If next gen doesn't have backwards compatibility with this gen, it's fucking dead. With how gaming currently is, most people probably aren't willing to buy a completely new console unless they can dump their current console in favor of the newest thing. Sony and Microsoft have no excuse.
If next gen doesn't have backwards compatibility with this gen, it's fucking dead. With how gaming currently is...
>Sony and Microsoft have no excuse.
I guess you forgot Nintendo doesn't do BC anymore either. Whoops
>people said this for ps3 generation
>people said this for ps4 generation
>people are saying this for ps5 generation
Doesn't Sony have like a dozen BC patents already?
I swear that every other day some news about it appears on my feed.
I mean xbox already has backwards compatibility so...
Nintendo doesn't do it either why do they get a free pass?
Nintendo's pretty good about BC in general. The Switch may not have it, but the Wii and Wii U did and so did every one of their handhelds.
They shouldn't get a pass, however
>discs, let alone full size dvds in a handheld
>every a good idea
and switch isn't fast enough to emulate the wii u either
Xbox is 100% going to continue it’s backwards compatibility they have already confirmed this.
But will it have xbone BC? Probably and if Sony doesn't do the same they're gonna lose the console generation because you're just getting way more bang for your buck on an xbox
Nintendobabs eat up anything that comes out
>even considering buying a console next gen
You already get more bang for your buck with the Xbox but the average consumer is a retard.
xbone has no games though
the platform itself is better, with backwards compatibility and better services like xbl gold and game pass, but that's marginal compared to actually new games
I will buy one if it has BC. No BC, no buy.
As far as I know it took them a long time to build up the huge BC list they currently have so most consumers already own a PS4 and don't want to buy another console.
I unironically want to get an XboneX because of it's BC and how it's the best way to play certain games that never got remasters or PC ports but I already own a PS4 so it's a bit too expensive for me to get another console just to play old games and some games that have slightly better performance and visuals
They cant rely on the old excuses. They said the inhibiting factor for PS2 BC is supporting the Emotion chip, for PS3 it was cost and difficulty of using the Cell processor. They are all using x64 now so there should be no issues. They'll think of some way to screw you though.
Ridiculous, I just maxed out Sekiro. There are more videogames on the Xbox One than anyone would have enough time in their lifetime to play. Oh, you’re missing out on Spider-Man and God of War? Fucking wow dude.
Xbox One X is pretty groovy dudebut at this point there’s no telling how close the next Xbox is but yeah if you’re already a PC gamer you might be covered.
Sekiro is a game that can be played on any platform. If purchasing a platform is viewed as the gate to new content (as it typically is to idorts) then exclusive software is the key measurement of value for one. In that regard the Xbone is seriously low in value.
Too many games.
Seething as ps5 sells 100 million just like ps1 ps2 and ps4 :)
imagine not having the inevitable goal of owning every console.
imagine thinking that you're ever "done" with the consoles you grew up with.
imagine not occasionally booting up your only friends through elementary and middle school.
imagine trying so hard to fit in, that you pretend that you didn't enjoy those games back then.
imagine the feeling of watching the very same NES, genesis, and PS1 that you have so many fond memories of, slowly die on you as they age.
At this point I don’t even need a new gen just gimme a system that can play ps1-4 titles upscaled to 4K 60fps with a terabyte Or 2 in it and price it low I’m down for another couple years. Same with Xbox and they both need every single game in the systems library purchasable at launch
There is novelty you don’t see because you chase the thrill of the new industry buzz. Not everyone will understand the appeal of playing Ninja Gaiden Black in 4K resolution at 60fps. Not everyone understands playing online games with your bros on an online service that doesn’t fucking suck. Yes Halo is finally returning to PC but it’s the Xbros that have been able to enjoy it since last year’s patch. The only thing that rivals my enjoyment of gaming on the Xbox One X is playing on a good PC that costs more than twice as much and I have to fuss around with tweaks and settings. There is a niche for Xbox and don’t be surprised when it overtakes PlayStation again for actually prioritizing video games next gen.
Seething xtard with a strong case of sour grapes syndrome
Holy shit you’re missing out on 2 of the best games this entire gen because you’ve got too many other shit ones to play on Xbox? How can you rationalize this shit
>SNES wasn't BC with NES
>N64 wasn't BC with SNES
>GCN wasn't BC with N64
>Wii was BC with GCN
>WiiU was BC with Wii
>Switch wasn't BC with WiiU
>Nintendo's pretty good about BC in general
Nonsense, I’ve been an idort since 5th gen. GameCube and PS2 are my fav consoles of all time. The Xbox One X is simply the best gaming platform at the moment.
