Market analyst: "At this point, there's really no saving GameStop."

>"Well, GameStop has been a terrible investment! But in my opinion, it's a terrible investment because management has always made terrible decisions. For a while, I was a big believer -- and in a sense, still am -- in GameStop's ability to change its business model for the better; to make it something that exists in five or 10 years. That hedged on, GameStop has this amazing refurbishment facility out in Texas. They're the only people really capable of buying, refurbishing, selling games. And they've never really tried to do anything with it. It was always this back-of-their-mind business model.

>So, for me, it's a frustrating stock to look at. At this point, there's really no saving GameStop. It's definitely down and out at this point. I'm not sure if there's a silver lining purely because management -- by the way, they're getting a new CEO in April, but the CEOs turned over a ton. They just have no vision. They're just sitting there, getting the dividend, wringing out the company for what it's worth then moving on

>It's clear that the company has no vision. I joked talking about GameStop earlier today with Aaron Bush. I made the joke that at least with Sears, Eddie Lampert had a plan. Not a plan to return value to shareholders. But man, did he have a plan to return value to himself, and he did it! And at least there was an underlying goal with that company. With GameStop, it's clear, they're just flailing, and they've been flailing for a long time".

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Won't really be missed but I do like the deals they keep giving me as they frantically trying to to stay above water

There is a motion for amazon to buy them up just to get a hold of the store locations. They want stores to only be controlled by one manager with a bunch of different types of stuff. Customers are recorded what they pick up and they go to a self register and if they take something they are blacklisted from any amazon store until they talk to amazon and the police.

Gamestop will close before you could unironically call them and ask for Battletoads

GameStop needs to make its own launcher

Just stop selling open games as "new." Why is that so hard? Why do you refuse my money? Why Gamestop?

People shit on gamestop a lot. But you can really get some good deals trading in your systems during special promotions if you have plans to use the store credit. I got $200 for an xbox one S that I had for a couple years when they were selling for barely over $200 new, usually with a game.

If I had tried selling it on ebay it would have been a whole hassle between scammy buyers and babysitting the listing and probably wouldn't have gotten much more than $150. I'll be sad to see them go just as an easy dumping ground for old stuff I no longer want.

I'm probably in the minority that it'll be missed. My local GameStop is pretty based. They always held great midnight release events. The store manager has been there since the Wii came out and he's always been real chill. Will always talk about JRPGs he's been chipping away at. I hope he finds a better job for himself.


>video game store
>80% of the inventory is cringe 'geek apparel' and funko pops nobody buys
>all the video games are already opened and scratched to shit
>have to do song and dance with the clerk as she asks me for all the bonuses and cards and shit
yeah no

Probably because they're all run be idiots. I have 3 (THREE) gamestops in my area literally 10 minutes from each other. There's no real way one store can keep business when shit is split like that.

Gamestop basically paid me to take a 360 copy of Battlefield 4 off their hands. It was some weird shit

Oh hell no. Once that happens I'm going digital only.

That is true, the one time I went there last year was to trade in my PS4 standard for a pro, only had to pay like 100 bucks in top due to some promotion.

That said, fucking abysmal business. The dude tried to hard sell me really bad on the GameStop card and basically called me stupid for not getting a card, I ended up telling him I don’t shop there ever because of shit like that.

>start filling stores with funkos and other junk
>profits take a nosedive
I have absolutely no sympathy for these punks

Going out of business sale when?

Why would Amazon buy physical floor space for an industry that's moving more and more to digital distribution by the day?

The only shit they'd be pushing is hardware and Funko Pops (something that they can do through and Gamestop is already failing at doing).


Not only open, but with price stickers stuck directly to the case.

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The stores will have more than games. Amazon wants the stores to not be gaming exclusive and the gaming part to be online.

But it's only going to dip more

RIP Gamestop. I still remember when you were called Babbages. I went there as a young teenager and a cute girl working recommended me an odd RPG called "Revelations Persona".

newfag, you never knew /biz/ when bitcoin fell

>50% of games are in the dumpster
>100% of DS cases/manuals are in the dumpster

This is what happens when you take a hobby store and turn it over to greedy suits.

Have they tried making their service not shit?

I don't know why they didn't do what the Epic Store is doing a decade a go. They had the capital to make that transition and could have easily undercut Steam.

there wont be one
closing stores will liquidate stock to other retailers

Speaking of, how good is the dumpster diving at gamestop? i've heard they cut cords and shit, but those are easy to fix.

