>game offers no easy mode, less people buy it than otherwise would
>game offers multiple difficulty levels, more people can access the content and purchase it as a result
There is literally no reason to not offer an easy mode when development time can allow for it
Game offers no easy mode, less people buy it than otherwise would
I think you need to understand the concept of different games for different demographics. If you were really willing to beat a game instead of chewing on highly anticipated titles like many of you do, you would have already beaten it. Or perhaps you're just a worthless marketeer.
yes, the first thing consumers ask when they think of buying a game is "but does it have easy mode?"
>>game offers no easy mode, less people buy it than otherwise would
Dark souls already proves you wrong retard.
Presumptive and invalid.
Invalid. People avoid it due to high difficulty.
An easy mode doesn't take away the intended experience you fucking retard. It's content you were never going to interactive with, there's no reason to not want an easy mode in every game
The reason people always give for that stupid sht it's that it will be more accesible for people. Guess what? The developer doesn't give a shit about ''everybody'' playing their game. And a difficulty slider really hurts the balance of the game.
Dev time?
Its two values
Damage taken
Output damage
barking invalid doesn't make you right as you can't prove them wrong. Dark Souls games sell very well, get critical acclaim, and are generally held in high regards by gamers. It won't gain anything by including an easy mode.
You don't know how to argue. Learn more than two word responses when discussing a nuanced topic.
>more people can access the content and purchase it as a result
HUH? I didn't realize an EASY MODE was also a DISCOUNT
haha what a cunt you just got btfo
/end thread
I've never seen anyone ask for a version of Red Dead Redemption that has real gameplay, why the fuck do they ask for a cinematic mode for Sekiro? To each his own Jesus Christ. Aren't they ever satiated?
What's an E Clusivity?
Nobody is forcing you to play it. It's there for other people.
>Difficulty slider
Wrong thread? We're talking about levels of difficulty, not a custom scale like Kid Icarus. A crafted easy experience that's balanced is fine.
That's the boring way to go about it but it's a solution.
You're talking about toy design, this isn't a nuanced fucking topic.
If Dark Souls had an easy mode it works gain the customer audience who can't play it due to it's difficulty.
The intended experience is still there, it still gathers critical acclaim, and it's now more accessible.
You're invalid you fucking retard
>I've never seen anyone ask for a version of Red Dead Redemption that has real gameplay,
A lot of people want to make the game harder, they just can't because consoles. When it comes to PC there will be tons of "realism " mods
This is a dumb argument. Nobody would ask Cormac McCarthy to publish a simplified version of Blood Meridian to make it easier for people with weaker reading comprehension to understand. People read it to get the experience the author intended, and the same applies to games. If the developer *intended* for a game to have an easy mode, that's fine. If they didn't, demanding one just makes you sound petulant.
The person that plays flappy bird or candy crush might not be the same person that plays Sekiro. Different people have different tastes.
Look here you journo cunt. Cuphead and sekiro will never have an easy mode and no matter how much you cry about it you should get better at videogames.nobody wants to read your shitty article about how not having an easy mode is racist or whatnot or how Mario is actually a metaphor for the El Salvador civil war you fucking hack. Learn to code
>Nobody is forcing you to play it. It's there for other people.
This game is rated M and easy mode is for kids, is it hard to understand?
>game novelty laid in difficulty and rewarding challenges, repeated death is even incorporate in setting
>bosses, enemies, levels, npc design (even the color palette) all reflect this
>"however u need to compromise all this to appeal to people that doesn't want a challenge and want fast, momentary bliss"
Its like when the EA maggots come around and made Dead Space devs to dumb the 3rd one down, strip off horror shit and add coop so more people can access the "content" . Then turned out the content at the end was a piece of shit that no one wanted.
>For kids
>Rated M game
You're creating an argument to win. Reread the OP post, nobody said that shit.
This applies to all games. Nobody is arguing that kids should be allowed to play rated M games, this is a thread about making games accessible.
There is literally no reason to not have an easy mode.
Go through the OP and tell me that again you stupid fucking faggot
>Compromise all of this
There it is again, not reading the thread at fucking all.
You don't remove the intended experience when an easy mode is added. You just afford those who would've skipped the game otherwise to play it.
Nobody is taking your toy away.
this is actually a good point here. In a lot of games, death is basically a penalty for failure, and is presented as an obstacle between you and progress in the game. In a lot of FROM's games that's really no different (you die, you go back to a waypoint, your progress resets but for a few exceptions); what's different is the messaging. These are games that communicate to you that you aren't just expected to die, but that accepting your fate and normalizing it is part of involving yourself in the game world.
