With the 2 month limit almost up, what are your hopes, dreams, expectations, and fears for the next nintendo direct?
With the 2 month limit almost up, what are your hopes, dreams, expectations, and fears for the next nintendo direct?
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>nintendo direct on april
>there's only Vr games
Zelda anime(not western)
terraria for switch
Why would Nintendo give us anything big if e3 is soon?
Animal crossing direct on the 15th.
Second DLC character for Smash, they can release the third one on E3.
i heard Persona 5 is coming to the switch but will it be just Persona 5 or the Persona 5 Royal because whenever switch does ports most likely it's the definitive version
nose too short
all i want is a new punch-outt game
>2 month limit
u wot
>bayonetta 3
>animal crossing
>pokemon SS
>super mario maker 2
>daemon x machina
>joker trailer
>persona 5
>metroid prine trilogy
>castle crashers
>lethal league blaze
Not holding my breath for astral chain until E3 but i do suspect luigi’s mansion to be shown and smtv to be confirmed still alive
Please just confirm SMT V still exists
I can't imagine anything worth announcing for any games before E3 other than Pokémon or Smash.
There's still small stuff to announce as well as smash's 3.00 update.
gonna monitor this thread
hope you kids don't mind
These. The rest can wait for e3
it's going to be a dedicated smash direct
the next main one will be E3
My wishlist is the same as it always is for any announcement thing.
>A new Chibi-Robo that doesn't suck ass
>A Puyo game (new or old) that doesn't suck ass
>Doshin the Giant being acknowledged ever
>Jet Set Radio anything
>New costumes in Smash for things other than the miis
>Outrun 2 or 3
>Crazy Taxi
LA Link didn’t have excessively long nose
One final Pokken DLC
NEW games
ports and indie shit
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Shin Megami Tensei V is still in development, but as it’s the first time ATLUS challenge of developing games on Nintendo Switch, so there’s many approaches. And the way to present the works is our challenge from now on, please patiently wait for upcoming information.
>crazy taxi
If i remember correctly, dreamcast games are supposed to be commibg to the switch so crazy taxi just might happen
if YA YA YA YA YA is kept in i’m not to certain
Will it be HD? Because fuck Nintendo and it’s obsession with running busted ports on crippled hardware.
Not him, but Persona 5 is a PS3 game, and it doesn't exactly push the PS3 to its utmost limits either or anything. There would be no good excuse for it running poorly on the Switch other than a botched port job.
Well, at least docked it should be fine, with portable just taking a small hit at worst.
This is my favorite game on switch!!
No direct before e3.
Says who
Possibly WarioWare
No WarioWare
It depends on what they would use it for. E3 tends to be a better place for the big announcements like games currently in development but won't be out this year. A direct before then could focus on upcoming games that would release soonish.
It's funny to me people STILL think Persona is coming to Switch.
Joker is in because he's in PQ, Persona games are Sony exclusive.
Pikmin 4
Pikmin 4
No Pikmin
Pikmin 3 Port
Is that Nintendo? If feels more like a game industry thing in general trying to push rush job ports to at least have something on the switch.
let them have their moment. once april 25th is here they'll get btfo so hard
what game are they focusing on for e3 this year? where their booth is just one big 'adventure' for a particular game
Explain the best buy listing
no f zero no buy
>he missed the Best Buy leaks
Shin Megami Tensei V
It's funny to me people are STILL in denial about the fact that Persona is coming to Switch.
why do nintendo fans believe every "leak" and "rumor"
Most likely Animal Crossing. It's one of their biggest games this year that we know nothing about yet, plus I could easily see their booth being a small recreation of an AC village.
They don't, just the credible ones. Like a huge chain of stores having a game in their system for future release.
>why do nintendo fans believe store listings direcrly from said store site
Joker showcase
P5 Switch
Next fighter reveal at end
Harvest Moon dlc
Metroid news
New F-Zero for Switch
It's going to be a Smash Direct, the only other Nintendo info before E3 will be some random Pokémon news, probably in one of the shitty Japanese magazines.
