Now I'm going to beat Sekiro and there's nothing anyone can do about it

Now I'm going to beat Sekiro and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

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Wow, PC players are so shit they need to cheat to beat a game. So much for being the """""""master"""""" race

So... a trainer?

So the power of the master race.


>PCfags need easy mode

Okay, loser.

It legitimately bothers me that the easy mode bullshit is still being discussed.

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Easy/normal mode is already here

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I don't understand why people care. If a game adds an easy mode then just don't play it. If the dev doesn't want to add an easy mode then just don't play the game.

Basically. You can do this to every game.

This proves console gamers and unanimously better games than PCasuals.

>can't cheat with phantoms
>cheat with a trainer
No news here.

But why though? Most of the really difficult enemies are simply about hard-countering everything you come across and knowing the mechanics.

I just don't understand. The whole point is to overcome a challenge. What's there to enjoy without it.

I'm also annoyed at the idea of retards cheating deciding to chime in on boss discussions.

Why wait for a mod when the game is so easy to hook on cheatengine? I used one day 1, not everyone here is a no-life incel

wow PC must really be SJW central

glad im an xbro

this lol
pcfags cant handle anything more complex than a moba

I fucked more than a thousand time and am in my 20's. I confirm you cant fuck and even know what a cheat engine is

It's probably just that, when's a Polygon headline ever right?

That's like saying you can ride a bike, but can only do so if you have training wheels on.

Sure thing incel baby. I recommend learning English first before attempting to lie on the internet, it makes it more likely that people will believe your bullshit.

Winning is fun

It's ironic that a they need an easy mode when they can get stable 60 fps for more precise and responsive deflecting. Master race has indeed become a joke.

the issue is that journalist clique are trying to force the devs to dance to their tune. Thankfully japs are not cucks like western devs (for now)

Tbh if you manages to get the complete dragon mask, using the +1 attack power thing is fair. Its just a soulless grind after that anyways.

We can laugh at you casual filth. Imagine being worse at game than a quadriplegic. Pathetic.

Have sex.

This also means it can be modded to be harder as well. I didn't find it too difficult in the first place.

>when they can get stable 60 fps for more precise and responsive deflecting
I-Is this why I can't do it well, because I'm on a PS4 and not because I'm a terrible player?

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If you need an easy mode for Sekiro, you'll never beat it, mods or not. Fact.

I been saying this for year's pc fanboys are not good at game's. Only reason they seem good is because they have rig better than most normal fags, that gives them advantage.

Nah i'm doing fine on PS4, but i keep seeing faggots saying that PC is better because muh stable fps for better reactions, but then some faggot modder gives them an easy mode.

I'm sure the PS4 eats inputs like mad with these framedrops, but you're terrible regardless.

but it wasn't modded to be harder now was it?


>It wasn't therefore it can't

i don't know. maybe it was

So editing or modding content in the game that journalists like is bad, problematic, and childish, but modding content they don't like is a simply giving people more control over their games, which is now always a good thing?

I just want a mode where you take half as much vitality damage from everything. fuck that ogre guy who kills you in one hit, I roll out of the way but he still grabs me.

metal gear rising was a good showcase to show how shit pc players are


what happened with MGR?

Come the fuck on now, if PS4 had an option for mods some faggot would have released it there as well. I guess that's an advantage we have over PC though.

depends on how it's programmed
if parry is set to a 10 frame window you have 1/3 of a second to react, pc players have 1/6 of a second
ds2 had something retarded like this, but I can't remember what it was

First PCfags pirate the game before release, then they bastardize it by adding an easy mode. I fucking hope From's next game is a console exclusive.

the first week it came out on pc there were constant threads complaining how the blade wolf fight was impossible

I think this game finally crossed the enjoyment/frustration line for me. Don't even get excited whey I do better.

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good bait but moba's are unorinically the deepest genre of game. Unless you're playing HOTS

Keep trucking, you'll get to a point where it clicks
t. almost filtered by ogre

An easy mode would take away artistic integrity of the game. Miyazaki wants you to discipline yourself to overcome great challenges you couldn't imagine yourself overcoming before. You wouldn't have to do this with an easy mode.

Also, an easy mode would cause people to perceive the game as having less depth. They would rate the game lower because they weren't pushed to explore different combat options and playstyles.

This game is so old school and I love it. 80s/90s arcade games were short as fuck, but got harder and that's what gave the game length. If you were really good and mastered the game's mechanics and maps, however, you could beat the game in a small fraction of the average time. Same has gone for dark souls and bloodborne. The game doesn't need an easy mode. Bottom line, and you should be ashamed for thinking otherwise.

