Maybe Sekiro does go through contrived lengths in order to satisfy players’ thirst for difficulty like slant magazine said.
Isn't this fight optional?
Yes, the game is harder than your average videogame. It's been FROM's recipe for like 15+ years. You've really uncovered something profound, OP! You should go into investigative journalism.
Not if you kill ape first, I would say it’s objectively shit design
My first route of the game forced me to fight two guardian apes in a row, and then the two monk fights in a row.
>Wife joins the fight to kill her husband's attacker
Don't know why libtards hate this
Have you really had problems with that trash boss? Are you braindead?
if you're able to go to this boss fight you have the skill necessary to beat him.
This fight is a lot easier than the first one though.
it's an easier O&S that you can freely outrun
git gud
What kind of fucking retard found Souls games difficult before?
I am not good at the game and I beat 2Ape first try.
the second ape is literally npc tier and gets posture broken in like 5 hits.
Drunkard 2 would be a better example to use because he gets that vilehand or whatever purple guy that's overpowered as shit as an ally.
lmao2ape is way easier than the first fight. White is in his phase 2 the whole time which is way more straightforward than his spastic moments in phase 1 and Brown is easy to pull away and has fuck all posture.
Parry White's combo that ends in the overhead and use the spear thrust and pull on his neck stump.
very humble brag, bro. Everyone reading this thread is now impressed at how easy you found the souls games.
>ichimonji the 2nd ape twice
>use firecrackers on it if you're that much of a pussy, pretty sure the finger whistle stuns it too
>dies instantly
>go back to headless, which you already mastered fighting the first time
2ape is piss easy.
You can actually separate them anyway. Wouldn't be surprised if you can sneak sugar the Ninja but never bothered
what happens when you do that? i barely used the spear prosthetic ever since wasting half my heals on ROBAAATOOOO trying to strip his armor
Oh christ, I'm currently stuck at the first ape. RIP
I mostly understand the fight but the guy just outlasts me
Use the fire vent.
It stuns for longer than the crackers and do an 8th of her health in one blast
the brown ape takes like 20% health from a gouging top shuriken. I wouldn't even have tried them if those two shitters didn't just stand around doing nothing.
Large posture damage
Not sure if you're illiterate, but I made it pretty clear that difficulty is relative. Videogames are a lazy & easy hobby for manchildren, that's just a reality. FROM games are just on the "harder" end of the spectrum of this manchild hobby. Beyond that, see . Given this relative definition of difficulty, go ahead and post games that you personally find harder than FROM titles so we can all make fun of you for being a pantywaisted faggot.
I died to first/headless ape about 40 times.
I beat double apes second try
What the hell attacks are those?
What am I looking at here? Sorry, I like to play videogames, not follow game """"journalism"""" like a little cocklover.
You pull out the centipede and stab it, dealing a ton of damage.
Only took me 2 tries for 1st Guardian ape.
1 try for double ape.
I would say the headless phase is way easier honestly.
If you find this fight hard just uninstall it already, the game is not for you
>>isshin says 血が滾る, a phrase indicating excitement
>>translated to “how my blood boils”
>Well at least now I know why people were arguing about his motivations.
Its only meant to scare you, the wife Ape doesn't have nearly as much HP as headless ape and you can kill her super fast. And since Ape is headless, he is also slower to catch up to you so if you move around and divide them you can do this fight easily
one is literally a blind headless enemy
Every game does that.
I remember this guy. He admitted to being left leaning and was using his appearance to make anyone on the right look bad by association. That is kind of sad when even your face can be used as propaganda.
What the fuck move are those?
finally some new code vein gameplay
you obviously have mental issues, stay off the internet
I like headless ape. The weird jerky way it attacks you is neat .
i can see a lefty cunt doing this lmao
They really shouldnt be retard.
That's unfortunate, would be perfect if they'd gone with "rises" instead of boils.
can someone fucking explain why the fucking snake is still alive in the sunken valley cave after you kill him? did they just not have time to fix that?
It took me 15 attempts to beat Grape Ape the first time. It only took me two attempts for Great Ape and his browno friend, and I didn't revive myself the first time. Just take thirty fucking minutes and you'll get so good at the boss they become trivially easy
This fight is wayyyyy more fair than Dark Souls 2's 2kat.
The brown ape doesn't even throw feces.
I took it as excitement anyways because of the tone in his voice
I beat this in my first try after struggling against but then beating regular ape
There's two snakes.
...there's two serpents dumbass
you can distinguish them by their eye wound.
am I supposed to believe those tiny teeth can chew through flesh?
what kind of retard even designed this
have you ever heard of the Les Enfants Terribles project?
>the great serpent
no, from was just lazy or didn't have time. there's only supposed to be one snake in the game
>of a Great Serpent
no, you're just retarded and missed the hint. there's supposed to be two snakes in the game.
holy fuck it literally says the great serpent is a god of the land, meaning several exist, but only ONE in ashina
learn to read
>Leftist fakes hate crime on himself
I had a harder time with the seven spears rematch with the extra samurai dude than these chumps
I had a fair bit of trouble with Grape Ape originally but lmao2ape I beat my like second try.
holy fuck it literally says a great serpent is a god of the land, meaning several exist in ashina.
learn to read.
Just tell us bro
If you are at this boss you should already know how to fight the headless ape
Also the second ape is weak as fuck and both become less agressive, just use fireworks on him a couple of times. After that it's a cakewalk
No you are just making an incorrect inference
>stab a gigantic snake in its eye
>dood why isn't it dead
You're an idiot, Pablo.
