Sekiro thread for people who played the game

>fill up the beggining with unskippable tutorials for every single menu and mechanic
>give the player character a shitload of movement freedom and the ability to instantly bail out (except bosses)
>unblockables give you the batman danger symbol and you dont even need to input the direction you want to dodge at
>the parry window is so big that spamming l1 by itself is a viable strategy
>if that wasn't enough you can revive upon death, not only once but multiple times without actually having to reload
>no enemy escapes being absurdly weak to specific gimmicks like firecrackers, whistles and mikiri
>stealth lets you bypass almost every encounter between bosses
>you gain so many healing gourds and item assists that the game gradually becomes easier punishment wise
>removing the bosses life orb instantly regens your resurrection
>no stamina management, weapon degradation or any of the dumb details that persuaded you into being more careful and patient

considering how much of the game has been streamlined "thanks to" Activision how come its being treated as this impossibly hard game?
I personally had a blast and honestly this seems way more forgiving than the souls games. Sure i'd get my ass kicked everynow and then but nothing a nap and some hot coco can't fix. If i had been able to first try Isshin i would have been horribly dissapointed

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also, out of curiosity, if i had gone to the hidden village cave before killing the ape would i have found the brown ape instead? or do i get to skip the double monkey trouble for next time? genuinely curious how the game handles it if you go in different order

>you dont even need to input the direction you want to dodge at
>the parry window is so big that spamming l1 by itself is a viable strategy
>if that wasn't enough you can revive upon death, not only once but multiple times without actually having to reload
Don't simplify it so.

if an enemy does a generic attack and you press neutral b/circle before getting hit sekiro will dodge to left or right(where its safest) automatically (and will mikiri automatically in case of thrust)

up until they pull a sweep or grab pretty much, doesn't mean its a good strat though

oh and also
>you can cancel your attacks into l1 at any time making it so you dont even really need to commit after attacking

>Headless does a grab move
>he literally fisted me
What the fuck?

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The best tips about this game is learning that mashing attack will get you killed, attacking with a slight pause in between attacks let's you read better when an enemy starts up their attack before you fully commit to yours.

is he supposed to be removing your soul or does he just yank your bladder out? he has something in his hand but i cant make it out with all the tears streaming down my face

Best advice ITT.

Any way I can cheese headless? I only killed the underwater one because its easy.

turtle behind purple umbrella using the r1 cancel when you have an opening

FRom softwares whole marketing angle is that it’s the hardest game. You are. Sheep if you or believe that it’s a genuine critique

that seemed to be the case with dark souls 2 and 3 but are you seriously telling me that they paid a bunch of "reporters" to whine for ez mode to boost sales? seems like thats the worst way of getting normalfags to buy it, unless you mean the retarded pop culture mentality people have for games now in which case you are absolutely right

>how come its being treated as this impossibly hard game?
Because of better core mechanics and design, how is this even a question?
You seem to believe that more mechanics=deeper/harder game, but it's almost never the case.
Souls games are enormously more forgiving than Sekiro, not just because the enemy and combat design is worse, it's because they dogpiled mechanics upon mechanics that do not work well together, especially if you want to factor difficulty in the equation, which is why FROM started to trim the fat with BB and DS3, and why those and Sekiro are harder than the previous games.
Taking single elements apart without considering how they behave in the system as a whole doesn't mean anything, comparing them to Souls games, which use a completely different paradigm is even more stupid.

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neutral circle always does forward dodge but due to the way most enemies move when attacking you will usually end up to the right/left of them

L1 spamming turns the parry window into nothing, it's pretty much the same as just blocking but worse because you don't recover posture

you can only cancel attacks during startup

>>the parry window is so big that spamming l1 by itself is a viable strategy

it's not literally true for every single encounter, but I L1 spam with relative frequency and its been working like a charm for the bulk of the game. worst case scenario is you just block instead so its pretty forgiving.

maybe it's just me, but at least through the 1st half of the game, getting your own posture broken has seemed consequence-less so far, since you can just roll away right after 99% of the time.

>but I L1 spam with relative frequency and its been working like a charm for the bulk of the game
You'll see how well that works on NG+ without Kuro's charm.

I got the Carp Eyes and apart from that doctor in the Abandoned Dungeon, I see no other NPC to give these to.

well sure, the posture system they made for this makes the combat far more enjoyable and challenging than their past games, but comparisons like this are unavoidable.
>You seem to believe that more mechanics=deeper/harder game
absolutely not, but sekiro is far more manageable in terms of how many things and elements can force you back to the checkpoint. But yeah you are right in terms of comparing oranges and apples. Fucking sekiro was so much fucking easier than DaS3 what the fuck am i retarded or something

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why is baki so fucking ugly

So, you didn't play it and are using the title to trick people into opening the thread?

You are just flat out lying. Not choosing a direction, circle will ALWAYS dash forward, and Mikiri if it was accurately timed to a thrust.