>more graphical options

Fbpb sony chads dont need any cheats

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>"master" race
>shit at viyda
as expected

ye now I remember
it was about parry timings there too, meaning on console you had double the time for your inputs, while on 60fps you did not
if they're using the same engine it's possible the pc version is actually harder for this reason
but regardless
>playing at 30

Still haven't seen a single good argument against easy mode.

Good. Now shut up about the difficulty.

you don't finish your games

Finally female streamers can now play Sekiro for tips!

>mobas are the deepest genre

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You could have downloaded a cheat table like a day after it came out.

That reminds me how pc fags were saying yakuza 0 was hard, like motherfuckers what yakuza is infamous for being too easy.

Got a link? Asking for a friend.

Sure thing buddy, it was those pesky PC mustards justifying your poor purchase decisions.

Hopefully they do sweeping bans for modified games now. Sorry if you only used models, but this is fucking retarded. What this means is we're setting a precedent that difficult games are bad. The entire premise of Sekiro is that it's difficulg and you're overcoming the challenge.

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The fact that you can't do a thing doesn't mean that you wouldn't if you could. Wonder how many bitch'd out of the game because it was too hard.

>epic fortnite gamer ninja tried to showboat sekiro in a livestream yesterday
>ragequits at lady butterfly

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pc fags buy games on sale and dont even play them

Any recordings?

>install 100% save
>instantly win
this game is too easy

>you'll get to a point where it clicks
>tfw you're on Isshin and it still didn't click
I killed all the bosses with no much problems but this old fucker keeps raping me. My left thumb hurts form maneuvering back and forth. Boss arena dropping frames in third stage. If the next froms game is like Sekiro it's no buy for me.

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>t. consoleshitter stuck on sumo

I think this is one of the best arguments. As much as souls games have an amazing atmosphere and such, finding your way through the games is a marvelous journey.

Most articles I see complain about how the average player will never see the amazing world/character fromsoft built because of their inability to play the games themselves. In reality you can easily be spoonfed these things by people like vaati if that is truly what you want to experience. An easy mode would indeed compromise the artistic vision of the game.

If you had read the article, you'd notice that the mod doesn't actually change anything. It just lets you adjust the game's speed and player character speed in real time, thus making for a more or less challenging experience.

git gud faggot, stop cheating


>The whole point is to overcome a challenge. What's there to enjoy without it.
Generally speaking (not just this game), most devs implement "challenge" in completely lazy, uninteresting ways. You're still playing the exact same content, with the exact same cutscenes, and the exact same ending. Just limiting your ability to save, or lowering your health pool. They never really change the game to make it more difficult. I call this artificially inflating the difficulty.

Hitman (2016) and Hitman 2 are examples of a game that creates challenge the way it should be. The 'Master' levels are re-written to add new NPC's and move objects around. They're are lovingly hand-crafted bit by bit to give an entirely different, more challenging experience. THAT is fun. *cough*then-they-add-a-bullshit-save-limitation*cough*. But the point is it depends on the game and how they create challenge.

>Sekiro easy mode mod
Isn't that just a trainer or Cheat Engine?

so is ninja a variety streamer now
or is this an exception?

have fun, but you won't

Sekiro isn't just the same enemies with bigger health pools though. Most minibosses are skill checks (ashina elite, centipede)

The limited save thing is especially irritating. There's nothing fun about doing the same 30-minute sequence of events over and over. It's just a time sink. Maybe limit saves to every 10 minutes or something, but only have 1 save in a 2 hour level is just retarded. Adults don't have that much time to waste when a game bug causes an NPC to spin around instantly (literally 0-frame, just warp to face the other way) on what should have been a sneak attack.

nah it was just a one off thing i think

if sjw modders would be able to mod ps4 games, they would do it in a heartbeat

I thought that existed since day 1

Never played Sekiro, is it really that hard?

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Men have this instinctual drive to achieve, create, improve, challenge, and dominate that drives them. This is unique to men. Women don't have it. Which is why women generally don't have any interest in the things listed above. It is what makes you a man. If you don't desire to confront a daunting obstacle and overpower it, then you might as well chop your dick off. Faggot.

depends on what your bad habits are, i see people getting used to the posture system without batting an eye while others try to outsnail the bosses dark souls style and end up getting frustrated because of it


>people are STILL hung up on this shit
for fucks sake just play a different game already

actual goddamn children upset that they can't beat their big brothers game, do literally anything else except whine about it