>physical game: $49.99
>digital version (much cheaper to distribute): $49.99
Why don't publishers pass the savings to the consumer?
>physical game: $49.99
>digital version (much cheaper to distribute): $49.99
Why don't publishers pass the savings to the consumer?
Because they don't have to.
>And we're passing the savings on to you
Yeah keep living in the past old man.
they want you to be a wageslave and get a job.
>buying games
Retard alert
How much does a disc cost per game? A few cents?
>being poor
Because they dont pass on the savings to digital buyers, they eat the loss on physical copies.
>choosing to make yourself poorer by wasting your money on free games
This is kinda interesting, because they released a boxed version of Naruto Ninja Storm Trilogy or whatever on the Switch and it's just a code in a box, but it's overall 10 euros cheaper than buying it digital. It's complete bollocks.
Disc + Case + Paper Cover + Maintenance of Factory Machinery.
I'd wager it to be around the $3-5 mark
>5 to 8% of total cost
No way it's that much
add delivery and storage costs
If you want the facts it is because it makes fans salty. Sure it is a weak reason but it is the legit only actual factual reasoning that has been proven. That is also why the price of a game is the same pretty much everywhere when it comes out. The legit difference that stores can offer legally (since there is a agreed upon price for sale at new by the publisher to the stores) is incentives. While this 60 dollar game can't legally be sold for 50 dollars, we can give you 10 dollars store credit when you purchase this game.
>pass the savings to the consumer
I'm quite on the right, so don't call me SJW or anything. The plastic soup is a legitimate problem, shouldn't devs offer incentives to generate less plastic waste?
Digital is about control not savings
because publishers are out to rip off as many people as they can before the whole industry finally collapses. it stopped being about video games some time ago.
nintendo and like 2 AAA self publishers still play by the rules.
indies are in their own little world
''like 2 AAA;;
So one is Sony, and the other? Bugfesta fucked up recently so.
Because they’re greedy and want to make as much money as possible. I wish we were back in the days of retail copies being the norm and digital copies being discounted before launch.
well I was thinking CDPR and not sure what the other one was but sure as fuck not bethesda
EA is making more now than ever because of the social switch from retail to digital. I’m excluding microtransaction.
why are Nintendo and Sony acceptable still though? Japanese culture?
Funfact: Japs give Crash Bandicoot more popularity than Plumberman.
If the game is even a week old, usually I can find a physical game for cheaper than digital
Thought that was the whole point of digital. Would be cheaper for everyone cutting out the logistics of putting copies on shelves and hoping people buy them up.
Fuck gamers though, entitled racist shits. And fuck those people living in the flyover states with 3rd world american internet. This hobby has really started to suck the last 5 years.
exactly. not weebing or anything, japanese culture is precisely why eastern games are of superior quality. western games have been consumed by trademark greedy corporations and must now crash itself before we can get amazing AAA games again
japanese games may be of consistent high quality but can't match the western market when its at its peak
I got to preorder Witcher 3 for $48 cad when the regular aaa price for an upcoming game in 2015 was $70 cad. So I’m grateful for CDPR not being shit like most companies. Despite the Jewishness of Paradox they’re offering imperator Rome for $45 cad when it should be around $58cad since $39.99 usd is worth more cad. No other company is doing this for us.
Sony is a bizarre company though, they were aided by marshall aid and helped to unfuck Japan. Their aesthetic and games they publish are more often Western than Eastern though? Crash Bandicoot and Spyro seem as American to me as clogged arteries.
did u know: the hamborgers with 2 patty's dont cost 2x as much as the bamborders with 1x patty's. really rumbles the jumbles
>making games cheaper
mmm das anticonsumer you know
imagine if low budget indie small companies like gamefreak or square sold their games for $50, they would be bankrupt
>A retailers cut is $12 on a $60 game
>The publisher has to pay a licensing fee to the platform holder (on average $7)
>The cost of physical production (discs, cases, storage, delivery) works out at about $3.
>That means a physical copy brings in $38 for the publisher
>The digital platform holder takes 30% ($20) of all sales on its platform (unless you're Epic)
>No physical costs
>Total money for publisher on a digital copy is $40
Publishers don't actually save much money on digital copies. It's the platforms holders that are making bank.
it seems like a lot, but remember that games went from $100+ to $60 when companies switched from cartridges to CDs
im going to smash this website with a hammer if you fuckers dont stop not knowing how video games happen. ill fucking do it
What are you talking about user, digital versions are always F R E E
>we make the digital version of our game cheaper than the physical
>now walmart, best buy, gamestop, etc are fucking pissed because we're undercutting them
>also we could just sell it for 60 and make more money
stupid ass
You’d be very wrong.
your problem was concerning yourself with buying games especially in current industry
Nigger that's why all major publishers have their own store.
That only covers PC. You can't buy a Uplay or Origin game on console.
Fuck off reddit nazi frog poster
Are you insane? There's no way all of that costs more than 20 cents at an absolute maximum.
they used to but then kikes realized that people would still buy full priced digital games
>digital version (much cheaper to distribute)
This is where you are all going wrong on so many levels. And it is why having both equally is a better way to get profit. Fucking idiot.
They've got to pay for discs, cases, covers, a time slot at the disc burning factory, warehouse storage, warehouse security, delivery trucks, fuel for the delivery trucks, drivers for the trucks.
>i'll just make some stuff up without any actual sources or numbers
They never pass on savings, only costs.
They never pass on savings, only costs.
>make stuff up
How do you think discs get sent from a warehouse to a Gamestop? I'll give you a hint: It's not a fucking magic carpet.
They never pass on savings, only costs.
>he's says this while paying money for shit he can easily get for free
poorfag cope and projection
i'm not denying that there's costs involved, but when you just think up whatever random shit you think *might* be added to the cost like truck fuel and "time at the disc burning factory" without any numbers or sources you sound like a fucking retard
They never pass on savings, only costs.
>punishing physical copy buyers with higher prices
Might as well stop doing physical copies alltogether.
From Ubisoft.
Wow you care about the environment? What an SJW!
Yes, but when you consider how many discs you're churning out, the cost per disc can't be anymore than a few cents.
All these sources say that physical distribution is 2-6% of a $60 game
Faggot, you must know the best position to be in is having money but still choosing to pirate everything so you save even more money
>delivery trucks, fuel for the delivery trucks, drivers for the trucks.
They likely just charter one of the thousands of existing companies, so all of that would be covered by the shipping company. The only cost would be whatever that company charges.
Nobody who actually has money says this, poorfag.
In the UK digital games are more expensive. Usually £50-60 and hard copies are £45-50
You sound very insecure and should probably get a job
Used to work at a disc factory,
>Polycarbonate goes into a mould to make the disc.
>Cases come in by the pallet load.
>Covers and inserts are nothing.
>Time slot is scheduled in
>warehouse is just a bit of cctv
>delivery is handled by external companies and paid for by the customer.
Most of them are just digital codes anyway. Consoles will be doing this very soon.