If you deprecate that then you're trying to force the gameplay into a form that is contrary to its own themes, to suit your preferences.
Jesus christ, what's wrong, they laugh you out of Tumblr?
But I don't care. It doesn't bother me it doesn't have one so why should I """want""" one?
only game that's done this correctly was crosscode
>People avoid it due to high difficulty.
High difficulty is the main selling point and the reason the franchise is popular
>game's appeal is challenge
>add easy mode for journos
>bad ratings because game is boring
>sales go down
Moreover, it's a frankly cowardly argument. "It would be more popular" is basically appealing to capitalism as a primary evaluation of something's quality. What really matters is how well the game executes on its premise, the same as any work of art, commercial or not. Whether it's popular or sells well has nothing to do with that.
Souls games aren't difficult because of the enemies, they're difficult because of the gameplay, and using the word "difficult" itself is a misnomer. Souls games aren't "difficult", they're just a different kind of gameplay that you have to learn.
You can't have an "easy mode" without fundamentally changing the gameplay, resulting in it being a completely different game, which makes the point moot.
You don't want to play Souls, you want to play something that looks like Souls, but isn't Souls. No amount of "easy mode" is going to change the fact that you don't like the gameplay.
99% of games are made for mouth breathing retards. Can I just have my 1% untouched? Please? Not everything needs to appeal to everybody and thinking so has had disastrous consequences on both art and culture
what about something like
I think whenever I see one of these threads I'm just gonna post that image
that's not how it works
you make the game easy and now none of the original audience want it
the mass audience you're chasing doesnt want it either way
now you've sold 0 copies instead of the 3+ million you would have sold if you didnt add an easy mode
>make claim
>defend it by calling everyone else's reasoning invalid
IDK what kind of game that is, but due to how Souls games work, how damage is dealt and received, the only way for any slider to have any effect will have to result in drastic changes to the numbers, because any other change might as well not have been any change at all.
Adding an easy mode is admitting that your design is flawed and putting a band-aid on a broken bone
It doesn't fix the original problem, it covers it up
So, what boss are you stuck on?
designing things based on what will sell the most copies is what ruined the western gaming industry
You seem very dismissive of this hobby
Lol what a fucking faggot
Add to that Souls game doesn't have a hard difficulty; it has no difficulty just so the world and challenges everyone experience would be similar. "Adding unnecessary options" is derailing the experience of the game. Devs are now subjecting player base to pick their right "difficulty" to play; and with that ofc people can pick the "wrong" difficulty for their play-through . Be it John who got bored after picking a too easy option or Jim who overestimated his worth and having an unnecessary hard time.
And the fundamental things the retards missing is that challenging ones limit and getting good is a fun and special experience that can be seriously destroyed if that player picked the wrong difficulty at the beginning
just come back here when you grow up or something lol
>You just afford those who would've skipped the game otherwise to play it.
No, they still skip it, they just buy it in addition.
These are right. At least in the souls games you would break the game. In souls, the gameplay is NOT good because it is challenging, it is more like the gameplay being challenging is a secondary effect of a design that's fun.
What bothers me is this whole meme/crusade by shitters is all inspired by Sekiro. Sure its a tough game but good god DSP has gotten 10x further then these retards who got stonewalled by what isn't even a hard part of the game. More then half of them definitely got filtered by Grandma.
Also good god its not even a great game its a hard 7/10 at best what the fuck are they missing? If you make it easy as fuck what do you want to see? The story and areas? Literally some of the worst and most forgettable in the series. Id understand if it was a truly tough game but cmon now Sekiro is just learning L1 and counter rhythms. Its not easy all the time but its not insurmountable and this is so bothersome.
>game gains fame and fanbase for having no difficulty selection
>takes it away
There's literally no reason to do this. Take your shitty arguement and shove it.
The point being made is that doing this changes the intended experience of the game. Miyazaki has been quoted saying his intention with these games isn't necessarily to create a game that is crushingly difficult but to create a game that gives you a feeling of accomplishment for overcoming extreme odds. Which, honestly, is largely the same as difficulty, because almost every game is about feeling triumph for overcoming greater odds; the execution being "how much are the odds stacked against you?"
The language of a game is its gameplay, not its art design or music or storytelling. Those things exist to support the gameplay, and in a well made game these integrate seemlessly together. In the same way that the language of film is sound and images, and the language of literature is the author's prose and personal idiom, the language of a game is the manner in which a player directly engages with it.
