Overwatch: Boring, lame and gimmicky skins

>Overwatch: Boring, lame and gimmicky skins
>Paladins: actual hooker skins

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Post more

with accurate hooker faces too

Post the sluttiest skimpiest skin and I'll consider playing

>Overwatch: shitty game
>Paladins: also shitty game

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>OW: Paid shitty game with no character customisation
>Paladins: Free shitty game with character customisation

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This has to be an edit

Nope, both of hirez' games have tons of panty shots

This is literal KDA LoL tier garbage. People who buy this type of shit should be gassed.

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It's not
Hi-Rez games might not be the best but they have great girls

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They know what sells.

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She also has a JoJo pose with that skin bundle.

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Moar plz!

Is there hope for western developers to not be cucked? good lord

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The skins aren't the cause of it but their games are shit unfortunately. Had to quit smite cause its just that bad, had been playing since the closed beta

You shouldn't put dog shit in your mouth just because it's free.

They even recently redesigned a character and made her tits and ass bigger

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So basically it's nice to look at but sucks to play? Why does that always happen? Is there a single game with beautiful scantily clad women giant tits that is also fun to play?

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Doubt it. I quit smite cause its not fun to play competitively anymore, but people say its fun to play with a bunch of friends and just screw around, but all my friends quit too so I cant have that.

Holy fucking shit. I want to bang Pepper so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to the match lobby I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Pepper. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Pepper's tight fox pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/fox babies.
Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors pet fox. I'd dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking park. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my Switch. I might not ever get to see Pepper again.

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Which character has the biggest bazongas? Which character has the biggest badonkadonk?

Cassie has biggest tits Vivian has biggest ass

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I'm sorry but Imani clearly has biggest brappers in the realm.

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>but it's free
This is the best hi rez shills can do.

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Are you fucking kidding me Jesus Christ

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Got an in-game capture?

sold. downloading now

I haven't played paladins in like 8 months is mountain milf still good?

I had a lot of fun playing as her.

>making Skye's ass bigger
Don't make me redownload Paladins, user.

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Have fun. I lasted about maybe 2 months. Just before I quit, they were hyping 2019 as the year of quality. Then 2019 started and they shit the bed right away.

I stopped when they did cards unbound. I know they reverted it, but I just never went back after that. How is it now? Is balance any better?

Elves in human clothing is my kryptonite.

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Yea but you have to pay actual money to even use it. I love the game but hate this Battlepass shit

Upskirts are rare enough, but with a thong it's like a diamond. And that's exactly what it makes my dick.

She received a human skin this patch and yes she's still meta.

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Jordyn Jones?

Did they finally stop the battlepass only skins?

Atleast post the rest of the new skins

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>playing MOBAs disguised as team shootan

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No, they still do that.

They made it even harder to unlock all the stuff from the battle pass now there are 100 levels of BP and around 50 days to complete it. Battle pass system was much better in the starting when it released last year.

They didn't even bother making any skins for the guys this time

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Well there goes my re-download

Good. Games with waifus shouldn't even have guys in it.

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It's even worse. Now they have events outside of battlepass where they lock 3 skins behind a $9 bundle. And lock a 4th skin (the one in OP) behind having to buy ALL of the bundles

>Retards downloading garbage games just to look a poorly modeled characters
It's always funny to see, especially when the shit that baited them into playing is stuff that they have to pay for.

amazing how underboob or cleavage can easily turn a 7/10 to a 9/10

No there's 50 levels to unlock everything. The second 50 is just extra shit for coins and crystals. There's almost nothing to even unlock in the last 50 outside currency.

>implying these posters aren't just part of the shilling

Considering who plays both games it's suprising there isn't loli skins only for both games. Fucking weeb trash

Not like that's the only way to get skins. The have plenty of new non-BP skins.

The current event just had 6 guy skins

Hi-rez is alright

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Problem I have with paladins is that its made by hi-rez, the game is super fucking fun, but hi-rez tends to kill all their games in some vain attempt to get them to play their other shitty knockoffs, I feel bad for anyone who spends money on paladins only to have them gut the game for their next cash grab game, im sure they'll abandon paladins as soon as they launch some kind of BR game.

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I think the game is fun

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Have they fixed the gameplay yet? Or is everything still fucked because they refuse to separate PC and console game design so PC players have to deal with garbage like this

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>As soon as they launch some BR game

user... Realm Royale already exists

Other than that shitty mech game people pretend didn't have a tiny almost nonexistent userbase.... What other games have they abandoned?

They actually tried to make a BR already. It crashed and burned within the first week.

They already tried and then they killed their BR so they had to come crawling back to paladins lmao

I'm sure you'll love this news.... they added cross platform so now PC can play with Xbox and switch!

Oh yea, wasn't it a Paladins battle royale? Completely forgot it was a thing

Hitboxes aren't THAT fucked and they fix a shitton of bugs every patch. They also added crossplay between PC, Xbox and Switch.

Based Hi-Rez is not afraid of the female body

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hi rez has built a reputation of abandoning games on the spot to chase after money. If they think another project will make more money than the current they’ll drop that shit immediately. Global agenda was a real solid game too.

Is this Kpop shit?

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>PC and console crossplay in an FPS
Wow, that's gotta be awful for everyone involved.

>millions of dollars being spent on titty jiggle technology
>butt jiggle still basically non-existent

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>they refuse to separate PC and console game design
A-acktually they added crossplay. Soooo...

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we've tried this experiment before and console players always get completely destroyed due to inferior controls

how the fuck do they think its going to work this time

>Have top tier waiifus even when in-game models are far from slutty

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You can opt into crossplay but make it to where you can only match with people using controllers.

Tiddies are civilized culture.

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you can play with M+K on console , right ?

yeah bud im sure all the 3rd worlders playing f2p shooters on their consoles have nice m+kb setups

Is Paladins worth investing time in or is it just Overwatch for poorfags?

It's overwatch but free and you can customize your characters build to change how they play.

it's unironically better than overwatch; which doesn't mean much as its still not worth playing assuming you have access to any shooters that are actually good (like r6 siege)

I really can't tell which one is better but i can tell you that investing time and money in paladins is not a great idea because

Not on switch but there's gyro controls, takes getting used to but better than playing just with the stick


Based video


smite has some really hit or shit skins. but when they hit, they're really great

And if you aren't playing for the month that they're around you'll never be able to get them again.

a long time ago I legitimately wrote them to add sexy skins into their game.

i understand FOMO is a powerful marketing tool but does it really make them more money than just selling the skins forever?

Woah, is this WoW from 15 years ago? Before Blizzard started to make all the female models into fat middle-aged women.

Hi-Rez should hire someone else for gameplay and stick to skins.

>africans love asses

She's one of the better tanks atm. Ash is the best tank because she got a card that can give her up to 50% life rip.

And? What else?

One game. Dropping one game is not "often drops games" "has a habit abandoning games".

One game

To bad the game keeps getting worse and worse. Almost every old character has been gutted, and most of the new characters are terribly designed from a core.

There were 2 male skins though that werent kpop
Why would you put a male kpop skin with female kpop skins

People are still traumatized over Tribes. Paladins has already outlasted it, nevermind Smite

>Global agenda was a real solid game too
a solid game with like 7 players
hirez is retarded as fuck but you can't expect a shitty company to keep up a game with a very small unprofitable community right?

>North Korea

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