Be honest, how many of you used this for porn as a kid?

Be honest, how many of you used this for porn as a kid?

Attached: NTR_DSI_4c_UKV_SCR_Browser_02_new.jpg (256x193, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes but only because I couldn't take my computer into bed and I didn't have a phone

I wasn't a kid when it came out


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in the bathroom, yeah

I had a different channel

Attached: internet.jpg (480x360, 40K)

>tfw took erotic nudes with the DSi...

>not using a psp for its superior rendering capabilities
I assume you only wanked to trap porn?

I used my PSP for porn

I'm glad I'm not the only one who did this.

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I didn't have a computer for close to a year, so I used it for everything, including porn.

I had like 450 hours by the time I got a new computer.

I blame the DSi for why I'm so fucked up, because it's the reason I found and looked at aryion so often.

Attached: 1544493848641.gif (600x600, 58K)

to be fair, fapping to something on a big screen TV is a lot more fun than a computer monitor

porn station portable as i like to call it

No. I used the 3DS's though

I used it for shitty javascript / browser games.

Did anyone ever use the original DS version? It literally came with a RAM expansion pack. I've never used it but seen it a few times

e621 had a few pics that you could actually view in 3D on a 3DS

Real niggas used this

Attached: D77287D8-BD0B-46EE-8027-FC9629793885.jpg (500x375, 25K)

Pretty sure esix doesn't support MPO, only side-by-side pictures

>e621 had a few pics that you could actually view in 3D on a 3DS
WHAT? Mind giving an example?

10 years

All the time

I was a kid when the DSi was a thing. I'm 21 now.

I used my 3DS browser to look at hentai years ago.

>PSP had decent web browser for the time
>Able to download pics and vids from online
>Had built in video player and picture viewer
>Had expandable storage
The PSP was a game changer for us young lads. What a better way to play 5-on-1 than with a PSP?

anyone in their early 20's was in elementary school when it came out.

Real niggas used the PSP browser, fag

I tried to on the Dreamcast, sure.

HentaiCapitol, motherfucker.

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Were you a toddler?

>tfw got one in 2010
It's when I started playing vidyas.
I still have it though it's kinda broken.

I had GoTube on my PSP which let me stream from porn sites

My nigga

>used psp to browse porn boorus
>internet was slow as fuck, the webpage was basic html that would half load most of the time
>only 3 tabs
Take me back.

The limitations made the nuts feel better

This but with my psp and ps3.

Attached: Nintendo_DS-Opera_Browser-Box_Art.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Browsing porn on the PSP was the shit.

Attached: lookathimgo.gif (100x100, 8K)

first smut I ever looked at was on the internet channel

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>All these pspbros ITT
You guys are alright.

I would pull up r34 on the Dsi, go into the bathroom, lay on the floor, and jerk it for hours.
Then I would use some really crappy cologne to mask the scent of disappointment. It didnt work

Nah it was the PSP for me
By the time DSi was out i was in college and finally had my own PC

Attached: fj3vkud670c21.jpg (640x825, 88K)

When I was a kid I had to draw my own porn because buying magazines and somehow connecting to dial-up without everyone in the house noticing was out of the question

Attached: what.png (721x487, 83K)

Damn that thing even had limited flash support
PSP too I think

Fuck yeah. I used those stupid fucking 20 second gallery sites to build the full porn movie.
Was tedious but worth it.

>playing Ys 3 on PSP the other day
>finish up for the night but out of curiosity pop open the web browser for laughs
>nothing loads because its a more than 10 year old browser
Those were the days

Real zoomer hours in this shitty thread

Attached: DS_Lite_Browser_and_Memory_Pak.jpg (480x494, 31K)

Sooooo much porn on every single person that owned one of these things. Remember a kid bringing his to school and he had goat porn and horse porn and shit on it kek

Do you still draw porn?

I'm 28
How old are you?


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I always assumed people never fapped to their own porn because they would notice all of the stuff they drew wrong in the picture.

Desperate times called for desperate measures

do you know what fucking year it is gramps?

>Nintendo DSi

Yep, it's time for me to get the fuck off this website. Where do I go now?

DSi came out in 2009 user.....

Not bad, kid. Not bad.

But are there times where you find it hard to fap to your own stuff?

I used it to sext my girlfriend since neither if us had phones and didn't want to get banned on Flipnote Hatena

just stay and shit post like the rest of us boomers

Attached: 1352609287556.png (219x400, 55K)

oh shit did it actually? pretty sure i was palying my dslite then. Still got one of these bad boys

Attached: r4dscart.jpg?token=y%2FMBqmwCb8EcRCJQ9y1suLpdjco%3D.jpg (200x262, 9K)


Holy shit I envy you so much, I'm still hitting myself over the fact that I've never learned how to draw, especially drawing porn.

>All the kids in this thread thinking they’re allowed on Yea Forums because they’re adults now

Jesus fucking christ what has this site become?

>be me in university
>remember classmate bought a DSi brand new as it came out
>mfw people talking about having a DSi when they were kids

My first console was an NES btw

Attached: oldening.webm (500x272, 2.49M)

What kind of third world shithole do you live in? It's like using a fucking flip phone for porn.

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Not the DS, but the Wii browser actually could use flash.

Orgasm girl and meet and fuck games were Wii console exclusive

At least most of the kids in these threads are actually trying to talk about video games

People below the age of 25 thinking they're adults scares me

>looks up erotic stories involving older sister or mother
Yep I'm a degenerate

The kids in this thread are the trannyfag muh SJW frogposter wojakposter /pol/tards though

Meant for

PSP came out in 2005 user, we didn’t have any other options for private viewing.

Why limit yourself to stories?

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was just going to post about this

fucking hell lad that is some prime kino nostalgia right there

Attached: 1543257626671.jpg (568x726, 41K)

Not one person has talked about politics in this thread. Half of the threads in the catalog were likely made by indians on their blackberries, this is comparatively a safe haven

>tfw my parents got broadband and a wifi router
>going from diddling my twinkie to pictures of b tier models loading in line by line to streaming free videos on porn sites
The fact that the PSP supported wifi and had a web browser just made me into a bigger degenerate in late middleschool to early highschool

This dude knows

God damn I'm actually mad that I paid money for a browser like an idiot

>implying the internet ever worked

It's was some asstr page with old stories

>God damn I'm actually mad that I paid money for a browser like an idiot
Porn, my-space msn messenger and aol.

>Open up pokemon emerald on emulator
>nintendo 2005

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I accidentally stumbled upon questionable stuff on my PSP back in like 2007 - 2008. Would look at it really confused on my neighbor's unsecured wifi connection


I haven't actually fapped to most of it, but yeah, if I couldn't I'd consider that drawing a failure

Jesus fuck, I remember unironically using this because I wanted one of the same three low quality lesbian hentai videos blown up on a big screen so I could splay myself out on the floor stark naked anytime my parents left. My most intense orgasms came from this shit.
Did a screenshot of Wii's internet channel actually just get me diamonds?

i don't understand how the PSP had flash support while most smartphones at the time didn't allow for it or didn't have janky apps that would make it work until the early 2010s


Underage gtfo.

asstr is kino, lots of good loli stories

PSP was pretty fucking beefy compared to phones back in the day and was well ahead of its time

good taste

It was ten years ago gramps. Anyone who has 8 at the time isn't underage anymore

You don't know true frustration until you try looking at photohopped pictures of Jenifer Aniston at on a Dreamcast 28kb/s dial up modem

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>look up hentai on brothers dsi
>be done
>delete history
>better add something to the history to seem less suspicious
>club penguin cheats

Damn, now I’m feeling nostalgic for the PSP. I remember getting it near launch with Ape Escape and Twisted Metal, those graphics on a handheld were fucking crazy at the time.

