Do you report toxic gamers when they say offensive words in game?

do you report toxic gamers when they say offensive words in game?

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Of course. Who doesn't do this?

flipping based

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I try my hardest to get people banned regardless of context, so yes I report people over the slightest racist remarks.

If by toxic you mean children and spergs for not shutting up then yeah.

>playing online games

Only racial slurs or blatant misogyny. I can put up with a few bants even if they’re a bit saucier than what you might hear on network television.

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i only report them for being chinese, brazillian, or french.

No, but I am toxic in online games and rarely ever get punished for it

>not reporting everyone so their game is dead

If they’re being a little bitch that keeps complaining but can’t even pull his own weight, then we kick him for being a useless shitter

very ebin

>play online game
>see retard I don't like
>annoy him until he can't handle it anymore
>he starts sperging out and calls me shit
>report him for toxic behavior
>he gets banned

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Only once, back on my MMO days. I was friends with the mods and didn't liked this guy, so I managed to get him banned.

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>Autistic_Frog still at it a year later

I don't play shit games where you get banned for trash talk or being racist.

Yes, just so I can see how butthurt they get when they post their sob story here.


>mfw I'm a toxic piece of shit but still report others cause I have enjoyment knowing they just lost their game and they will make a thread on Yea Forums crying about it

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No, because I am not a little bitch.

Nah. Only gold farmers advertising their sites because that shit's annoying. I'd rather have them scream "nigger" all day.

Pretty much this. If you get banned you deserve it for bending over and playing shit games.

Only time I report is if people leave a game via ragequit. Imagine being so weak you get offended by words.

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I flame every game to tilt opponents, they say they will report me but I know it won't do shit cause valve hasn't sold out completely yet.
t. dota2 player

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>game as a service
>you *willingly* chose to fucking play it
>you agreed to terms and conditions
>break terms and conditions
>get punished according to terms and conditions
wtf I can't say bad words? freedum of speech help me!!!
Braindead retards who choose to use their freedom of speech to say dumb shit like "nigger" don't deserve the freedom of speech. Prove me wrong.

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I report just to get niggers banned and coerce people into saying something ban-worthy. If you're too stupid to blend in to the new permaban trolling paradise, you deserve to lose money. That's literally the best part: I'm costing people money.

I report raging retards who won't shut up instead of playing, which seem to be largely the same people that get triggered by this shit on Yea Forums

resist those gamer nazis comrade.


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I reported a guy playing genuine Southern Dixie type music about niggers but that's the only time I've reported for racism.

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>He can't troll without calling someone a nigger
True patricians trick fags into getting themselves banned

Only if they are on my team and fuck up really REALLY bad my game.

If they were being an asshole during the game, yeah. Which is often, so usually.

You are probably a fat Yea Forumsidcel.

>just be a cuck like me

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Press D to dab on OP's mental illness.

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>go to a car dealership, sign contract and buy new car
>you get a speeding ticket the next day
>car salesman shows up at your house
>sorry, you must have missed this clause in the contract, you aren't allowed to break the law with our cars
>tows your car, you no longer own it
Wtf why are you mad, you broke the contract you signed?

did the trannies make their own language already

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if you report people for using legal language in an online game, you are mentally ill

At least its not a food analogy

Sure, there's no downside to it for me.

Reporting people IS toxic behavior.

Yes, I respond to the slightest provocation and escalate it, then I report for toxicity. I don't care who they are, I just get a tingly feeling on my peepee when a notification that someone got banned pops up and they have to buy the game again.

Nah, I'd just mute him in game. Why would I ruin someone else's fun just because I don't like what he's saying

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>tranny projecting his dilation on to others
Are you so retarded that this seems novel?


learn the difference kids

>mad about being reported
Yeah, of course. They're here to foul the mood with their toxic attitudes and not play the game.

mueller was btfo. why havent you killed yourself yet?

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Only if I thought they were particularly obnoxious.

>calling eachother trannies

Jesus Christ, /pol/ really can't break their programming, can they?

Do any Discord groups exist that work together to get people banned/silenced through the automated systems with mass reports?