I want to go back to the good old days.

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>they go to a self register and if they take something they are blacklisted from any amazon store until they talk to amazon and the police
1 free amazon item and the only penalty is having to use a friend/family member address to get shit in the future? I will take that deal.

I'm not looking forward to when they go out of business and decide to destroy their entire collection of retro games
I'm almost certain this will happen

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The big problem with retail giants is that when they start taking on water the powers that be tend to make the exact wrong decisions. Mostly because the goal tends not to be to save the business but to appease shareholders. So they make shortsighted moves that are dime smart but dollar foolish.

truly dark times

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There is one guy who goes to gamestop at night and takes stuff from their dumpster and sells it on ebay.

GameStop is actually critically important for anyone who doesn't want the industry to go full digital distribution. It's collapse will be the beginning of the end for physical media.

meant for

Same. In fact it used to be worse. About 10-15 years ago my local mall had literally FOUR GameStops, all with different branding. It had an EB Games, GameStop, Funcoland, and Software Etc. And this was long after they had been consolidated.

I think they have one actually.

Its tempting to do so when they get lower because new console sales and such do bump their stock up a bit, so it'd be a good pump and dump

What does this mean for threads about FUCKING GAMESTOP

they don't care about PC games

Bullshit. There’s always Best Buy, Target, or even fucking Walmart if you want to buy physical. I’ve gotten the majority of my games from those three places in the last few years because you don’t have to worry about GameStop hounding you for preorders or the employees mutilating the packaging of “new” games. There’s nothing GameStop does that can’t be handled by a chain store with an electronics section (or a second-hand thrift store for your used games).

>Pump and dump
This is what kills me. Toys R Us would still be a thing had it not been used to leverage a small country's GDP worth of debt. I feel like regulations need to be put in place to prevent that kind of business practice.

You guys are retarded.
90% of GameStop's business is console stuff.

shocking, almost as if people want something more out of a "gaming" store than just flipping only the popular titles they can get as a generic retailer

The competition is good for the industry. Best Buy is gradually going to sink, too. And Walmart is...Walmart.

Stop kvetching and buy a used copy of super mario strikers for $27

>buyout every great competitor when they first arrived and turned them all into gamestops
>immediately creates bad will with gamers

>hounds people just trying to leave the store with their purchase and BEGS them to preorder everything
>making a trip to gamestop feel like a trip a grocery store with a panhandler outside

>constantly hire "gamers" and fans of their business to be employees
>treat employees like complete, total shit, making same employees make youtube video after youtube video of horror stories and why we should hate gamestop

>start selling retro stuff
>it's all dirty, grungy, untested and sometimes even bootleg

>start new service allowing pro users to rent out new games and even keep one by the end of the month
>computers in the stores were so old this 'new service' was crashing them with its complexity (lol)

>buyout think geek
>sell only their most cheap, ugly and uninteresting junk and hardly any of the cool shit

>give pennies to the dollar for trade in since they opened
>people are finally not using the trad-in service anymore

Am I missing anything?

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Gamestop is one of the few stores that occasionally has niche games instead of the generic independent store. And at the Best Buy I went to their game selection was far more lacking than something like Walmart.

Best buy threw out a shitload of cds last year because nobody bought them.
Also you cannot get good cheap phones without a plan from best buy anymore.

yeah no. Dude, recently I found out that Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth was TAKEN OFF the Playstation network. So, I went to Gamestop. Big mistake. The clerk at the desk spent 8 minutes hounding me for promotions, credit card, Pro rewards membership, shit I've missed out on for not joining those programs, even AFTER I said I wasn't interested and just wanted the game they still basically harassed me about it, and even had the nerve to scoff at me for just wanting the fucking game.

I should've just ordered it off ebay or amazon. There is absolutely no justification for ignoring what a customer wants. They just want in your wallet man. They DO NOT want to be the savior of physical games and they DO NOT want to provide good services so FUCK OFF with your bullshit.


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>go to gamestop today looking for certain color of xbox one controller
>new controllers are 64.99, 49.99 on amazon
>USED controllers are 44.99 and displayed as if they are new in order to trick parents

They WANTED to die.


>hounds people just trying to leave the store with their purchase and BEGS them to preorder everything
What GameStops do this? I've been to plenty and at most they'll ask if I want to preorder something ONCE. I live in a major metropolitan area though so the stores are typically busy enough that the employees don't have time to bug the shit out of people. But I never had anyone "hound" me. Certainly not like a store that clearly has people who work on commission like PC Richard.

there is literally no point in non-digital distribution anymore either way with mainstream consoles and large PC games. they don't even include the entire game on the disc anymore, if at all, and it's just a placeholder for downloading the rest (or entirety) of the game from their online servers onto your console.