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Did anyone else try searching porn on youtube? I was too scared of going on actual porn websites and ending up on shady websites. I ended up getting rick rolled a lot.

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I used the Wii internet browser to look up porn while family was in the same room as me.

you know some good writers? i hate having to search to find something good

If you're under 30 you're underage.

I used it for a website called DSi Paint to message people and erp.

This was like 10 years ago when I was 15. Looking back at it now it was fucking cringe as fuck.

when you're a kid you don't always have access to a computer without supervision.

Fuck yeah man. When I was first getting into porn as a kid i didnt know any sites or anything that I liked so I got really good at finding softcore porn on youtube. Theres surprisingly a lot out there too

I will never forget I actually found a slide show of Peach porn, and was really confuse when I couldn't find it the next day because I didn't realize YT didn't allow stuff like that on their website.

Flip phone stores and nice lewds. When you're stranded, you take what you can get.

You don’t know about the dark days user. Imagine being a kid where the only internet access you have is the family computer and having computer savvy parents. Then imagine getting a PSP and having your own personal porn machine. It was like christmas every god damn day.

Bought that.
One of the R4 emulators benefits from the gba port Ram Expansion.

i did that a lot because porn sites were blocked in my country and i would hope someone uploaded it on there

eventually i discovered the wonders of VPNs and tor at the tender age of 10 and my peepee was never the same

‘Twas how I first discovered falcon punch Kirby via rickroll expecting porn

I used Google with the safe search off. What about you guys?

i got lucky and had an ipod touch by the time i started fapping. i did sometimes sneak down to use the family computer to look at stuff on a nicer screen though, but it was always mega stressful because you never knew when someone would walk in the front door and the computer was in the room right next to the entrance
i remember when i got a dsi near launch
i was showing it off on the school bus because everyone thought it was cool that my ds had a camera
i also remember being in 5th grade and being hyped as fuck for the 3ds. like i had dreams about what the 3d was like, and what new games would come for the 3ds.
im 19 now.


I usually just google with a specific thing, for example "asstr big sister ass" and bam

I was in more of a “survivor” mindset, so I went to sites that let me download the mp4 for safekeeping later.

Who was the first porn artist you remembered? Mine was Terufuu.

*PlayStation pornable

I used shitty booru clones mainly

>*PlayStation pornable

Dr Comet

I only really started paying attention to artists when I came across Dr. Graevling's stuff

Ok, now I'm gonna make the counter question
How many of you used this for kid porn?

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Yeah that's where I got it from

Nice try, Chris


Attached: A4B0C600-EE97-4C03-A6D1-EADF2DAEDCA8.jpg (1024x768, 500K)

>Yeah that's where I got it from

>used it for newgrounds flashes
>was slow as fuck but still would fap to shit like the bowser peach hentai

Attached: bowser nuts.jpg (1077x920, 80K)

i did it on my hacked original xbox. using a fucking xbox controller to look at hentai porn was the best

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 32K)

I regularly fap to erotic shit I find on youtube.

Porn threads on facepunch


Attached: A691665A-403B-466D-9092-F12DEAAB85A0.jpg (723x536, 68K)

I only found models

>find perfect porn video
>check back a week or so later
>it's been deleted and hasn't been re-uploaded anywhere

Attached: 9f56cc7fb2be5b40f22d5d2f8a165dd8.jpg (1242x1429, 121K)

This happened when I was 12
>find my brother's old CD bag
>looking for games
>find morrowind, diablo, starcraft
>tell to myself I'm going to install them and spend the afternoon playing vidya
>see 4 dvds with no label on them
>put them in my PC
>fucking horse and dog porn
>3 dvds filled with zoo porn
>1 dvd was jailbait
>fucking freak the fuck out when I heard the door opening
>it was the fucking cat
>I had no concept of porn
>turn it off
>next day
>tell my cousin about it
>he was the one that gave it to him
Well, at least it wasn't gore or necro

>find perfect porn video through recently uploaded
>keep finding it through that for a couple weeks
>eventually forgets name
>recently uploads is so flooded I will never find it will my old method

Dr. Comet and Greenhand.

Attached: furry bully.gif (658x335, 60K)

>mulher melão dancing with that yellow bra

Yeah, Based thirdworld.

>porn on a nintendo
>not sneaking downstairs when your parents were sleeping to crank it to 45 second bangbros trailers

Hahahahha you kids probably were not even jerking off in 2003

Attached: 1550220743259m.jpg (744x1024, 125K)

So I'm not the only one, uh.

i know your feel bro

I used the Wii menu and sometimes the web browser on my first xbox. When i actually used the family pc i would accidentally download a bunch of shit on LimeWire

I was 19 in 2003 so yeah I was. Fucking zoomers

>find perfect porn videos all uploaded by some guy and his gf
>he deletes them and posts a stupid ass story about how he has to delete everything
>mfw I downloaded them all

Attached: 1551722950187.png (397x797, 478K)

Sounds like good shit user. Still got those CDs?

Some of my first faps. My mom found out and disabled the browser, so I had to settle for writing lewd stories to myself in pictochat and obsessively combing through flipnote for anything even close to sexual to jack off to.

>Find perfect porn video
>it was a chick showing her tits on webcam
>some faggot doxes her
>video deleted 2 days after

>find perfect porn video when I was a kid
>fap to it for 2 months
>forget about it
>a year later get boner
>remember video
>spend literal days trying to find it
>never found again
It was a jap titty monster being molested by a very tiny flat chested jap girl in an elevator

I also attempted to sound myself with the stylus but got too scared. Thinking back, it's insane how horny I was all the time.

based. it was this and my ps3 i used.

The second one hit me hard. Mine was from first person perspective video. It started with the guy who's perspective you're looking through playing the guitar, then some hot blonde comes up(who I think was his gf) and starts talking to him.

good shit
>trying to look at Cindy Margolis in 480i 13" tv

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I was in middle school when it came out. But to answer OP's question, yes.

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I remember the first time I got caught watching porn. I was watching porn on the TV.
I didn't even know what jacking off was, I was just watching, it was one of those old softcore porn movies with a story.
My mom caught me watching it, and told me to turn the tv off.
The next day, at around 6pm, my big brother came back home from college, and my mom told him
>did you know what Little user was doing yesterday?
>What was it?
>He was watching pornography movies!
>What? Like on the computer?
>What? No, on the TV
>So what?
>W-what do you mean? Tell him something! He's your little brother
>Mom, he's 12, all men spend their early teen years jacking off and thinking about sex, this is normal, let him be
>Mom, do you want me to bring my cousins and my uncle to talk about this? Let him be, he has to learn one day or another
>Porn is prohibited in this house little user!
Thing is, my dad had died 4 years before that, so my mom kinda delegated these talks to my big brother. He was awful at it, but he was pretty fucking based that time.