They're starved for games so they latch on to any little rumor as a coping mechanism, this year so far they've already missed out on 4 great games
I'd rather them save it and bust their load during e3
Maybe do a small smash and animal crossing direct, maybe another nindie during the wait.
>state of Nintendo
You gotta be strong guys, showing that your intimidated makes you look weak
>Joker is in because he's in PQ
"Persona 5 X Smash Bros." is literally how they revealed him, though.
Super Mario Maker 2 info, Joker release date, 3.0.0 update info, More info on Luigi's Mansion 3.
Dreams: New Mario Strikers game.
Hmmm what is "Photoshop"
With the gigantic calendar droughts these dudes go through every console cycle I'm surprised nobody has photoshopped the crawling bingtendie in a desert yet
mario baseball
Been confirmed by multiple Best Buy employees. Cope. Your """exclusive""" series is coming to Switch baby.
you can ask people that work in best buy about it, it's been confirmed by multiple sources at best buy
Nintendo spaces out big announcement throughout the year. Last year E3 for nintendo was a shit show compared to their fall direct Fucking Smash bros was announced before E3
Yeah sure. I believe them.
it's about as solid evidence you can get, what you should be questioning is what the switch version will actually be - base P5, P5R, or potentially some spinoff rather than the full game.
I could see it a "smash-focused" direct where the first 5-10 minutes are just random announcements or release dates for various things and then the majority of the direct is about smash 3.0, joker and the 2nd character reveal
Wave Race revival
>He's SO angry that his series is no long exclusive that he refuses to believe facts staring him in the face
>T-t-they must be lying! Sony can't lose an exclusive!
user will shit their pants & cry on the 25th lmfaooo
Only retards and false flaggers would think Persona 5 would be a Nintendo exclusive, as the series has been Sony-exclusive from the get-go.
>gigantic calendar droughts
and yet snoy hasn't released anything yet 4 months in and their plan is to have "2 [cinematic movie] games a year"
>b b but muh ZOMBIE GAME! very innovative!
>b b but muh "if sekiro was made for game journalists" ghosts of tsushima
cope more
nintendo misses out on a majority of multiplats, unlike MS/sony
remember when they spent months shitting up DMCV threads and then the game turned out amazing?
that was fun
Why do you guys think you deserve a direct like every 2 months?
>being a consolefag and owning an xbox or a ps4
multiplats are definitively best on PC, who the fuck cares about them being on inferior devices? PC/Switch has all your bases covered (unless you are a homosexual and like Snoy's first party offerings outside of Bloodborne)
Smash direct on the 25th. Normal direct in May. Screenshot this
you're right but they still exist on ps4/xbone
>short attention span
>starved for games
If they didn't make have directs every two games they'd have to come to terms with the fact the console is just not very good, this way they can keep dangling the carrot and delaying the realization
Zelda ports
>PC for multiplayer games & multiplatform games
>PS4 for weeb games
>Switch for bing bing wahoo
Tell me this isn't the set up.
An idort who still operates with the mentality of a bingtendie, can't get any sadder than that
Hm that's what I see, and I'm an idort. Maybe I just want news every 6 months to make it feel like its actual news.
>Pokémon SS
>Bayonetta 3
>Fire Emblem three Houses
>Persona 5 the Royal
>Metroid Prime Trilogy
>SMT 5
>Pikmin 4
I jut want to see prime trilogy HD. I've been saying this for 2 years now
enjoy the ment
what weeb games are only available on ps4 and not pc or switch? the only ps4 exclusives are literal 5 hour long 'cinematic experiences'
That’s the average wait time for one
DRM is just tranny shit now
how do you spell your name?
I'm unironically too stupid to build a PC, thats why i have a switch/ps4
>why buy a ps4 when multiplats are better on PC
>why buy weeb games on ps4 when they're on switch?
