal Khan
>On Your Knees (command grab)

MK11 (from what I've played)
>Delia's Dance

MK11 (what I've seen)
>Erron Black
>Dynamite Forward Throw

Attached: fire_and_ice_by_sw_art_dc1y4em-pre_1_1.jpg (480x648, 97K)


Attached: 1554234513203.jpg (960x960, 104K)

None of the ninjas debut in MK11 either dumbass.

Has to be either Cyrax and his Buzzsaw or Kabal and his Raging Flash

Not gonna lie i probably would. She has good titties and curves now and theres gotta be somethin that keeps making these guys go in for more.

Repugnant, repulsive human being, but boy i sure would.

Attached: 1487719335851.jpg (600x1067, 61K)

Guys someone just told me to have sex, any tips for this?

Open your hole up

just lie down and loudly sing the 1960s Spider-Man cartoon theme song as whoever is fucking you begins fucking you.

and make sure they fuck to the rhythm of the song.

so is SHao Kahn Onaga now?

>tfw it's the right wingers that are mad that MK isn't actually raunchy enough
>meanwhile, the leftists are cheering at nearly all of the women in MK11 wearing burkhas

What a goddamn strange timeline we're in lads.

I want to die, this is not the kind of backwards fucksidedown world I want to live in.

Scarlet is literally ugly as fuck lmao, looks like a nasty street shitter

agreed. her face is too wide.

I think it might be OG Timeline Shao Kahn after Armageddon.

Think of it like the Armageddon timeline being a branch of potentiality that ceases to be a potentiality at the end of MK9, but during MK9 when Raidens amulet is cracking, its still a potentiality, and still "exists", and has to exist as a potentiality at that moment in time for the amulet to continue cracking as it does, so if you went back to that period of time you could pull from the offshoot potentiality of Armageddons timeline

That or he was pulled out of time by Kronika as Raiden sent the message or some shit.

literally this

View women merely as sexual objects whose only worth is to promote men from incel to non-incel in life

I really hope they pull more shit from OG timeline. always been a big fan of the story until 9. then X just gave us kombat kids and now this shit is looking unimpressive save for 2 or 3 possible character arcs and 2 character designs


No, it's Armageddon Khan. He's the only survivor from that timeline. Khan from the 9 timeline is dead.
I suspect we'll learn more about him during tge story. I think there is going to be a twist. That twist being Shao Khan killing Kronika halfway through the story for shock value.

>Not being HYPE for young Liu and Lao adventures.

>Most men want to look like those barechested males.
No we don't.

only if its in the form of a shaolin monks sequel. this series has really lost its edge

Kronika's entire plot is bringing back the Armageddon timeline. The Armageddon timeline was supposed to happen. It's not a maybe. That is the story if 11.

I haven't seen leftists cheering.

he's not a dev you fucking imbecile

Is she English? She's brown and has fucked up teeth so she must be British.

>guy in pink
Have to assume you're talking about the blonde soiboi who always dresses in pink, who is indeed a dev. Use names if you mean someone else.

he's a fucking playtester for fucks sake, his job is literally to play the game.
Kill yourself you dumb nigger

This game is a miss

He literally talks about designing shit. Jesus christ.

You're not wrong, mk9 had all the OG characters, both X and 11 suck compared to It.

Provide citations.

I'm not that user, but you're a faggot, prove what you're saying. Provide evidence.

kill yourself you trashbin

Attached: 11arefu.jpg (314x351, 38K)

Looks like a tranny boomer


Get rid of all these characters, please. Bring back Kung Jin and Takeda and make them along with the other Kombat Kids more interesting. I'm so tired of these families taking up roster spots.

FUCKIN THIS Everything about mk 11 seems dowgraded AF from the previous games

He's washed up MK player. NRS is notorious for hiring those

noob has a nice peasent/monk/death/ninja look

Still a more fulfilling life then you've had LMAO!

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He's gay now but he used to be a fat neckbeard.
SeeHe's actually super talented at fighting games.

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learn to shut the fuck up when you lose in argument you pathetic fuck, stop embarrassing yourself


>"very talented"
>constantly drops combos in his demonstrations on stream
>his job is to play the game

Depends though, through stoicism anyone can have a more fullfiling life than any tranny

Sonya and Nigger McSteelhands can go.

But never Johnny.
He's the funniest character they have. MK needs at least one jokester.

Kung Jin and Takeda are probably dlc.


Only shit character there is Sonya and Takeda

He has to play every character on stream memorizing EVERY characters timing is tough.

If he was competing he'd have a main and an alt he knows inside and out.

Hating him is fine. But claiming he sucks just isn't true. Watch some videos from when he was a pro.

I want to see you memorize timing for 20+ characters and not drop a combo.

Come on.

But what am I expecting from Yea Forums.
You aren't going to admit I'm right.

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ok now I see

Aka proper grammar and formatting.

Nice deflection.

ok now i see

>making a new paragraph after every shitty sentence is a proper formatting
What is grammar have to do with anything here?
you know I would like to slap you very hard, because you sound like a dumb bitch. But sadly I can not do that, so I'll say shut the fuck up and get back to your shitty hugbox you moronic faggot.

He's a tranny though

>Now the least you can do is explain your position like a sensible adult.

if you knew anything about fighting games, he wouldnt have to

youre the equivalent of some retarded soccer mom who thinks amnesia and cod are the exact same game, its actually embarrassing youre this fucking proud about knowing literally nothing about the topic

>responding to obvious bait

Ok, yeah.
Doesn't negate his skill though.

Like, I hate SonicFox. A lot. But, I'm not a retard who's going to pretend he has no skill.

The MK tranny is more skilled than any zoner imo

Wrestlemania as a brand name has more value than the world series

Neck yo self, kid. You know nothing about the classics.

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>women have been dealing with the opposite for years
>it finally happens once to men and they throw a shitfit

Kidnapped the netherrealm. They need strong independent women to come save them. You can too for only $12.99!

>MK series always had half naked men and women
>being played mostly by men like most FG and also because of over the top gore
>cover up women and make only men sexy
>"uhhh, stop throwing a shitfit!"
there is literally no reason for this shit to happen