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My first fap I used a dictionary, looking up the definition of words like sexual intercourse got me hard af

ya'll youngins. I used a ds with a special cart to access the internet, used the gba slot for extra ram, that's how old school it was.

That’s nothing. I used a Gameboy Advance with the E-Reader and had to make my own porn e-cards

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My parents or brothers never caught me to this day. But my grandpa caught me because I use to play games and look up porn on his PC a lot and he would go through his browser history every time I was done playing and eventually talked me about it, he never told anyone about it though. That's also how I learned about browser history being a thing.

>tfw it's still up
for what purpose

I had a parental controls passcode on it because I was scared my parents would find the web browser and try to open it.

Attached: 233BBA01-6AA5-4DC2-8B60-B057680D06CF.jpg (549x633, 51K)

>I would go on omegle in early high school
>I would make my thing to talk about TF2
>I would just spam pootis at them because I thought it was funny

I had my main 1GB card for games, saves, etc and then I had a 128MB card strictly for porn.

Your brother sounds based. My mother acted the same way; women just don’t understand men’s needs.

Me too. In retrospect his art is pretty shitty, but I spilled buckets and buckets of semen to it anyways.

Yup, I remember having to use specific websites to watch porn online. I can't remember if it were websites that uses flash, or html5.

>in elementery school when teachers would ask us to define vocab words but instead we would just look up words like sex and ass and laugh about them

HTML5 didn't exist then

I think visiting so many shady porn sites fucked up my wii

Images didn't work most of the time on DSI, but smut filled LN and fanfics worked perfectly

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I remember it didn't support polish letters so it was very annoying to browse any site in polish and Yea Forums was really the only english site I used.
So for me, psp browser was only set for Yea Forums lurking.

I remember porn in 2004 consisted of either flash animations, flash videos with bad buffering and downloading the video to your computer.

My first phone was an LG something that had a camera and could play videos. I used to fill its 128mb of storage with 1mb porn videos that were like 3 minutes long.
It was something like 98p resolution

>find pic of jap girl with an absolutetly massive ass in blue panties, best fap in months
>can never find it again
I just want a chubby asian girl to sit on my face

Yup. there were quite a bit of hentai and jav allure posted prior to 2009. Just had to change the search settings for newest and there was usually something there.

I remember one hentai vid called Silk Road or Silk Way but I could never find it online after that.... and there was a video that got me into Yuma Asami vids.

I don't know but man what a huge chunk of my life.

The oldest one I remember and recognize is probably Double Asterisk I think

>getting that triggered over called being kid

Nice one kid

This legacy lives on today in Except we have 4MB now

I remember having this phone (lg voyager) and it had a web browser, it was life changing for a young man trying to wrestle the weasel

Attached: 1132A2F3-5E14-4150-8AEC-A11BBDB4C6DE.jpg (543x650, 57K)

>looking up porn galleries on the DSi because no video support
>going to some yuri site for hentai
>vividly remember a doujin where Dawkeye fucks Winry with the end of a broom as a dildo
>this happened a decade ago

Attached: 1551595535293.gif (388x218, 2.19M)

>tfw still remember the first image that made me came
>tfw still remember my first doujin

Which websites were low enough data load for you to be able to view on that piece of junk of a web browser?...

First image was a fanart of a topless Shippuden Hinata seen from above ducking a looking up.
I haven't seen it in years, I'll look it up tonight. baby

>not the teacher who walked around in almost only fishnets

You'd be surprised.

Ah, the good ole days.

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>first fap
It was on my birthday. All the kids in my school had been talking about how good fapping is for some time now. I got curious, and decided to try it on my birthday. Came home at 10am from school, don't remember why. House was alone, so I went to the bathroom. I jacked off for some time until I came, and then I kept doing it, and doing it. I ended up cumming like 7 times, no kidding, and still wanted to keep going, but I heard someone outside. Mom wanted to take me to a restaurant because it was my birthday.
My first porn video that I came to was some latina lesbians video I downloaded from Ares. Fuck it was good, too bad there's no info on them and those who produced the video

This guy gets it

Attached: when the blossom dances just right.jpg (368x400, 33K)

I used to read VNs on my DS using homebrew on my R4. There was an app called VNDS.

>Not watching natural birthing vids on youtube

>Wii's internal browser was fucking Opera
Fucking based. Opera is the best browser nowadays

>dad put a parental control PIN on my DSi but it was his last four of his SSN and he used that for everything
>He didn't even bother locking the web browser for some fucking reason
>dad disables Safari and Youtubr on my iPod Touch with an actual password
>Just download Chrome instead
>Also jailbreak it, install Mxtube
>Dad puts some wimpy DNS kiddy filter on our router
>Change all my devices to manually route through
>Dad installs some spyware-tier parental control software on my laptop
>Spyware fucks up my internet connection and causes tons of program crashes
>Go apeshit on the program files, startup settings, and registry, redownload it, repair-install it with my own account. Still can't completely uninstall it for whatever reason, still causes crashes and connection errors, but at least I have privacy
>He eventually uninstalls it
>Dad installs similar spyware-tier software on my phone
>He doesn't set it up properly and doesn't give the program admin permissions, so it just sits there doing nothing
And that's how I became a Computer Engineering major with a long list of fetishes.

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>turned my psp off in the middle of jacking off
>stupidly forget to find the time to close the browser before using it again
>visiting my cousins place and turned it on to look something up
>threw it aside real quick while it was booting because of some dumb distraction in the game we were playing
>forgot about it entirely until he said "hey pikachu" and i looked over to see palcomix open
>intense panic as i swipe it away and blame my sister for using my psp without my knowledge "again"
>to this fucking day i have no idea how much he saw or if i was outed as some kinda weird pervert
this shit it going to haunt me to my fucking grave

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There were quite a few VNs converted into the VNDS format.
It was a simple format and the amount of converted VNs and tools got some people to port VNDS to phones.

Probably Empty.

Opera is just skinned chrome now, with chinese vpn service slapped on.

If you were real, you would’ve read it together

I've had something like that to a lesser extent happened to me.
But twice.

Jesus, I thought my mom was bad. How did he just not say "fuck it" like halfway through that?

Yeah, but it also has telegram, whatsapp and messenger apps on the side bar, which is pretty useful to procrastinate during work like I'm doing right now

narutopixx, holy fuck those looked so goo, at least back then

>about 11 or 12
>wii just came out not too recently, like a year or two
>friend is having his 11th birthday party, he's had a wii for a while
>me and 2 other friends come over, we all have fun playing games and shit
>we want to watch stupid shit on youtube like smosh
>i tell my friend he can use the internet through the wii
>he sets it up, first instinct is just to look up "porn" on google
>its just really shitty images that probably not even the most desperate of people could fap to today
>our minds were still blown
>his mom found out somehow 3 days after his party and he gets grounded for a month
I miss being a kid

He flew too close to the sun. Respect.

I used to access this r34 site called Crazy Toons with that browser. Half the site didn't work because the DSi didn't support flash but I remember the first thing I saw was Gwen porn from Apostle
I had the XL and I was 12 when it came out. I'm almost 22 now.