>used game?
>thatll be 55.99 please!

Gamestop is also pretty good for trade-ins when they do the trade in 3 games and get an extra 60% credit promo. It's a little more than you'd get from ebay with way less of a hassle.

>physical copies will soon be retired
>games will still cost 60-70 bucks despite the cost of production of materials being completely removed
Worst timeline

The industry going full digital would be a disaster because of how much power it grants cable providers. Shit's going to get real.

I really feel like it depends on the employees. Sometimes I can just walk in and get out.

when gamestop goes out of business expect "rare" and "obscure" ps3 and 360 games to skyrocket in price
thats what happened when they gave up their physical retro games

this really isn't the death of physical, this is just the death of big box retail that's owned by wallstreet

wallstreet wants high margins on shit sold so it pumps up their stock prices, so they build companies like game stop to drive out the competition while they buy up the real estate so people have to go through them to get shit

this is also why they have no selection or variety, they only want to carry the big name shit to flip instantly and maximize their margins

people can buy shit online or from walmart with way better selection and prices, and these big box companies are so top heavy and ridden with debt they can't survive even a slight dip in sales

guess what little kid games used to cost $60-70 almost 30 years ago equating to 130-140 today

buy shit on sale there are 100,000,000 games to play if you dont have a backlog you dont care about video games

I think what most people are experiencing is new employee gunner syndrome. GameStop obviously has a pretty high turnover rate since it's mostly a bunch of college kids working there. So at any given time you're likely to get someone the first week on the job where they're running through the training manual guidelines word for word. Give it a few weeks and they become normal humans again.

games also used to cost $50 when shit had to be physically sent on CD and paid for all those cool fucking books and pamplets and maps and shit that used to come in boxes yet now we pay $60 where it costs them like a penny to send you a download

i dont think you get it young one, games are cheaper than they have ever been

the autist in me needs to point out that the 1 month line chart is meaningless.

this is not the first time this comes up, Yea Forums. please make an effort to post meaningful charts

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>make an effort
Make me faggot

Except now 1/3 of the content is DLC.

I'm an idiot that doesn't know what any of this means. Can you elaborate?

>buying individual stocks and not indexes
>buying video game stocks

games have infinitely more base content than they used to

assassins creed odyssey which is $20 right now is longer than every NES game combined

>Stock is at it's lowest point in the last 14 years

You're proving OPs point

>hundreds of millions of female hoplites 10 levels below you in 90 fetch quests


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retro shit was always expensive regardless of gamestop or not. normies think just because it has Nintendo on it, it must be Apple tier value.

enemies are never more than like 1 level below you

the game's quite good

Steam should say they want to buy it, Tencent will give them a billion dollars to stop steam getting it.

Right but now they routinely suck ass at launch. Fighting games have "seasons" now and we don't get a real sequel for 5 years. Back in the 90s we went from Tekken 1 to Tekken 3 in about the same amount of time it took DOA 5 to transition to DOA 6. We can cite differences in content but that's losing the forest for the trees when the overall gaming experience is far worse today.

absolutely untrue, if you do a lvl 12 quest at 20 its all a bunch of nobodies

>Just stop selling open games as "new." Why is that so hard?
wait. what !?

Gamestop went public in 2002. Every bit of growth after 2004 has been lost.

I can play through Super Mario Bros. 3 for the 150th time and have just as much fun as the first. Meanwhile I've yet to feel remotely compelled to play any game within the last 10 years more than once. I've gone through FFVII a dozen times. FFXV I can barely finish. These are not good tradeoffs.

>copy pasted missions count as content

This chart seems to correlate with the overall economy. So it might not be indicative of GameStop itself.

Did you drop your spaggetti?

It's funny, rule number one of business is that you should aim to make it as easy and simple as possible for customers to give you money. And GameStop does the complete opposite with limiting game shelf space with bullshit toys, constantly wasting time with extras nobody wants, and giving such absurd rip off rates for turn ins that nobody does it anymore.
I haven't been there in years because any time I tried to just buy one game, there were 3 people in line and it took half an hour to get through.

It's because publishers pad shit out mercilessly so stop casuals from whining about a game being short and trading it in the next week. Pikmin 1 is only a few hours long but it's so fun to replay I've played it more then most AAA games.