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lol look at these numale redditors, don't have fun in ruining others fun

Is this photoshopped?

Tons for any number of reasons. Leftists, rightists, centerists, commies, nazis, pro-gamergaters, anti-gamergaters, fucking anything. Everyone does it because maturity doesn't exist anymore.

Give me proof that tranny discord groups invade Yea Forums.

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Oh what the fuck this retard is still posting?

no, never ever did report anyone. I just don't care.

>all these triggered trannies
must be mad about mueller getting shown up by Orange King and desTiny getting reamed hard by Sarchad of Akkad last night

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reported ;)

>Knew a cute girl with a rockin body
>Dated for like 7 months
>One of her gay ass friends got her into that dumb SJW shit.

Shame really.

Only if they’re purposely throwing the match or think they’re better than everyone but they’re trash . Bants and good players are absolved of everything

>can't adapt due to low T-component.
Get your testosterone up by hitting the gym. Once you get out of 500s (80yo man range) you won't worry about it, but once you hit 800+ your male adaptation impulses should kick in and you will actively try to get people banned in games while also talking nonstop slurs in other games.

I got my (you), and you shall too.

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Cool, but announcing reports is against the rules.

I don't live in a tranny country. You're projecting your personal insecurities as you approach maximum dilation.

>tranny knowledgeable about hormones
>tries to assert authority on a topic to appear trustworthy
>instead comes off as a front-hole sporting beta
no surprise

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A freedom that is restricted is not a freedom at all. You cannot tell me I have the freedom of speech to say and voice myself but then also say I'm not allowed to say certain things. There is social context for saying and not saying certain things, but the chat of an online video game is not such a sanctuary, it's quite the opposite really. If there's ever been a place to trash-talk people it is the chat of online video games.

pic is you as you posted

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Only if they are on the other team

What are your lifts? Do you drink or smoke?

Freedom of speech means the government cannot arrest you for voicing your opinions. It doesn't prevent you from becoming a social pariah or getting kicked out of or banned from places that don't like the shit you say, you fucking moron.

what the fuck am i looking at

you have the most beta posts since pic related

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>muh safe space

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You can yell nigger in a crowded theater just don't be suprised when they toss you out.

they would kick you out for physically disrupting the viewing experience of others, not for offensive speech

this is not an equivalent to having your money stolen for legal speech in an online game, try again tranny

It's not "muh safespace", idiot, it's game companies A. not wanting to be sued, B. wanting to be able to sell their games anywhere to anyone, and C. not being edgelord children who just use naughty words to make people angry.

You also can't say that the company running the game does not have the freedom to tell you to fuck off, and then subsequently make you fuck off.

They would kick you out for your offensive speech disrupting the viewing experience of others. Just like how your offensive speech disrupts the gameplay experience of others in an online game. Really makes you think.

>it's a 'low-test lardass/skeleton accuses everyone of being a tranny due to videogames' episode.
Stay free nigger lol

>muh safe space

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oh, they also have to refund you if they kick you out. whereas games companies literally steal your money for any reason.

really makes you think.

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user don't bother. trust me on this.

Discord tranny is the new NPC/söyboy/cuck, a generic insult thrown at anything you don't like.
Most of the people spouting it don't know the origin of the term.

How often do you go out in public and scream racist/homophobic etc. shit? Do you wear shirts with swastikas on them? Why not? Too scared to do it where you could be called out/punished for your shit? Lol "muh safe space".

I report anyone that doesn't join in saying offensive word. Or people that teamki

>oh, they also have to refund you if they kick you out.
no they don't

modern gaming culture is pure garbage and I do not associate them. I don't care about modern games and players.

Games are competitive so hate speech is normal and should be tolerated. It's better than venting bad energy in other ways.

Further more...

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>they also have to refund you if they kick you out.
They probably would to cover their asses, but I'm not sure they have any legal requirement to.

To make a better comparison, if you get a gym membership which says no refunds if your contract is terminated because you were being a stupid piece of shit, and then you decide to be a stupid piece of shit and they terminate your contract, they don't owe you a dime. You agreed to that.

what are you going to do when whites make their ethnostate parasite?