My switch has been powered off for the last 6 months. I fired it up yesterday and carefully uninstalled the crack and erased the traces of it. So for it is not banned. My hopes are it stays that way. I have no intention of buying any games for at least 3 months to be sure.
I've never played persona
>Game Awards, Joker, and the Smash DLC were all revealed almost half a year ago
>Still next to fuck all info other than the slight chance we might get something on the 25th with the P5R news teaser
>Joker and all 4 other characters are slated to be revealed and released within the next 8 months
Fucks sake, how much longer can they keep us in the dark on this? It's not fun anymore. Everyone complains about spoilers ruining the fun but at least spoilers are timely enough that I still have the capacity to get excited about them when they drop.
He's in.
You didn't like puyo-puyo tetris?
>Persona games are Sony exclusive
>literally mentions a Nintendo Persona game in his post
We just got a WarioWare game less than a year ago. How about a new Wario Land game for now? It's been over ten years since the last one.
I think Nintendo would at least have the deceny to title the direct with that.
No. It came out in 2014 and it wasn't even very good then due to a lack of content. Besides, it fucks a lot with the base mechanics of Puyo to try and balance it with Tetris.
Animal Crossing and Pokemon will be the focus, most likely, since they're games that come out on the second half of the year.
Me too dude. Me too.
I just want the Metroid Prime Trilogy port to be real, been holding off from replaying any of them because of the first initial leak
It hurts to live
Every direct I'm like "hmm I wonder if this is the direct where Nintendo will actually wow me" and it never happens. Its gonna be smash shit, indie shit with a sprinkling of possible games people want to see. The only good thing about the last direct was Mario maker 2. The switch, for me, is a system I pick up for a few weeks and put down for a few months. Just insane the lack of effort by Nintendo. Remind me again why their store doesnt include n64, gamecube and Wii games? Why is there still not Mario sunshine HD? I'd ask why no wiiu games but they just repackage them as deluxe editions and charge you full fucking price.
Hollow Knight is the best game on the switch behind odyssey and botw.
same, I played the trilogy yearly. Been two years now that I'm holding it off
I want to see Animal Crossing.
My hopes is Animal Crossing looking real good and not just like a small addition to New Leaf. Something new would also be appreciated. My fears is that they're gonna make this direct really small and then bank on the fact that there's an inevitable newcomer announcement for smash to satisfy people.
Bayonetta 3, Animal Crossing, and maybe a Rhythm Heaven game. I'd say Pikmin 4 but you'd have to be delusional to think that's coming anytime soon, if ever.
Rhythm Heaven: Switch It Up
all my dreams have been fulfilled, rune factory 5 is coming, my life is complete faggots
Not until Astral Chain release I fear
Well for one there's still zero info on the spring update for Smash and no gameplay for Joker who's supposedly releasing this month. Not to mention all the games releasing in the second half of 2019 that have little to no information past the fact that they exist and rarely some snippets of gameplay.
Any big announcements and showing off games like Bayo 3 or Astral Chain will for e3 presentation. If there is a direct this month, I would keep expectations low. Probably just more smash shit
We're definitely only getting a Smash Direct before E3. But is Joker actually coming this month or what?
>Phantasy star Online BlueBurst + episode 5 & 6 HD
>Metroid Prime Trilogy
>Pikmin 4
>Jet set radio
>Crazy taxi
>Shenmue collection and Shenmue 3
>Seiken densetsu collection
>Pokemon Colo/GoD hd remake or sequel
>New chibi robo
>New super monkey ball
>New Fzero gx
>New Custom robo
>Switch wars (on the style of advance wars)
>That Virtual boy wario game, but with nice colors
>Kirby air ride
directs peaked at January 2013, everything else has mostly disappointing since then. At this rate I would rather have one explosive E3 than 5 meh directs
I think I would have almost all of those games Day 1. Jesus christ.
Next direct is E3,, wouldn't surprise me if there were 0 announcements too, they've already dumped the entire years worth of titles in the past few directs, and we already know what is on the table for next year from Nintendo thanks to lots of announcements that came way too early.