A command post is no longer under imperial control

A command post is no longer under imperial control.

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did they ever fix the netcode to not be awful?

Enemy reinforcements are dwindling.


Battlefront 2017 is decent, especially considering that they very easily could have just abandoned it after the TFA/Solo stuff was released.


>12+ rating
Non Americans can't afford star wars merchandise

We’ve lost a command post, fight for it.
On a related note, the dude who voiced the imperial commander had a brief cameo in Rebels as a Tie fighter academy instructor



the lack of SP content really sucks though. original bf2 was bursting with offline content + online battles.

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Roger Roger.

>tfw just reinstalled this

Mos Eisley here I come!

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I unironically didnt play 2005 online at all. I didnt have that internet adapter for a PS2.

The AI in the new mode are good despite having half of a player's health, they just need to utilize it.

i remember when i bought 1 and 2 for the first time and being overwhelmed with all the maps, took me so long to memorise the names for each

Lay down your weapons or be anihilated!

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Its currently free on xbox one and you can play it online using xlink kai

I hope Ahsoka ends up as broken as she was. The light side needs more heroes as good as Anakin.

Snips is coming?

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fuck. these never get old man

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Fuck I love Battlefront memes. I also loved playing as bombers and precision striking fuckers with your payload.

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Her and Ventress, I think. Though Grievous also has a voice line addressing Padme so who knows what their plans are.

oh nice. ventress is awesome

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Pour one out for those that didn't make it

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The new command post mode that they added in battlefront, money grubbing edition, is actually very well done
The most fun I have had in the 2017 version yet
if only they also did for original and sequel era

Of course a CIS dog would say that

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its fun but they gotta add more maps for it asap. also i dislike how flying up to the enemy capital ship is just a cutscene.

I think they're focusing on the Clone Wars because 2015 was literally 100% OT, and there's nothing from the ST they haven't added.

At the very least they should add Hoth and Tattooine to the new Titan Mode. They have the capital ship interior assets in the story mode.

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what was it like playing this game online in its prime with a full online lobby of players? i wish i experienced that.

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this and clone wars are pure kino. plus the republic at war mod for empire at war.

Wait you can play this online on the Xbox?

Thermal Detonator spam and engineers spamming roll in between shotgun shots

Please Give me a list of must-have mods.

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Did that old republic mod ever get anywhere?

What did CIS even do wrong? They just wanted to leave Republic, and the civil war started after the Republic begun offensive war by attacking Geonosis as they were executing Republic agents who had illegally infiltrated it and were being dealt with according to local laws.

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>hear Anakin's AoE Force Choke going off
>casually stroll in as a regular soldier and disarm the objective while he's killing the entire team

Can you play online on the Xbox One?

What the fuck is Luke doing in this pic

Shut up traitor there was no reason for the CIS to create the biggest army in the galaxy other than to take over the universe

He'll try spinning

If I had to guess I'd say getting ragdolled after standing too close to the legs

omg when i first discover assault mos eisley. Prolly gonna reinstall it too.

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>a founding member literally held a random planet hostage over taxation dispute, the equivalent of FedEx taking over Springfield, Illinois and trying to hold the mayor/city council at gunpoint to make the US senate lower their corporate tax rate by 1.3%
>at Geonosis, captured a republic senator and attempted to EXECUTE HER
>previously, at that SAME PERIOD OF TIME, the CIS leader hired a bounty hunter to assassinate her, aka FedEx now hiring a hitman to kill the city councilman of Springfield, Illinois because she is now the senator of Illinois and bitching about how FedEx held the city hostage
>meanwhile making a massive droid army with the intent of overthrowing legitimately elected governments

Yeah, the CIS did nothing wrong, I'm sure of it. Clanker go home

Don't think so. It says the service was terminated for that game. Unless you can via Xbox link

i was just screwing around taking screenshots. i just jumped as high as i could and did an aerial attack

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I'd love to get that guy to sign something. His voice is iconic to me.

