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Other urls found in this thread:


Just a litle while longer

shit "meme" and shit game

Back to ERPing in FF14

When i was a badass little 18yo pvper i got those masks on my undead rogue and ganked all the noobs in duskwood.


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>tfw you will never experience the feeling of finally getting a cape, and decent looking shoulders
Classic won't be the same.

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Why do private server players pretend vanilla never had a looking for group queue system? It was rudimentary, but it was there.

It was literally just a global world channel group that you could join but 90% of PUG groups were formed in Region chat. It never did have a actual LFG system, retard. Dunno what you're smoking.

>WoW Patch 1.7.0 (13-Sep-2005):
You will no longer be kicked from the meeting stone queue when a player declines a group invite or when inviting someone that is already in a group.
>You will now be informed that you have left the meeting stone queue when the group leader logs out.
>Tanks and Healers will now be immediately added to the group by the meeting stone when they are the 5th member of the group.
>You can now be added to a group by the meeting stone when that group contains characters that have disconnected.
>WoW Patch 1.6.0 (12-Jul-2005): Players now receive an error message if they try to join a meeting stone queue and are in a raid or are not the party leader.
>WoW Patch 1.5.0 (2005-06-07):
Innkeepers around the world now have a gossip option that lets you join a meeting stone directly from the innkeeper rather than going to the location of the meeting stone. Also these Innkeepers will now have background lore about each of the dungeons.
>Levels Required for meeting stones have been increased. The intent is that a group will not receive party members from a meeting stone that don't really have a chance of completing the dungeon.
>Meeting Stones have had their rules for what players are grouped with what other players relaxed. This means groups who use meeting stones (or innkeepers) should have their groups formed much more quickly than they were previously.
>WoW Patch 1.3.0 (07-Mar-2005): Meeting Stones added.

Tell us more about how you never played vanilla, private server baby

>meeting stone
literally no one fucking used them

they've already said they aren't going to be adding shit that was not there originally so eat a dick

dumb zoomer

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>calling others zoomers when you're too underage to have even played vanilla WoW
Can't believe you even try to deny it when it's literally in the patch notes, lmao. And everybody used to use them, especially for lower level dungeons.

So sorry you never got to experience vanilla when it was fresh.

No body even used the meeting stones you fucking zoomer

it wasn't even a "queue" really

meeting stones are a really random point to try and troll on, kiddo.. not sure why you're picking it out of all the things you could pick

even though meeting stones existed they aren't true LFG that people think of today. You can't just queue into a LFG from anywhere in the world, there isn't a *pop* when you are placed in a group and it doesn't automatically teleport you anywhere or into the dungeon. They were a basic attempt at what would later evolve into traditional LFG but was just a barebones system at the time.

LFG will not be in classic and you can cry about it all you want on here but no one wants it in the game and Blizz has already confirmed it will not be added.

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>meeting stone
>tfw I was only invited because I was a warlock
>after we summoned everyone I got kicked before we even started
Being a warlock in vanilla was suffering.

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I think there is some method of removing your memory of certain things to experience them again.


Yes we're well aware what meeting stones are, and they'll be in the game, just as they were in vanilla. It's always hilarious that private server kids try and convince you that they never existed just because their private server devs are too shitty to program it in.

sips, more like saps, ammirite :D

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Throw those fucks into ignore list and never have any deals with them in the future

Meeting stones were in vanilla, but they couldn't summon until 2.0.1 which is not 1.12, which is what patch classic is launching

Literally no downside to it being added. If you think this isn't vanilla wow with a shitload of balance changes and QoL changes, you're a deluded boomer

Yep, but aside from not summoning you to the instance they work in exactly the same way as the LFG system.

It's okay kid, I'll give you a B for effort.

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no they didn't, they worked like a non-xrealm group finder

No one used them when I played vanilla. Everyone just spammed /1 or trade.

Private server zoomers don't know that global chat wasn't a thing in vanilla. Or at least, it was only a thing for like one patch

can someone explain how the fuck are meeting stones supposed to work?

>they work in exactly the same way as the LFG system
But nobody used them because traveling to them just to click and wait was a pain in the ass so people spammed trade chat in IF. You would know this if you played back then.

And i'll give you an S for spilling your spaghetti and showing everybody you've never played the real version of vanilla.

They don't. I don't even think Blizzard even really knew what they were trying to do with them at the time.

Read the patch notes from 1.5, you could join a meeting stone queue from an innkeeper in any town. Yet another zoomer private server baby exposes themselves.

>it's a wrathbaby tries to damage control for lfd episode

You join the meeting stone queue and it finds you a group. Then you make your way to the instance.

>tfw can still remember where I got my first headpiece from
It was a gray leather hat from a turtle in Hillsbrad

They were pretty awful. Couldn't select spec so you'd get groups with a warrior, 2 rogues, a mage, and a priest. The priest would be "lol I'm shadow I can't heal" then leave. The warrior would swear he could beat the mage in DPS and that you should find another warrior to tank. You had to touch the stone to queue and the queue wouldn't teleport you.

It is the most prototype lfg system you can imagine.

That also works on lightbringer you braindead retard, nobody uses a fixed point where they have to stay instead of just going on with their business and spamming a global channel.

but what's the fucking point if you need to get to the instance to use it?

If you're already in the area of the dungeon, you click it and then go back to what you were doing

As i've already said, you can join it from any innkeeper.

Aren't those the exact same problems with LFG?

