Is he the greatest video game character of all time?

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Other urls found in this thread:

MJ is top tier to be sure

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MJ was framed

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>saves children
>can dance
>can make others dance against their will
>has a hat that makes you explode
>can transform into a laser shooting robot that scatters bombs
>grabs his crotch
>made Thriller
Yeah I'm thinkin' he is.

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good goy

I wouldn't be surprised if you're actually Jewish.

this is so shitty

He's the savior of the galaxy, along with Ulala.

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Macaulay is the second cutest shotafriend MJ had (first one being Safechuck). Safechuck said MJ fucked him, but Macaulay swears he didn't.

If he didn't fuck Macaulay he sure didn't fuck Safechuck either. If he fucked Safechuck, he fucked Macaulay for sure.

So that leaves us with two options:

1. Safechuck lied
2. Macaulay enjoyed getting pounded by MJ so he fucked them both.

In any cases he's GOAT. Screw the moralfags.

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What would his accusers have to gain by lying?
He died a decade ago, it's not like they can ruin his reputation

tfw Mj was a huge segafag. I wonder what he thought of their downfall.

t.good goyim

Sympathy and money?
Mostly money.

I still can't make up my mind about him

jesus what was the budget

they have about 2.1 billion reasons to be lying, user

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I also feel like why would two grown men go public in being abused like this as children.

Especially since they witness for him during the previous trials against him. They looked up to him as their idol.

robson testified under oath as an adult by the way
safechuck was irrelevant in the trial
this entire situation reeks

Don‘t worry about it, just jews being kikes.

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Why are normalfags so desperate to tear down the legacy of a man who made really good songs about peace and equality?

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look up the lyrics to the song "they don't really care about us"

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>Yea Forums siding with a mainstream black pop artist
Weird times we live in

They watched some sketchy documentary and think they're some kind of ace detective for it.
Also because outrage culture is a disease.

Are you talking shit about MJ?

Both sides are retarded though.

It could might as well be true and might as well not be true.

Why are both sides so retarded about this? Just because you like his music doesn't mean it's fake, just because you saw a documentary doesn't mean it's true.

>MJ being mainstream
>in the year of our lord 2020-1
good one


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Because he's boomer music and boomers that grew up with his music refuse to hear anything bad about their childhood idol.

>10 years already

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Unlike most pop artists today he was incredibly humble and charitable.

I dont know how you can dislike him
He was one of us

It died stop

I don't really care about wether or not he was a kiddy diddler since he's already dead
There's no point to it and it's pretty cowardly to drag him through the dirt again now when he can't even defend himself

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>Just because you like his music doesn't mean it's fake
that's not why people are saying it's fake, they're saying so because the doc has more holes than swiss cheese from all available first party sources other than safechuck and robson, evident by the hour of footage cut from the doc since its debut airing. also kneejerk reactions from the director & MSM calling people who simply question the doc as "conspiracy nuts" isn't sitting well with, you know, sensible people.
it's obviously -possible- that they're telling the truth, but their current path of action is highly questionable at best

What are you implying?

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large enemy variety and stages are detailed as fuck


Fuck off

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Never forget that Space Michael is Ulala's boss in Space Channel 5.

Hes the new guest in tekken

why do libs want him to be a pedo so bad?

Why are Micheal Jackson fans so fucking brain-dead and so thin-sensitive?
>go into thread
>call him a pedophile
Never fails.

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stupid fucking newfag

Okay since you need to be spoon fed.

It's hard to have evidence against such sexual abuse cases, one thing that is for sure is michael jackson was around a lot with different children and slept in the same bed as them. He has been accused of doing these things to some children that was around him and you can't just silence these accusations since no one knows the full story except the children and Michael himself.

But as everyone says as argument it can might as well be because "money and fame" he has been accused. We will never know which side is truly right since there is no major proof and MJ is dead now.

Michael might have done some of the things the documentary said and might not have either. No one will ever be truly tight about this case it seems.

>I still can't make up my mind about him
Watch this. I understand his swearing can be annoying, but he clearly explains why all the allegations are bullshit.

He's also made two more parts about Leaving Neverland, and an hour-long interview with Michael's relatives. The short of it is that literally every case had financial motivations, and whenever the accusers were called to testify in future trials, they'd flee the country.

