Oh... oh dear

oh... oh dear.

Attached: epic sweeney cunt.png (634x446, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:



I love how he was alarmist as fuck about Windows but is now whining about people being alarmist about Epic.

wow it's nothing

>ransom it back for a price
as opposed to ransoming it back for free?


No he's not, he has no qualms with people critiquing or discussing Epic, what he takes issue with is the blatant lies and racism.

Can't really blame him for that, it's childish, unproductive and just cheapens any and all discussion of the subject.

sure he does

Tiananmen Square Massacre

Agreed we all know the Tiananmen Square Massacre never really happened anyways.

I wonder how that communism chip is doing his his brain now

Fuck the Tencent Store

Attached: 1553708366514.png (1608x830, 190K)

Oh you, Sweeney.

Attached: epic store botnet.png (1914x4402, 1.91M)

>Can't really blame him for that, it's childish, unproductive and just cheapens any and all discussion of the subject.
And that's why you've lost. Your voice is no longer a voice to be listened to, but one to be ignored.

You guys know that over half of Steam users are Chinese too?

>you've lost
But steam is a billion dollar market??

Shut up Chang.

Who's largest userbase is Chinese and within 5 years, who will be owned entirely by the Chinese.

You lost.

Someone should tweet this to him.

>world's most populated countries (asia) contribute the most to gaming population
>within 5 years it will be owned entirely by the Chinese
Great speculation. From the sounds of it you want this? Why?

Attached: 1553978965813.jpg (1095x1115, 842K)

Imagine being a useful idiot for the falun gong

Stop replaying to trolls you fucking morons.

>within 5 years will be owned entirely by the Chinese.
Valve is a private company you dumb nigger and as long as King Blubber lives it'll stay that way

>liar suprised people don't belive his lies
Color me shocked.

Sure thing drone.

Attached: this kills the steam drone.png (850x1060, 1.01M)

You're honestly right

Its funny what money does to a person

Attached: 1554479676492.jpg (1044x513, 85K)

>world's most populated countries (asia) contribute the most to gaming population
And yet Epic doesn't operate in China and when it does, it'll be entirely separate to the western operations. Meanwhile Steam has ruined it's platform by allowing the yellow menace to run rampart unchecked.
>From the sounds of it you want this? Why?
I don't, but unlike you i'm actually doing something to combat it other than screeching about chinese botnets and spamming shitty Tiananmen Squar pastas. You don't believe in anything other than sucking Gabes cock, your beliefs and goals are petty, along with your means. You're every bit as pathetic as the Chinese.

>using something a redditard said as evidence of anything

Dunno if it's necessarily a racist thing to be concerned about Chinese companies. Sure there are a bunch of shitheads saying shithead things but I feel like that tends to drown out real concerns with Chinese business. Companies as large as Tencent are inextricably linked with the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party simply because of the way business works in the country (either you work with the party or you go out of business.) This means that Tencent must actively give technology and assistance to the CCP which must inevitably mean aiding in the surveillance and censorship of Chinese citizens and genocide of the Uyghur minority in the country.

All of this isn't to say that I and everyone else DON'T consume chinese products linked to the activities of the CCP daily, most of the time without even knowing it or as a component of some piece of hardware (like my phone for example.) However, given the choice, I would prefer not to support Chinese software from a company that is undoubtedly controlled by the CCP. The same could be said about Huawei phones. Racism is not the reason why they're banned for use by government employees in many countries.

It's 'poetry', you illiterate Left-leaning Liberal loser.

>complainging about redditards
>when comes from redditards
Keep going drone.

>as long as King Blubber lives it'll stay that way
How long do you realistically think it's going to be before Gabe retires or dies?

As I said, 5 years, tops, after which his share will be sold off to the Chinese, most likely Perfect World with whom Steam is already in bed.

>EDIT: Thanks for the gold random stranger
Might as well just kill yourself for even posting that screen cap. Also, fiddler isn't being used as a fucking https proxy. Christ.

