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Unironic good runner up to Japan

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Oh I can't wait to sail the north sea with my inclusive Viking crew of poc.

I was looking forward to the rome game based on the rumors


Valhalla would be a pretty good name but what could they call to continue the name beginning with O?


Oh yeah, I saw that banner in the mission but didn't think anything of it. Neat if it is a teaser/Easter egg.

Assassin's Creed Odin
Play as fucking Odin who is actually just a guy using alien tech to do cool shit.

There was rumors that the next game was set in rome to cap off the trilogy

I would prefer Rome but vikings are cool too. Just no more sailing please, it was so boring in Odyssey, go back to the golden age of piracy if you want sailing.

I know it's autistic to get annoyed by this, but Valhalla is a word invented by British opera singers or some shit to make it sound better and more classy. The actual word is Valhall

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vikangs are the niggers of europe anyway

>British opera singers
Wagner is to blame. He's also to blame for making Ragnarök mean Twilight of the Gods instead of Fate of the Gods

>With no boats
Name 1 (One) Moment in history when this was a good idea

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No, that's Albanians.

Good point. I guess i'd be cool if the map includes Britain and maybe some coastal parts of Vinland. Would be cool to raid anglos and explore unknown worlds. More emphasis on those and less on ship to ship combat.

T. Norman faggot

>still no eastern setting
I'm no weeb but Ive been wanting to play a ninja assassinating templar shogun since AC2


Based Jason Schreier, I hope it's set during or before Norman Invasion.

How would they fuck up the coolest guy in history?

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My only issue from odysseys was the combat system. I like it and it was fun enough but I've always felt a disconnect between combat and stealth in these games since the first one. I don't know if I'd rather a faster or slower pace. Not to mention things don't neccesarily feel deadly it's mostly about just doing stupid things you get alot of room for mistakes


>coolest guy in history

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You don't even have a hidden blade in Odyssey anymore, stealth in AC has always been an afterthought at the best.

viking shit is already boring as fuck as it is, ubisoft viking shit would put any cunt to sleep

This is beyond retarded and makes zero sense. Seems like an Ubisoft game.

>*dabs on the west*

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I saw it you nigger

Eat my ass infidel

>no mongols
>No Persians
>No Indians
>No chinks
>No Japs
>No early middle ages (rise of islam and Carolingian dynasty)
>No Finno-Korean hyperwar

pull your pants down bitch boy

Makes sense. Copy-pasta Odyssey's systems including ships wholesale.

It'll either be Ragnar Lodbrok & Sons, or Cnut the Great.

>more sailing
>more exploration
>more wannabe-soulslike combat
>set before the formation of the modern Assassins and Templars again
I just want to climb on some buildings and sneak around stabbing shady conspirators, is that too much to ask?

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>tfw they completely rip off Vinland Saga and you play as Thorfinn Karlsefni

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>toxic white male society that engaged in a trans-european bullying campaign

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he cute

Well, Swedish historians are trying to convince people that Shield.maidens were real, because of course they would. So Ubisoft is gonna jump on that and have a million female warriors in the game.

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They were

>more boat focus
Fucking WHY

they really fucking are though. They invented nothing, added nothing to any society, destroyed other peoples history just so they could have shiny things to look at but they really didnt even know the worth of whatever shiny shit they stole, they lived in fucking huts. The only thing that doesnt make them niggers is they can swim and they built boats lol, viking fanboys are the worst

Are there even islands in Scandinavian part of the world?

Thats your opinion. Go look for your father, rob a liquor store or whatever you niggers do.

Is your reading comprehension that bad? Did you really read what I wrote and thought It made me come across as black?

>didnt even know the worth of whatever shiny shit they stole
plenty of vikings retired after getting a shitload of loot, so I don't understand this complaint. And why would you need to build anything other than huts if no one is trying to conquer you?

Vikings were pieces of shits, deal with it.

Yes, they're called the British Isles.

Yes, they were very problematic and they should have checked their privilege before taking stuff that didn't belong to them

finally my country will be in a game

That's right

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>Following up GoW dad edition
Seems like a foolish choice. Normies love GoW.

Only the shit vikings went back to huts in the woods in Scandinavia.

The good ones ended up being the ruling nobility of a good par of Europe. British Isles, Normandy, Brittany, Holland, Kievan Rus

Do the Vikings even have cool buildings to climb on top of?

this meme again?

I don't think so but this is alternative facts history so maybe we'll get some cool structures.

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If their temples looked like their later churches did, yes.

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no they do not. And while I like the idea of sailing, a viking longboat is a lot more claustrophobic than a pirate ship

I've been there. Anyway, since no one knows what a pagan temple looks like, it would basically be fan fiction whatever they come up with. IRL it was probably very underwhelming

I just want old AC back, this new Witcher 3 knockoff era even makes me miss Unity.

This looks like the kind of buildings you don't get to climb in AC because it's too sloped to gain a foothold

he basically is a battlefield assassin so that would fit perfectly
story of vinland saga is also fantastic

They literally were the fuel to nearly the entire European continent in the for several centuries what the fuck

In 2013 they found archaeological evidence for a wooden structure at Uppsala that would have been the largest man-made structure north of the Alps in Europe at the time.

It's the problem with wooden structures, they don't leave much behind 1000 years later.
Japan boasts having structures with a continuity of 1200-1300 years, but they've all been burned down and rebuilt in different styles hundreds of times, no one knows how the original structure looked.

there are several halls in Norway toom but of course they're all gone, except for stave churches which were built much later. A very big hall might be up to 60 meters in length and 20 meters high though.

if this is real and they stuff black people up north for muh diversity im probably gonna end it all

Even so Vikings traded fucking far I expect Spanish architecture at some point

if they do vikings theme i expect atleast parts of Scandinavia, edges of Norway, Denmark and the whole of the British Isles with the Orkneys, Faero islands etc.