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Post crack it out on everything yet?


Shit game

poor man's nuclear throne
fuck outta here

Every aspect of this game is cool as hell to me, but every time I play it I completely lose all motivation. I will forever be jealous of people that can really get into it. I'm sorry this is the final update, and I hope you guys had a good time with it.

did they improve load times and clean up the code yet?

No reason to act like such an indignant faggot about it. Jesus christ.

Yea Forums sucks at Gungeon, don't expect much.

Oh fuck, what's new in it? More floors and new character?

NO ACTUALLY BECAUSE the way they coded the game is absolute spaghetti, apparently to such an extent that this is the last update. dodge roll devs said its too frustrating and exhausting to try and work around and an overhaul is unrealistic without changing the whole game. they're on to greener pastures. loading times are better for me but that's semi-anecdotal and ive never had an issue with loading screens except for rat lair.

completely overshadowed by ror2's launch.
get fucked, gungeon was never good

I bought it because there were some good threads but I cant even get past level 3 consistently

fuck off rami

new secret floor, 1 new character (gunslinger), 1 new-ish character (paradox, starts with random shit from the other starting characters), more guns, more synergies, new mode
forgot to post the trailer in OP:

that's a shame as it can run like shit on switch, thought it was just a bad port before I later found out that it has similar problems on PS4 - even on PC load times can suffer and shit can hit the fan if you manage to get enough junk on-screen.

It's frustrating, as a game like this you want to jump back in quickly to practice, but the load times and generally slow gameplay loop are against you.

>actually making an effort to bitch about a game you don't like in a thread about a game you don't like
lol thanks for the bump fags

yeah, i hear that from a friend who plays switch, not sure what the solution would be besides turning debris down/off. just look at how spaghetti the game is, it's actually kinda interesting how they frankensteined it together:

That is...that's absolutely ridicolus.
I know a couple of people that work in the industry and they would facepalm so hard at this solution.
What the fuck, no wonder the loading times take so much.

Fucked up how there's no item, boss, or mode that takes advantage of this. They could have turned this goofball shit into something really cool.

This game feels like throwing darts into a brick wall. its bad

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did they add playable shotgun-kin to other versions?

does anyone know how to get the starting weapon skins? i heard you get them by killing the pasts again
but i just did a rainbow mode run, killed the past and got shit all

sadly only if you buy physical copies
probably because of rainbow mode

of all the complaints about the game i think this is the most glaring issue. they did increase the dps cap but the dps cap is a dumb idea anyway, because theres no point to gaining all these powerful guns if they all do sneeze-tier damage to bosses

I'm mostly stuck on Dragun because I can't be arsed to keep replaying the game just to get some experience against him in.

The game progression is really dependent on unlocks, a lot like Isaac, but some advice would be that you always want to do Oubliette if not the Crypt, and that brown chests are barely worth opening, and blue/green aren't mandatory. Two keys matter more than chests. For this reason, Pilot is the best character for unlocking stuff, because he can open chests for free, or hax his way into the Oubliette even if you are super unlucky getting the second key on floor 2.

The shop on the first floor always has a key if you didn't pick one up yet, and always has a gun if you didn't get any. Actually beating the first floor probably mostly comes down to the bosses.
- The tank is probably the easiest one, just run in circles erraticaly enough, and roll any of the spreads that manage to reach you - the main body of the bullets should always go to your side if you do this. You don't want the tank to go through the middle of the room, you want it to circle it, which you accomplish by making it follow you.
- The Mine Flayer doesn't want you to move, it's like you're playing Touhou and just dodging a bit with shift. Explody stuff helps against him.
- Cannonball will fuck you up, just keep dodging through the rings I guess

The synergies made it a lot easier, it's just free buffs from getting a lot of stuff really.

>tfw petting the dog
absolutely based feeling

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So uh what's the chance for Junkan?

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why not both

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based person with carpal tunnel syndrome

IIRC something crazy like 50% on the first time, then like 25%? the second time, and then it stays down at 5%. If you don't get him right away, don't bother basically.