>tfw you first discovered Meet'n'Fuck

Attached: 1549858450028.gif (422x309, 447K)

>didn't know internet history was a thing, only search history
>computer at dad's house didn't have recommendations when you used the address bar thought that meant it didn't keep history
>computer at mom's house had a search bar, but thought it went away if you deleted the search results, not knowing it still kept the internet history
>hear mom on the phone with dad, goes on the computer and starts typing
>mom hung up
>called our more tech literate grandpa
>"how do you check internet history?"
>fear of god suddenly instilled in me

Attached: 1547851351898.jpg (640x640, 34K)

Fuck I remember the days of stealth looking at porn on my laptop in the living room and then going into the bathroom and jacking it with hand soap.

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Same user. I thought that if you searched for porn, but then searched for other stuff that pushed the porn off of the first page of history results, you'd be home free.

My parents knew. The entire time until I figured it out.

Attached: fugg.png (712x566, 472K)

good shit mang

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 625K)

The real question here is WHAT kind of porn did you use your DSi for? For me it was Peach and Rosa R34.
Personally I lost count of how many times I bust a nut to this one. God bless this artist.

Attached: 322835 - Princess_Rosalina Sigurd_von_Hosenfeld Super_Mario_Bros. Super_Mario_Galaxy.png (697x1018, 943K)

I would just look up "cartoon porn" and go on those shitty webistes that just have columns of western parody porn.

>mom found the mom and son smut and erotic stories sites
>got wiped with the ds charger cable and hid under the bed
>grounded for a year
Stupid bitch wonders why I won't talk to her no more

My brother

That is exactly the logic I was working on.

tfw is dead

My search history probably looked like:
>pokemon misty naked
>pokemon naked
>may naked
>may boobs
>girls boobs
>victoras secret nude

>first fap was imagine gay clop
The only thing weirder was the fact my first fap was at 17

>as a kid

Any kid who played on a DS is still a kid today, boys.

What the fuck, did you wear one of these

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x481, 85K)

>looking up DoA X2 pole dance videos on youtube
>get recommended to Gravure promo videos
>get recommended to the weird part of youtube

The sad thing is that I'm not entirely sure if that thing is real or fake

Did anyone else find the concept of a vagina weird at first? When i first discovered porn I just looked at the boobs. I didn't start looking at the vagina until like a few months after I discovered porn.

finna yikes on this one

Yes. It was my first exposure to gay porn and I remember it vividly.

ma ni ga

Calm down, kid.

Kek. Mine would of been
>pokemon girls hot
>cartoon porn
>anime porn
>pokemon porn
>hot girls

dude, when i was a wee lad i had some kind of big icebear plush. when i discovered fapping, i wasnt sure where to blow my load and also instinctively started humping the plushie.
eventuelly cut a hole between its hindlegs and furiously masturbated inside it for quite a while.
a few weeks after i had started doing that, i come home from school to find the plushie gone. i never asked my mom where it went and wish i could have forgotten all about this shit. this fucking thread though brought it all back.

i used to think girls had a small penis before i discovered the vagina

It's fake
The magic is now gone

StarCraft minimaps

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I knew what masturbation was, my dumbass just never put two and two together and only figured out you need some kind of lube to comfortably do it at 17.


spot the zoomer who thinks phones were always smart phones lol. faggot

>needing lube

I remember being at a sleepover for a friend's 10th or 11th birthday, and one of the kids thought girls peed out of their butt

Attached: well shoot.png (866x894, 758K)

I used my PSP or the Wii's Opera channel.

Cut, and I absolutely beat the shit out of it

I thought women gave birth anally.

>Loading up Flash videos on Newgrounds
>Praying they weren't larger than the 5 mb limit

i used my ds lite with flashcard and memory expansion
the xnxx picture section was top notch back then

>Step brother gives us his Wii
>It has the internet browser installed
>Pull it up to go on youtube
>Several tabs of sketchy russian sites that translate roughly to "Girls under 18" and shit like that
>Confront him about it
>Goes fucking white in the face and says it was his ex-girlfriend that did it

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Fucking zoomer.

>needing lube

Ah, the good old days of paheal and aerisdies.

I knew women didn't have a penis, but I didn't know what was there in it's place before porn. I also thought women just naturally got pregnant by them self and I always thought it was weird why people were upset over women for getting pregnant before marriage.


What a fucking psycho, why do parents do this? Mine just asked me and told me it's okay and everybody does it

You absolute madman!

>that time when you were almost caught watching/looking at porn

Attached: [poyo stops].jpg (372x300, 12K)

Meant for

>reading doujins on the tv at 3am
holy shit its all flooding back

I remember finding a video on there in like 2006 called “Here I am bunny naked”. I don’t remember if she was actually naked or or not but I was way too scared someone was gonna see to watch for more than a second at a time

>would find sites and download porn to my psp
>would go to a site called or something
It was a simpler time.

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>tfw you got scared due a virus and your pants went down by themselves.

pornhub let you download mp4s.

No but I did try it with the Wii browser and would constantly try to get it to run porn. It barely ever actually got any flash/video players to run though.

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>That time you were caught watching porn
>Your dad beat you within an inch of your life
>Can't jerk off to porn without remembering the pain, don't even bother trying anymore
It's so bad that when my wife sends me nudes her face has to be in it. I've got some fucking PTSD with digital images of bare titties.


When I was busted for looking up shit on google images they pretty much said "we understand what you're going through, don't do that, it's not moral". I knew my dad didn't mean it though because both him and Grandpa have fucking stacks of playboys. Mom did, she's catholic.

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nope, probably started 04 or 05

You didn't ACTUALLY do it with the fox, did you, Yea Forums?

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I remember finding some sonic porn blog back in the day where the writer uploaded a bunch of doujinshi. Also, I remember a bunch of pictures of Ron Jeremy there for some reason.

Insane to think some of those artists are still putting out new shit. How long has it been, 12 years? That's a pretty secure gig for an artist, let alone a porn artist.

>trying to download a bj video on family computer to export to psp
>mom walks in
>immediately switch to other tab
>as she's talking to me, the download finishes and the movie opens and starts playing
>i quickly close the video and say it must have been a virus since it just popped up out of nowhere
>she fucking believes me
>mfw i escaped death by a hair

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No but I browsed Yea Forums on it as a middleschooler

>Be 12
>No access to my laptop at certain moments
>Going on on the DSi because only Blackberry and iPhone had official Windows Live Messenger support
>To talk to my 6th grade girl-friend about lewd stuff yet not to the point of sexting
>It was hard as shit to type but so goddamn worth it
Take me the fuck back.

Attached: ab3.jpg (540x651, 43K)

>mom keeps coming on without knocking
>let her come in and see my dick in my death grip
>always asks if she can come in after that

>you need some kind of lube to comfortably do it at 17.
What the fuck is wrong with your dick? I've been jerking it without lube just fine for over 20 years

Attached: no seriously.gif (446x251, 726K)

I did and now i fuck dudes irl

>Americans actually get punished by their parents for being hetrosexual

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There's still porn on youtube if you know where to look

Most of it is informational videos on how impregnation works, but if you're really savvy you can find stuff like this
or even this

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Americans cut the tip of their childrens' dicks off without consent.

