I defy you to name a more annoying "gaming" personality

I defy you to name a more annoying "gaming" personality

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Imagine caring about "gaming personalities" enough to even know who this is


>e-celeb garbage
fuck off

I don't know any gaming personality besides pewdiepie

She cute!

>"gaming personalities"

GIS tells me she's Alanna Pierce and I still have no idea who the fuck she is.

she has an extremely condescending vibe, im glad she got ditched at ig

she should just fuck off from Funhaus. Doesn't fit in at all. Lawrence I know you're reading this

this desu, too bad about everything else

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Greg Miller
Anyone at Kotaku
Any trannys in general
Jim Sterling
Most of Giant Bomb

I also know about AVGN and ninja, but thats all

subscribe to pewdiepie

I want to marry and impregnate

Funhaus is shit anyway unless you like watching normie dudebros who don't know anything about vidya

In what fucking world?

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you could have challenged me to name this person and I would have still failed

take it to /soc/ OP

This. Jim Sterling and "Laura" Kate Dale should both go die in a fire.

At least she actually plays video games unlike anyone on this board

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>tfw I have no idea who this person is supposed to be
Feels good man.

she looks like she fucks black guys

The Yea Forums anonymous guy you meet in multiplayer games.

You mean alt-right fascist personality tight?

fuck off faggot. The original crew is still the best.

>Not watching DMC5 where the only person confused is Bruce

done wooooo done

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thats why its good, its a bunch of normie dudes, not some basement dweller telling me why his stupid jap shit game is better than western games

what the fuck is a gaming personality and how can it annoy anyone

Litteraly who?

She's not that bad. At least she managed to friendzone IGN beta cuck Marty Sliva so hard he got fired.

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She actually plays games though and is as good at them as the rest of the Funhaus guys barring Lawrence.
The more annoying gaming personality is entitled journalists who constantly give their lame twitter hot takes.

From what I've seen they like Jap games

She only got her job at Funhaus because she was fucking that guy at Rooster Teeth. Before that she clearly fucked her way into IGN as well. And then completely killed that site by sleeping her way into being in charge of everything and got Marty Sliva fired despite him being one of their best hosts and writers. She has no chemistry with anyone she ever works with, no sense of humor, and is just a complete buzzkill in every way. I don't even watch or like Funhaus but I am sure she brings nothing of value to it. At least Cow Chop hasn't shoehorned her into their content at all despite having most other Funhaus members hang out with them from time to time.

fucking this one, are you gay?

I want to marry Anita so goddamn badly.

Gonna need a source on this

kek, I didn't know about this

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Literally who?

You nailed it. This video showcases everything wrong with her. youtube.com/watch?v=4kB37CMrXCU

they like games in general, they play vidya for fun and not to show off some status of artistry

All thots like her are completely interchangable.

>Not enjoying how they went from bagging on EDF to genuinely buying into the hype and singing along to the marching songs

Why would I want a bunch of people who don't really care about video games to talk to me about video games? The basement dweller may have personality faults, but surely if he knows more about the genre he has more interesting and varied viewpoints from the norm.

>homeboy looks like a mormon missionary
well I'll be damn

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IGN thot

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How embarrassing

Every female employed by RT seems to already be fucking someone at RT

hopefully they pump out a ton of good looking white children

That's explicitly why Lawrence is there. He's the grognard who tells them all the stupid lore of a game, and then they make fun of it for being dumb, and then fifteen minutes later they're completely wrapped up in it and sperging as hard as Lawrence.

First person I followed the rule of "if you don't agree with virtual personality stop watching them" with. Her feminist shtick is so bad and orbiters will never make her see past it. Still, watching her was really funny for a time

I don't know who but post more.

She's australian, not your average burger roastie if anything, she fucks chinks

the draw of FH isnt that they are super knowlegable of games, it's they're goofing around. Personally I enjoy that more than some video essay.


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If this is a stealth cute girls thread could someone please tell me the name of that Italian streamer(?) with the huge assets and the colostomy bag?




Lawrence is literally just pretending though, it's a shtick. He's talked about it himself.

First off, Marty Sliva was great, go fuck yourself. Secondly, she falsely accused him of harassment to take his job. They fired her shortly after when they realized their mistake.