If Steam is pro consumer why do they continuously allow publishers to wipe older or pre "remaster" versions of their games from the store just to force people to purchase the newest version?
If Steam is pro consumer, why do they not test older games and ensure they are working on modern OS like GOG does?
If Steam is pro consumer why did they lead the forefront on paid mods, lootboxes, early access and DRM?
If Steam is pro consumer why did they trojan horse an always online DRM system and storefront into their most anticipated game?
If Steam is pro consumer why do they force you to agree to a ToS which states they can and will share and sell your data to third party partners, or else lock you out of your account with no way to download any game you have purchased since they offer no version of offline install?

Attached: Steam 3.png (1062x310, 36K)


It's not. You're just seething you piece of shit chink lover

Steam is a private company so you're immediately wrong there. Meanwhile, Tencent, a notoriously invasive Chinese company owns 40% of Epic. Are you literally basing your assumption that China owns Steam from Chinese people playing? You are absolutely fucking retarded.

not that retard but I really hope you're joking user

But I didn't say Steam is pro consumer. I said that I had concerns about Tencent and the Chinese government.

I don't think anyone says that steam is perfect, far from it, but the alternative that it's EGS is way worse than what we have now, and they need to fuck off and stop trying to ruin PC games even further.

>Steam is a private company so you're immediately wrong there.
Steam still has shareholders dingus. Do please try and learn even a little about business before opening your ignorant hole. Steam can sell it's shares to whoever it pleases.

>drone doesn't even know where his own information comes from
But seeth some more, retard.

Attached: 1553042819383.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

You seriously can't be this much retarded.

>Windows will lock up your Steam account for ransom because Windows is going to try to make you pay to download Steam!
>but not your Epic Games account, which is also Windows program and would also be a paid download in my hypothetical scenario where CEO Pajeet rams subscription-based Windows down your throat
Or you could always install Linux. Gaben sat down on Linux hard enough these last few years to leave a Steam-shaped assprint. I don't think Sweeney's launcher works on Linux. Guess you'll have to pay Pajeet for Epic Games software if you wanna play Fortnite...

>thanks for the gold kind stranger

>steam still has shareholders
>b-but the 40% share Tencent has doesnt count and Epic is completely Chinese free
My God you are the dumbest person I've talked to in the last hour

Just pirate the games I signed deals for, I'll cover the cost anyway.

Attached: sweeneytim_750xx954-536-0-18.png (750x421, 389K)


You might want to scroll up and follow the actual conversation before making an even bigger fool of yourself user.

I hate Steam and Epic equally.

>Knowing where the source actually comes from
Spotted the subhuman redditard, fucking EGS cocksucker.

I'll never support Epic again only because they cancelled all development on Unreal Tournament 4.

You forgot to mention that 80% of """private""" loans and capital in China are supplied by state banks, with the rest being minority investors. Every company in China is state financed in the majority.

It's almost like he's being retarded on purpose.

>If Steam is pro consumer why do they force you to agree to a ToS which states they can and will share and sell your data to third party partners, or else lock you out of your account with no way to download any game you have purchased since they offer no version of offline install?
Have you never read a ToS in your life before? They're nearly all like this.

>you lost
>steam is Chinese in five years you lost
>but I hate steam and epix equally
Perhaps you need to learn how to write cohesive statements.

>I belive everything on the internet
>I never question where it's from and who wrote it
>let alone if it might be wrong
You're the epitome of a drone that every company whises for.

Attached: ron-swanson-head-shake-gif.gif (220x146, 100K)

Private shareholders in a privately owned US Corp and being majority owned and funded by a Chinese corporate entity are completely different things

>calling someone a drone
>actually defending something like EGS that even makes steam look good

Nice deflection, chink.

Attached: 1553997538780.png (220x220, 40K)

How did this steam-egs circlejerk become so insufferable so quickly?