I remember playing a bunch of furry games and looking a bunch of Sonic and Pokemon porn but somehow I didn't end up as a furfag.

>Mom lets me stay home from school
>Play these all day

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I mean that's fairly true in an informational sense, if we're being realistic and considering that free will can't exist. Information from her existence went into his mind and he was probably trying to be reminded.

What else could you use it for?

...Atryl. And Jon Joseco. For reasons you can probably guess, if those names ring a bell.

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Mom thought cutting off part of my dick was alright do it needing less time to clean

>not the pornstation portable

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Forgive my retarded American spelling

I'm circumcised too, I've been fapping for almost 10 years just fine.

I remember years ago I went to Yea Forums and fapped to porn on this.

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>Not the Nintendo DSi (Dick Suck interactive)

I probably do it too hard, honestly. I give myself rug burns if I do it more than 3 times in a day. Thankfully, I mostly stopped that

>TFW my Wii U is only plugged in for Netflix, Crunchyroll, and porn on the web browser

Mmmm I used to watch so much youtube porn and rule34 hentai oh god I came on my poor living room carpet so much the people who lived in my childhood apartment probably though my mom worked for Elmer and we got free glue or something

>put in "naked girls" in image search because naked people are funny
>get a completely different feeling than what I was going for
>would look up "naked misty" and other things like that
Eventually my parents found out and put up an internet blocker. After that, it was mostly fapping to thumbnails on google or trying to find sites that weren't blocked.

>start browsing /h/ around 2006
>eventually come across /f/
>discover zone's flashs
>feel like i found the ultimate porn to jack off to
>discover a siterip of his shit
>blow so many loads each day
Ahh, those teenage days were good.

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I don't remember who my first porn/hentai artist was, but what I do remember was that pic related was my first porn site. I think I some how got there looking for naruto pics on flickr.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-4-5 Naruto XXX - Free Hentai Site - Copy.png (1439x905, 653K)

I tried to find one of these in stores forever before I found out I could use a homebrew browser

My absolute nigger. I used to have a memory card filled with softcore shit like Pokesho pictures I’d fucking cum so hard to on my psp while my piano teacher would wait for me in the bathroom. She was 16 (I was like 10-12 at the time) and curvy as fuck. She was a crazy Christian too like hardcore, but with a nice round ass. I bet if I could meet her now I could bend her over easily. Goddamn you bought me back there

I used a hand-me-down XP laptop.

>the people who lived in my childhood apartment

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>tfw use to watch BoBoBo on Youtube in 4 part segments
I found just rewatch the same three episodes because that was all I could find.

Found the underage, get banned faggot

Nigga 10 years is a really long as time

The DS lite was one of the first things I bought from my own money. Fuck I'm old and virgin.

Breast expansion stories on Ladybumps

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>learned about this site off of one naruto hentai flash collection
>that particular image of Anko

Attached: fap here we go again.jpg (362x373, 36K)

I just watched booty shaking videos. I still remember my login on

I used to watch Yugioh and other anime like that. I still clearly remember that 10 minute video time limit.

The first 2D stuff I fapped to was by Urushihara, I remember fapping to Ragnarock City when I was 12, 16 years ago.

>high school, 2012
>grades are slipping
>and by "slipping", I mean As to Bs
>helicopter mom is concerned
>some dumbass counseler who probably is on Apple's payroll tells my parents to get me an ipad for school to help with organization
>tell parents multiple times that I both do not want and will not use an ipad for school
>ignore me and get it for me anyways
>use it exclusively for porn and jacking off in bed
Thank you, shill doctor, for giving me the device that supplied the bulk of my faps.

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No I was homeless and didn’t have a phone. I just used it to keep into contact with people on Facebook and check craigslist listings for jobs. I used to sleep in some hallways and areas that had free wi-fi so I used that. Honestly that browser saved me from boredom and lack of communication. It also helped me find a job

>got too focused on fapping
>mom was looking through the crack on the door and later gave me a 3 hour speech about how I will burn in hell for eternity

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>Being 12 years old and sitting naked in my room after a shower watching naked girls on Google Videos
I didn't even masturbate I just basked in the erection

also used this to message my high school girlfriend on facebook but yea i totally used it for porn and got really into GTS stuff

meetnfuck newgrounds and some other flash games needed up and down movement of the cursor, was kinda hard to get past those sections.
i was just enthralled by the sexual content, i dont think i even started touching myself until i was in the 7th grade. I just played h games and read doujins for the story.

>tfw you just made me remember all the lurid, pretty /d/ tier Pokemon stuff i got into because it was all I knew to look for
>R34 of pokegirls like Skyla, Lenora, and
>Spend hours blowing completely clear ghost loads to shit like Officer Jenny getting railed by Machoke
>Decide to go deeper, first time I ever blew actual rope with little spermies in it was in a picture of Luxray
>One day, I pass out while looking at a particularly lurid picture of I think May getting railed by a bunch of magenta tentacles, don't remember particularly enjoying it
>Aparrently my older brother saw me passed out in a strange place
>He opened my DS to see if I was playing one of his game and sees my tentacle porn
>The next time he has friends over, they ask me if I watch porn and if I like calamari
>Get mad at them and tell them to fuck off
>Big mistake
>Get called stuff like Doctor Octopus for three years straight because he told all his friends
>Even a teacher calls me Doc Ock, once
>He didn't realize what it meant, but some people in the class did and laughed at me
>Can't stand tentacle porn to this day

Fuck you for reminding me of this

Attached: Please, Press The Button.png (325x308, 116K)

I used to post on a pokemon fan site called pokemon palace and goddamn was my entire profile on that website pure cringe.

>Unsecured WiFi

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Even though I partook in MnF, this tune always reminds me of the Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 installer for some reason.

>Wet pussy games on the fucking Wii
We are brothers, you and I.

Game Boy didn't even come out until I was in the 5th grade.

FreakinWeirdo ;_;

>Never had to deal with Parental Controls
>Never got caught watching porn except by my hot cousin
>Carelessly fapped the fuck out of my dick from 11 to 21 (22 tomorrow) without any worries
>But I had to deal with my dad not wanting to get a wireless router for some fucking reason until like late 2011
>Couldn't even trade Pokémon on my DS until then
>Also had to keep my laptop connected to a long fucking ethernet cable coming from another room if I wanted to do the internetz thing from my bed
>Year of our lord 2015+4 I still can't get more than 20mbps speed because there's no optical fiber in my area yet
Fucking Monkey's Paw.

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Technically this, but

I try not to even think about the artists, sometimes I could never fap to 2d shit because it was made by man hands. If I know a chick is the artist it’s that much easier to cum

holy shit i remember this picture. im pretty sure this was the first time i ever used anything drawn as material. it's been all up hill ever since

Attached: Capture.png (905x592, 72K)

>one day be looking at gelbooru on my dsi
>pass out with it still on
>brother comes into my room and tries waking me up only to find me on a page that has the fox guy from bleach with his cock hanging out
>he still brings it up in private to this day
i didn’t even mean to look at something like that but damn i love me some kemobara now

How is it shitty?
My absolute nigger. I spilled so much cum to that picture of Ashley from warioware and Mona sucking cock

Don't lie.

