I don't get it. I just don't get it. Why do people like her? What does she have that other girls don't?

I don't get it. I just don't get it. Why do people like her? What does she have that other girls don't?

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Go the fuck back to /tg/ tok

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Some random drawfag started drawing lewds of her and it caught on for some reason. Don't know really, but it's pretty hot.

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Uhhhhh cause she has huge Bazongas (codeword for boobs) and she's cuhrayzee

I don't get it. I just don't get it. Why do people like her? What does she have that other girls don't?

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Great big Kahunamahangamamas.

Can someone help me out here?

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The one that sold moomoo milk was what made popular.


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Nothing, she doesn't have any of the things other girls have. That's the entire appeal


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Long, messy hair
That crazy swirly eye thing she has going
Likes ghosts and the occult, so she has that "cute weird chick" schtick
Big tiddy goth gf aesthetic

I'm sure there are more things, but that's what comes to mind

Packing some dobonhonkeros.

The psychotic, swirling eyes.
The unstable yet alluring nature of her personality.
The dark and purple tones of her outfit.
The unkempt hair.
The obsession with ghost types and the afterlife.

I'm not into snuff, but that one doujin was pretty good.



My guess was always big tits+dark, goth vibe.
She never really did it for me either so it's just a guess.

I wanna fuck that cow.

She's fat, cute, shy, and pale
Just like us

What's the appeal?

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Because she's just as much of an autistic basket case as the average pathetic weeb neet reject.

>Just like us
Speak for yourself, uggo.

because shes cute, shy and possibly extremely horny
just like my gf

She is literally Tomoko but with big titties

No she doesn't, that's a thing invented by drawfags based on her dialogue in the game which talks about milk.

The reason she took off like she did is that everyone here is a sucker for quirky, attractive, remotely goth / dark themed, autistic girls.

Autism is cute

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cutesexyrobutts basically owes his career to Hex

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Loads of >fanart. Basically noncanon shit that could have literally any face on it

shes got big tits, long hair, and has a goth style
that's all you need to be popular on the internet

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She makes my PP hard

her popularity spike coincided with the Watamote anime airing.

Real answer is that she looked like Tomoko when Watamote was at peak popularity, which gave her a jump start in art. Then the milk selling hex NPC became popular and gave her another spike in big tiddied lewds.

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Big tiddy goth girl who is too weird for Chad and might want to be my gf.

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Revolting. Delete this.

The duality of man

X/Y came out when people were still riding the Fire Emblem: Awakening hype so they saw a character that reminded them of Tharja and went to town sexualizing it. Then some drawfags took that one Hex Maniac that hands out Milk and made it a lactation thing and the rest is history.


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I don't know user, you tell me.

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Everything is good in this pic but her lips

big hair and a stinky pussy

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My favorite part of Hex isn't her tits or her cute eye bags but her long and wild hair. I want to get lost in it.

Tomoko got her noticed
Moo Moo Milk started the popularity
western artists like CSR kept her relevant after moons stopped drawing her after moving on to other FOTM girls

Obligatory big titty goth.
Pokemon didn't have one until her. Sabrina was/is more of a legs and ass kind of gal.

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Good fucking taste

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unless she thoroughly washes it everyday that shit has to be a greasy tangled mess of puff.

Thanks, you too.

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I agreed with everything you said, but I would also like to say that I love her smile

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Remind me, where it says that she has big tiddies

Is that not part of the appeal?

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Wait, that's not her mouth?

Nothing says that. It's the fact that she sells MooMoo milk. Before her it was Whitney who had a decent amount of big titty + lactation for being associated with Miltank.

Hex Maniac isn't very good at putting on a genuine smile that doesn't just make her look creepier, but when she does she's twice as cute!

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I'm a simple man.
She's got big boobies and most porn artists draw her with pubes.
That's all it takes for me.

she had a standout design and people latched onto it (and for some reason turned her into a super thicc person as fan standard). she was the bowsette of her time

>Imagine buying her lactation milk


because she's so weird, gross, and clingy that it's conceivable she could be obsessed with your average user

Simple tastes aren't necessarily bad ones. In this day and age, pubes may as well be the odd fetish out.

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She sells milk and for some reason people associated it with big tits and not she is forever ruined. Makes me mad. Like there are so many gigantic tit characters, why ruin this one? It's not like I hate big tits but I always prefer canon design/fandom ones.

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Son of a bitch
I am not the only one

Pokemon still doesn't have one because she doesn't have big tits.

Big cow udders ready to be milked

I also love it

I love everything about her.

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Damn right you're not.

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I will never forgive Brazil.
Do you have any idea how painful it is to have to subsist off of super low-rez and compressed 70-early 90s porn videos? That's the only way to get it now. The most you get in modern porn are "milfs" who look like they're made of plastic and from the Mesozoic era that just have a tiny pitiful plume.

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Girls like that are usually really good in bed.
t. Knower

finally somebody who fucking gets it

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Yandere shut in gets everyone hard

I do know. I've had to give up normal porn entirely and subsist on still image sets from various dedicated fetish sites for my fix.

Hex Maniac is not gross or weird!

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big milky socially awkward goth girl, it's internets wet dream

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My man

grape flavored milk

I really hate these threads because she looks just like me, but I don't have anyone lusting for me since I refuse to leave the house.

No LARPing allowed in this thread.


Tfw no creepy neurotic autistic fashionable long haired gothic crazy eye GF with weirdo eyes and gigantic ass n titties

Wonder how many people actually think she canonically has big tits.

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>Doesn't like lips
Woah gay

post full pic


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Because she is bazinga and gloomy xD
like biig tiits and MILK rsrs

The milk has to come from somewhere. Any hints that she may be crazy enough to lock away some other lady and pump her full of whatever pokemon stat boost item would be most appropriate for mega milkers?

Inb4 THAT faggot shows up

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More people than the ones who get upset about big tits, and less people than the ones who frankly don't give a shit either way.

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pls be in london and/or post pics

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mommy milkies are not worth it user. i was on a TOTALLY LEGAL AND ONLY INTENDED FOR THE PURPOSES OF DATING MADE UP OF TWO DUPLICATED LISTS website looking for one night stands and there was a listing saying she was a recent mother in an open ended relationship looking for some fun. Greentext time.

>we exchange pics
>i'm no looker but she was happy i was clean, caucasian and hung
>she's a mullatto mutt face and she clearly took the pic pre pregnancy but i'm not judging i just wanted a stress free hole to fuck with a soft body
>meet at her place middle of the day
>we start chatting it up but then the baby starts crying for attention
>turned out it was hungry but the bitch was too lazy to mix formula and i was here for milkies too so she just casually took her top off and let her kid go to town
>after she cribs the kid we move to the bed and she jokingly asks "you want some too?" in a joking fashion
>call her bluff and kirby inhales those puffy nips until she leaks
>it's fucking gross and it's clear she didn't shower all day either but i know i'm not going to be able to do this any time soon so i don't relent until she thinks it's weird
>slam the slampig in doggy a few times and get a titfuck to finish then fuck off

so uh yeah it was a good lay but mommy milk tastes bad. don't do it. or do it. I don't care. i just like tits. maternal nipples are weird looking but you don't care when you are sucking them. They are firm as fuck though.

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Maybe you should start leaving the house more.

love long hair and baggy eyes
big titty fanart is a bonus


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Blame Gamefreak for making the hex maniac of all people sell moo moo milk, they were asking for it.

Looking at little morticia addams there.

pokemon has god tier pokegirl designs, especially everything created post gen 4

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Tell me more.


hey bby
you can leave the house to come sit on my face

Alex, get off the internet.