You faggots wouldnt give a fuck about JRPGs if they were made in India

You faggots wouldnt give a fuck about JRPGs if they were made in India.

Attached: sample_f8e0a69309164ad09f97a7531d77a204_01C42J0R5D7RQDYDDB03QJQ6PS.640x0.jpg (627x885, 78K)


What the fuck does that even mean

we will never know

Name some good games from India.

if they were the same quality then people would.

If India had a modern culture like Japan instead of a culture of rape and pooping on street corners I might.

What did OP mean by this?

Attached: 74F8E55B-16CC-49FC-AF57-B5DAC52C984F.jpg (900x1272, 719K)

That is all.
*dabs off stage*

Attached: vklstayv0ciz.jpg (640x778, 90K)

God I am so happy there are no lewds of best girl Terra from best FF 6

but the reason they are made in japan is the same reason people like japan

Wouldn't they be IRPGs?

You sure about that, user?

Attached: 5E95A14D-515C-476D-B55C-258EB2E814B7.jpg (850x1346, 597K)

Thats not lewd. Its respectful. Compare that to Tifa. TERRA IS A SAINT

>tfw no IRPG where you need to clean up India from all the poo and eradicate all the shitskins and breed with there women

>Tifa and Rem in one lewd picture
Never thought I would see that

We wouldn't like Japan if they didn't make JRPGs or anime.

Sometimes I like to think about alternate timelines where Mexico or India made cool stuff and I was obsessed with them in instead. Too bad India has 1.3 billion people, many of them "programmers" and haven't made a single good game.

India is too busy threatening the continued exploitation of space by the human race to be bothered with these "videogame" things

If they follow the formula, why not? Vidya are not the reason I'm a racist. Actually, my wishlist has got several oldschool JRPGs made outside Cipango. Also, you are a massive jigaboo for posting lowres Tifa

Indians despite being brown love titties so I imagine it's the same.

Attached: indian statue boobs.jpg (477x618, 30K)


Anyway, if you want us to post Tifa just say so man.

Attached: 1544393836069.jpg (1440x1744, 197K)

bobs and vagine

there'd be a lot more moustaches at conventions

You call that a lewd?
Terra's about to join us on a wholesome family trip to the beach.

an IRPG?
name some good indian games please