Wrong. It's at the facility's discretion.

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same with incel or have sex

No, I use report toxic behavior to hopefully ruin someone's day

What the fuck are you trying to say with your post?

Wrong, they have to refund you, otherwise they get fucked in small claims or worse.

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it's fucking called harassment

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When I play with my buds and there's some guy that is annoying us we all just report him for the same thing and usually in most games the automated ban system will temporarily ban him without any live person checking :)

Wrong. You're just larping like you know something.

I already said there are social contexts you fucking retard. Has your HRT caused your mind to stop functioning properly that you can no longer read? There is a social context to when and where to say such things. I wouldn't go to a funeral and say the dead guy is a fag. That would be wrong. However, neither you or any other fag can convince me that video game chat should be your faggy safe-space. If you cannot handle reading gg ez, then you probably shouldnt ever leave the house, however that is probably the case anyways.
who the fuck would sue a game company for what someone says in the online chat. What part of "Online interactions not rated by X" do you retards not understand?

>small claims
>for a $15 movie ticket
Please. The filing fee would be higher than that and a judge is extremely unlikely to award it to you.

And good job not addressing the point at all, dumbass. Here, I'll post it again, to save you the trouble of having to scroll back up.
>To make a better comparison, if you get a gym membership which says no refunds if your contract is terminated because you were being a stupid piece of shit, and then you decide to be a stupid piece of shit and they terminate your contract, they don't owe you a dime. You agreed to that.

Do you have a source for that buddy? Source?

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My roommate works at the biggest theater in the county. Literally thousands of people every day. I don't know what assbackwards dipshit told you this, but it's wrong. If you're being a disruptive asshole, you get escorted out of the building and told not to come back. Or arrested, if you're being a REAL cunt. If you were just being only a *little* annoying they might OFFER to give you a refund, but there is no part of the law or their company policies that says they're required to give you a refund.

i actually just open a ticket to riot to report fags when im 100% sure it's going to kill their account
way more satisfying than calling them retards in game

Based. This is what the guy l gets for his faggy user name.

Of course, why wouldn't I?
>Be an annoying faggot and scream all game
>cry even more when someone takes five (5) seconds to hit a report button or mute you

adios nerds

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You're wrong, all cinemas refund if they kick people out for verbal disruption. Case closed.

Games STEAL MONEY for not even physical verbal disruption and there are mute buttons for snowflakes such as yourselves.

I report anyone who teabags at the end of a round in R6 even if they're on my team

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online video games are not your hugbox faggot

>pro-reporting autists literally getting BTFO and trolled and proving only autistic people need a report button

>You're wrong, I'm right, case dismissed, ten points for me.
Fuck, you've completely won the argument. Here's the last reply I can spare, I have no more to give.

Good question, user! Who WOULD sue a company that allows players to call other players "nigger" without any punishment or preventative measures? That's a great concept, when will your game that allows this come out?

>agree to terms of service indicating that you won't be refunded if you violate rules
>get banned for violating rules
12 year old brain on overdrive today

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That's not a review and pro-tip my dude: if you never leave your house again the dreaded "SJW" boogeypersons will never be able to find you.

thanks for conceding
just like Hillary

I don't think you know what that word means.

Shit, you showed me. Damn, user, you must be a lawyer.

If I lose I report people on the winning team

>my terms of service says i can steal your money and that's a good thing
based corporate tranny shill

where will you go when white people make their ethnostate, parasite?

stop wasting your time with a legit mental illness patient

thanks for conceding
just like Hillary

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I wonder how much animal porn is on that bad boy.

>where will you go when white people make their ethnostate, parasite?

wherever my fellow white people are because I'm great at putting my interests first

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I only play offline games exactly because of this gay shit.

I worked in a movie theatre as an usher for two years, so I have intimate knowledge of this. I've kicked out people for all sorts of shit (usually drinking or having feet on the seats). The only time we issued any sort of a refund was for disruptions of power/viewing and if a patron walked out of a movie within the first half hour and asked for a refund because they were unsatisfied with the content of the movie.
There were plenty of times people would ask for their money back and every time it was at the discretion of the ticketers, management didn't even give a shit. If it was something reasonable, we'd give the money back, but never would we give money back to disruptive assholes.