Will I be able to buy a PS4 under $200?

My hope is that gamestop dies and either goes franchise, or a bunch of smaller retailers take over. I still like going into stores to buy video games. Especially on the cheap.

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That's why they needed to diversify

I'm partially responsible for Gamestop losing money. A long time ago I bought a lot of red ringed Xbox 360s from Ebay and did the towel trick to revive them temporarily then I traded them all into Gamestop when they were doing their get more when you trade in promo. Ended up making a profit. All those 360s must be dead by now so it sucks to whoever bought a used 360 from Gamestop.

>with limiting game shelf space with bullshit toys
Those "bullshit toys" are actually bigger moneymakers. New video games have a razor thin profit margin for the retailer. I'm talking like 50 cents. Meanwhile a Pikachu plushie is damn near free to stock and they can sell it for $15.

That would make sense if the rest of the stocks since then were following suit, but they're not.


I can replay ninja gaiden a billion times and get infinitely more satisfaction than I do with something like the new God of War, which while cool just isn't as replayable.

>microsoft literally stopped devs from releasing free content for games and forced them to charge for any update or map addon or whatever to enhance the game
>creates the standard of paying twice for multiplayer
>creates standard of shitty monetization of games and paid dlc for all the content

"bro just work within the system and buy their games do you really want to put people out of work? keep buying games they'll change eventually"

>trade-in value is $11.96

What, brand new? Because if used you could do that since forever ago some of them probably aren't stolen too. But fundamentally the PS4 is a lot cheaper in terms of silicon then the PS3 was, so yes at the end of life (like with the PS5 announced) there will certainly be sales with it under $200. Plus probably a flood of people unloading them if as expected the PS5 has perfect+ backwards compat.

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You might want to hold off getting next-gen consoles at launch. There's a good chance Gametop wont make it through the generation and people could get some ridiculous deals on PS5/Xbox Two

game doesn't work like that, period. you can even adjust the level scaling between 4 settings in the options and YOU CAN DECIDE how many levels an enemy can POSSIBLY be behind you.

You wouldn't know because you have never played the game

there are zero copy pasted missions, every mission has full voice acting etc

While you're right, the problem is you can get that stuff almost anywhere now for the same price or less. So theres really no reason to enter a gamestop for those items unless you're already there and even then, why?

GameSTOP is a company that
>takes the plastic wrapping off of each copy of each brand new game
and then
all this so they can
>stick their stickers directly to the case, and put the empty, open, used-looking case on the wall as a display for the game, I.E. how Blockbuster or other rental companies would do you. You would pick up the empty case, take it to the counter, say you wanted to buy the game. Then they would take the flimsy sleeve out which was rubbing against 1000000 other discs in this drawer, clumsily toss the disc back in the case
>Now user, that will be full price plus tax. Also, I'm now going to berate you into spending more money on preorders and our gamestop subscription by using dishonest business tactics (and taking advantage of socially crippled gamers who just would say yes to everything our of fear and anxiety) and if you refuse any of this, we will basically shame you throughout this sale, give you funny looks like you're not a real person and a piece of shit, and quickly shoo you out after and talk about you behind your back when you leave .

>that's actually store credit value, cash value is $6

>New video games have a razor thin profit margin for the retailer.

Retailers buy $60 games from the publishers for $48 a unit and they get buyer protection on all their stock.

Smart scam friendo

>new game?
>that'll be one used game we pass off as new!

I hope everyone holds off buying next gen at launch. There won't be any games because graphics and there's always mass loads of patches to shit out.

The same reason supermarkets put a candy rack next to the checkout lane. Impulse buying.

>6$ value
actually literally true and i cant even believe it despite seeing it myself

>go to mall
>get auntie annes pretzel
>look at pc games at electronics botique
>get a mrs fields cookie to take home
>tfw I'll never be 9 again

Has Gamestop even agreed to stock the Xbox One S: All Digital Edition?

Every person who comes in to buy that thing is literally never returning to the store.

I doubt the second part. Because if that were true then they wouldn't be able to gut new copies. No publisher is going to agree to buy back opened stock like that.

Not even the worst part. Even though they opened your game, and then sold it to you as new, you are unable to return it since they opened it. Pretty sleazy imo, and theres no way anyone can convince me it's not on purpose.


>electronics boutique
The feels...

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If that's the case then i'll of the lucky few groups to have one of those stores down the street from me assuming they negotiate the lease.