It's that direct engagement which sets game apart from films, and puts it more inline with literature, to be honest. There are books that *actively* challenge the reader with complex prose and vocabulary, even its structure. Saying "Sekiro should have an easy mode" is like saying "Gravity's Rainbow should come with cliffsnotes published on the back of each page." I mean, sure, you can have that but it's missing the point of the work itself. You're supposed to enjoy the process of reading; if you don't enjoy reading a book, it could be because the book is bad, but if it's because the book is *challenging* then that's on you. Either work on improving your reading comprehension or pick a different book. There are lots of them.
The exact same reasoning applies to games. Some games are not enjoyable because they are bad. Nobody likes playing Bad Rats for reasons other than irony. But people enjoy playing Bloodborne and Sekiro for their difficulty, and if you aren't able to enjoy it for that reason it's not the game's fault.
Stop being an entitled manbaby incel, not everything has to be designed with you in mind.
>adding options is bad
on a different note
>game is sold on only one game store, less people buy it that otherwise would
>game is sold on multiple game stores, more people can access the content and puschase it as a result
Just a thought
Oh boy this thread again. Another round of shit flinging with no conclusion.
At the end of the day, its up to the dev, not journos.
Empirically prove that people avoid it specifically to isolated 'difficulty'. And also define difficulty.
Specify that the given demographic would not be turned away, diluted, or disenfranchised with a change to the original product schema.
Designate that an easy mode would not eat up any resources from serving the initial demographic or affect broader level design and enemy design
If you can't substantiate most of these there isn't a point of any further deliberation.
If you are designing a product for a specific demographic you have no obligation to dilute your market base, or create divisive products.
>reddit spacing
>If you are designing a product for a specific demographic you have no obligation to dilute your market base, or create divisive products.
This is how RTS died. Diluted and simplified.
The irony is that these journalists are undermining the very subjects they want to elevate, which only exposes them as being more concerned with hot takes and their personal complexes than the medium they intend to comment and offer criticism on. If games are a form of art then the developer's intention needs to be afforded the same level of respect as an author or filmmaker. If games are not a form of art then why are you writing thousands of words arguing about their social impact and commentary? You can't have it both ways, and the attempts to do so only reveal the flaw in their ethical outlook.
Earn your fucking paycheck, you loser (((((journalist))))).
>I really hope that in free climbing they'll make the rockside easier to scale just for me
Only losers want their situation adjusted to match their circumstances and that is literally for anything outside of videogames. You don't adjust the medium/environment to your own tastes, you overcome your limitations to participate in another environment. That's growth. If Brolylegs can body idiots in an online match with Chunli using his tongue and face you can learn how to play the game with your perfectly functioning hands as intended you fucking waste of space.
not this time fren, it's called each point ending with a space after it. If the points lasted longer and were less succinct I'd let them run longer. I am not separating sentences but paragraphs or points.
>Takes it away
Seriously, why can't people read?
Blood Meridian is so fucking based
nope, just because you say something doesn't mean your words rise above that of the common worm
These are not modded in, these take time and money, and they require game design to work properly. These integrally affect all users. Difficulty options, can be modded in and in that case they do not affect the original player.
Only in the case they are modded in or done through cheats is this the case. Prove me wrong.
Counterpoint: The difficulty and inscrutability of Souls games is the only reason the games stood out in a crowded market and gained popularity in the first place. Pandering to people who want a hardcore experience can be more effective marketing than making a game for everyone.
Sweet Jesus child.
If you turn on a game, select normal or hard difficulty, you will never have experienced or touched the easy mode.
Reread the OP. When development time allows for it. Even if it's just scaled values of damage input and output, if it creates accessibility, there's no excuse not to have it
Reminder that gatekeeping/elitism is good and you should practice. Normalfags should not feel entitled to enjoy everything casually.
I remember when games only had one difficulty, the nameless difficulty that would ultimately depend on the player's progression and decisions
Exactly the point, but OP is just going to repeat this
Over and over.
idk why you guys are even in this thread when the op says 'toy' when referring to video games just to make you hate reply
>remove easy mode for review copies
>now their best player has to play it to give it a proper review
Pro Tip: Next time you need to do a diversity hire, hire a black guy instead of a lesbian to play your fucking video games. Stupid shits.
Didn't see anyone crying about accessibility for shit like The Witness or Super Meat Boy.