I abuse the report function against anyone i don't like.
They don't necessarily have to actually have broken any rule.
And i get "report successfull" messages often enough.

>my fellow whites

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>join game in rs2
>every squad name is some variation of nigger

The retardation of this post is utterly staggering.


when you go to the doctor asking if you have autism it's a good idea to bring that picture along

i know what it means. and i also know im queuing to play a match of wathever vidya and focus on the match, not to be forced to deal with a 14 yo sperging.
try playing a football/basketball game and start yelling nigger or telling people to ktm and see how long you last before they snap your legs

>I don't like this contract, let's just go to the competitor
>Hmm this other contract also requires indentured servitude.
>At least I can stop my cell phone plan and save some mon-.
>At least I can mock others for wanting freedumbs on the Internet until I'm banned there as well.

Uhh, nice anecdote little buddy, but I'm not seeing a source. You got a source on that? We're gonna need a source here. Source?

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Fucking nigger lover.

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no but i report annoying motherfuckers

>t-t-there's no way someone on the internet is white like me
bozobrain incels btfo

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I gladly report morons who uses slurs yes.

I report anyone for the slightest misstep in hopes that they lose $60 and I get to laugh about it.

how many times have you posted this astroturf ITT

Welcome to modern civilization. Feel free to go live innawoods if you don't like it.

>if I can't call someone a nigger on a video game without being banned then I'm going to eventually be forced into slavery

you faggots are too much lmfao

Of course. But only after I say gg ez.

Never because unlike /pol/morons I don't need to "astroturf" to make it look like more than a handful of screeching morons share my views.

There is no downside and the threads when someone gets banned are always gold.

This, I constantly harass people on Xbox live until they slip up and say bad words then I report immediately.

You need proof positive for your claim. As far as your concerned, I'm an expert in the matter. Not only do you lack source, you lack expertise, and an anecdote yourself.

Ease up on them, "muh slippery slope" is literally the only argument they have.

I lose nothing when I report people for being toxic. Especially if it makes a little kid like you rage.

>a free show
You know some of us have to work for that butthurt

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stop seething that you lost the culture war and go make your own country little boy

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I report anyone for having such poor taste in games and such a desire for a pedestrian anemic unlife that they would purchase a game in which SJW morons included a "toxic" behavior button. I consider it humanitarian work to steer them toward improved hobbies and shared memetic culture with interesting people.

For example: I will teabag your white queen with my black knights after checkmate.

i seriuosly hope you're younger than 15 yo or this would be really embarassing

You're seething frankly. You lost the argument and this is all you have to fall back on. There is no "culture war", there is just two groups of noisy online faggots having it out.

you're not from here so why are you using Yea Forums memes? or even here to begin with? failed astroturfing?

I don't play any games with this feature.

They all have really weird definitions of toxicity. They think it's okay to use "I play it for fun" as an excuse for sub-optimal play, when it's entirely possible and reasonable that you can learn to enjoy playing well and learn to not enjoy being a scrub.
They also think that women and trannies should be respected, even if they aren't good at the videogame. Respect should hinge on being competent at the videogame, regardless of what identities you hold.
Also, going AFK for some easily avoidable IRL shit like a smoke break or gf aggro is considered okay, but teamkilling the person who clearly has their priorities in the wrong order is considered toxic.
Finally, disrespecting moderators and admins is usually seen as toxic, when moderators and admins are the most toxic of all.

If the toxic behaviour reports were used on people who think that being shit at videogames is acceptable, thus improving the community by purging it of lazy members who make excuses, then I'd support it a lot more.
Instead, it's used to enforce respect for various identity politics groups, including ones that aren't very good at videogames (women, trannies). I am not okay with this.

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based post, inc seething trannies, niggers, faggots, leftists in general

lmao shut up fag

>failed astroturfing?
why dont you go back to the donald kiddo? here on forchanneler we call them shills

No, because I don't really care.