Unlock Paradox by finding the tear in reality in the Mines. Interact with it and then finish the run.

Beating Paradox will throw you right into the Gunslinger. Beat that run to unlock him, special Lich fight, confirming that the two are one and the same.

Secret floor is accessed on Floor 4. Sell one master round and two other items to the floor creep and he will drag you to the studio floor.

I didn't bother.
That's the result of Clone from 1st chest on a Rainbow run.

>obvious shill

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Gungeon is too hard

>look up for the character unlock details
>remember how unfun this shit is and how long the single run takes
>close the game

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more like too long

Kinda wish the game had a 3D perspective now.

People being whiny babies about the difficulty, I got back into this game for the new patch, didn't even get any OP combinations (my best synergy was comm4ndo + minigun) and still managed to kill the Lich. Git fucking gud.

So I found some weird space goop on the ground and used e on it.
It made me all spacey. I never got to use it and after continuing a run, I lost it.

Orbital Bullets + Bullet is fun.

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That's how you unlock Paradox.
You just gotta finish the run.
You'll find it again, it's random.

I don't get the hate for gungeon when everyone sucks souls games dick?

Oh alright.

Poor man's Nuclear Throne.

How are they even comparable?

Gungeon is just flawed by design. Gameplay is a slog, slow bullet sponge enemies, slow bullets, boring guns, bloated with boring mechanics, literally has a built in "no fun allowed" system with items' rarity. Literally any other roguelite is more fun to play.

Holy fuck, this gun is cool.

reminds me of A Link Between Worlds

Is it finally good?
Last time I played the first two floors were so boring and long

How do your proc green orb? I had it activate once in a double clone run on Blockner and that was it.

I get it's disappointing and 2019 but damn it's not like it's N64 bad and we dealt with that fine. I play on Switch and it's never more than a few seconds. I don't see how that could ruin a game you otherwise like.

I wish they version they show at 3:10 was the actual game

>it's never more than a few seconds
bruh it takes almost a full minute to generate some floors


Dunno. I had Blockner too after grabbing it, but it didn't do anything.
Maybe dodge many bullets by rolling over them?

Anyway, never faced Lich before. Tips?

Nuke is better.

>playing the Wizards of Legends
>having a shitload of fun
>playing Dead Cells
>a shitload of fun even with 4 cells
>launch Gungeon
>it's such an irredeemable slot i want to turn it off 10 minutes later
Every time

>I play on Switch and it's never more than a few seconds
Not him, but the initial load is pretty long.

Because the game is bad

>mfw Ticket
what were they thinking

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>"no fun allowed" system with items' rarity.

You do realize that the majority of S and A rank items are pretty gimmick, right? They can certainly win you a run by themselves if you have 10 of them, but they aren't actually that fun to use most of the time. In fact I dreaded seeing Red chests because almost half the time I opened them, they were health ups and I would have been better spending the key on the green chest for a gun. Devs even realized this was a problem and added keys to health up red chests.

70% of the games best guns, passive and active items are in Green and Blue chests. Why the fuck would I want to see Red and Black chests more often? So the game can throw clone at me again? Or maybe the fucking Thunder gun? Composite gun when I have nothing to support it? Patriot? If anything I think the game has a problem of actually properly ranking it's items. So many good shit that are B rank, meanwhile not only was the Glacier nerfed, but it was moved to FUCKING A rank. A now shit gun in A rank.

If you want them to remove magnificence, then you'll need a better configuration of their weapons and items, not only to properly match the power that they have, but to make Black and Red chests a no duh, open that shit. Because as it stands, they are a huge gamble if you absolutely need a gun. As it stands, magnificence is saving peoples runs because they are avoiding getting handed all the A and S rank items that either have shit effects, or shit ammo and none of the C and B rank stuff to support them.

Nvm, obliterated him.

