>There are people browsing this board right now who are younger than Halo: Babies first FPS
There are people browsing this board right now who are younger than Halo: Babies first FPS
Other urls found in this thread:
I don't get why you keep using this pic with a different filename, like why?
And it was a great FPS to boot
but DOOM is babies first FPS
Why do Modern FPS games make Doomfags Seethe so much? Does it really hurt that much that it's been made utterly irrelevant by every popular FPS game since it's release?
My first FPS was Half-Life 2, what does that make me?
to avoid filters, genius
>Pic that has been posted for over a decade on this board
>W-Why is it getting posted!
Why do Halofags get so mad that someone made a thread mentioning how young posters are? No one even brought up doom cuck.
>people who are born after you are younger than you
Really deep man.
>Made utterly irrelevant
>Literally the most important FPS ever made
>Currently more relevant than fucking Halo because Doom is still getting games people give a shit about
Half Life and Doom are trash and shit in comparison lol
The insecurity is amazing. I just wanted to talk about how Halo is nearing 18 years old.
Means nothing, nobody cares about Doom except obsessed boomers. Halo, Bioshock, COD & Metroid are infinitely more relevant then it will ever be
Because it's usually Doom/Quake fags who seethe at Halo being talked about on Yea Forums and always use the boomer/zoomer meme as a crutch.
>Doom is still getting bad games that Doomfags eat up
at least halofags know their series went to shit. Doomfags can't stop jerking off their boring skatepark simulator that's inferior to the original games.
The only game you mentioned that is still relevant in 2019 is CoD
no, you were expecting exactly that, either that or you're extremely dumb
Lol no. Halo is a fucking dead series, same for Bioshock and Metroid. Doom is still getting games that people are hyped for.
All I know is I'm better than everyone in this thread.
>Doom still get's games and is relevant
Post Gamertag faggot.
Cope more Faggot
> Highest Rated FPS Games of All Time
> 1. Metroid Prime (2002, Nintendo) (246) (14th Overall)
> 2. GoldenEye 007 (1997, Nintendo) (246) (15th Overall)
> 3. Half-Life 2 (2004, Valve Corporation) (246) (16th Overall)
> 4. Bioshock (2007, Irrational Games) (236) (20th Overall)
> 5. Half-Life (1998, Valve Corporation) (228) (30th Overall)
> 6. Halo: Combat Evolved (2001, Bungie (226) (32nd Overall
That was before the event even started
>Skate park simulator
That doesn't make something relevant you retard. Doom is literally more relevant than all of those.
There was more hype for a jpeg of the metroid prime 4 logo than anything for Doom. You're right about everything else though
Wow a bunch of games that havent gotten games in more than a decade, that sure speaks for RELEVANCE
When did I say that? I said Doomfags don't realize their modern games are garbage. Doom 2016 is trash and Eternal won't be any fucking better, you nigger.
Fucking Cope
>Halofags so insecure they bring up Doom for no reason
It's super cute to see Halofags having daddy issues. It's ok kids, Daddy still loves you.
>there are people who love pre-Destiny Bungie games for their atmosphere, world building, art direction, writing, and game design
And I love those people.
>Argument makes no sense and people point it out
>Decides to shitpost
We love you too, dad, but fuck off.
Wrong, seethe more
> Rankings for all of those games + Deus Ex, based on the biggest Database of Gamers on the Internet
> 1. Metroid Prime (2nd Overall)
> 2. Metroid Prime 2 (7th Overall)
> 3. Metroid Prime 3 (10th Overall)
> 4. Deus Ex 2000 (77th Overall)
> 5. Half-Life 2 (102nd Overall)
> 6. Bioshock (411th Overall)
> 7. Doom (466th Overall)
Fucking Nintendo privilege for Prime makes me sick.
You kids were the ones who mentioned my name. I was watching fox news and had to see what the ruckus was about.
Cope, they are simply the best FPS games
I don't think anyone here actually played the old doom and quake games. I never see Quake 3 Arena brought up when it's the only relevant comparison to Halo since it had a console version and a big competitive scene.