Attached: KrystalAdventures.png (685x685, 275K)

Unironically Jay Naylor

>Late at night
>parents wont let me have a laptop because of diablo 2 and later wow being an addiction
>but they let me have a psp
>type in every single fucking night
Good times, thanks for reminding me of these memories anons

>find porn video
>it’s an instant fave for when you want a quick reliable nut
>save it in bookmarks
>even remember name
>out of nowhere “the user has removed this post” for no good reason

I was really into breast expansion and quickly became familiar with gammarai. Absolutely atrocious art with faces that will haunt me until my dying day.

I used my Wii's browser for boorus. Good times along with the discovery of many fetishes.
I also though Tram Pararam was fappable somehow.

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I started when I was 10 or 11, so like 2005-6

I could recognize a ton of artstyles but never remembered names, mostly because I was just aimlessly browsing around, but the first name that stuck to me was Fei.

I want to go back lads.

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I know i did.
And I know there's lesbian porn saved to my brother's DS.

nudesexymilfs dot com

My family refused to let me use a computer so my first three years of using Yea Forums was exclusively on ps3.

Oh god mine was around 10-11, I had a teacher’s aide in my sped school who had a giant bubble butt, cute blonde too, probably was in her mid 20’s, and she frequently wore thongs you could see when she sat. Eventually one day (during field day lol) I just lost it and smacked the fuck out of that ass. Funny thing was it was a BOCES school for anyone who knows what that is and basically there’s actual foaming tards and delinquents in that program because NYS doesn’t know how to handle education so I didn’t get in much trouble. I immediately jerked it after that, and my god it felt so strange at first. I knew what cumming was, sort of, as kids we used to make fists and wave them by our dicks with pants on to taunt each other, but I’d never actually done it. God I thought something was wrong at first because I’d never felt that way, but it was amazing. It was almost a little yellow too, but so much came out, my god. Good times.

Man, this shit takes me back, I booted it up and after a couple hours, I fapped for the first time to pic related

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>had a wii with stolen wifi but no pc
those were dark times

Holy goddamned hell user. You've just tapped into my deepest memories with that pic.

>stuff that never happened
Seriously, stop lying

>tfw probably spent all of middle school smelling like the horny monkey I am

>Ashley and Mona
This is the one you're talking about right

I remember my 13 year old ass discovered Limewire
So many underaged girls too me years to figure out what I was doing was illegal

My dad told me years back that when he was a teenager he used to steal his moms shopping catalogue and there were fashion models in underwear in it, that was like hardcore porn for him and he used to whack off to that.

This was back in the day before the internet, where you literally could not get porn at all.

Yes I did

>tfw used to look at porn on the very-public family PC
I'm pretty certain my mom saw a few times, but nobody's ever said anything.

>live alone
>still look over my shoulder before looking up porn.

What exactly is so unbelievable about it?

>Find the perfect porn
>Forget name and where you saw it
>Find it again months or years later
>Best fap ever
>Forget again
It's like a fuckin' comet, man.

Attached: NUH.jpg (680x383, 42K)

Me too oddly enough

my first real fap that I "searched for" was to airplanes
not aeromorphs or planegirls or anything, just avro RJ's and 767's
I've never really felt any desire to fap to planes or fuck them after puberty but still

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Fucking kek
I remember not even knowing how to masturbate, just read some hentai every now and then just to get a boner. Good times

I think Terufuu might have been mine, as well.
Pokegirls were most of what I searched for, early on.

I have over 1K hours on my 3DS for the Internet Browser because of Rule 34 and Porn comics.

I did this alot too, also im ashamed to say this but when I came in my hand I flung it at the TV screen and it stuck, it was a personal TV in my room, one of those fat ones and Idk what the fuck I was thinking, after about a week or so the whole screen was like stained with Cum, being 13 was horrible.

>first fap was with a sock
Felt amazing

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>when you realize you could hear Pokemon/Yu-Gi-Oh VAs for shit like this

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for what pvrpose

so you're still a kid.

>subtle porn nostalgia thread

Attached: buckets of cum.jpg (427x298, 48K)

Are you me???
While not him, my father did practically the same stuff and it was because he was a Christian man from Alabama. There will be no porn or other devious content in his household and by God, he will do what he can.

I used the psp one for porn. I remember typing in huge fucking titties and this came up. What a great fap.

Attached: (m=eaf8Ggaaaa)(mh=Lf5lsqzju2SCvMIe)4.jpg (320x240, 15K)

yeah, me too

I just used it to browse,because my parents didn’t get dialup until 2003,and dsl in 2010. I went to college before that,but I still remember browsing my anime forum all night long back then.

no I used magazines because I ain't a fucking zoomer

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My most negroest

>you will never watch Milk Money for the first time again
That shit gave me a fetish for yanderes and lactation.

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I have no fucking clue, but I guess I thought to myself how much I could build up at a time, my parents never really came into my room so I was never afraid of leaving it there, maybe just a sick interest.

>my fucking face when i heard yami yugi telling the dark magician girl to lay an egg for him

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Then why are you posting like one?

Even worse
>Forget to save porn you really like
>Artist deletes all of their work out of nowhere and with no warning
This has happened to me multiple times. In the worst case, there was a artist who said they wouldn't do that, but stopped drawing porn and used their old porn account to shill their new SFW art account, assuring people that he'll leave the porn account up. Then suddenly out of nowhere they deleted all of their porn on their other accounts. What a cunt.

I'm glad he's back in action after his wife passed away.

My brothers. I used to bring my PSP into my bathroom all the time. Porn and flash videos. I remember I had that Final Fantasy song on my PSP.


DSi was released in April 2009 in the west, I was almost 15 so I was using my computer like any normal human being... until I got a PSP 3000 on December of that year

fuck off zoomer go back to deadit

>spend hours browsing pichunter curating an amazing porn photos collection
>copy them to my sony w300i
>spend hours jerking off in the bathroom to tiny nudes in a 1.5 inch vga screen
>cum eight times a night
>delete everything
>walk funny all of the next day cause my dick is raw

Great times

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Dude, dailymotion, at least for softcore had you covered back in the day.

Fucking based. I used this to watch the Kanokon extra scenes on Dailymotion.

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Source me

>found a huge (about 30-35) stack of porn magazines my brother left in his room after he left home
>use them for years before my mother found them and threw them away
Thank you, big bro.

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>as a kid

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What do you consider to bean adult

Bless this thread

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Someone who got a DSi when it launched when they were 9 can post on here now.

The DS came out FIFTEEN years ago, it's time to let go of the past grandpa

I still think vaginas are nasty. I love being inside them, but not looking at them. Most of them are nasty. But tits and ass? Hell yeah

zoomer I was 25 when dsi was released
found a few old magazines in the forest believe it or not and they were in perfect condition still shrink wrapped.

Attached: boom.jpg (225x225, 9K)

I'm 23 and I got a DS in 2005 when I was 9.

