Why do white people and light skinned characters have to be the default of videogames?

Why do white people and light skinned characters have to be the default of videogames?

Why can't there be games without characters or NPC with light skin?

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Because nobody likes black people. They just pretend, just to score some social points.

Blacks aren't people

Because you're Lay Z.

Why are you race baiting OP?

This but with whites instead

Fuck off nignog frigfrog

This but with spics instead

>there are shitload of games starring black people
>STILL no games starring green or blue skinned people
Explain yourselves video games.

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Don't worry user, soon all games will accommodate the one and only masterrace.

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Have sex

This but with people instead

This but with niggers instead

Yep and it was fun

It's the white man's world

white people and asians make games.
Nigger can't even into food or condoms.

With your hand doesn’t count

The majority of gamers are still white dudes/teenagers and it appeals to them. When the demographic changes, main characters will too (assuming games get made by chinks etc

But your mom does

Because white people are attractive.

Majority of games take place in areas where darker skins aren't common. It's simple logic most NPCs will be lighter skinned.
t. Black guy

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I like black people user. Maybe you're the one pretending.

if niggers want to make their own games in an african country free from white oppression and any form of institutionalized racism, be my guest. I'll even play it if it's good.

because black skin is actually really ugly

>hey let's make things worse because we are bored with the status quo

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i dont wana be ur guest faggot