>name one (1) flaw
>you can’t
Prove me wrong Yea Forums
>name one (1) flaw
>you can’t
Prove me wrong Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
small hands. fucks bees. theres 2
Real talk, what really happened to Vappy?
>doesn’t give a fuck what his viewers want to see
>plays what he finds fun
>doesn’t care or bring attention to subscribers
>doesn’t constantly make hype noises or scream at dumb shit
>hates anime but low key likes it
>bans people without a single fuck
>does charity streams
>is fucking hot
You’re right, I fucking can’t. He’s too based
his only real flaw is that he hasn't posted a picture of his asshole online yet
He doesnt talk to eve during blaster master 2! AHGH
>>doesn’t constantly make hype noises or scream at dumb shit
I'm a bit skeptical about this one.
He got laid off after he posted an image of a furry with its cock out with a pick of Vinny in the background
I love (1) man