>wonder how kids my age looked fucking
>Google child porn
>can't find anything
Later I found out it was illegal and was scared shitless

>tfw I recognize the song after all this time

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>friend tries to connect online with my wii
>tell him i dont have internet and to not try
>tries anyways
>my fucking face when there's a connection

Attached: yeah.jpg (493x280, 29K)

>they didn't crawl into their parents bedroom while they were (probably) asleep at 11pm, carefully steal the tv remote from the bed where their father dropped it in the dark, turn the television on, mute it super quickly, fap as quietly as possible to the 10 minute free view on the adult channel, then crawl out telling themselves that their parents definitely slept through that and pushing the idea of them having woken up and watched in confused, frozen horror into the back of their minds and repressing it
>they didn't do this at least five times

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>Tfw fell down a weird internet rabbit hole trying to find porn of kids my age
>Found a bunch of rape fics about pokemon
>Fap to it
>Great shame

Reminder that the average age of Yea Forums posters is roughly 15-25 and the people making fun of you for being in your early 20s are more than likely kids projecting.

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>be 9
>didnt know what furries were or what sex was
>had to do a school assignment about some shit, I forgot what it was about
>look up images of bugs bunny
>end up finding furry porn instead
>save it because i didnt know what it was
>completely forget about it
>few weeks later, had to stay in school till 4
>leave school and wait in my moms car, sister is here
>sister mentiona about needing to use the computer for some school thing
>say ok and dont mind it
>few hours later, sister finds the porn and tells my parents about it and shows it too them
>then my brother finds out
>tells me to delete the images
>have a really shitty memory so i forgot about it
>one day later while playing vidya, brother has his friends over
>brother checks my computer, still has the porn
>brother shows his friends
>end up just locking myself in my parents room and just screaming into the pillow
fuck you for reminding me op, and yes i am phoneposting i wanted to jerk off fuck you

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>Bought a PSP GO used from Gamestop
>Open the browser
>Last thing the last owner had up was ebony porn

Attached: ....png (326x523, 269K)

I only had the classic DS so I couldn't
and then I only had the classic 3DS

You are unironically delusional if you think the average Yea Forums user is an adult.

You think that's bad? Try discovering that even cartoons of that are illegal in your country, and then try to browse any fuckng hentai site at the time with that knowledge. The paranoia was real.

>go onto this thing because my comp's fucking up
>start to search for solution
>autocomplete text suggests several different porn related results
I'm almost certain my little cousin used it

I need to stop using Yea Forums I’m too fucking old

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>Mfw had an old DS Lite and it was around the time WPA2 came out.
>Wanted to play online pokemon and shit but it only accepted open or WEP connections
>Spend 1 hour secretly trying to change it to wep but I was too retarded at 12
>Parents found out and took my ds away from me for a month

Thank god for modern consoles.

I don't know how you garnered that from my post.

>being anything less than 26

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>Being a kid when the DS was around

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>mfw windows 98 was my first pc
it feels so weird to know that there are kids out there that never experienced physical porn

I had this exact same problem, had to change the home wifi to get Darkrai in Pokemon. I also did the same thing when I was at my sharehouse in uni for Mew at like 2am and nearly got busted because the next day my housemate was super angry that the internet stopped working properly for 30 mins and they were downloading something.

In the end they were a control freak so probably for the best

I'm 26 and I was a kid when the DS launched. I remember the bully kid for some reason letting me play it during a school trip, it was my first experience with Mario 64 vis Mario 64 DS.

>MFW disconnecting the modem's speaker because i was browsing porn when my parents was asleep

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>tfw turning 30 in 3 weeks
at least I'll be a wizard

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no but i did use my PSP for porn

I stole a friend's PSP memory stick too, one day he showed me a pic some friend of a friend or relative or something had send them, a photo of some chick legs spread showing off her underwear, so eventually i just swiped it and played dumb when they asked be but I know they knew it was me because they asked me specifically and I was the only one with a reason to take it but i guess they couldnt go to their parents and potentially risk them knowing why I stole it so it never came up after I said no

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I discovered all my fetishes on the DSi browser deep in the night... I love shota and loli so much


After we moved out

Did anyone else ever find payperview porn channels on shitty old CRTVs? When I was like 9 I had a bubble tv with vcr combo and if I went to channel 94 (playboy in New York) I could find fuzzy porn, that or I’d just watch tripping the rift on sci-fi with that sex Android. That was porn for me before I ever found porn

I see. My mistake.

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>bubble tv

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>use computer for porn
>take pictures of the screen using the Nintendo dsi camera
>one day I leave Nintendo at friends house
>mom must of looked through it when she picked it up
>get it taken away and banned from the computer
At least I got it back a month later


is there not 1 soul on this site that isn't >30 I'm fucking turning 36 in 2 months I'm as old as fucking chris chan for gods sake

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this is how you know they're fucking zoomers

>family is out
>watching porn on living room desktop
>in the middle of fapping
>hear the apartment door open
>get instant panic
>imediately stop fapping
>try to close video
>doesn't close
>try again
>doesn't fucking close
>turn off computer
>family comes into living room
>we greet each other
>they see me sitting in front of a turned of computer
>get the looks
Never did it that obvious since, reason why I used my 3ds from then off

In the early 2000s my grandmother got satellite TV and I discovered that there were a bunch of channels dedicated to porn. I was too scared to actually watch them just in case she found out, but I read the titles and descriptions and tried to imagine what was going on

On one of the gay ones I remember reading "these guys take one look at these meat pies and can't resist the urge to chow down". For some reason that one sticks out in my mind

This, I was in college by the time the DSi came out.

I mean, the choice was this or a literal flip phone, I know what i'm using

I have literally never masturbated once in my life, but I keep a hoard of hentai and furry porn anyway

WiiU gamepad was great for doing research on xnxx

im 34 and there's plenty of people over 30 on Yea Forums

Noill, fucking Curly Brace man

I'm only 26

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some kid did

i got one from a flea market 2 years ago
it had a card in it that had the folders, DON'T OPEN, NOT PORN and then had 2 porns with nice tits spanish chicks

he also had a lot of camerashots of random things and his family.

Was it this one?

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>tfw the gig was up when my parents tried to watch eyes wide shut on vhs and one part of the movie was completely scrambled from how much i re watched it

>iPhone filename
No surprises here. Zoom zoom.

>be kid
>family is kind of poor so parents steal cable
>black box gets all channels including pay per view
>at 10pm sharp pay per view movie channels switch over to hardcore porn
>known this for months but can never really take advantage of it, cable in living room only
>one day test to see if vcr will record what's on TV while I play a different input
>Holy shit it worked
>next day start playing vidya in living room around 930pm with the cable box set to ppv channel and vcr recording
>play vidya until 1030,my bed time, and go to bed with TV in video input mode.
>video input screen is black not blue so parents don't notice
>wake up to a vhs full of hardcore porn
This was the smartest thing I've ever done and I'm still proud of myself

Omg yes my gf is over right now and in all honesty I just want to jerk it to this

Sorry, only ever used the PSP or Wii for that

No kid knows how to code like that

>Tfw on 3DS you can reset your browser entirely and pretend you didn't even know the 3DS had a browser or even just say you haven't bothered using it or something
>It will even give you the first time introductions and browser setup if you do this
>You having ever used it is unprovable

Zoomers have it good

>zoomers using the 3DS when they have huge ass phones with extreme HD quality

Dude forget videos I used to use stickam, now I’ve graduated to Omegle

The non DSi DS had a internet capable cartridge you could buy that I used to look at naruto hentai. That and

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The fucking MEMORIES

My nigger.
I read a lot of fanfiction.