> That huge gap between Metroid & everything else
DOOM killed PC gaming
It's made up shit. Metroid was and will never be more respected than Halo, Half-Life and Doom
go back to tasting cock
My first fps was Wolfenstein 3D on Atari Jaguar
And Doom on Atari Jaguar
>Metroid Prime
But its first-person Metroidvania
> Bbut it doesn’t count, it’s not real
Cry more
> The overall Top 20 games
> 1. Ocarina Of Time
> 2. Metroid Prime
> 3. Chrono Trigger
> 4. Persona 4 Golden
> 5. Castlevania: SOTN
> 6. The Legend Of Zelda
> 7. Metroid Prime 2
> 8. Metal Gear Solid 3
> 9. A Link To The Past
> 10. Metroid Prime 3
> 11. Breath Of The Wild
> 12. Monster Hunter 4U
> 13. Persona 5
> 14. Metal Gear Solid 2
> 15. MOTHER 3
> 16. Xenoblade Chronicles
> 17. Panzer Dragoon Saga
> 18. Resident Evil 4
> 19. Metal Gear Solid
> 20. Super Mario World
fucking zoomers. my first FPS was killing actual germans in ww2
Perhaps not specifically as an FPS but Prime in particular has plenty of fags touting it as one of the greatest games of all time, and if you allow the non-FPS Metroid games to be Mentioned Super is prolific.
Imagine thinking your literal who games matter, nobody remembers Doom
Doom's enemy noises makes me happy and brick textures gives me childhood nostalgia
a nigger
I bridged the gap with golden eye
that's blatantly incorrect
Who here /SWAT/?
I played them on my much older cousins PC until he'd come home from his gay swim club shit and throw me out. I'm still amazed to this
day such a huge faggot had so much cool stuff he didn't appreciate. Now he's a lawyer that just plays golf. Figures.
delusional, both super and prime are revered more than any game from those 3 series
Swat is gay as shit when its just TDM which is half of all lobbys running it. If I wanted to play instagib I wouldn't do it in a game with movement speed as slow as Halo and remove the little depth the gameplay has
Hello, I invented the original SWAT called Faceshooter 5000. It was a training game type to help you learn to aim better and never meant to be a matchmaking thing. That is all.
My first FPS was Wolfenstein you faggot.
My first FPS was unironically Doom 2.
Halo was still fucking great, faggot.
>that feeling this whole time it was Doomfags that posted this image of an event before it even began because the Doom series is so irrelevant, they try their hardest to force Doom into Halo and Metroid because their series is nothing now compared to Halo and Metroid.
the fuck does metroid have to do with anything?
what, if anything it's the halotards shitting on the prime games in metroid threads
>Giving a shit about metacritic
are you serious, dude?
classic Doom is still fucking thriving.
I hate Swatfags
Halo and Metroid are more relevant, cope, it doesn't help that Metroid and Halo have actual similarities over just the main protag in a helmet killing shit.
But Hired Guns is babies first fps
I'm 31:
>first FPS was either Doom 2 or Dark Forces I or Wolfenstein
>Halo still remains one of my favorite FPS series
I remember wanting and getting an OG Xbox and Halo CE after seeing its baller commerical back in Sept 2001 a few months before Christmas.
Doomfags keep shoving Doomguy with Samus in Metroid threads if it's not Samus they shove him with Master Chief in Halo threads.
Nothing. In 2019 the entire fucking franchise is on life support like no other.
maybe that happens because doom's level design is more similar to metroid than halo
Then what's the deal with them shoving it with Halo?
My first fps was cod 2
Same, except first FPS was Descent
aesthetics I guess
They also try to say that Samus and Chief are the same as Doomguy in personality.
Most of this is just Mario, Metroid, and Zelda. fucking nintendo bonus
>Currently more relevant than fucking Halo because Doom is still getting games people give a shit about
Halo 5 sold more on one console, that was selling like shit at the time, than DOOM on every console. Fuck outta here.
get a grip you schizo faggot
Master Chief, Doom Guy, and Samus, to an extent, are all Space Marines with power suits
This is some fucking amazing insecurity, delusion and denial. Lol
>play Halo again on the xbox
>It's fucking shit
>Feel despressed
>Play Halo again on the PC
>It's fucking amazing
It's actually really amazing how simply changing from a controller to a mouse makes an FPS go from shit to amazing. Try playing Doom without a mouse and it's also shit.
Doom guy is running around 24/7 rent free in his mind
Based on this pic, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer? I'm a based Zoomer (born 98).
how's the retirement home gramps? those niggers treating you good in there
>Play Halo on Xbox
>is fucking unplayable
>Play Halo on PC
>its ok
>play Halo 2 on PC
>its actually pretty good and blows CE the fuck out
>Try playing Doom without a mouse and it's also shit.
I did so throughout the 90s and had a blast.
>halofags have been bullied so hard by other fps players that they now refuse to play perfectly good games out of spite
A sad state of affairs.