Note that he's also only responding to select posts so that he can use this "nothing is being taken away" argument
Why literally every single excuse for including easy modes has to do with "lmao sell more copies"
People fought against appealing to a large audience for so long and now it's fighting back against the very few who oppose that.
If From wasn't getting their money back they wouldn't make progressively harder games since Demon's (the easiest)
If enemies had less health and you had more, unless it was an exceedingly significant amount, it would not have any effect on the difficulty of the game, because the difficulty isn't in the enemies, it's in the gameplay.
How do you transcribe an "easy mode" to gameplay without fundamentally changing what the gameplay is, and at which point is it no longer the same game?
It's ok to not like things. It's ok that not everything is tailor made for you.
You wouldn't like Souls game if they were "easier" because you don't like what Souls games are.
Yeah, just because I don't interact with every collectible in a game, as a result it doesn't affect the game?
No my experience is different because the devs changed priorities
This is not complicated, don't treat the average player's experience as somehow isolated from the dev process
since when were you under the assumption that i give a single shit about a corporation's financial state?
Those games don't have mainstream appeal regardless of difficulty
Plenty of people bitched about Cuphead.
Because click-bait sites hadn't realized people lose their shit over this topic. If it didn't get people clicking articles and posting comments they'd have moved on to something else.
I'm surprised that more people aren't pointing out that nobody has ever complained about the exclusion of a hard mode. (Yes, it has happened, but not in this broad social commentary sense.)
I love Dark Souls and I love Journey, obviously, for completely different reasons. I would never ask Journey to have a "Hardcore" mode for the same reason I'd never ask Dark Souls to include an "easy" mode. Because if I needed something like that, it would indicate that I don't like the game to begin with. I don't want journey to have demanding gameplay because that simply isn't what the game is.
Inclusivity at all costs means an invaraibly bland and by the number product, I much prefer DIVERSITY of scopes and audiances, I dont even play souls games because they are single player circlejerks to me but if the main appeal of a video game is the dificulty, then striping it of its dificulty will just strip it of its identity.
Its like if you wanted to make a good multiplayer game but in the name of accesibility, you added a pistol that aims at the heads of your ennemies, it simply would not be fun and rewarding, period.
If you want to have your casual fun, play more casual games, if you want your ass not stomped in PUBG by players with good aim, go play Fortnite, not everything has to pander to everyone else's tastes.
If the main draw of a game is the difficulty then people who would want an easygoing game would have no interest in it to begin with. Accessibility is irrelevant when those the game is more accessible to don’t fucking care, no one is forcing them to play hard games. This is only a problem for game journalists who have to get through a game in order to make a proper review when all it does is showcase that they suck and don’t know what they’re talking about which is detrimental to their credibility.
Just because more people could play and beat a game doesn't mean they would.
You take away the mandatory challenge and you get X-blades or Hunted: The Demon's Forge, trash.
You know Dance Dance Revolution would sell better if they didn’t just pander to the rhythm fanboys. If there was more guns and jumping on goombas it would sell better.
Im so glad when some retard says something stupid on twitter or elsewhere it gets repeated here en masse for weeks for the sake of epic trolling
Get good faggot.
The best reason is "the devs didn't want to."
It's like demanding a hardcore mode for Animal Crossing. The devs didn't design the game to play that way, feel that way, or work that way. They can make whatever game they fucking want.
If you feel left out, literally git gud
Sounds like the developers in the first scenario care more about integrity than additional money
>games having their own niches is bad
I hope you all get cancer.
Money and platform availability are actually the biggest exclusionary prerequisites. When will these classist, ableist, racist, biggoted developers stop making videogames that don't run on my computer or home console, and when will they stop charging money for it? This is all extremely problematic.
If I make a video game, I'll make an easier difficulty choice called "Video Games Journalist" and it's just a cutscene where a bulter hands you over an expensive steak on a silver platter, then the credit just rolls
>Reminding me off these shitty Newgrounds animations
I know what i'm putting under >Watchan in the Friday Night Thread
Post like this and It will not make me any more likelier to read it
>There is literally no reason to not offer an easy mode when development time can allow for it
Outside of;
>and just plain ol' not feeling like it
A game can sell well by being trash. Or a game can sell well by being well designed. Taking away resources to make multiple balanced difficulty levels, instead of working it in such a way that it is the same for all players, means you have more time to make your game good.
Dark souls would not be the household name it is right now, if there was an easy mode. It would have been just every game out there, instead of forcing everyone into the same equal, not even very high difficulty.