Some of us weren't allowed smartphones in 2011, grandpa.

i feel you, user
still weird thinking of gen 5 as a really new gen and then realising it's 8 years old

my first fap was on the psp's browser

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For me I was 10 in 2005 that wii browser in 2007 tho when I was 12...phew, that poor thing did some work

There were

I literally fapped to Twinbee sprites from The Spriter's Resource on the Wii browser. Not even kidding

>jerking off to Mithra on the big screen
My poor teenage dick, I beat the shit it of it.

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I feel sorry for you, for many reasons.

faggot how does it feel to be a fucking young person you fucking loser

you might wanna watch him, user, make sure he isn't trying to diddle kids

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Did anyone else find their dad's porn DVDs?

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nah I found my dad's vhs tapes of porn because I ain't a fucking zoomer faggot who relies on dvds I'm currently 39 turning 40 next year

Oh fuck off.

>Dad hates homosexuals
>Only has lesbian porn

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I found my step dads fleshlight thing.
It was a sort of fleshlight type thing that vibrates and found my mums dildo.

>I used the PSP for jacking off for a while.

>tfw they know
>they all know
Makes me want to move to Maine and cut all contact with my family and everyone else who knew my former life.
Especially as I've always been into weird shit and I think they've seen some of it.

that was the best porn. they are not making such stuff now

The DS browser is what got me into erotic literature because it was something the browser could actually handle.
Can't believe how much I used it, the guy at gamestop even warned me not to buy it.

I can't stand that kids are on this board anymore you fucking kids go back to deadit fucking miss the old days of hiding your porn stache instead of "clearing history" fucking losers will never know the thrill

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This but unironically.

>Hate homosexuals myself
>Only watch lesbian porn
Fuck off, kiddo. Degeneracy and mental illnesses should only be shown off in NSFW sites.

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I fucking wish Yea Forums never went mainstream, fucking miss the old days of Yea Forums back when there was sensible people on here not edgy angsty kids.

How does it feel to be obsolete, old man?

>slide show of Peach porn
Sigurd Von Hosenfeld was the stuff of legends

Uh huh. Keep that denial strong.

>he’s so young he thinks TVs we’re always flat screens

I didn't know they didn't until I was 16

>tfw was interested in girls my age when 13~
>looked up shit like 13 year old babes
>might be on a few government watchlists
Fucking damn it, child me.

How does it feel to have everything at your fingertips, zoomer faggot?

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Get fucked, codger.

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I used my mom's dildo from age 15 up until I could finally get my own. I found it in her dresser along with anal lube one day. When she was out I'd sneak into her room, bring it into the bathroom, and ride it as long as I could. Then when done I'd pour water into the lube bottle to make it look like it hadn't been used. The worst part? I didn't have an anal douche, or anything I could use as one. So I went in dirty every time and just cleaned it off as best I could when done.

I heard her talking about having a yeast infection one day when she didn't know I was listening. I'm pretty sure I gave it to her. But what was I supposed to do, not put stuff in my ass?

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I can beat that. When I was younger than 10, we had optimum IO television. I remember ordering playboy because I thought it was a kids channel (in the vein of “playhouse Disney” or something), and I ordered and watched it while my working class father, exhausted from his physical labor, napped on the couch in the same room. I was too young to fap but I knew some kind of chemical reaction was going on in my pants

Feels nice, actually.

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>But what was I supposed to do, not put stuff in my ass?
Yes you fucking degenerate homosexual faggot. And they say they're not mentally ill.

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>mfw I played an MS-DOS erotic version of Tetris in front of my parents and they didn't give a single fuck, in fact, they seened happy I was straight
I don't know if you guys had shitty parents, or I did.

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try having to go to your local gas station to BUY porn not having free shit like all you kids have now a days. Don't have to work for a god damn thing. Go play your fortnite faggot zoomer.

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S fellas

god looking at this image brought me back to being in my early teens. i spent an ungodly amount of time on my psp browsing the web. i became proficient at typing on that shitty keyboard. I probably used my PSP for at least 5 years before it died and I was forced to get a phone.

I'm good, thanks.

The thing that surprised me the most about playboy is that they never show the vagina, at least in the issue I read.

im confused u guys didnt get a phone when u turned 12?
wtf is this gay shit lmao

Try again, homo.

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An attempt was made.

it doesn't count when you jack off. it's hopeless for you.

>Ricky Martin picture
>calls others homos

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>Changing DNS settings, guessing passwords, deleting files, and using a piss-easy jailbreak installer is "coding" and highly motivated, extremely horny teenager could ever figure that shit out

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There used to be a shit ton of lesbian azns making out on YT, back when I actually thought lesbian porn was worth watching.

When I was 10 I masturbated in my parents bedroom while they were sleeping since they had the computer in there. I was playing runescape until like 2am when I opened up xhamster or something to do it. Something like chubby blonde girl gets creampied by boyfriend was the video title

No, but I found lesbian BDSM porn on my dad's old beat-up laptop that he gave to me when I was like 11. I was bored and the thing couldn't connect to our WiFi so I did a full hard drive search of all videos in case there was anything entertaining. I watched for ten seconds, shut it off, and deleted all of that stuff.

i tried a week ago but I couldn't find a sigle (even normal) site that works with the internet browser
the fuck is wrong with it? the 3ds browser is decent enough, why not this?
is it something I did?

Only “porn” site I knew at the time was meatspin
I remember whipping out the DSi at the yacht club, I wouldn’t be surprised if people saw that shit

Sounds like me lol
>telling people at school about Demon Girl
>"did you masturbate to it?"
I didn't have a Wii but I did have my parents' computer and the password to it when they were at work during summer break

they didn't usually but that's what made it so exciting in my opinion

I only like the look of innies. Regular ones look kind of gross.

I don't because I feel bad about getting into characters if I don't play their game
my family is upper-middle class so I can afford buying games for waifus


I used to browse Yea Forums with the Wii U browser sometimes when I didn't feel like getting up off the couch for something better. Posted with it sometimes too. I tried it again recently and I couldn't get the captcha to work. RIP

>No kid knows how to code like that
its not coding its literally changing a few settings are you actually retarded? if you think thats some hardcore coding he did youre retarded

Suck my dick, zoomer.

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I'm not ashamed of being young.
Everyone is young once. And the only people who feel truly insulted are those who follow the sterotypes, like real fortnite zoomers, and I want them to be ashamed.


i have done some ridiculous shit to my penis when i was younger, now im afraid i might have made myself infertile. I still cum properly, but i dont know if my antics sterilized me.

>12 years old
>I hear people refer to masturbation as fapping
>knocked my dick from side to side like a metronome with two hands
>notice it makes a "fap" sound, feels good
>huh, this must be what that is
>innovate on the technique by just using the thumb and palm of one hand
>actually nutted by only doing that
>hands and dick feel slightly raw the next day

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>I still remember browsing my anime forum all night long back then
I wish I had a forum back then. All I really had was this place and fucking DeviantArt

Are there still any major forums out there? I can only think of Resetera and Kiwi Farms