
[incredibly satisfying rock track starts playing]

Attached: adol13.jpg (760x1075, 530K)

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Adol is the most Chad JRPG protagonist

NuAdol sucks.

Can I just skip Ys 1
I don't want to play this game anymore

i just want to play this game fuck

Attached: ys.png (1430x238, 466K)

You can play them in any order, zoomer-san. Shame on you for not liking the bump system.

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I don't mind it
it's just that the game is made too difficult for the combat system

Is Ys 2 any better? I bought the pack that has both of them. If I don't like either I'll just get Origins

They will never beat vacant interference within Ys. Azure arbitrator from Trails should be in an Ys game.

Its not that hard user, what are you having trouble with

Nothing in particular, yet, I just don't really care for games like these and want to get through them quick without dying 10 times to a boss.

Zero/Ao have the best soundtracks in the series, it's a damn shame they weren't officially released.


I dropped 1 because grinding sucks there,I played origins before I wanted to get into the series and fighting was actually fun


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I've never cared much for 30 year old games.

Then why are you even playing them you absolute donut?

To get the best experience out of the not-30 year old games.

Takeshita was too good for JDK. He apparently only got to compose for two years during his time at Falcom, yet made some of the best tracks in their musical catalog.


Attached: Ryo_Takeshita.jpg (535x800, 41K)

Then keep trying, don't give up!

I don't want to.

He deserved to compose way more than just Sky the 3rd and Origin. He's fucking good.

Attached: y34534534.jpg (451x192, 16K)

>in ys1

Adol just used to be a stoic adventure man.
Now he's stoic adventure man except sometimes he's a snarky/sassy asshole.

Aint much of a difference.


Just get it for your switch

>getting the worst version

>"Help, I am having problem with game"
>what's wrong?
>"I don't like game"
>then don't play game
>"But I want to play game"
>then play game
>"But I don't like game"
Holy shit, just move on to another game if you don't like it. Stop seeking validation for your choices in other people

Then get it digital

I just asked if people thought it'd be fine if I didn't play it and just watched a playthrough or something. Calm your boots.

Why do you need us to think for you? If you're gonna do it, just do it. Hell you can even pretend you played them and no one would notice.

It was primarily to ask that if I'd miss something if I didn't play them and just watched. A better experience in the end is a given. Maybe I should've been more thorough in my initial post.


Katsumi Enami was hired for Seven and Trail to Zero art, that's why it looks so good like that. FALCOM's inhouse artist is kinda meh.

Attached: 1533833998067.jpg (1200x1646, 1.25M)

it's a fucking 3 hour long game

Loved his tracks in Sky the 3rd.