>drone still fails to see the point
>>actually defending something like EGS that even makes steam look good
>litewrally too stupid to read even one sentence of what I wrote

Attached: 29cd5f5fc067089715152275bcae82a7f2142dc28c9e533adf025950825ec0ed.gif (261x261, 3.8M)

Nice skin color, nigger.

>steamdrones don't even try to defend it
Thanks for proving my point.

Attached: even the bugs laugh at you.jpg (400x217, 9K)

>y-you've lost
Sure, Chang. Cope harder.

Attached: Winnie.jpg (750x603, 86K)

Nice microdick, chink.

Attached: 1548739008622.png (711x590, 395K)

Cant be racist against insects, sweaty

Because some assholes think it's just consolewar crap. I see it more like how Grindr is owned and operated by a similar entity to Tencent

>If you hate A it must mean you love B!
This is a logical fallacy. These threads aren't about Steam. The only people who have a stake in trying to make them about Steam are Epic shills. You might not be getting paid for it, but you're still an Epic shill.

I trust Ashley madison more than Epic

2016 was a mistake.

Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region.

>chink apologist
>is a chronic liar with double standards
checks out

Melodrama generally requires using more words than necessary.

I am almost sure he kills people and a weird lady bakes them into pies

Why do you write these? Are these some kind of banned google searches in China or something?

Chunks btfod good job user

Attached: 1552798912874m.jpg (1024x457, 64K)

>more pathetic deflection

Attached: 習近平.jpg (980x608, 297K)

It's basically SWATing someone.
You'd have to be really ignorant to not know that.

China will close your connection and often straight up kick your ass if you look up anything that makes the government look bad.


>You guys know that over half of Steam users are Chinese too?
If you know anything about China, you know they will ban other non-China-based platforms very soon. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, China itself is on a video game freeze right now where they aren't approving any new games for release. That is the 2nd time in the last 2 years they've shut down releases for over 6 months. That is how much power the government has over the video game industry. They can shut down Steam/ban it's IPs at the drop of a hat and there's nothing the Chinese consumer can do about it.

So....who is the good guy Epic or Steam???

What the fuck is gold and why do people edit their posts to thank people for it

Steam is the lesser of two evils, however, as It's merely run by counts rather than a government that denies basic human rights.

lawful evil jew vs chaotic neutral jew

>Sweeney Todd joke
I love you user, marry me.

If Epic had done the price cut and didn't buy out games as exclusives, then Epic. But they didnt. So they're equally shitty with both sides having pros and cons of shit.

An image wouldn't work if there was an automatic filter, it can't detect the phrases in the image

You pay reddit to add a gold thingy on top of a comment.
Yep, you pay the site to give a person nothing.

Cringiest shit ever seen

>ransom it back to you... for a price
Imagine being this redundant... with redundancy.

Imagine if you could pay $5 to say "Based and Redpilled" to any post you wanted

With an argument like that, you could win Nuremberg trial, I'm sure.

That sounds based and, dare I say it, redpilled

Because one is a true statement while the other is false meme

Nice attempt at a falseflag, will get braindead Valve drones, but I really don't think he's in that camp.

Attached: timsweeney.png (613x626, 70K)

Imagine gold as when someone likes or hates your post so much that they pay hiromoot to gift you a Yea Forums pass. Thats what reddit gold is. Both also have their own "private" lounges where only people with the gold/pass can post.

Is there any industry where companies will guarantee minimum sales the way Epic is paying devs if their games don't reach a minimum number of sales? I'm curious

88% of 0 is still 0.

The irony...

Attached: ....webm (1259x992, 1.85M)

Lmao what a fucking retarded nigger he is.
The more shit he says the more he contradicts himself AND more of his hipocrisy shit from past appears.
I guess vbucks money got so goddamn deep into his head that the only thing that'll stop him is a bullet with Tiananmen Square massacre pasta engraved on it.
I mean, aren't you 'muricans sleep with a gun 24/7. How noone of you has put a fucking .357 up his ass already? Oh and don't forget about the Galyonkin. He deserves at least a 9mm too!

