DSP birthday thread
Do you think he'll reach his goal?
DSP birthday thread
DSP is based /ourguy/
What did he mean by this?
Even if he does we will never know since his method of raising donations is drama.
God he's fucking disgusting. It almost looks like he's got a grease stain running down his chest. What a disgusting slob of a man.
if he does i'm going to take my wife out to dinner to celebrate
>DSP beat true Corrupted Monk second try without even using instant deathblow strats
Honestly his most impressive feat.
Cope harder Tevin
What? That he is using guides?
You can't really use a guide to execute the moves to beat a boss perfectly especially since he didn't use prosthetics or anything during it.
over 600 bucks already
You can use a guide for viable strategies and what to expect in the fight
>trying to shit on /our guys/ accomplishments that hard
You know, no matter how hard I try, I simply cannot bring myself to genuinely hate him.
There's just something... loveable about him. I think it's his near-autistic determination. The mad lad just doesn't give up.
What the fuck..
>makes 600 dollars in a single day
>still complains he wants more
t. guide reader
Half-hourly reminder.
>made $1000 on last marathon stream
>complains and says he was expecting $4k-$5k
>experiencing a moment of luck in a videogame
>Sekiro is luck based
>tfw he's better at Sekiro than you
His mods banned me for drawing comparisons to him and the hospital scene in the NGE movie
So, no.
People really believe that there are already full and detailed guides for a video game that released barely a week ago?
why does he keep saying OKAY?
Well considering how Phil videogame skills are sub standard i would assume he had lucky moments here and there.
There have been video guides on the Sekiro wiki since day 2. Retard.
Are you saying there aren't? Gamespot released a complete guide five days ago.
What the fuck happened to him? He used to look kinda good. This isn't just aging.
somehow i doubt you were going to help support him anyway
why doesn't he just go back to being a pro FGC player?
he's clearly pretty good and if he won tournaments maybe he'll be more financially stable
e-celebs are here to stay and there's nothing, NOTHING you can do about it.
>already at 12%
It's a possibility.
so this is all ironic right? nobody here actually likes phil and this is all just memes and shitposting right?
He was always fat,has eaten literal fast food garbage for a decade every day,never did any meaningful physical activity and stares at a screen 10+ hours a day.Also gout genetics.
DSP is unironically the patrician gamers choice
>He used to look kinda good
Lots of beer can do this to you. No joke.
He said he wanted to retire when he was still on top. Having won tournaments and placing third in a world champion Street Fighter 2 tournament was enough for him.
it's genuine although we make it seem ironic to mock detractors
He also beat the bull on his first try, while it wasn't a particularly hard boss, I've heard some people be stuck on it for hours.
>he’s clearly pretty good
Yeah good at a game that came out in 1994. He sucks at modern fighters and refuses to put in the time and effort to learn
DSP is the king of Yea Forums.
DSP is the king of the world.
37 year old man
*resounding moans*
>why doesn't he just go back to being a pro FGC player?
Phil has been holed up in a gated community that he could NEVER afford for five years because he's afraid of people. He could never go back to the FGC, do they even have a Seniors Circuit he could theoretically take part in?
I hope it's ironic
The shadow from his mic looks like an ass sweat stain.
Why are you posting your age?
I have made him eternal my integrating his snorts as samples into a theme park show.
but DSP's birthday is on the 12th
>he actually understands the storyline unlike that fat balding fuck aris
imagine spending your time archiving dsp's life
not video games
Its like archiving CWC's life,the world needs to know
Nobody ever doubted him.
He may be an asshole but that doesn't change the fact that he has inadvertently produced some of the most entertaining LPs in existence.
Just stop, man. Nobody wants these threads here, you always get banned and you keep going at it like a tard hitting his head against a wall. Get the hint already, retard.
Real Birthday on 06th April
Did he beat her? Oh, my god, what a dick.
Reminder to not reply to detractors.
>these regularly get 300 responses average, if some seething tard mod doesn't intervene
Can’t handle a real gamer thread?
eccentric peeps / lolcows have internet subcultures. They are easily just as interesting as the person they are mocking.
and you just outed yourself as a scat fetishist
They absolutely fucking hate him.
And they're the biggest reason he's still around, and gets more than 100k a year.
They truly deserve each other.
t. pedophile
is he god of vee?
You cannot be a wizard when you make threads about ecelebs lol, it's just impossible
Phil just BTFOd some guy who tried to call him out. Damn, Phil is brutal.
is he based?
What part of “birthday week” do you not understand
Why wouldn't there be? Did you even look for one before assuming there weren't any?
Who Praise/b/Almighty here?
As to be expected of a true gentleman gamer.
>Worshipping a literal nigger
$666 dollars
sound good?
fair enough?
Shame about what happened to stream.me, ack ack ack.
Right now he is raising enough money to qualify for a payment plan. Even if he reached the $5k he would still owe the feds a ton of money.
That's literally all streamers they're modern day court jesters surviving on the tips you throw them, but at the end of the day as long as you're not some sort of desperate poorfag and you get adequate amusement for your change who cares?
