Should Link or Zelda be portrayed as a different race in the next installment? It’s getting a little stale having every game with a generic Hylian [read: white] protagonist. How about an African American female in a lead role?
Should Link or Zelda be portrayed as a different race in the next installment...
Link is white. But Zelda should be brown.
This, give us a proper Wind Waker Sequel with fully fleshed out islands & underwater exploration
Fuck off you stupid journalist.
Why not?
That would make no sense and would feel like forced diversity, which is the worst kind of diversity
considering how their race is genuinely integral to the world, story and connected theme of the series i'd say they shouldn't be nigs
if they made some kind of spinoff where instead of the game having a medieval/renaissance style it had a african or asian artwork and tapestries as a artstyle base and the premise is how other cultures would tell the story then that would be a neat concept but as far as main games it would be fucking stupid to have such a radical change to the entire series
link is already a gay fuckboy too how much more do you want
Cosplays are totally fine though
This would be the only acceptable reason
It doesn't matter honestly what Yea Forums would think of it.
What would matter is what the Japanese audience would think of it.
It would be very very disliked in Japan to have a black Link.
I think they could make him Asian though and be fine
doesn't japan edit black people out of american movie posters too or is that just china?
i know asian countries hate actual black people in their media
Reminder if wind waker released today people would throw a hissy fit about her being brown.
>Should Link or Zelda be portrayed as a different race in the next installment?
Next question.
should they be?
will they be?
will a tweet from a twitter user with 121 followers that angrily asks why nintendo didn't make link a black transsexual hit the bump limit on Yea Forums?
This tells me that Barret is invincible
If Link is supposed to be a self-insert for the player, he should be customizable.
link is a nigger?