I found the rainbow run NPC on the third floor. I'm looking for the key right now

Did they finally fix runs worth an hour bing completely ruined because your drops are utter shit and you can't get a good weapon to save your life?

Yes actually.
Floor 1 is still a slog on anyone that isn't Bullet, but otherwise they've really patched up the game a bit.
Ticket is fucking amazing. And it charges itself so unless shit gets real ugly, you'll have 100% uptime on it.

Yeah, finally

>he fell for the souls is hard meme
souls is babby mode compared to gungeon, no wonder Yea Forumseddit hates it

>You do realize that the majority of S and A rank items are pretty gimmick, right?
I don't see what's wrong with letting players have fun. Once in a blue moon you'll get a run with 10 black chests. So fucking what? It'll be a unique and interesting or maybe broken and gimmicky but memorable nontheless run. But there's a retarded shit which prevents this from happening, like usual low % of spawning rare shit isn't enough. Gungeon is bloated with bullshit like this while actual gameplay is quite shallow.

>Trophies in the Challenge room
Neat. Now if only the fucking D20 and Blessing slut didn't cost Credits. I still need to save for Platinum Bullets.

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Wait, really?
I might start it up again if it's really the case.

So do you have to unlock the alt costume starter weapons?

I got it from the boss

>100+ runs
>Made it to the Dragun once
I don't think this is a game for me...

Pretty much this. I tried to like Gungeon and played for quite some hours, killed pasts and shit. But it was just no fun to replay. Everytime I see the first floor I just felt empty and didn't want to continue. I still play Wizard of Legend random runs from time to time and I'm having a lot of time with RoR2 but can't imagine playing Gungeon again.

It's definitely up to opinion, but it 100% feels less shitty if nothing else.

Right now I have ticket and battle standard so it's feeling like an easy run

gungeon is a shit game

In what ways did they adjust it?

Just got it. I'm ready for rainbow mode

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Key drops are more forgiving, the first floor almost always has 1 Bullet Kin replaced with a Key Kin who, if you kill them quickly, drops a Key.
Chest spawn adjustments.
Ammo is more common and there's a half ammo that is even more common so you can use your guns more aggressively.
Damage scaling is still there, sadly.

Neither game is super difficult. People die in Dark Souls because they're impatient and don't pay attention while Gungeon is considered difficult because of damage scaling making fights last longer.

never gotten past the 3rd level, how retarded am i?

>while Gungeon is considered difficult because of damage scaling making fights last longer.
if the game isn't difficult why is having to dodge for longer such a problem?

Best advice I can give you is keep purchasing guns with the green currency you get, find more NPCs, and absolutely positively DO NOT take a single hit from a boss because if you do you'll miss your opportunity to extend your health bar and receive extra rewards.

Because most people can't get the dodging down. It's like Touhou games where everyone goes "this is the hardest thing ever" just because they are incapable of grasping the main mechanic.

>Because most people can't get the dodging down. It's like Touhou games where everyone goes "this is the hardest thing ever" just because they are incapable of grasping the main mechanic.
so.... it's difficult?

>if you do you'll miss your opportunity to extend your health bar
oh shit, I didn't know this. How do you extend the health bar?

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If you kept messing up the jump over the first Goomba in SMB, would you call it a difficult game?

It’s all just practice and getting some good guns helps a lot. You get better over time, it’s really not that hard of a game.

Flawless the bosses and pickups

Beating a chamber boss (not the slime/old king) will reward you with a Master Round, which is like a heart container.

You should be able to figure out how to beat the King without taking a hit easily enough, that's four hearts for the second floor already.

Beating a boss without getting hit by said boss will reward you with an item that makes your health bar bigger for your run. so you can imagine how big your health gets if you keep beating bosses without getting hit by them on top of the items you'll find.

gonna redownload and try to beat it again. Thanks, lads

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There isn't a real demographic of people who do that, so no.
Are you dense?