Cool propaganda mate. Reddit already proved that conspiracy wrong.

Attached: 1554486100235.jpg (272x262, 24K)

>Japanese locale
I read you loud and clear user.

Attached: he.png (521x332, 98K)

>Twitter sucks
>he posted on twitter

Attached: 1554202222939.jpg (500x500, 23K)

>Deep Silver
>Getting the revenue share
The publisher does. Developers get nothing from sales as always since they're paid wages like any other job.
There's only one reason for Japanese Locale, and it's a very good one.

Not him but this has to be the absolute dumbest line of thought.
>lol u complained about society but u live in society checkmate

Attached: 1511372511123.jpg (225x250, 8K)

>not mentioning ruling is about a global company not having a policy to facilitate AUS blanket laws about refunds
Funny how they now have a refund system, domestic pricing, and modify their platform to adhere to laws of individual countries. Funnier how EGS doesn't
>allow publishers to wipe older or pre "remaster" versions
Funny how like every other store they let customers keep their old versions, but unlike many others they insist customer be able to download already purchased old versions. Funnier how you think EGS is better when they lock old builds of fort night.
>not test older games and ensure they are working on modern OS like GOG
Funny how they have recommended specs on the store, have reviews and forums for discussion, accept refunds for games that don't work on newer systems, and don't focus on the sale of old games like Good Old Games. Funnier how EGS fails on these points.
>lead the forefront on paid mods, lootboxes, early access and DRM
Funny how they aren't the guys that actually pioneered these practices, like Bethesda and EA. Funnier that the things on this list that Epic doesn't already do are things they announced plans on doing.
>trojan horse an always online DRM system and storefront into their most anticipated game
HL3 is out?! Funny how steam has offline play and if you don't like it you can buy from other sources like GOG. Funnier how EGS fails on this.
>ToS which states they can and will share and sell your data to third party partners, or else lock you out of your account
Funny how agreeing to their tos allows them to lawfully share information about game sales and statistics with a game's developer, regularly publish surveys of system specs to inform all developers, and ban accounts for illegal or tos violations but let them play their existing library depending on severity of offense. Funnier how EGS has no tos mention of its unlawful collection and storage of user data including billing information in Chinese gov data centers

Attached: racism.png (886x756, 546K)

Does anyone have the screenshots of the guy warning people not to learn chinese?

>4 Feb 2017

Attached: 1553008648325.jpg (800x900, 94K)

Not really. I think Twitter sucks. Guess what I do. I dont use it.

Its fucking magic

Attached: 1554356679332.gif (500x333, 983K)

can't be playing H games cuz applocale emulator does that too

Good job comrade. 150 points have been added to your credit score

Why would you ever use AppLocale when you can just change it manually?

>alarmist as fuck about Windows
So was Valve. They sunk a lot of resources into Linux porting.

Democracy. Republic of China.

Attached: He cute.png (433x493, 106K)

>Valve making Linux a viable vidya platform while Tim whined about windows on twitter and still doesn't even have basic Linux support for his spyware

Attached: why change it at all mate.png (799x377, 33K)

>I think this *optional* and *not obligatory* social media is trash, so I'll use it anyways
>I think society is trash so I'll choose not to live in society

One of them is a simple solution of not clicking a couple of buttons, and is optional, the other requires you to go an hero.

Keep crying dumb steam baby

>Your voice is to be ignored
>Proceeds to make a hundred threads a day shilling epic and parroting the same debunked bullshit about valve
Oh im sorry, have I hurt your feelings?
>inb4 valve monopoly drone 30% industrial standard cut too much epic rules!!!!!

Nice nose, jew.

I'm sure they did. Tencent did invest in it recently.

What do the users have to do with anything?

This person is a shill. They are likely so brainwashed that they're doing it for free though. Laugh at them. People are being paid to shitpost epic store positivity / steam negativity and this moron is doing it for free. You have failed at life.