>those Clones behind Grievous
"I'm a soldier too"

>tfw playing Capital Supremacy
>Get into Capital Ship phase
>Both teams are fighting in the hallways
>Commando droids drop smokescreens
>You can't see anything but lasers flying everywhere as you desperately shoot down the hallway hoping to hit something
>Feel like I'm truly in the Clone Wars
If Battlefront 2 was released like this, maybe it wouldn't have got shat on as hard as it did. Good to see they've realized that the Prequels are the better setting for a war game as well.

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Lan tunneling using xlink kai

Yeah they really need to add Hoth. Geonosis is fucking lame in comparison.

>Playing as CIS in 2017
>Hear a teammate's character yell "I DON'T WANNA SHUT DOWN" in a terrified tone
That's some dark shit

I'm a sucker for the fact that the loading screen uses the part of Ice Planet Hoth that was the Shadows of the Empire theme.

Why can't the new games look good AND be fun?

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shit game desu

They probably realized that unlike movie goers, gamers actually like the prequel era more because of the tons of great Star Wars games Lucas Arts used to put out. Especially since most players today either played those games during their formative years or grew up watching the Clone Wars cartoon if they were younger.
Also in general the prequel era lends itself more easily to games as they have more variety in settings, locations and characters/enemies.

Star Wars is just better when the Jedi aren't extinct. The Old Republic took it a step further and made the Sith not extinct as well, though they're all sociopaths.

People glitched into the walls on Mos Eisley. Apparently building walls are one-way permeable.

But honestly, it was super laggy most of the time and everyone was rubber banding quite a bit.
A few dedicated servers were up but hard to get in.
Still it was fun when things worked properly.

Good times.

cause lame people took over the AAA industry.

Some of the devs definitely tried to make it a nice experience.

True kino incoming


Phase I clones got eclipsed by Battlefront 2 though, i know

Battlefront 1 has the best clones and maps.


>A command post is no longer under imperial control.
>"Well we shall see about that"
>Force Jumps to the area.
>Throw Lightsaber.
>Force Push off the edge/Lightning.
A command post has been taken for the Empire.

I think that's an unpopular opinion on most places though, i still don't understand why they didn't port the Rhen Var and Dune Sea maps to bf2, yavin 4 arena was awesome

god I forgot how good the show was

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Bf2 also didn't have Bespin platforms or that Naboo map with the Jedi star fighter.

That TV-show they did on like Cartoon Network......had more brutality than Attack Of The Clones and Revenge of the Sith combined. Shame they didn't stop it at the right moment tho. Dam shame.

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>the separists have cut off our reinforcements

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Mods notwithstanding, both Rhen Var maps, Yavin 4 Arena, and Bespin Cloud city were included in an Xbox live map pack.

I love this map because of how much it favors my preferred factions.

>Rebel kills a Stormtrooper
>Keeps shooting the corpse

>A command post is no longer under imperial control.

Whats a good mod lads?

Really? I think it finished to soon. The new stuff ruined it's memory.

Because the Lucasfilm management is holding the studios on an excessively tight leash in terms of creative flexibility and storytelling.

>A new series of Star Wars movies set in The Old Republic is rumored to be in the works

Do you think we'll see TOR added as an era to BF2017? What heroes would they use?

Hey guys let's play this sometime

>A new series of Star Wars movies set in The Old Republic is rumored to be in the works
Great every dick head who hasn't played fucking KOTOR series is going to give me shit. Fantastic. Disney just don't have a stop button on misery.

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That sounds terrible. Hope the movie flops and the game dies.

this, where the fuck is the server bros


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Anyone know some good fan-made maps?

The rebels have foolishly dropped the flag




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This. Fights in them long white cloud city halls online was the shit and chaotic as fuck.

>tfw the last time I played cloud city online was 13 years ago

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>tfw I'll never play Galactic Conquest splitscreen ever again with my neighbour on my PS2

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Phase I was pretty based. Kind of sad that they were limited to only Geonosis in the second Battlefront.

