New egorator video

Attached: egoraptor.png (914x657, 416K)

Other urls found in this thread:

who care

who even cares about overwatch or egoraptor anymore

>animated by someone else

Attached: 37-374186_cartoon-daffy-duck-angry-daffy-duck.jpg (820x652, 85K)

>rap music video

Attached: 1545211265610.jpg (540x540, 49K)

>song made by not egoraptor
>animation made by not whoraptor

I came to this thread thinking it was a new sequelitis you fucking nigger never post again

>not his animation


Still gonna get 100m views in a day haters

Had to close the video once the rap kicked in. I don't know how people can unironically listen to this whiny garbage.

>100m views in a day

His shitty LP channel can't even manage that in a month

yeah no doubt he's gonna get a lot of views doesn't change the fact that its a video game rap music video



is this paid promotion? OW is dead.

Yeah, he's such a lazy piece of garbage now.

can I get a Pog in chat please


What a waste, he can't even make his own animations after selling out and making soulless let's plays full time. I want the old Egoraptor back.

>this entire album took 3 years to make

Too bad he can't get his self-respect back.

At least he's elevating other artists. Animation is mostly a young person's hobby. It really fucks up the ligaments in your arm and hand long term.

Not defending Arin though, but hes just doing what a lot of guys do when they hit their 30s, chase the money.

Wow that was really fucking bad

>He doesn't even animate on his own channel anymore and let's other do it.
>Instead he does his shitty rap music instead
What a fucking joke
I'm glad I unsubbed from trannygrumps. Jesus fucking christ this man is cancer. To think that I once looked up to him, even considering trying to animate and shit.

Attached: Qm9AJ0k.jpg (1334x750, 63K)

And it’s shit.

remember when jon and arin fought on gamegrumps and then split

Try a year, Grumps videos struggle to get 6 digit views nowadays.

>current year
>playing overwatch

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Old Egoraptor would be homeless, animators get totally fucked by Youtube's guidelines these days. It's sad but it's just the reality of the situation. NSP also took off because of Game Grumps.

After his OOT video got exposed by him actually uploading videos of himself playing the game I don't think he's touching sequelitis again

>how do you do, fellow gamers

>music video for their LOL VIDEO GAMES rap
>animated by someone else
Disgusting, can someone make him cry?

What a hack

Attached: fmekx305ei421.jpg (1274x650, 36K)

Just shows how long it took their lazy asses to finish the album.

Blizzard paid them to make that video.

Arin is an emotionally manipulative rat

>two years late
>not animated by Arin

even animated videos became soulless

oh how the mighty have fallen

Attached: 1546457202982.png (331x360, 229K)

i miss them bros

Attached: 7iUGm2m.jpg (828x1014, 53K)

>Arin is a total dirtbag, has shitty opinions on games and treats them like fact, no talent LPer that screams and makes funny noises and amasses millions of braindead fanatics that kiss the ground he shits on. If the LP bubble ever bursts Arin will just cash out and live comfortably for the rest of his life.

>Meanwhile people who are following their dream, the dream that Arin abandoned for easy money, work unrealistic hours, are relatively nobodies in comparison, are living in crippling poverty and all live either together or at the Newgrounds office. They will eventually fail and live the rest of their lives as burger flippers.

I fucking hate this planet.


>Overwatch over Team Fortress

dissapointing and disgusting

>Star Bomb
Oh god, they're still doing that?
I hate how they sell themselves as "lol, nerdy gaymer band xD", but they still get a lot of references wrong in their lyrics. What's the point of making it video game themed if they can't get the details right?

>ex-animator rapping
>animated by someone else
>the guy who is actually a musician is just reading his lyrics
>overwatch in 2019
how did this even happen?

people don't realize how badly independent animators got fucked by youtube from 2013 onwards, even oney realized that working in newgrounds sucked and started doing lps
whether you find egoraptor funny or an mentally unstable prick, i respect that fact that he still supports independent animators through animateds or whatever

Not defending their crappy music, but what are some things they got wrong?