Dumb reddit sjw fuck stan cunt shill kill yourself

>With an argument like that, you could win Nuremberg trial, I'm sure.
user, that one is fucking perfect, well done

Attached: 1544574134458.jpg (991x1069, 97K)

>he says about a guy that immediately tweets all negative rumours about Unity3D without digging any deeper
Tiananmen Massacre 1989

Attached: 1548697071601.jpg (1038x634, 263K)

Is Tim trying to argue that its racist to point out that Ma Huateng, the CEO of Ten Cent is also a politician and Party Member? Ten Cent is a very compromised party if you don't want to support actual repressive governments.

And that's why you're not being paid. One person calls you out and you degrade into your standard chink style of throwing out every word you've been told is insulting here. I bet you're not even getting any social score for this. Winnie the Pooh is displeased with you.

To be fair Unity really is an anti-user data mining piece of shit.

>how to let everyone know that you know absolutely nothing about programming: the post

except the rumor was almost a complete lie and Tim quite happily retweeted it, immediately

>Windows Cloud will steal your Steam PC game library
What in the actual fuck did he even mean by this?

Holy fucking kek, he really touched a nerve. Go eat some scorpions or dogshit or whatever it is you subhumans eat and chill out you spastic loser.

How long until valve posts the tianamen square massacre on the front page of steam?

Even the ghost of chairman Mao thinks you're a cunt.

Missing Winnie the Pooh

I don't know what rumor you're talking about but Unity has been known to aggressively collect and sell data for many years.

Make an indie game about it and pay the extra fee for it to be featured on the front page at launch.

Aren't ghosts offensive to the Chinese? Or is that skeletons?

Yeah that cartoon totally misrepresents the argument, no poster would just randomly spam those phrases. Oh wait

Holy fuck that's a great idea.
Maybe we should ask some asset flipper to do that

>blocks 99% of third party stores
>diminishes buying power down to two (2) stores
>billion dollar company takes a year to add a shopping cart to the store
>send 80 emails a week because account is trying to be accessed by the entire eastern hemisphere again
>instead of using its enormous capital to design a better client, secure customer accounts, and offer unmatched consumer benefits it instead resortsto ransoming games
>constantly tells me monopoly = bad while literally shutting out third party stores and forcing consumers to buy here or else
defend this right now, tim.

Think it's skeletons. Quick! Make some images of Mao Zedong and Winnie the Pooh as skeletons! That's like double offensive right there.

both, because ghosts and skeletons promote superstition.

Attached: china forbids.png (751x495, 32K)

yes comrade haha
imagine believing in silly superstitions like skeletons
haha comrade you always such a joker

Attached: 1448710484106.jpg (640x480, 21K)

You have to actually post the text for it to work as an anti-China weapon.

there's a skeleton inside of you and me right now.

Attached: tenor (1).gif (220x199, 148K)

I'm starting to respect China more for at least being honest about their level of communist inspired fascism.

Here in the U.S. you get one thing pretending to be another.

>These threads aren't about Steam
These thread are made by Steamcucks so yes, they are about Steam.

>China more for at least being honest about their level of communist inspired fascism
Except I'm sure it's somehow worse on the inside. Who knows what qualifies as dissenting over there

haha you see comrade this guy so funny
good joke comrade user haha skeletons inside people
what will he think of next

Attached: redistribute.png (500x487, 241K)


>Shopping for avacados is the best, but it gets a little repetitive
>I know, I'll go on that nazi site and pose as a right winger tonight and fuck up all the common memes.
>I'm a master of social undercover warrioring fuck yeah.

Attached: aidvacado.png (505x439, 335K)

Their opinion is more valuable than yours anyway, but keep trying to convince yourself otherwise

I wish I had that power, desu

This is a videogame forum though, we're here to talk about racism.

>using a botnet os
>not pirating everything

Attached: 1537382842989.jpg (586x580, 75K)

You're going to know because your credit score will go down until you hit the gulag level then you disappear. You will know and also your friends and family will know. The power of social media and groupthink.