>tfw my little brother doesn't suck at games anymore and I can't hunt him down on BF2 constantly, kill him and then watch him cry because I'm an asshole

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I played on gameranger servers a couple years ago and there were 40+ servers pretty consistently. Though I don't know if that's changed since they relaunched the in-game servers. Wouldn't surprise me if they still had that even now somewhere, though I would not go back because of the lag

>BF2 improving with every update
>1 map a month for a new gamemode up until june
>more shit revealed at EA Play
>Ahsoka and Ventress Teased and Leaked by the Trusted Leaker


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I played alot on PS2 and there was always only 2 servers that were populated. It was pretty niche for it's time sadly.

Is what I instictively heard in my head.

Stop shilling this game.


Give me 8 new clone maps at once and I'll consider it being a decent. The game is seriously lacking in maps compared to the classics.

Literally no one cares about Empire vs Rebels

>adding non canon, EU characters

Unless it's Hoth. All other battles are meh.

I'd prefer Clones and CIS if more clone colors, more CIS non robot units, and Super Battledroids being an elite unit rather than the standard rifle troop.

How does the first game compare to this one? Haven't played either in a long time but I think I remember the first having some things not in the second game like certain maps.

It had some better maps, but overall much less content.

>he thinks TCW isnt canon

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I am amazed over the effect of kicking my little brother to the curb had on his gaming skills. Every Christmas when we boot up Tekken I have to be serious when fighting him since he got so gud, the sheer satisfaction of beating the lving shit out of me in vidya is so apparent in his face it makes me want to kick him to the curb so bad again.

I am proud of him.

Clone Wars is canon.
The Tartakovsky version.

Was this a western musou?

Its not but still has Ventress in it

Plus she was in OGBF2 as well

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>bf2 goes with nuclone voices instead of based temuera morrison

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Nah you're wrong.

They also use the shitty cartoon droid voices.

they're that way in ROTS, user

there's a ton more content for SW that exists with the clones using DBD's voice and the droids having stupid high-pitched voices, than them having Temura or lower voices respectively. People know them as the former better than the latter.

Do you literally not play on PC? There are thousands of mods that combine all of what you just said. No one plays this vanilla.

Yea Forums I got to know

Knights of the Old Republic or Battlefront?

You can only choose one.

they were shit in that movie as well.

Matthew Wood voiced the Droids in every prequel.


>back in middle school could beat my little brother and my cousin alone
>now I don't have a chance

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OK how do I get that to work?

battlefront probably. Kotor doesn't hold up as well

Battlefront (2), one of my happiest memories is opening it up on my birthday and having pure bliss playing on Mygeeto at 8am

Only zoomers that never watched the movies or played the original games.

>there are rebels ITT RIGHT NOW

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The PS2 version does a good job or should just go for the PC one?

calling them zoomers doesn't negate the truth user

Agreed. Literally all I want from the damn game is Galactic Assault and Capital Supremacy/Conquest offline with bots. I can't be bothered with the horrible netcode and balance in it anymore, it just keeps getting more and more fucked every time they nerf something to appease whiners. And I have basically every class and character I like playing as leveled up at this point anyway so there's nothing left to work toward. I just want to play the game in peace.

PC has mods


>go back to finally finish the campaign
>speedrun to hoth level
>mow down dozens of rebels in the AT-AT
>all friendly reinforcements depleted after maybe 3 minutes
>try to pick up the flag
>get sniped
>have to restart entire level

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What is crazy is that BF2 campaign and singleplayer was just retooled multiplayer modes with great voice work. I've put hundreds of hours just playing singleplayer. There are creative solutions to every problem.

Wasn't it also slapped together in like, 6 weeks before launch?

It was for a while, but now it's worse than ever honestly. They completely ruined lightsaber content. They nerfed Anakin to oblivion. It has more bugs and glitches than ever on top of ones they still haven't fixed from launch or previous updates. They also continue to do nothing but add shit tier prequel content instead of original Star Wars stuff and it has completely killed the game.

