Was Anthem the final blow?

Was Anthem the final blow?

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Hopefully. Now we just need Obsidian to be fully dissolved by Microsoft.

yep, EA is gonna take them out back

It was their own fault for relying on bioware magic for so long

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I hope it is. Dragon Age 4 is supposedly about D&D Antifa

>Anthem was supposed to be "the A-team"
>ended up worse than Andromeda which was staffed by an office full of diversity hires which only really existed thanks to some kind of wacky tax schemes EA is involved in
You have to admit, that autistic girl who just wanted to play with Legoes and her power-grabbing psychopath brother grew on you

>office full of diversity hires

I don't see that many here.

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Soon all EA will have left is DICE.



Just a bunch of cucks who were unable to commit to an idea, so they wasted 4+ years of dev time pretending to work on something.

i hope so

Good. Get the shot gun EA then dice and then EA will have nothing and go bankrupt.

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A few of those count for two... like that whatever the fuck it is third from the left bottom row.

>Dragon Age 4 is supposedly about D&D Antifa

At this point I'm not even surprised.

They still make stupid amounts shitting out sports titles.

The nail in the coffin is gonna be DA4, if their horrible management is anything to go by.

Rumor has it that Casey Hudson did a desperate chad move and made DA4's development public knowledge and had this lazy trailer put together so EA would think twice about butchering BioWare right now

Nah, but ifwhen DA4 is a disaster they'll be gone.

Anthem was the curb stomp.
They were down for the count long before that.

Literally what are you talking about?


Like that's ever stopped EA... They just flat out killed Visceral in the middle of a project they forced them to do.

And Dragon Age is a single player game, EA hates those, because the monetization options are so low.

Sounds about right, EA would look really shitty canceling Dragon Age 4, I hope it works out for him, but we know what is going to happen, its going to be shit.

>Dragon Age is a single player game

Wrong thread but what about Need for Speed series?

Only thing keeping Bioware alive right now is SWTOR, ironically enough.

All that talk about "diversity hurt Bioware" when this is the true cancer of the studio

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Why did he return to EAware anyway?

When was the last time one of those games were good? Most wanted in 2005?

People who were practically forced into the position?

You have to take into account that all the work they put on Anthem, the actual development, was done in less than 12 months.They hardly had a demo of a full mission ready in the 2018 E3, so what you got as a game was developed in the last 9 months or so. Now, they game is shit, absolute fucking dogshit, in its current state. But a 60% metacritic score average for 9 months of work, that's pretty good. If Bioware management wasn't that fucking retarded and had used the full breadth of those 7 years competently, not only would this game already be out for years, but it would have been great, too.

I must say that I fucking love the story that Anthem devs had to go cry in a room somewhere for a few hours just to get through the day.

I think so. If not, then Dragon Age 4 will be their make or break.

>then EA will have nothing and go bankrupt
They can survive off of Madden and FIFA alone. Their sports titles are their business. Everything else is a hobby.

how do idiots keep buying sports games!?! They are literally the same game but with a few newer numbers and a few new characters. It could easily be sold as DLC.

Working twenty hours a day for a year, with no leave or weekends and shitty pay, yeah, that can break a man.

>Working twenty hours a day
No. stop. Bioware employes barely managed 60/week. Sitting in front of a fucking screen. And yet have the arrogance to thing that's a "job". BOO FUCKING HOO i work more than 80 hours per week and if i make a mistake people die and i go to fucking jail.

These lying sacks of shit need to be left in the streets begging for food. They deserve nothing

Wholly depends whether or not the Dev team are forced to use Frostbite engine again.

Let's get real here tho
Yes they are shit at animations but the real thing fucking them over again again is EA, first with forcing them to release a full game from what was supposed to be DLC and then they force them to work with Frostbite which is an engine for fucking first person shooters. Half the shit they wanted in their games couldn't be done and had to be changed around again and again because of that shit engine.

Wow man, that's cool. I work 100 hours a week and if I fuck up, the whole world would explode

>Bioware employes barely managed 60/week.
Source is your anus?

What do you do user?