Why does his sister look so sad to be there?
Every time I watch Tevin the guy can recall shit that happened to Phil over the years and even sift through literal thousands of DSP's videos to find a particular one where Phil says something that proves Tevin's point. He's obsessed with him.
Based. DSP simply cannot lose.
Most streamers have a job that is not streaming and 99% of them don't beg to the same extent that Dark does.
>Ever watching Tevin
>Who does entire restreams of all DSPs boring ass pathetic shit
There are so many better DSP archive channels that sum up his only entertaining moments in 20 minute segments of his drama/sucking ass. I cannot imagine actually being a part of a stream/streamer who watches all his shit when he sits there silently or makes terrible shock humor 14 year old jokes constantly.
fuck he's ugly
Comfy battle station to be honest.
It's like watching a wild animal suck its own dick. At least it's not like Chris Chan where he has hundreds of Tevins
You know for a fact looking at this up close Kat is in it for the free ride until bust and probably has to close her eyes to have sex with him.
What streamers have you been watching?
I only see whiny cunts who bitch about demonetization, and compare having to get a real job with being sentenced to a gulag.
He's still ugly but he currently looks much better now than he did there
His brow makes him look like a neanderthal in that pic
>obese ricky gervais
And all of that because DSP pushed his sandcastle over, and got him banned off twitch before he could start his coattail-riding career.
Poetry. Hope Tevin's got a rope ready when in next 5 years DSP drives around his neet bunkhouse in his new lamborghini.
The madman will actually do it.
Didn't DSP get a 16K donation? How much more does this fucking hog need
let's be honest: he pretends to have mental issues
The guy dated two hookers in less than 2 years and is having a great life by receiving donations by pretending to play video games bad
How can one guy be such good actor?
A Six Flags proposal is expensive
Only Vinesauce and retro game streamers,never heard them begging or even talking about money.
Except last time he had a fundraiser, oops I mean an event to raise funds and only pulled 1K out of 17K
Women like that should be sold to muslims
>he pretends to have mental issues
I have to disagree; Most people who put their image out for the world to see for the sake of making money typically have mental issues.
lol look at the stupid cunt behind her, this was justified.
Vinny and Joel are based
No they aren’t
You know, there's something kind of comfy and nostalgic about DSP. He's like that kid from when you were young whose family was all messed up and just took aggression out on everything. Even though he was overall a terrible friend and you eventually got tired of his stupid shit, it's nice to think of the good times that were still had. DSP is like if that kid grew up physically, but not emotionally.
At least they are not DSP
Kiwi Farms is filled with some real burnouts
And that alone makes them based as fuck.
Tevin also makes money off his idiot fans like DSP
Tevin's fans tend to like Tevin though, DSP's fans just pity him
Yes but he knows by making his mental illness harder people will donate more
They wish they lick his shit covered boots haha cringey faggots
*blocks your path*
is it tax season again?
literally streamable.com
tevin is literally obsessed
Who here hyped for 0utsyder's TIHYDP for dmc5 and sekiro?
This nigga puts waay to much effort into these
Are you implying DSP constantly walks around in his shit? It does sound apt.
Nigga there was guides on release day
what is there to cut from a sekiro playthrough
the entire thing is a beginner's trap with bugged difficulty mechanics
They’re covered in shit from stomping pathetic detractors such yourself all day!
Another based legend
Stop shitposting on Yea Forums and pay your taxes Phil.
in his words "as much as I can raise"
No, Tevin is a DSP historian. Once the whole thing is over future generations will learn of DarkSydePhil through Tevin's encyclopedic knowledge of Phil Burnell.
DSP will outlast any of these punk ass tmz-tier attention whores
More likely he doesn't wash his shoes. Just like he didn't wash his hands when he masturbated on stream.
>"guys if you want proof I was actually dodging, look"!
>holds up controller 8 seconds later with fingers everywhere
Is this guy actually retarded.
kek I saw this too
Just like any other TRUE gamer
>That feeling when DSP inspires you to regularly take care of your electronic by dusting and using canned air.
I guess he's has inspired positive change.
obviously he's just holding it that way so the camera can see it, sperg
What will he do to detractors when he inevitably becomes the president?
What is he going to do once he gets old? He will eventually lose the audience he had because there's no way anyone would want to watch a 45+ years old man still playing video games instead of someone that his younger viewers may relate to. Surely he thought about it at least once, right?
What's not to like?
he has made multiple hilarious LPs
He's trapped doing what he hates forever.
>detractors made multiple hilarious LPs compilations
Fixed,reminder that nobody would know about this ball of gout if it weren't for Evilaj
Look up what the term lolcow means.
is this real?
zoom zoom
Speak for yourself. I liked watching Jeff Green before he quit streaming.
ngl dsp is based
cringe af desu
pretty much. it's sort of a balancing act, we all know phil is a greasy pig but that doesn't mean we all need to stoop to the lowest levels.
he just can't keep getting away with it! why do i have to be a wagie!?
He owes 5k in taxes? The fuck did he do?
looks like XBOCT