It's okay to not like China, and it's not racist to distrust Chinese businesses. China is run by a powerfully authoritarian regime that dwarfs even American politics in terms of corruption.
Every successful Chinese businesses is puppeted by their government, and their government has a vested interest in infiltrating and setting up camp in various industries worldwide. Chinese businesses culture is built on lies and deceit and trying to underhandedly game the system to get ahead. If you don't want to get fucked dealing with them you have to interact with every Chinese company like it's run by the mafia. A lot of the time it probably is.
Things like companies being aggressively anti-competitive or engaging in egregious false advertising are commonplace and expected. That's just how Chinese culture works, no good samaritans, no criticizing the government, you get what you pay for (not what was advertised), it's a fucked up mess because thousands of years of constant war and rape plus half a century of communism does not do good things for your cultural identity.

The shady anti-competitive bullshit Epic is pulling, alongside their lazy attempts to enter the digital storefront market without actually intending to provide a better service than the competition, alongside the questionability of their software's security, alongside their espoused lack of a fuck given about what is good for consumers, all of it together is very distinctly reminiscent of a typical Chinese business attempting to push itself into a market by force.
The fact that Epic is owned in very large proportion by Tencent and Tim Sweeney is on record saying that Tencent's directors have helped make Epic the company it is today with their input and participation is evidence enough that the Chinese influence is strong enough to be worrying.

All of the disingenuous misinformation being spread and the calling people steam fanboys for not liking Epic is also incredibly suspicious.

>pirating files full of trojans, viruses and spyware
do people really do this?

If you get the game free from their store when they are doing give aways but then download a pirated copy to play so you never install their application, you're morally clear right?

So, just like the epic game store? So it's okay if microsoft also does it?
I don't get the message here.

As opposed to ransoming it back for free?

fucking based beyond believe holy shit

win niggers btfo

I think it could. The chinese are very paranoid.

it's like using Epic Store, except it's free

twitter is absolutely obligatory in this day and age if you're in the tech industry. it's the number one networking platform, full stop.

Diseases, all of them.

Attached: diseases.jpg (950x708, 136K)

>full stop
fuck off

Nigger Twitter is essential nowadays.
The president of the United fucking States of America, the leader of the free world, issues actual announcements through Twitter, it's undeniably an immensely important platform. It's not just some trash website to jerk yourself off on like most of the places you spend your time.
If you work in an industry built around networking you NEED to use social media whether you like it or not. If you weren't a worthless neet you'd already know this, it's like a less niche version of LinkedIn.

Both me and my brother work in tech and neither of us have active social media accounts, what the fuck are you on about?

Okay? That's not the problem. The problem is that Tencent is a company that works with the Chinese government very closely in censoring things. It is attempt to strongarm its way into the video game market while discarding the consumer.

you guys aren't influental enough in the tech world to require twitter, basic coding monkeys.

>民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴
laughing at all these chinese botnets

he's right

What’s wrong with racism?

Sure thing Chang.

Attached: ohbother.jpg (330x330, 25K)

>The president of the United fucking States of America, the leader of the free world, issues actual announcements through Twitter, it's undeniably an immensely important platform. It's not just some trash website to jerk yourself off on like most of the places you spend your time.
fucking lmaoing@your life.
That clown could have been using Yea Forums instead and nothing would have changed. At all. Twatter is just as much of an echochamber cesspool of piss and shit. Just with a slightly different flavour. Gobald Bumpf posting there is not some fucking Nintendo 90s style quality seal of approval, you inbred circus clown.


>Gobald Bumpf posting there is not some fucking Nintendo 90s style quality seal of approval

Attached: what did he mean by this.jpg (780x438, 25K)

>The president tweets thing, everyone needs to follow him to see what he tweets
You can literally open any news website to see what was Trump's tweet of the day.

CIA coup attempt


Sometimes unzipping or downloading files fucks up the characters for me and breaks everything. So having locale on japanese prevents it. Worst case is that some installers will resort to japanese which is rare.

