>All these games about samurais
>All these games about knights
>All these games about vikings
>No fucking games about the Mongols, the REAL warriors
Why? Where is the love for the Mongols, they conquered all these faggots
>All these games about samurais
>All these games about knights
>All these games about vikings
>No fucking games about the Mongols, the REAL warriors
Why? Where is the love for the Mongols, they conquered all these faggots
Mongols did not conquer the samurais you mongolian
A game about mongols would be pretty sick. Horseback archery is stylish no matter what.
You faggots were saved by those tsnuamis and that's it. If it didn't take so long and the waters weren't so dangerous, those mongols would've made Japan their land
The samurais are so overrated, it's not even funny.
isn't that gonna be ghost of sushi
Don't you have a horse to wrestle, Arttu?
They would have, if not for the storms.
But yes, I agree with OP. A game about the Mongols would be kino.
but there is one
No because the Mongolians are just generic bad guy backdrops and not playable characters.
You have Fortnite, which is a game for mongoloids.
>knights, vikings
western people
asians and weebs
nobody cares
It would be ‘problematic’
Also nobody really gives a shit about steppes warriors
>riding horses and shooting arrows
Literally the two most boring shit in video games
Based mongoloid
Calling russians vikings is a stretch,, no.
>a game where half the world population is genocided and raped
I don't think that will fly in the current year. Shame, would love to see a war game rely heavily on cavalry and siege tactics.
or knights or vikings
fucking lel'd
The Russians were Vikings and they got bodied
>Where is the love for the Mongols, they conquered all these faggots
Theres actually a lot of discussion about that very topic by historians. The going theory is that Mongolians, for all their wealth, power, and astonishing empire had a leadership that was entirely ILLITERATE.
EVERY SINGLE thing ever written about the Mongolians, was written by their enemies. Enemies who always portrayed them as stupid, evil, barbaric, and total douche-bags.
And in a very weird twist they were assimilated in the West by Muslims who shit on them more than anyone for destroying the Caliphate in 1258
why is mountain blade a popular video game then you atheist?
>history is written by the victor
>unless they can't read
horse archery is objectively the worst vidya combat
their tribal politics could make for some really kino drama though
>tfw drinking yak tea outside my yurt
>looking out over the endless sea of grass and dirt while the sun sets
>watch my flock grazing
>wife is telling the kids stories inside
>think about what I'm gonna do about Babur
>a wave of wind rocks the dandelions
>drink my tea
plus the idea of floating, moving powerhouses, and family loyalties and all.. man it seems real cool
>what is the secret history of the mongol
>what is the mongols adopting the Uyghur script and having a written language enforced by Ghenghis Khan
Christ you’re a retard. Don’t speak about things you have no knowledge of...
>had a leadership that was entirely ILLITERATE.
user ...
The virgin Great Wall vs the chad Kamikaze
>game amount horse archery
it would be mountain blade, but...actually, it would be mounty blade.
ITT: salty nonmongols still upset they got bumrushed by based northern chads
Mongols were an idiots. Nobody want to play for a degenerates.
>The going theory is that Mongolians, for all their wealth, power, and astonishing empire had a leadership that was entirely ILLITERATE
Going where? They have the secret history documents as well as working with conquered nations to form a dynasty. Mongols could read and write and learned even more after boding everyone and making them teach them new shit so they can body more people using it.
There are mods for M&B Warband covering all kinds of cultures. Even mongols.
This mongols are dum dum. Mongols are stupid as fuck, but great strategies.
>ride horse for 6 hours
>smack the chinese
>ride horse for 6 more hours
"12/10, it's okay" - IGN
What, a game about riding around aimlessly on a an endless flat steppe, occasionally raping som farmers and sheep?
Also Oriental Empires had mongols as DLC.
Stupid pfffffff
Russians are vikings tribe.
>When fighting Europeans, the Mongols would light poop on fire to disgust and confuse the often pampered nobility
maybe if there was a survival aspect it could be comfy
basically temujin's life after getting kicked out of the wolves
Rus right.
For some reason devs are allergic to doing mounted combat. Mountain blade is basically the only one to really do it and make it a major focus.
The mongols won pretty much all of their battles thanks to superior strategy, despite being outnumbered and outclassed. People who call horse archers "OP" are fucking retarded; in direct confrontation they got routed by heavy cavalry every time.
>they were assimilated in the West
They got assimilated by everyone they conquered. It was a flash in the pan empire.
Also don't forget Koei's チンギスハーン・蒼き狼と白き牝鹿ⅣPK
what if raising horses has a bunch of rpg elements? and you meet all sorts of interesting other nomads on the steppe. I could really see this work. the only good reason it wont is no one in mongolia makes vidya
>short, fat, flat-faced ricemonkeys afraid to dip their toe in the pool and fuck with the insane, island-dwelling head cultist chads
They did (and still do that today) just to stay warm in their little barbarian tents.
And they pick the poop with their hands.
Dude look, mongols were illiterate as fuck and also stupid and they got fucked by typhoon two times. Also I don't know do you see any mongol empire around.
Barbarians are degenaretes especially mongols.
0.5% of all humans on earth carry Genghis Khan's genes. That is his empire.
Because samurais, knights, and vikings had really good publicists. The setting and history of samurais, knights, and vikings is familiar enough to a general audience that they will be enthused about the game and buy it. Mongols, and most other places and times, do not benefit from the absurd amount of attention a select few groups of people have received by historians and pop culture. It's basically ancient egypt, greece, rome, medieval europe, modern western europe, japan, china sneaking in now that chinese people actually have money, and that's it. Everyone else ever can go fuck themselves.
So many degenerates, I see. To bad for them.
Also Mongols was wrecked by superior int Knights.
Now this is quality
>try to think of other finish games
>flatout: also a game about shit cars
>remedy studios: video games about lonely men dragging themselves through darkness
based binlan
Vikings from hyperborea such a russians. So not many differences.
fuck the mongols. they fucked up the whole goddamned world and left nothing valuable behind
guess that's impressive if you're an /r9k/ incel, but all that shows is that the mongols were exactly the gang of rapist murderers everybody always said they were. now asia is full of midget psychopath genes. great