The entire basis of Leaving Neverland is a failed civil suit that was thrown out of court 6 years ago. Some of the lies are so blatant, that a quarter of the entire film had to be completely cut after the original airing.

tom brady kisses his kids on the lips too, this is kind of irrelevant

She was italian, don't mind her.

>even the director of that smear job is admitting that the accusations are impossible


Yea Forums has always defended Michael you fucking cuck.

His only flaw was preferring shota over loli.

It's just dumb boomers that have nostalgia to his music and refuse to hear anything bad about him.

No one will accept that he might have been pedophile since they liked his music.

His lawyers had him befriend Macaulay
>He has no reason to lie about the abuse since he has money
>If MJ fucked him he couldn't be paid off since he already had money
All he had to do was not fuck him and he had a perfect witness

>rich and powerfull man is also a pedophile (shocking)
>why do normalfags virtuesignal constantly and try to get the moral highground instead of actually fixing issues
you answered your own question, even if he didnt touch boys fags would still scream about him just to let everyone know they are TOTALLY not a pedo and that its WRONG.

Id be more suprised to find out he wasnt a pedo 2bh with all those rich and powerful people getting outed as pedos but their rabid fans defend them cant handle reality. same shit with people saying savile never raped kids or ozzy never ate a bats head oif.

He was investigated for being a pedo 10+ years ago but no one gave a fuck untill he dangled a baby off a balcony

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Based nips

>MJ was a monster who preyed on many
>this goblin is innocent, despite all the red flags he put up
On what fuckin’ planet?

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>What are you talking about? Michael Jackson would never harm a chi-

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OR the most popular and well known kid thats been on TV every christmas for the past 40 years DOESNT want to admit he was bum burgled by a smooth criminal

Michael jackson slept in the same bed as a bunch of random kids.

Even if he was not a pedophile as every assblasted user here say he was truly fucked up and probably was sexually abused too as a child.

if you read the thread that's literally not why people are defending him you pea brained retard



Oh, sorry my guy I was just posting a meme picture
I didn't even read what you were saying and don't know the conversation

>shill script broke


Behead all those who defame the good name of Michael Jackson.


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What emotion is he trying to convey?

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>think the man himself was a psychotic creep
>still enjoy his music though
Why is this so hard to comprehend for some people?


The SHAMONE one.


I like his music but I think he's fucked up as a person. That's it.

Unlike normalfags I don't care whether he was molesting children or not. Even if he was he was the nicest child molester that ever existed and never hurt anybody and any child suggesting long time damage is lying trough their teeth.

I don’t care if you think he was a pedo, but if it was a shitty meme documentary that gave you that opinion you ought to neck yourself

>loved by everyone
>talks shit about the jews
>1 year later he's a pedophile

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Haha funny beaner memes!


>Be a poor shota who had a shit life
>Suddenly this man who you somehow heard of yet never seen a TV or a movie comes and invites you to his place
>A huge mansion with a bunch of other kids, full of rides, arcades, and games
>You ride there with him on a blinding white chariot
>He hugs you and tells you everything is gonna be ok
>He goes out of his way to make sure you are financially safe for the rest of your life
>He invites you to play vidya with him and some other kids in his room.
>He comes in with his Sonic theme PJs and brings us snacks and food
>Giggles like a kid as we have fun staying up
>Years later people think hes a monster and tell you, that you didnt know any better
>see The man who was your hero become broken from all the stress and OD on meds
This world didnt deserve him

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>MJ was a pedo
>He fucked little boys
>Jews supplied him with little boys
>MJ names the jew
>"Oy vey"
>The jews retaliate by outing him as a pedophile
>Contacting the boys using their jew lawyers
>Using him to set an example for anyone who thinks about turning on or exposing them
>This is why so many politicians are pedos, it makes them easier to control
This is what happened

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Imagine having a house so big. That your bedroom can fit a two story house in it.


>a shitty meme documentary
A shitty meme documentary that no one watched.

That's the worst part. They believe he's guilty because the media says the documentary proves it. Some of those same people call themselves "red-pilled" and shit on the mainstream media.

Reading this thread no one has any strong argument faggot.

There is no side winning.

>no one gave a shit till blanket incident
Retard. His 93 case made national headlines

I’m pretty sure michael jackson doesn’t get much out of his album sales anymore user

Imagine cucking sony out of their entire music catalog.