>Nobel Peace Prize
Do you know that Nobels built their empire on exploiting natural resources and created this "prize" to clean their reputation / launder money?

Forgot to add that sometimes I do have to use that same locale emulator because some VNs won't launch without it.

>Multi-party system
Woah, don't you mean TWO party system? Where are you going with this you madman?

>twitter is absolutely obligatory in this day and age if you're in bullshit selling virtue signaling cookie points accumulating industry that is any bachelor of arts in women studies and dance therapy

Fixed. Fact is that Twitter is only being used as an echo chamber by self-absorbed special snowflakes. Mostly vloggers, bloggers, community managers of some sort, writers, vegans, "free spirits", patriarchy smashers, etc. pp. and all the scum of the earth with a vastly inflated ego but no actual valuable skill to prove it.
Pic related. Professional Twitter poster.

Attached: literal PhD in romantic comedies.jpg (626x553, 56K)

Steam doesn’t own games, the publisher does. If the publisher wants the old game off of the Steam marketplace Steam can’t intervene and say ‘we will forcibly offer this game for the consumers alongside your remaster’

Publisher acts and the seller will do. Are you retarded?

Oh shit, he deleted his post. I think I just got him sent to a work camp.

Multi-party system is sometimes not even a good thing. Look at Finland for example, their government is in disarray because of all the different parties are bickering at each other over nonsense and nothing really gets solved the correct way.

Attached: pepe.png (1106x1012, 728K)

She should learn to code.

I love how brainwashed Chinks think this is somehow even a valid excuse. And even if it was that, it's a god damn shame it didn't succeed. The CIA are the good guys, you are not.

>PhD in romantic comdies
what the flying fuck?

Attached: 1551054249081.jpg (193x245, 10K)

>that image

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

But that requires skills above vomiting your shitty thoughts into a web form and pressing publish.

>Your people getting tired of being oppressed is a CIA coup

Attached: 153435893458943.png (402x458, 207K)

Women and minorities were a mistake

Blaming the CIA for slaughtering your own population is communist dictatorship 101

>they've sunk a lot of resources into Linux porting
Nah, here's the facts of the matter
A) Proton is literally just Wine for retards
B) Its only positive is getting past the DRM that Valve has allowed
C) And it primarily exists to push forward the long dismissed, Linux-based SteamOS, which is alarming in its own right given that Steam is spyware that will phone things like internet history back home to make sure you're behaving.

The only reason it looks Valve is doing a lot is because you have mouthbreathers like who apparently don't know how to set up GPU Passthrough or properly configure their Wine installation to make "Linux a viable vidya platform." Proton to Linux is what the Steam Workshop was to mods: it's a gimped method that any user with a brain will just do themselves, but the retards will absolutely love it.

MAGA hat wearer spotted. Go back to Stormfront.

make ZZT2 you hack

ummmmmm cope sweaty?

Valve literally fixed Linux graphics drivers by hiring actual professionals to work on it and Proton is far more than just a Wine wrapper, based ignoramus retard.

PhD in romantic comedies? I ain't dumb enough to pay for a useless degree yet but i'd say that'd fit into some other PhD just fine.

Really depends on where you look at. V8 fixes all the garbage that "web architects" shit out. I miss the days of jquery when nobody took js seriously.

>brand loyalty of any kind
Every single one of these companies is only interested in getting your money. They aren't your friends. They aren't nice. If they occasionally seem friendly or useful, it's only because they think that is the best way to get your money. Every single one of them will happily abuse your trust if they think they can get away with it. Valve, Epic, Blizzard, all of them.

Real classy, Tim. There is no way this faggot's twitter is not being handled by the Chinese government. These shady tactics and dishonesty are absolutely trademark-China.

>the retards will absolutely love it
Case in point.

Kiss it stupid westerner

Attached: Chinese bootlickers.png (533x380, 311K)

>Steam is spyware that will phone things like internet history back home to make sure you're behaving.
>[citation needed]