>just want the free radical BF3 to leak someday
>it never will because of collectorfags

>they ruined lightsaber content

>Nerfed Anakin into oblivion
>10 damage decrease
>can still kill all blaster villains before they are able to react and breaks all the gamemodes because he's completely broken

You're chatting shit

The opposite felt so good.
>play Soul Calibur 3 against my big brother
>he always stomps me with Astaroth (to be fair he used to stomp EVERYONE with him)
>practice for days with Mitsurugi
>finally manage to be him regularly
The feel was so good.

Bespin platforms wad the best map
>dog fights over head and retarded AI suicide crashing into everybody
>those two tight halls
>grenade spam
>everybody flys out the windows
>blow dooku out the window

t. Shitter who couldn't play the game. How fucking awful were you? God damn, kek

>nerfed Anakin to oblivion
fuck u
fuck u
fuck u
fuck u
fucking retard
do you even play the fucking game you actual cock gobbling mongoloid
he literally has 4 (FOUR!!!) means of CCing people,
3 of them being gigantic AoE and 2 of them requiring zero aim.
he single-handedly destroyed the entire game

Just Googled it.

Nigga that's a lot of work for me

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Looking back, why was the Clone Wars so fucking terrible?

I never played the original Battlefront games and I feel like I missed out on fun times.

He was perfectly fine before and now he can't do anything. I can tell you are really bad at the game that you think otherwise.


I watched it the other night and I still can't figure it out. It just sucks. But at least not as much as The Last Jedi sucks.

>pull (100 damage), knocks you down
>Passionate Strike (200 damage), knocks you down
>2x Lightsaber Swings as you're knocked down (165 damage each)

100+200+165+165=630 damage

All blaster villains have 600 hp max

>thinking this is balanced

>2 400 damage abilities in a massive AoE that are undodgeable
>thinking this is also balanced

BF2 had better gameplay but bf1 had better maps
>bespin platforms and city
>both Ren vahr maps
>wookie mosh pit island
>dune sea
>invincible derpy looking low poly heros who would wreck your shit unless you could find a vehicle to run them over or blow them off the map.
I never liked space battles desu

>t. anakin main

Were there any unlockables for playing through the single player mode in the PS2 version?

Nah gaming has evolved since then. Any fun you have ever had playing 3rd person online with friends is basically the same. It’s not like anyone was shouting Star Wars memes or discussing the universe you were playing in. The only fun you’ve missed out on is enjoying a gaming experience with your friends. And you can always do that now!

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>derpy looking hero's
Heros in bf1 were death incarnate, even if they were weirdly poorly modeld, darth vader looked a bit melted.
Couldent they reflect blasts back at you? I haven't played bf1 in over a decade

>muh OT
this clanker serious right now

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Isn’t it free with Xbox gold right now?

Surely you're joking? The lightsaber combat was perfect before. "Block spam" did not exist, you just don't know how to duel. The only people who complained were shitters who couldn't. Now it is just pure spammy bullshit and cheese tactics for brainlets like you. You killed this game. I bet you're one of the no skill retards who thinks Darth Maul needs a block too.

I liked the hero system in bf1 better desu desu. Them being so stupidly op made it more fun in a surivivaI horror kinda way , yes the ai is dumb as bricks, but if your not careful luke will show up and fuck your shit up
Did anybody else like the naboo plains map? I don't see it mentioned alot

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Except all my friends play now is League or mobile games.

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I really can’t think of a single map I didn’t like.

My favorite was probably the rainy waterworld, I don’t see it brought up much either.

i honestly enjoyed the gameplay of 1 much more than 2. 2 is great but 1s guns feel much more punch and satisfying



Yes, they automatically blocked all shots. You could only kill them by blowing them off the map (On Bespin with the turrets, but doing this didn't even give you credit for the kill) or running them over with a vehicle. Otherwise, they're invulnerable.


Apparently they are testing offline bots and droidekas

>Mfw grenades in that room

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Pretty sure, It was an afterthought at least. Which makes it even funnier that it blows the nu-BF2 campaign out of the water.