Please do not use based like an upvote. The leftists do that.

I give up, you fucking shitlords. What does it take huh? We're on here for nearly 5 years trying to influence you bunch of dick heads and NOTHING works. My contract is up soon and I just have to fucking know. Seriously, we're in it for millions upon millions of dollars, and jack shit out of you. We took down McCain and Romney, we own reddit like a dog on a leash. But here, HERE, you can literally watch the opinion swing towards starting point between shift changes. How the fuck does this shit hole have that kind of power? We've influenced foreign governments and entire races of people to do our fucking bidding, but YOU have to be the ones to fuck it all up. And no matter what we try an how much we try to blend in, we’re picked out like our heads are on fire! What THE FUCK IS IT ABOUT THIS PLACE. Even after we got the owner to sell and even after we replaced the mods, short of total shutdown we have had zero successes. And is not even a stalemate, we can't even CONTAIN you shitheads as you puke your filth all over the internet. I've tried reason, threats, duplicate posting, spamming, bait and switching, every single psyop technique we've fucking GOT for online use. We hold sway on nearly every single English speaking fucking board with more than a hundred active users and this MIASMA of human refuse has stood up to us better than nuclear foreign powers. WHY WONT YOU JUST DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO YOU FUCKING SCUM.

Only if you teamkill, don't really care if you say some bad words because I am grown up enough to ignore it.

Just play the game and stfu

cry more about losing a $20 game bitch

fuck off chink

You're getting better at metabaiting. You may go blind.

The real cure is banning every pussy who uses "toxic" to describe anything other than actually harmful things such as actual poisons, radiation, or chemical spills from the planet Earth.

No Virgil(nia): your sad little fee fees about women and minorities are not equivalent to prostate cancer from gamma rays or destroyed nervous system from actual toxins. Stop appropriating real words for leftist fantasies.

I report them just because of the inevitable Yea Forums thread whining about it.

Delicious "racially superior" tears.

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I just burp into the mic like this when they annoy me

Of course, it's what actually tilts them

what kind of mental illness is this user? really you're sperging this hard after you got banned? this motivate to report you snowflakes even more desu

>down syndrome
>nigger nose
>bad haircut
>nostalgia critic suit
yup this is your average "fuck drumpf and fuck nazis xD" cuck

I work with radiation, we dont call gamma rays "toxic"

>poisons, radiation, or chemical spills from the planet Earth.
While all of these things are legitimately harmful in sufficient doses, the average person does not encounter these dosages in their day to day life.
Whereas, your day to day life DOES encounter people who think they should still get respect even if their strategy or mindset is suboptimal and they don't try to improve it.

Does not care about these noobs
Let them rages all they want

What the fuck

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No, I only report non-toxic words.


i only report people who intentionally feed in dota 2

Kinda agree. Half the people spouting the "Freedom of speech" stuff don't care about voicing genuine opinions, thoughts, or controversial ideas, they just want to say "fuck niggers" in public without any real world consequences.

well i do report people that actually are toxic players i mean why wouldnt i?

man, your childhood must have sucked. Your parents hate you

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Tbh, I keep all voice chat off because I really don’t care about hearing other people.

The first (and only time) I played Apex I forgot to turn it off and some dude who I was queued up with said “IF WE WIN THIS YOU GOTTA SUBSCRIBE TO MY TWITCH CHANNEL” after that I never played Apex again. Because I knew I would keep running into faggots like that.

Where did he say safe space in that sentence

Free speech is the freedom to not get arrested for what you say, but it doesn't mean other people have to put up with it. This is factual, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.

you are not very creative. Your life must suck. What a sad thing you are

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I only report them if they're not funny.

why do you post images of yourself you ugly bitch

Nah I report when I see people acting really stupid. Not just regular stupid, I mean like starting a political flame war stupid.

Only if they're annoying

>dont care if someones le toxic
>unless hes toxic at me

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I only report if I really hate that person. Otherwise I just mute or don't pay any attention cause I'm not a little bitch who gets mad when I see bad words