>forcing them to release a full game
oh shit after 7 years who would have thought that a puplisher wants some fucking results
>force them to work with Frostbite
already proven a lie

Ea is cancer but biodrones are mentally ill. seek help

Made me kek audibly

there are 168 hours per week. Working 100, albeit possible, means you have 9 hours per day left in which you need to fit food, sleep, and travel time (if any). so i'm sorry but i don't believe you

I was an army ranger. I worked 20 hours a day since basic. After a month, I was in the infirmary with high fever from exertion, after 2 months, shit was breaking down. I am fairly certain user is exaggerating to make a point, but various admissions of crunch throughout the industry, including Rockstar amongst places, are appalling. Unless your find yourself in a life threatening condition, you should not stress yourself this hard.

>oh shit after 7 years
What? It had barely been 2 years since their last game when DA2 already fucking released.
>already proven a lie
Where? It's not a lie and it's not about just BioWare. EA forces everyone that works under them to use it

They were only looking for excuses. Why would it be so hard make a 3rd person game with an engine that does 1st person so well? Why should it be a problem to code an inventory management system for that engine when the basics are already there? Battlefield knows exactly which gun I'm using and which one is in my backpack.

The problem was they kept relying on past goodwill from their game series. Tie that together with a need to make money in the quarterly releases to your shareholders and you get games and shit pushed out well before they are ready. Anthem was a game that was graphically nice, and fun to play but was riddled with quality of life/game stability/longevity/game design issues that couldn't be ignored.

Sure, playing as certain javelins was fun but it becomes routine way too fast. I think the final straw for that game was that scaling for ttk on weapons was tied to the weapons level. So the higher the weapons level the longer it took to kill something in comparison to the base level 1 weapons you could equip. Things like that just plagued the fucking game the entire time. Poor launch, poor matchmaking, broken missions, etc. Spawning into a mission without a helmet and not being able to use abilities or fly for fucks sake is a real donkey dicking no-one deserves when purchasing a game.

Hopefully the studio will just get put down for it's own sake because watching it writhe on it's death bed half catatonic is fucking sad at this point.

crunch in the industry, any industry is a well known problem but i will never take seriously Bioware after all the shit they've pulled. They lie, and lie, and lie again and when exposed they cry depression and panic attacks.
>you should not stress yourself this hard
i know but it's a necessary evil in my line of work. Which i've freely chosen, fully aware of the consequences. I'm sure given your job you can understand. I just go berserk when i see someone pretending to be a special survivor of some apocalyptic working scenario

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Anthem project "started" 7 years ago, this is backed by insiders, but like 6 years of that was pre-production where nobody had any idea what the game was supposed to be like. Actual production was barely more than a year.

>how do idiots keep buying sports games
Marketing is a field devoted entirely to making sure things like this happen. And EA is good at it.

>all sources from 2018

Nice PR lies.

Noooo it's all EA's fault

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I can honestly tell you that it is possible. It is not sustainable over long periods of time, but it is doable.

Do you really expect anyone in Bioware to go directly to a gaming news outlet and go "LMAOOO EA fucked us with Frostbyte, YOLO"? Nobody's gonna do that. Nobody's gonna bite the hand that feeds them. Only Avellone had that kind of balls, when he burnt his bridge with Obsidian.

>Why would it be so hard make a 3rd person game with an engine that does 1st person so well?

user, please understand the forces at work here. Just because it would make sense, doesn't necceccarily mean it is so in the world of development. Some things just are, even if they are pants on head retarded. For all we know, it could be easier to make a real time strategy in frostbite rather than a tps

>80 hours a week in a job where people's lives rest on my decisions yet I manage to find time to shit up Yea Forums in the middle of the afternoon on Friday

Cool story bro

/pol/ is leaking again. Just try and ignore it.

this company is like a bad joke that won't fucking die.

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they already confined on twitter that they will push sjw leftist nonsense

So as long as you're white directing a bad game isn't your fault?

No they haven't and yes I know the shitty tweet you are refering too

I don't think anyone really cared that much about Inquisition multiplayer. People couldn't even make their own characters like they could in Mass Effect.

Money? Ego? No one else would hire him at a similar level?