Creepy gross pedo

The people who own the rights to his shit do though.

>Imagine cucking the beatles out of theirs

There are attempts at scrubbing away past culture that is deemed inappropriate. This should worry people.


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>no one has any strong argument
No one can or should have to prove a negative.


Holy shit the seething itt.

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pre-tax, michal jackson has earned around 4.2 billion in revenue
half of that came after he died.


Hey guys
MJ = bad

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How do I get to play Michael Jackson's Moonwalker online?

only person who is seething here is you you fat faggot jew


I'm just itt for laughter, carry on.

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>It could might as well be true and might as well not be true
They're the ones making the accusations, therefore they have to prove it, they can't, they're full of shit, they're wrong.
You raped me and my dog, I don't have any evidence to prove it but neither do you, so I guess that means we're both retarded even though I am the one making the accusations!
Fucking idiot.

faggot hasn't made a good video since vapenation
unsurprisingly this jew believes a documentary created by the jews

>i watched a documentary its true
>i watched a documentary i know all there is about it you are wrong and you are crazy if you disagree with me because i watched a documentary
h3h3 has, in recent years, outed himself as a blithering retard that has forgotten that his mystical wisdom and insight is not what gained him popularity

Fuck you, you'll join the debate and you'll like it.

Discord tranny kike


but no one cared, everyone forgot about it a week later, no one is doing the shit they are now like banning his music or image or constantly shittalking him.

>You raped me and my dog, I don't have any evidence to prove it but neither do you, so I guess that means we're both retarded even though I am the one making the accusations!
>Fucking idiot.
I always believe the accuser, so this means user is a rapist :)

Did you rename these filenames yourself to mask where you got them from, jew?

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Something tells me everyone in this thread that are talking about jews are jewish themselves or literal shills.

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What about Stefan Molyneux?

He's the greatest philosophical mind on YouTube, and he believes the documentary (he hasn't watched it, though). Checkmate, Nazis.

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Easily the best scene in the game.


MJ is based and it's disgusting that people are still trying to get his money via slander 10 years after his passing.

MJ was an honorary white

Thats cause outrage culture is super profitable rn. Cosby,Weinstein,Trump,James Gunn etc...

stefan "not an argument" molymeme is kind of a dummy if he is talking about something he hasn't seen
shapiro too, but he has a history of disliking jackson. not really putting that harvard degree to much use in actually investigating and takng accusations at face value. come on benny boy.

>or ozzy never ate a bats head oif.
It always gets me.

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>people calling him out in the comments

>call him a pedo
>boomers go pissy

Black and White is the best MJ music video. Every other opinion can be dismissed.

are you so retarded that you don't understand how difficult it is to prove rape cases or other sexual accusations?

He had a amazing moveset

I like how it says banned in two threads but the second one is just a self reply to the first one. Thats just sad


gonna post this on reddit and hop on fortnite


>I think he's fucked up as a person
What did he do? I never cared to follow celebs' lives.

bro, thriller is literally the peak of multimedia entertainment

Idk, having your special attack tied to half your health doesn't seem too good.


You raped me, now prove that you didn't. Can't? It's because you're a guilty rapist.

>saves little kids to get hp

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Yes they can ruin his reputation? They have?

Thriller is too much of a short film, there are so many breaks distracting from the music.

This dudes voice carries no fucking weight
Hes a fairweather bitch
>complains about multiculturalism and tells people to take a stand
>Hold conservative ideals
>They do
>These guys are Nazis and idiotic
>Suddenly becomes a centrist when trump is elected
>Supports whatever side is the least popular

The ultimate contrarian

>MJ Beats It!
Could you fuckig imagine


nevermind, you're a brainlet

Thrillerlets will never understand peak MJ.

You mean same room, which is as big as a normal house.

both have pending court cases against the estate for a fortune

it was always super profitable, since the 1960s, its just that this is another round of slight outrage before the same thing happens within the next few years and that gets blown out of proportion, just like with savile, people knew he was a pedo in the 70s and there where rumors about everywhere, yet no one cared untill 40 years later and just so happens to be after he died.
and before trump it was bush who was hitler, who was a faggot that conservacucks loved yet he gobbled israels cock and was generally a stupid faggot for most of his presidency, just like trump!.

