Confess your vidya sins

Confess your vidya sins.

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I berate my irl friends for using guides and walkthroughs to be games.

Fuck off I'm pure.

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I cheat without shame or remorse
I bought risk of rain 2 and the first thing I did was edit my save to unlock all the characters

I get rock hard from killing females in vidya and the more I can beat or mutilate them them the harder I become.
I'm really a nice guy I swear

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I used to pretend to be a girl on the earlier days of MMORPGs, when there was no easy cam/mics and other stuff. I didn't do it for the items, but just because I enjoyed to "being" a girl. When offered something, I refused, which ended up reinforcing the idea that I was actually a girl. Ended up being showered with gear anyway and selling my account when I got bored. Good times.

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I stole a kids go into video game machine

When I'm stuck on a video game I either watch a walkthrough or use a trainer

I told the robot from tales from the borderlands to kill himself.

It took me 2 hours to beat Mile High Club on Veteran. I beat it in the first 30 minutes but I choked on the headshot 7 times before I actually finished it

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I'll buy it from you along with a copy of Majora's Mask

I also did this in MMORPGs, got really good gear and huge amounts of in-game money for just having a female character and an androgynous name

has it become a problem for you yet?

Used to get family members' credit cards and buy steam credits without their consent

that's really a dick move man

the times I tried to play overwatch and fortnite

The Last of Us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are my favorite games
I love Detroit Become Human
I hate fighting games besides Mortal Kombat and Smash Brothers
I haven't beat Classic in Smash Ultimate above 7 intensity without using a continue
I consider myself a die hard fan of Zelda despite only liking the 3D games except Skyward Sword. I got to the Dark World in Link to the Past before dropping it because I wasn't enjoying myself.

I’ll name my first born loader bot

I shout "nigger" when I lose

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I don’t see a problem

I used to get off on hogtying hookers in Red Dead Redemption

I don’t really play multiplayer games or do PVP, but when I do I intentionally stay in the lower rankings to play against less experienced players.

i'm black

Based tranny pedophile

That's not a sin

I started Gang Weed.

I played that Blade and sorcery VR and jerked off to a dead girl to satisfy my Guro fetish. I felt ashamed and then returned the game afterwards.

I save scummed to get S rank in DMC V SOS and DMD

A kid at school had me borrow his pokemon game to beat the elite 4. Right after I captured Mewtwo and transferred him to my game, giving his game back the next day.

Nobody at school could beat my two Mewtwo team.

I prefer Dota 2 to most new acclaimed games.

>seeing your taste as sins
do you seek validation that much?