Shouting about how you deserve "toys" to be changed to fit your unwillingness to actively engage with it because you bought the wrong one really hurts your image and credibility in talking about this medium you know.
how many cocks can you fit in your mouth?
Why are there so many of these fucking threads? Are we being raided by fucking game journalists now?
Fromsoft games are not hard
That word doesn't mean what you think it means.
But any adult can access it, I don't understand?
Protip: This game's marketing budget is 1/10th the size it would need to be to generate this kind of buzz if it was """inclusive""" to retards like every Western game on the market
Watch out, we had a badass over here
>An easy mode doesn't take away the intended experience you fucking retard.
It does when death has consequences
>It's content you were never going to interactive with, there's no reason to not want an easy mode in every game
You are a fag.
>fell for bamcos shit marketing meme for dark souls
they're not hard. punishing yes. hard? no.
Based japan realizing that the pathetic incessant whining of journalistfags is to be completely ignored
They only did that because that journo couldn't discern his hands from his asshole while playing, and rightfully got called out on critiquing something that he knew absolutely nothing about.
It takes away from the satisfaction and feeling of achievement knowing that I could have legitimately steamrolled through the game just by changing an option in a menu. No enemy seems threatening anymore, they're all at my mercy.
Actually a good point. I take back my snark.
It's bigger then that, too. It's about every player having a unified experience that it's important to have a base level of difficulty. This is why From games are developed that you can increase the difficulty for a challenge, but can't lower it. There's not a SoulsSekiroBorne whatever game out there any anyone can't make their way through on the base 'settings'. They're not difficult, you just have to play by their rules, not the other way around like many games will get away with. Sekiro is actually pretty easy once you understand it, the problem is that in every Souls game, the crutch of summons made people be able to bypass learning things properly.
>There is literally no reason to not offer an additional mode where I can play as an anime loli in a micro bikini in AAA western games when development time can allow for it
Prove me wrong, more people would be willing to buy the game because they won't need to play as some ugly old guy. You now get a whole extra audiences worth of sales because the game has this extra thing that they like.
So why don't any of these western AAA devs make lolis in micro bikinis? I'm not going to play GoW or RDR2 unless I can play as a loli in a micro bikini, I know other people who won't. Nothing's stopping them from doing this so why aren't they making this content?
Sekiro should have an easy mode. In fact, all games should. And the proper ending, and in fact more content than that, ought to be completely gated behind the 'normal' difficulty.
If you play on bitch mode, you get the bitch ending.
Don't tell anyone, but base level difficulty in Souls / Sekiro IS Bitch mode.
Hey buddy come here real quick
Don’t worry I won’t bite
Come here
*whispers* git gud
Normie shitters looked at something like meat boy, saw it was 2D, and hard at that and just didn’t even bother
FromSoft somehow manages to attract a somewhat normie base
Difficulty is part of the design of a game and should be determined by the developers. It's their right to create the experience they want to share with others, and that includes how challenging it is. Not all games have to be accessible or appeal to all audiences. You can have experiences that just don't appeal to you, but demanding that the artist change their creations to suit your tastes just makes you come across as an entitled idiot with no actual respect for the medium.
Yeah, I know.
Also, it's been stated several times that Miyazaki is pretty mediocre at action games, and his games are tuned so that he can beat them. There's design behind the challenge; intent. It's not arbitrarily difficult. For example, I die a lot, but not because the game is jank--90% of the time it's because I am incredibly impatient and greedy with my hits. I mean, there's a bit of jank. From should really fix the camera collision.
In that vein, most of the time people fail repeatedly at a game like this isn't because it's too hard, it's because they don't know how to address a challenge. Why are you losing? Answer that question, then adapt. I read a post about some dude who was stuck on the final boss for SIX hours, and never got past phase two. That, to me, signals a fundamental learning disability, or something more, and nothing to do with the game. It is impossible for someone to be unable to learn from their mistakes for that long unless they've got serious problems.
It's because Souls is way more popular than SMB, so people see it and don't want to be left out, despite not liking that thing in the first place, so they complain that it's not inclusive enough.
He’s advocating for an easy mode so that school shooters have an easier time getting through violent video games
>Literal retry button in Sekiro
>Fucking annoying popup to tutorials that explain shit anyone with half a brain could figure out
>Still not enough for these retards
What a fucking stupid thing to say, of course an easy mode can ruin a game. And why the fuck do you care enough to post about it? You suck that bad?