>Halo 5 sold
>In November, Halo 5 was the eighth best selling game according to NPD's figures
Lol no. It was 8th fucking place.
it's pretty good, youngin. I get to slap tight nurse ass and eat pudding all day. could be worse
>TFW my first FPS was throwing rock at Cheetah
>Underage faggots talking shit about Half-life and Doom
>Played them both in 2012
>Both the 2 best FPS I ever played
Two of them have similarities the other is just some angry man over some dead bunny.
If you guys didn't show up in every Halo and Metroid thread I wouldn't bring it up.
Keep telling yourself that.
Not him but you're comparing an exclusive to multiplats.
>he hasn't played COD
He was the faggot saying Halo 5 sold more. Also the other Halos were exclusives and sold well. Halo 4 and 5 aren't liked and the Halo series is dead.
starting to wonder if halo is just Yea Forums's biggest memed game
>"You guys"
>Comes into a thread about Halo to talk about how much Daddy Dooms dick hurt his ass
>Only played Doom and HL until 2012
>Calls others underage faggots
If the Halo series is dead, why is it still selling well, why is it still making a lot of money, why is the budget for the games still high? Halo Infinite will have the highest budget in gaming $500 million and all of that's going into development, not advertisements. Call me when Halo stops getting games.
welcome to Yea Forums
>being this insecure
I'm 25 and didn't have the money to buy a PC until I lived on my own.
Nice projection. I like Halo and Doom. You went into this thread talking about DOOM out of no where like the insecure faggot you are.
Even if that is true, other pictures show that the possible attendance for the event couldn't have been great since it was apparently in a large tent that couldn't have seated more than 100 people.
Halo CE literally had the best combat feel of all Halo's. Too bad they never made another like it. The combat felt more weighty and like your guns were doing a lot more damage.
>and like your guns were doing a lot more damage
how can you say this when Halo 2 TTKs are mostly cut in half and the BR being the most common weapon meant everyone was capable of killing from any range
>it's another barneyfag thread
Doom fucking runs on everything. You had no excuse.
Because H2 felt like you were shooting pea shooters. It isn't just about enemies dying fast. Enemies/players die very fast in COD games but would you say those games in any way have weight to the combat? Do their guns have recoil of any note? No they do not.
Do you have penises instead of thumbs?
>Being illiterate
I thought the ragdoll physics they added in 2 made them guns feel more powerful, the only gun that had the kinda impact you described just from firing it in CE was the AR, even the magnum felt kinda weak even though it was just objectively better
>Babies first FPS
That's not Half-Life 2
Thread was made by a Doomfag expect Doom to get shit on.
>I-It was made by a DOOMFag
Rent free
>it's ok to make a Baby's First FPS thread for Halo but it's not okay to make a Baby's First FPS for Doom
Some Halo fan you are, you insecure Doom bitch.
>121 posts
>6 IPs
stop arguing with yourself barney
Nobody said this. You have mental issues.
>Being this much of a newfag you can't read IP counts
I'm not sure you understood me at all. A perfect example of weighty feel would be the Killzone games actually. Although I'm sure most would say due to the awful laggy controls but those games perfectly describe what I said. Halo 3 actually tried to be more like CE in what I mean and that is why compared to H2 I think H3 has the better shooting combat. H2 is amazing and I love it but the combat definitely doesn't feel anywhere near as impactful at all. Also the Elites in 2 on Legendary are serious damage sponges.
>Nobody said this. You have mental issues.
What's the OP and the Doom fans defending Doom, you mentally ill, Doom turd?
>Also the Elites in 2 on Legendary are serious damage sponges
thats why the vast majority of levels are littered with sniper rifles that 2 shot them
Please learn to use commas, underage.
That's not what you greentexted. You are seething so hard it's cute. I say this as a halo fanl.
Typed too fast, Doomshit.
>Halo fan
Sure you are, Doomfag.
You have a serious mental issue.
>Sure you are
Seek Help
Threads like these make me think that in a perfect world for anons like OP the first wave of people ever to browse Yea Forums would have came here, shitposted throughout their lives, then died without anyone else ever being allowed on the site before or after.
wolfenstein enemy territory was my first fps so what does it make me?
He's baiting, stop giving him (You)s
>See this email pop up
>Think it's actually going to be a confirmation that I've been selected to test something
>Just a confirmation that they're gonna start with testing Reach
Stop blueballing me already, 343.
First they were upset about the MCC announcement, but the hate died down and people decided to just deal with it. Then Epic vs Steam got more serious, and MCC is predicted to release on Steam. Now it's a political war against Halo for those that want Steam to die, possibly Chinese shills.