Why do you keep posting this hideous art style? Jesus fucking christ that manga artist can not draw for jack shit

You can only give them to Doujun as the second part of his quest, if you didn't complete the first part by luring Shinzaemon/Kotaro in the dungeon then there's no use for the red eyes.
>but sekiro is far more manageable in terms of how many things and elements can force you back to the checkpoint
The point is Sekiro doesn't give you dozens of cheap ways to cheese the challenge like Souls, it gives you a strong core set of utilities that indeed do make the game a lot easier, but there's no way you can just grind mooks for an hour or so and then walk all over bosses, or upgrade your armor to the point of tanking whatever was killing you at the time, or cheese the entire game with overpowered ranged attacks, or worse yet, use summons and other online players as a crutch.
The recent scandal about Sekiro not having easy mode is proof of that, people got so used to the Souls mentality of having so many easy ways to solve any sort of problems, including having the game beat itself with summons, that they're now having seizures from the simple fact that they cannot rely on those crutches, despite the game also having other crutches of its own, like specific prosthetic hard counters, firecrackers, fistful of ashes and whatever else.
Sekiro is just tougher on a basic design level, this is undeniable, the simple fact that its a pure single player game with no summon(outside of Gensai for juzou, big deal) is exposing both the Souls series and its players as being not that hardcore as they professed, and it's not like Sekiro is an impossibly hard game in its own right, it's just a proper action game with actual difficulty.
Strong is beautiful, you know nothing

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That art style is goddamn hideous, a monkey could draw better

im probably wrong but after a while i didnt even bother pointing towards the direction i wanted to evade to, might boot up the game later to experiment with it again, not like the game forced me to evade that often


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Amen Musashi poster.
cant wait for from to expand on this combat mechanic, because it doesn't seem like the kind of thing they would drop after developing sekiro

I would be completely fine with posture pvpshame their netcode cant handle it

show us your draws then

Baki is aesthetic as fuck.

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I need the guardian ape smug pepe please

Friendly reminder to critically support Ashina against Tokugawa imperialism.

It removes a mythological organ called a shirikodama, a ball that contains someone's soul, which happens to be located in the anus. Kappas also do the same.

>a ball that contains someone's soul, which happens to be located in the anus.

asians sure are kooky people

I think the "problem" is that the game had brand new systems no one was used to and the beginning bosses and minibosses are way harder than what From usually throws at you at the start. Just compare Chained Ogre and Lady Butterfly to something like Iudex or Vordt. The latter are completely trivial, while Chained Ogre is extremely punishing with the damage he does, and Lady Butterfly is a fairly tough boss that is only made easy with a thorough understanding of the combat system which you probably won't have when facing her as the second boss. You also have very little gourds and you most likely don't have the skill that heals you on deathblows so it's even more punishing for new players.
I actually disagree with this. If you mash attack the enemy won't be able to counterattack until they deflect you, and when they do they are easier to deflect than if they are left to attack normally. This is because when an enemy deflects you, they have a smaller pool of moves they can counterattack with, while if they are attacking in any other situation they could potentially use any attack of their moveset. If you delay your hits instead, quick enemies can get hits off in between your r1s, potentially trading with you. This is often seen with Owl. If you mash, they can't do this, and the first part of an R1 animation can be cancelled into a deflect, so as long as you're not being a brute and are paying attention to the enemy as you mash, you'll be able to stop in time to deflect the counterattack when they deflect you (which is the only moment they'll get the attack off). The only enemy in the game this strategy doesn't work against is the final boss phase 2 and 3, because he can gain hyper armor extremely early in some attacks, but it works on literally every other humanoid enemy.

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>if i had gone to the hidden village cave before killing the ape would i have found the brown ape instead?
>or do i get to skip the double monkey trouble for next time?

>shirikodama, a ball that contains someone's soul, which happens to be located in the anus
sounds like the prostate.


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>L1 spamming turns the parry window into nothing
L1 spamming works extremely well throughout the entirety of the first playthrough. It doesn't literally parry everything but depending on the enemy you'll parry between 50% and 80% of all attacks. It works so well that there's no reason to learn the parry timing for anything unless you are doing some some self imposed challenge (like NG+ without the charm).

>It works so well that there's no reason to learn the parry timing for anything unless you are doing some some self imposed challenge
actually trying to time the deflect isn't just a "challenge" its the most engaging and objectively fun thing you can do ingame, spamming deflect just seems like it would remove any joy in the combat.

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If you are not spamming l1 all you're doing is playing the game in a suboptimal way.

Spamming literally does not work, you might not notice it on NG, but it's a lot more apparent on NG+ without Kuro's Charm, you get absolutely rekt if you spam, especially on the stupid bosses like the long arm centipedes.

Spamming doesn't work and if you beat the game you weren't spamming, you tried so much it became mechanical to deflect on cue