The reason is easy mode makes the game too easy. You fucking slow m8?
Yes he is that’s why he’s demanding a retard option
Every developer who thinks like this should fucking kill themselves.
>These enemies are a lot stronger than the other enemies!
>Is the AI better? Kek no wtf
>More hp and dmg yeeet
this makes things better
If dark souls had an easy mode it would quite literally ruin the game. Of course no one is forcing you to play on the easiest difficulty, but having the option to switch difficulty at will kinda makes any acheivment in the game feel like piss. Even if you didn't use the easy mode. It has to do with immersion. If you don't understand this concept then you're probably just trash at videogames and you need to git gud
But that was the same argument you were making earlier you fucking autist
Not everything needs to come in bubble-wrap you absolute pathetic basedboy
woah I typed basedboy tf
lol wut Im gettin trolled
The simple and only needed reason is the developers don't want an easy mode in their game and are willing to sacrifice the potential gain of an indeterminate amount of extra sales to keep their vision of an uncompromising difficulty.
Invalid. 0 sources, nothing but opinion and corporate fellatio
MUst have me confused with someone else, I posted no such thing
Easy mode ruined skyrim for me. Having the option to switch the difficulty around at will means the game has no "true" difficulty level, If I play on hard I feel like Im wasting my time, If I play on easy I feel like Im wasting my time. This is how easy mode ruins games
I refuse to believe there is more than one person arguing for your retarded point
It's a moot point anyway since From will never add an easy mode to their games no matter how loud the vocal minority and journalists whine.
the Souls games entire gimmick is they're poorly designed garbage no other dev would get away with, if they included difficulty levels people might accidentally realize how shallow these games are.
Medium is always default..
Hard makes your character too weak and enemies too strong while easy does opposite. Neither are fun.
Medium difficulty gives you exactly what the Devs wanted
Not even the slightest bit true. In fact I can think of several games right off the top of my head where the recommended difficulty is harder than the medium difficulty.
Elaborate on why it is retarded
Because playing on easy mode offers no benefit to the player, no benefit to the developer, and no benefit to society in general.
Success you do not earn is not success, it's patronisation.
But Dark Souls has plenty easymodes, though none of them is accessible through a menu
Remember how there's no difficulty setting in Breath of the Wild? They ended up patching it in, for a PAID DLC.
It's okay when Nintendo does it huh?
It really wasn't hard, though. We've had much harder games. This game was simply observation and then execution of strategy instead of button mashing. I get that it was harder that Super Mario Galaxy, but I still say it wasn't harder than Super Mario Sunshine. You people just fucking suck at games. Seriously.
I can't wait for Easy Mode tetris!
No S or Z blocks, and L can be swapped into J and vice-versa.
I also can't wait for Easy mode Spacechem!
It sure is bullshit that you can't just teleport the atoms where-ever you want them.
And boy oh boy am I hype for easy mode SS13! Now with even LESS gameplay and even MORE immershun, roleplaying, and e-celeb circlejerking.
Nah senpai, miss me with that gay shit
the problem with easy mode is that the people who use it will speak about the game and misinform others
for example:
>user 1 is a casual
>user 1 buys GAME and only plays it on easy mode
>his friend, user 2, asks him about GAME
>user 1 starts talking about it
>mentions the game constantly giving him hints, only one enemy ever attacking you at once, unlimited ammo and regenerating health
>user 2 thinks these are fucking gay and doesn't buy GAME
>these features are exclusive to the easy mode and user 2 was actually the target audience for the intended experience
why dont you just not play the game if you dont want to?
shut the fuck up retard, use trainers if you want easy mode
How dare you make a game that I don't want to play. I demand to be included!
you know this is a good point, most games have ways to cheat if you want to so why do you even need easy mode?
>There is literally no reason to not offer an easy mode
The game being designed the way it is, to be experienced in a certain way, is enough of a reason. Time and effort has been used to give the player an optimal challenge, complete-able for everyone. By asking for an easy mode you're insulting the developers and level designers. You're asking to degenerate a creation x made so that you can consume it faster, you do not appreciate what has been created and are not their target audience. Even though the players aren't forced to play on ''easy mode'', it takes away the game's identity. Honestly, anyone that asked for this from games that are meant to be challenging, should be ashamed of themselves. This shit is so disrespectful.
a game doesn't need an easy option in a menu to provide a variable difficulty
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Why are games journalists so entitled that video games have to appeal to them?