I literally did this last week except I got a cinnamon auntie anne pretzel and looked at games at Gamestop instead of EB Games.

some of them are gonna come back to buy xbox live cards

Every single store I've seen that stocked FunkoPops has either already gone out of business or is well on it's way.
At this point I'm wondering whether FunkoPops are a symptom or the cause.

Wait I misinterpreted this assuming it was something else.

Just let it die

They don't buy back the stock; they give the store credit on their next order.

Say for example Gamestop order a million copies of Borderlands 3, they sell the first 500,000 just fine at $60 but have to drop the price to $40 to get rid of the rest. The publisher (in this case Take-Two) would then give the retailer $28 in credit for each copy on the next game they order from that publisher.

The exceptions to this are Black Friday deals; retailers take the loss on that to get people into their store. Amazon selling games for less than the RRP is also not sanctioned by the retailers; Amazon just takes the loss to keep you as a customer.

who the fuck buy FunkoPops anyway?

it's a symptom in most cases, but for gamestop it's probably a contributing cause. like fuck I have to walk through so much merch and funkopops at the front before I actually reach the game section.

Thanks. Bought 1000k

>walk up to register
>"ayo let me get a sealed copy of that new vidya"
>"here you go sir do you have a powerup rewards card and would you like to purchase disc insurance for only $2 extra blah blah etc"
It's only an issue for obscure anime shit

I’m kind of curious about that too. At this point they’re so fucked I honestly don’t see it doing much harm to them. Plus, it’s an Xbone. It’s not like they really sell anyway.

Physical media being phased out is already inevitable. I draw the line at cloud streaming however where you don't have any possession of the purchase whatsoever, and it's not stored locally.

But with me I've been digital only for years now, even put together a digital archive of all the shit I want to actually "own" and have it all in cold storage. That's how it should be, but they won't stop until they're straight up serving content on temp leases that the consumer has absolutely no control over, and people will gobble that shit up because they're retarded

Nobody, I've never even seen people looking at them in the stores. Areas with FunkoPops are devoid of customers.
One store seemed like they were doing pretty well then they filled half the store with FunkoPops. They shut down a month later.
You'd think if they were struggling why would they buy half a stores worth of crap nobody wants.

Gamestop had the perfect business model with that used games rental service but they literally scrapped it because their computers were fucking up over it.

My math was off. The retailer would actually get a $20 rebate on every copy sold at $40 in order to give them the original $12 profit they were expecting to get by selling it at $60

my friends wife has a literal entire room of them.


>fuck over customers for over a decade
>"wtf why are we losing money???"

maybe they're like F2P games where they just try to catch the one or two people who are obsessed with them and drop hundred of dollars.

Just like amiibo's

I told myself I'd only buy Falcon yet I bought every Smash character please help.

>muh diversity
okay libtard, nice sjw diversity propaganda

>millenials refuse to have kids
>toy stores go bankrupt

Imagine my shock

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slowly pushing all the actual video games to inconvenient corners of the shop so they can set up walls of fucking funko pops.
start putting their registers in the middle of their smaller stores so its always annoying to get around since you gotta get past people in line trying to check out.

I'm not refusing my sperm is.

Not my fault no woman wants to be my cum receptacle.


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usually stores that have poor sales will push more used/promo stuff. they're forced to if the employees don't want their pay cut or fired.

Can barely afford to support themselves and people expect them to have kids too?

Poor people have dozens of kids, no excuse


>I love to enter a store
>checking everything very very slowly
>picking an item or two to check the tags
>see the anxiety of the cashier raising
>maybe ask a question
>pull the item close to me, move away from the shelf
>the fat fuck behind the counter is already smiling
>just to turn around at the last second and leave the item
>go to the exit and turn one last time to see him completely devastated, smile and say "thank you, good bye"

Gamestop's "refurbished" products are trash though. If they manage to wipe the gunk off the outside at all you can crack them open and see all the live bugs.

Gonna shill for Disc Replay, refurbished systems from there I buy look new.

Do they still let you return used games in a month? Was basically using th ed m as a rental service for a while

he's somewhat correct.
The stock's beta is 0.46, that represents its correlation with the market as a whole. 1 would be a perfect correlation, 0 would be no correlation.

Gamestop is dying because physical is dying. It's a fact. Blockbuster of our times.

Said poor kids then turn to crime then kill each other.

>Guys at my local Gamestop would give out preorder bonuses for free because people stopped preordering games
Pretty obvious symptom of the end being near, but it's still a shame.