I will buy a PS5 if it will give me an easy way to play the PS2 games I already have through HDMI so I can record. I wat to play on real hardware, not deal with emulation.
None of the consoles the SNES and N64 were competing with were backward compatible either, and only one of the Gamecube's competitors was.
If you want count the power base converter then you may as well throw the super game boy in there too.
I didn’t miss out at all. I own a PS4. I played Bloodborne. Spider-Man and GOW are shit. Now that I have finished Sekiro I am deciding between enjoying Resident Evil 2 or DMC 5. But yes clearly I wouldn’t be able to enjoy those games on my Xbox One X would I?
yea cause the wii u was worthless
Playing NGB at higher res is nice and all but I already played it years ago, on the original Xbox. Along with other exclusives the Xbone can't emulate like Outrun 2, Metal Wolf Chaos and GunValkyrie . Playing that again with better grafix doesn't compare to an actual new experience like Bloodborne.
I anticipate the Xbox overtaking the Playstation again if Sony doubles down on its anticonsumerism and forgets to bring the games, though. Because honestly it's just the games that keep me here.
PS4 vs PS4pro
Is the pro substantially better or was it just a meme?
Ok faggot. Brb finishing up another KotOR run. Have fun slogging through GoW again though.
I would love be for more OG Xbox to come to BC especially Outrun 2, I know the Ferrari license would be hard to negotiate though. Bloodborne is a great experience but it’s just that, an experience, I didn’t find it as replayable as the Souls games. I still think Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls are the kings and 2 is actually good. Never touched 3. I think I probably put more time into Sekiro than Bloodborne and got more out of it. I digress, I’m here for the games too, not console wars. I do have a strong opinion about my Xbox because I find myself enjoying it the most and I’m most optimistic about the Xbox’s future out of any of consoles, but I’ll be open to the PlayStation 5 being totally awesome despite Sony’s statements about the future of PlayStation.
Not really, you have improved visuals and resolution but that's it. Select few games run a good amount better iirc
>playing console Kotor while shit talking about other games being a slog
pot kettle nigger
they're all x86 so of course it will be unless they're retarted
Okay now do the handhelds.
GBC was Backwards compatible with GB
GBA was BC with GB and GBC
DS and DS Lite was BC with GBA, GBC, GB
GameCube + Gameboy Player was BC with GBA, GBC, GB
SNES + Wideboy was compatible with GBC, GB
Entire 3DS family BC with DS games
Damn, all these seething anti-nintendo fags. How many consoles has Nintendo had without BC that didn't involve a complete format change for the games?
Uhmm... yeah? The New 3DS was "BC" with the 3DS. The PS4 pro was "BC" with the PS4. The XboneX was "BC" with Xbone.
Bloodborne is literally the only Sony exclusive I'll want to play into next gen. Microsoft has got the rest of From's catalog AND they have me by the balls with console Halo. I'll probably end up going back to Xbox next gen, since MCC will definitely be getting backwards compatibility.
Why does this even matter? Who actually wanted to play old games once new better ones with better graphics come out?
depends if you have a 4k display or not
The GBC was a new console, it had a significant amount of exclusive software.
Remove Microsoft, dumbass, they've been BC for a while.
>But will it have xbone BC?
Are you stupid?
>The Switch may not have it, but the Wii and Wii U did
the ps2, ps3 and vita all had backwards compatibility, and nobody gives sony a free pass for the ps4 not having it. so again, why is it okay when nintendo does it?
>discs, let alone full size dvds in a handheld
fair point, but why couldn't nintendo at least make backwards compatibility apply to games that you bought digitally? sony did that with the vita, microsoft did it with the xbone.
literally the only reason why nintendo didn't do it is because they know they can prop their library up with full-priced wii u ports and people will buy and defend them.
I give the PS4 a free pass for not having PS3 backward compatibility because it uses a different architecture, and I treat the Switch the same way.
Now if the PS5 lacks backward compatibility, that'd be different. We know both consoles are based on the same hardware.
>I give the PS4 a free pass for not having PS3 backward compatibility because it uses a different architecture
you're in a small minority there, and even then, there's still no excuse for the ps4 to not at least be backwards compatible with the ps1 and ps2.
Having backward compatibility with the PS1 and PS2 would require either Sony to write and release an emulator for free (which is very nice and something Microsoft have done, but not really something I expect) or to just let you run PC software like PCSX2 (which would never happen).
If you want to see Sony's foray into PS2 emulation, look at the Jak games on PSN. It's a fucking nightmare.