People are only saying they care or how X is a bad goy just because it makes them look better, nothing actually gets done and the rich and powerfull get their endless supply of cunny and boypussi

There are people out there who still think he didnt

Except in court I would most likely win even if you actually got raped because how are you gonna prove it in court.

That's right stay mad.

Stop responding to the underage contrarians fishing for (you)s

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is he the most redpilled man alive, Yea Forums?

>I would most likely win even if you actually got raped because how are you gonna prove it in court.
By crying really hard

collect the semen in my asshole and save it in a belljar


They obviously bought "Home Alone boy" since he was so recognizable. He was brought into the dynamic solely to be the public face of MJ's fascination with kids.

Lmao. A guy built a fucking disneyland for special favorite kids who spent months in his private mansion and openly admitted sleeping together with little boys in one bed.
Now read that out loud without MJ's name behind it and tell me straight what would you assume about someone who does such things.

I hate jews and hitler did nothing wrong, but for fucks sake how obvious should it be? Do you literally need a footage of his dick in kids ass?

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They sued the MJJ estate for 100 million dollars and lost that case hard with the judge throwing all their claims out of the window for being absolute bullshit.
Wade Robson got forced to reveal his emails and those showed that he was making up and changing his trauma story by using thrown out claims from the previous MJ cases.

He and Safechuck are appealing the courts decision and they are using this fake dokumentary as a way to get that appeal through


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Believing he's innocent is the contrarian opinion. Most people reading this thread believe he did it.

>I hate jews and hitler did nothing wrong, but for fucks sake how obvious should it be? Do you literally need a footage of his dick in kids ass?

>Abused throughout youth
>Myriad of mental illnesses
>Exploited by (((them)))
>Accused of pedophilia when naming the Jew
>Murdered by anesthetic overdose (the kind you cannot self-administer), Hobongo doctor walks off scot-free despite inconsistencies between evidence, autopsy and his statement the night of death
>After death, suddenly a bunch of kiddie magazines and mannequins pop up in his room (which no one had noticed before)
He had a hard life.

>implying anyone here or on the internet wouldn't fulfill their sick illegal fantasies if given the money and power

Endless teen Boipucci from Scandinavia and a island where I can hunt people kidnapped on my behalf as game is what I would do.

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Incredibly obvious

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oh no no no no no

>Go to MJs music vid with 400m views
>All the comments say he's innocent

Uh huh..

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Most people I speak to IRL believe he's innocent too. Kike media is trying to create a false perception

He definitely has the best moveset


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Whoa there General Zarof.

>Oprah deleted all LEAVING NEVERLAND videos from her social media channels
>media are finally reporting on Robsons and Safechucks lies and how many of their claims can't be valid
>Dan Reed the director gets destroyed on british and french national TV and even he himself admits that Safechuck lied

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I can't tell if MJ ever looked good or was ugly. In some music videos and photos he looks good and in some others he looks ugly.

what did they lie about besides the train thing

Sounds like he's having a hard death too, people make me sick.

Kikes are desperate now.


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he sung "it don't matter if you're black or white" so loud that even his skin cells heard

Safechuck claimed that the abuse stopped after he got 12 years old but according to his dates he would have been 16 at that point

Robson said that MJ told him to only love him and that girls are evil creatures even though MJ was the one who brought Robson and Jay Jackson together around that time.

Robson also claimed that MJ molested him while his family was on a trip in the canyons even though Robson himself was there on that canyon trip while MJ was far away from Neverland on a tour

There was also a claim that MJ molested Robson during one Grammy award ceremony even though MJ wasn't even there during that year.

Was MJ only close to white kids?

I have a vore fetish and my girlfriend already plays along with that with sex, and i draw some things now and there.
There is literally nothing else to fulfill besides getting better at drawing.
You sick twisted fuck.

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It's called makeup user.


honestly I want to make some fake infographic "proving" a really, really convenient point for whatever side and put one source at the bottom, a url
and the url will lead to a site explaining that the infographic is full of bullshit and I just used it as a test to see who actually looks at sources
1/100 people, tops, will actually see that message because only that many people will check the source

>Endless teen Boipucci from Scandinavia and a island where I can hunt people kidnapped on my behalf as game is what I would do
Are you circumcised?

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Real cringe. Yikest post of 2019.

and? he was totally fine. You're acting like he dropped him, or dangled him by his legs and then shook him around.


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