I need tips
What guns are good
What chest should i open
How do i open secret rooms
and what char to use


>I need tips
dont get hit
>What guns are good
the ones that kill stuff fast
>What chest should i open
depends. you are guaranteed a weapon after you beat the boss if you haven't opened any chests. brown chests are probably not worth it.
>How do i open secret rooms
find a map to see where they are and use a blank to blast the wall away
>and what char to use
pilot is high risk high reward with low prices and a chance to open chests. hunter is fun. idk

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>only unique special you get from perfecting a boss is a fucking heart container because they couldn't be bothered to have a special pool of boss items
>the amount of bad or unfun guns
>everyone moves slow as shit
>shit runs feel like hell
>endgame sucks

How do you fuck up a game about walking around rooms to blast the shit out of enemies and pick up guns?

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My only problem with the game is that the mechanics being based around unique guns don't make it feel like you're creating a lot synergy the way say Isaac feels like everything is adding on top. Sometimes you just have shit guns or powerups that aren't doing anything and if you get lucky by the end of the game maybe four things are working together

>What guns are good
Room Clearing: Anything that can be charged has close to infinite ammo. Alien Sidearm, P Hand and Lil' Bomber come to mind as good and very common room clearing guns.
In Mine/Hollow you'll start getting overwhelmed by enemies though, and while these are still good, you'll need to blow some ammo from assault rifles and guns you're saving for the boss, but that's life. So, you use guns like Void Carabine for hard rooms.

Boss killing: Anything that explodes, shoot rockets/grenades and does not take fifty years to charge like Lil' Bomber is probably good. Meanwhile, low level beams are shit.
Mahoguny is a super common super good all pupose gun because it shoots exploding projectiles.
Status effects are good on bosses in general if you can inflict them, but spamming them does not really do anything.

Rarer guns that can carry you without any synergies:
Common: Proton Pack, Charge Shot, Stinger
S: Serious Cannon, AU Gun(bosses), Particulator
Some of the ones you can unlock are good too, but generally you'll be using what you get.

Honorable mention: T-Shirt/Poxcannon, Sling, Snowballer, Flame Hand, Shock Rifle, M1

Guns good for killing yourself with: Shotgrub, Alien Engine, Convict's shotgun (use to reveal hidden rooms, do not try to use on enemies)

Very true. I still really like the game but you hardly ever get any interesting synergies and some guns are beyond overpowered auto wins while majority is not that special or useful

Egg gun is best gun. Carries me every time I have it. I can just sit there and let it do all the work

Yet people still eat it up because muh meme guns and muh references and cute bullet kins.

I like it because of its challenge. I absolutely agree floor 1 is a slog everytime, but I'd take this over isaac.

>How do i open secret rooms
Hitting a wall with a gun (guns with finite ammo, not your starting gun) will sometimes crack the wall. These cracks show up on the outer/upper part of the wall, unlike other kids of damage to the wall. You can open a crack like that with a blank, or an explosive.
On the first floor, find the blue water barrel (there are usually a few), kick it over, and roll it to the fireplace. You can also hit it with something else that creates liquid on the floor, like a water gun or a poison gun. You'll be able to go through it, press the switch inside, and it will show the entrance to the Oubliette.

>What chest should i open
All of them if you can afford it, but you usually can't. Brown chests usually have shit things, however, one of the chests on the first floor always has a gun and it can be brown, so you might want that.

If you're not opening a chest, shoot it. Don't shoot red/black/rainbow chests unless there's no way for you to get another key anymore, or you fucked the lock with the lockpicks.

>and what char to use
Convict for learning the basics.
Pilot for unlocking once you know how to play the game.
Hunter/Marine for actually progressing far, depending on your style.

Floor one is only really a slog if you go full autist and kill the boss with your starter pistol


Evolver is fucking cool. Is there any stage past the 150 ammo homing bullet one for it?

Not as far as I know. What ever causes it to Evolve? I've only seen the initial, the wavy gun, the shotgun snail, and the slow homing rocket launcher-looking phase.

I haven't played this game in eons. I only remember the visuals, which is the only thing I thought the game had going for it at the time.