...what? are you blind? it says "the great serpent is a god of the land"
are you doing some low effort "trolling" right now? first text confirms several exist, second text confirms there's only one in ashina
see above
wrong encounter, you literally cut it's head open and take out it's fresh heart later (optional)
>A great serpent
>a god of the land
A meaning one of many, dipshit.
not an argument. it's either a translation error or laziness
and you literally find the other snake later on, unwounded, dipshit
kys spic
>Trying to steal my insult of calling you spanish
>Not being able to read basic English but accusing others of being spics
how many times to I have to reapeat it. it's called "the great serpent" in ashina, and it's "a great serpent"
several exist, but the text says there's only one in ashina. as I said just now, it might be a translation error or laziness
which is exactly what my problem is you absolute fucking idiot
>text says there's one in ashina
>suddenly 2
this. he sounds like a 80 year old on viagra.
The entire game is translated embarrassingly straight compared to Soulsborne games. In a way it does make it seem a bit more "Japanese" but only thanks to an association to shitty anime fansubs.
This game is really outing all the casual redditor newfags.
There's nothing at all in this game harder than even some of Bloodborne's more mild bosses. There's even DS2 bosses harder than the hardest fight in this.
>he thinks he invented "spic"
Its an item description of the enemy you defeated, it is going to use 'the' to directly associate to the enemy but that doesn't mean its 'the one and only'.
A definitive text that asserts its the one and only Great Serpent is saying something like 'The Great Serpent is the god of the land'
That's not his Wife. Apoes wife died long ago which is the rewason why he's guarding that spot where he lies flowers down. Wouldn't be surprise dif it was his son.
>>text says there's one in ashina
except it doesn't
That heart, the item the text is attached to, belongs to ONE snake. It's not saying there is only one snake in any way.
No but it's funny that I call you pablo and then your very next post you happen to call someone spic for the first time in the thread.
Mortal Draw fagged up with modded weapons.
you're probably quoting the wrong guy or something. why would that guy be insulting himself
>there are people who actually try to kill the second ape
why would the text refer to it as "the", and not "a"?
except it does
>belongs to ONE snake
text says THE snake
>It's not saying there is only one snake in any way.
"the great serpent is a god of the land", but the correct term sentence would be "a great serpent is a god of the land"
now I'm actually certain it's just a translation error. but the game lead me to believe there was only one
Some people really are this fucking retarded
Do not pretend you haven't seen all those 2hard4me threads
not an argument. nice selfie
>"the great serpent is a god of the land", but the correct term sentence would be "a great serpent is a god of the land"
Do you know how definite articles work?
>The definite article can also be used in English to indicate a specific class among other classes:
>The cabbage white butterfly lays its eggs on members of the Brassica genus.
Oh man, how do you even function in life?
"The great serpent" is referring to the fact you have that specific snake's heart. Not that there is only one snake in the land.
>He doesn't trial and error to see 2nd monkey is a wet noodle.
>He doesn't use shinobi tools or run around the big room given.
It's like the idea of fighting more than 1 enemy fucks with a low iq's psyche.
>two completely identical snakes
>same size, roams same areas
>one of them is referred to as "the great serpent" of that spesific land for some incomprehensible reason
>the other is just dude second snake lmao don't worry about it
go back to school and learn english
Did you even read what I posted? "A great serpent is a god of the land" would be grammatically INCORRECT because in this case the article is being used as a class indicator (the class of great serpents, in case you need it drilled through your head).
It dies in 10 shurikans so why not?
alright grammar aside, what I typed earlier stills stands
>two completely identical snakes
>same size, roams same areas
>one of them is referred to as "the great serpent" of that spesific land for some incomprehensible reason
>the other is just dude second snake lmao don't worry about it
this makes zero sense, and I'm certain it's lazy translation. the shitty writing is indicating a singular snake of ashina in particular and I don't understand why all these contrarians desperately defend a game that's notorious for misleading and sometimes wrong translations
And in case you still don't get it, compare:
>The great serpent is a god of the land
>The lion is an African feline
If you think the latter implies there's only one lion in the world I have no words left
>no user it doesn't mean what it obviously means!
>it means what I think it means and that's final!
This is your entire argument. It's pretty weak.
>for some incomprehensible reason
That reason is called English grammar
They are both great serpents jack ass
There's is more than one great serpent
fine, I give up
I thought there was only one and my head got completely stuck on that
Chip away brown ape's health when headless is busy REE'ing.
Now wait til you get to Seven Spears + buttbuddy in tight cramped arena with fire hazards everywhere.
Stealth/puppeteer scrubs need not reply.
There are 2 snakes. You have to find both of their hearts. Is this too much for you to understand?
You can't just say "grammar aside" and then call it a translation error. The grammar is correct, there is no translation error.
The only error is in your personal lack of understanding of the language you're typing in. YOU are the one who only THINKS there's a problem. The game world and the English language translation of it both agree with each other just fine without your personal confused retardation.
So instead of coming to that conclusion yourself you decided that from accidentally programmed the same snake twice?
>You have to find both of their hearts.
that's just wrong, the second one never dies and you find an old ass heart
hey man I gave up
no, I thought they ran out of time at the end and didn't find a different scenario for the second encounter
Not him, but I had like 12 hours or something between the first Guardian Ape fight and the second, with all the other things in between that I hadn't done.
>go to the start of ashina outskirts in end-game
>suddenly teleport to the battlefield at the castle game
Cave snake is defending its own dried heart.
how does that make any sense
literally beat him second try, aquire skill faggot
Where the fuck did you get a scythe.
It's an immortal.
does brown ape just disappear? Disappointing from
pretty sure that's a weapon art
>Cheating modfag
>"Game so easy"
Worse than a journo desu.
That looks like the Scythe from RWBY, so I'm guessing it's a mod