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>get the gun which changes in every chamber
>get to fourth chamber
>ice bazooka
>shoot it once at an enemy
>game crashes
Well at least the drill gun in the third chamber was cool.

A beat this game a year ago or so and its actually quite easy. My first win was pilot with about 25 deaths then I just won the other 3 in a row with no deaths. I pirated it when I first played it I think I might drop the 7 bucks to beat it again collecting everything.

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>beat this game

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If your talking about the lich I beat him to and he isnt hard either. In fact he might even be easier since you get your own items. I also beat robot as well never beat bullet cause I never unlocked him ;_;.

Now beat the Rat.

I never even fought him didnt know he was in the game. Guess I really do need to buy this game now.

>tfw the update drops while you're at work and you have to be a sneaky boy

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He was added about a year ago.
I'll warn you, it's quite a pain in the ass.
>First, you gotta buy the Gnawed Key, which first-time costs 999 Shells, but you can donate Shells to lower the price and this carries over between runs until you finally buy it
>Find the locked entrance hidden in a dusty room guarded by rats
>Blow a way in
>Use the Gnawed Key to enter the Labyrinth
>6 notes must be read in sequence and followed
>And fight
>Play Punch Out
>Congrats, you're done, now claim your prize, but perhaps another challenge awaits the mindful?

Just do your job, nigga. It'll go by fast enough.

it's the opposite tho, get your sjw throne out of here.

why do you work in a urinal?

I am, I have real "work" to do once every like thirty minutes because everyone else who works here is computer illiterate and cant do their work efficiently.

As someone who has recently been enjoying Enter the Funions, The Seat That is Radioactive is definitely better.

Why do urinals around you have flashing red alarm lights?

I worked as a form of tech support guy at my community college for 2 years. It was nice since there were 3 of us and 95% of all fixes was the professor couldnt sign in. Best job of my life I either did school work or BSed with the other 2 guys in there and played vidya. Now im a crappy lawyer who has to do real work.

shit I wanted to rat as playable character, i'm disappointed

Are you an inner city lawyer or do you usually represent humans?

the rat*

Thanks for posting this OP, downloadan right now.

>he's never beaten punch out
You have no room to say anything loser.

Is the DPS cap finally gone?

I work for a firm in NYC. I live in new jersey though. No I essentially never get to represent in court im to low on a the ladder. Kill me.

>its coming to switch online this month
guess there's no reason not to now.


I was just looking for a reason to play this again... That's crazy...

Then fuck this game, I'm back to dead cells.

I'm talking about the punch out minigame in gungeon, if you beat it you get all 4 rat items and become the rat.

So how do you unlock the new guy?

One of them is by picking up a piece of space that's just sitting on the ground. Randomly spawns somewhere in a run. Doesn't always spawn.
And then finishing the run.
Dunno about the other.

more like dead brain cells hah. got em. But no seriously how is that game? Haven't picked it up but I always see it on sale

what really? does he have his own rolling animations and shit? maybe that could be modded to be a full playable character

is the punch out minigame hard?

Meh dead cells devs ruined their game last year by changing how perks and elite enemies work

It is fairly difficult, yes.

Yes he is a fully fleshed out character Sprite. The game is hard until you get practice.

It's very good. The way in which each level is generated allows for fun exploration or autistic speedrunning and neither of them hamper your chances of getting good loot. Flow of combat is really something else since you literally get faster the more shit you kill in a row. Bosses are mostly well done with a couple of exceptions. My only problem with it was the grind to unlock stuff but even then was mitigated by the last patch, now the game showers you with cells.


Their perk system is literally at its best now.

Ya its alright. Its also fairly skilled based you can reasonably win with just the starting gun.

I'll probably grab it one of these days. Is the PC version the go to?

There's at least 12hrs in there.


I only have the PC version, so dunno about the others.

How do you unlock the new starter weapon skins?

holy shit hype

Dead Cells has a dps cap too.