Oh boy. Can't wait for all the try hard to get to 60 in less than a week and shit up the server til everyone unsubs again

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I plan to get it on my orc when classic hits

>be mage
>can teleport and shit
>can cast fire and frost balls out of my hands
>can't put on a simple scarf

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You could come up with some in-universe reason for it. Like maybe only rogues (who fight dirty, throwing dirt in their enemies eyes, stealing from their pockets, etc) would wear the garb of a highwayman

>waaaah people are better than me!
Cry more

There's a ballgag on the other side of the scarf, it would silence the mage.

tons of warlocks suffered from that, me included so i know the pain.

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Damn, would quit a group who did that.

warlocks are bros.

>I can play video games for 80 hours without moving from my desk because I poop in a sock
Wow. Very hardcore there user. Can we get a round of applause for this awesome cool guy right here?

>tfw you played an ally lock in vanilla

I'm solely picking healer so I can quit groups like that so those jerks will have to spend more time finding a new healer.

aw dude

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Release in August btw.

4 strength.

4 stam

>Damn, would quit a group who did that.

no need to quit because you would always get kicked out of the group first after you summon.

warlocks don't get kicked from anything

They did at the start of vanilla, they were terrible.

I just wanna know if we'll get BGs and the honor system from the start or not ...


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it's more that mages crush 5 mans, though locks were buggy as shit forever

What are some upcoming MMORPGs with vanilla WoW's design philosophy that you are optimistic about?

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They exist?

Do you have a favorite starting zone? What is it?

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If Silverpine Forest was better tuned, I'd say the Undead starting zones are the best.
Levels not properly matching is one of the things I wish Blizzard would revisit in this new fork of the WoW game, but I know for a fact all the purists whining have closed that door shut.
I guess we'll experience the joys of running out of quests at level 58 and grinding for 2 levels again.

i miss WoW but i just dont think it will be the same bros...

What Pserver?


silverpine's problem is too many named npcs with long respawns

Will I need to spec into Resto to heal as a Shaman in dungeons?

based, just got a warlock gifted by a german mate and its decently geared aswell

while leveling up not really, you would be fine just doing melee and support if you have a priest in party too

at 60 and in raids yes you need to be resto



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Silverpine's problem is a northern part that comes on cue as far as levels are concerned, a missing middle part for the middle levels, and a too tough southern part that you can't do at the level you arrive there.
And don't get me started on the gnoll island.

Not until BRD.

>3 minutes after logging in
>Rando whispers: BuY LvL/G0LD/QueST
>other rando whispers same

meant tirisfall, but yeah half of silverpine is skip city

been playing for like an hour now and have not had a single whisper, probably why they don't allow low levels to speak

not like I have a huge investment in the server even if it did, since y'know... classic official is coming soon...

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bro, we all know chinkdale is as the name suggests, stop pretending

Trust noone.

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don't reply to me ever again

based horde players

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Hi! Hi! Help!

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Is that Corpsegrinder?

>why yes i do enjoy lolicon, how could you tell?

I can't listen to this without adding
>...not even yourself

What? I play from time to time and only get messaged occasionally, maybe a bit more than on retail

It used to be worse on Elysium, but random private messages didn't really take away from my experience


what a blast from the past

>too busy taking care of your wife’s son while Tyrone breeds her
>can’t get ahead of the herd of retarded zoomers and retailfags on launch with minimal effort

soon boys

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Not soon enough.

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i am still not really sure if its nostalgia players or full shill force


You think if I email blizzard that I'll kill myself if they don't let me play right now they will let me beta test or something? SURELY they have some testing going on right now behind the curtains.

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I'm tempering expectations, considering it's still blizzvision. But I do hope it works out for you guys, this way there may be a chance for tbc servers.
Wowfags have to be one of the most punished mmo fanbases.

now THAT was an item




Something is bound to happen after around 2 - 3 years I think (if the playerbase stays large enough). Either a gigantic classic patch, or more likely optional transfer of your character to a BC realm


I remember Anduin as a little boy who ran around the throne room. Now he's my king. So much time has passed... and still no Bannerlord.

>tfw rolling in here for the first time with your friends this summer

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King's Honor, friend.

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the wrong warchief died

>the virgin alliance leveling zone


>the horde bulls kino experience

Never forget the war crimes of Camp Taurajo! The Earthmother and not Elune. Lok'tar Ogar!

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The Barrens...Home.

My mate and I hard quit WoW a few years ago, and now he is prodding me with questions like "do you follow the patch notes" or "hey did you know they announced a release date". He is going to ask me The Question. He is going to ask if I will resub for Classic. I don't know, man. I really don't know. The gameplay is so dull by now, its the same game, the exact same game, for half of my life, playing the same way. My backlog is larger than the swelling on my mouse wrist, and he is going to ask me "that". He is going to scratch the heroin scars. I don't know. I just don't. I just. JUST.

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Come home, user.

the first half of barrens is great.. then you get to that part with all the razorfens.. oh god such a shit show

At least it was, until Deathwing fucked everything up.
But honestly, the world looks much better after Cataclysm, its the horrible pacing and all the convenience streamlining that ruins it.

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You'll be in control this time, I promise.

>it’s the same game, the exact same game
Except it’s not. You’re underestimating how different vanilla is from the trash blizzard has been shitting out for the last ten years.

I can't agree. A lot of the charm of previous zones were lost. I love the Barrens because it's just so big. Splitting it up into different zones killed that appeal.

what happens if you fall in there and your hearth is down?

does unstuck still work?

Remember, nobody cares if you play a game for a ludicrously long period of your life. At least you'd find some sense of joy out of it.
But, if you're really scared of a video game like a little bitch boy, then just don't. You won't miss anything new.
Do what you want.

I've played it, its the same game.
Tab target, hotkey based, heat seeking projectiles, dance around to keep the other guy facing you, etc. Its the same game, with different numbers.

>this guy's class is Rogue

It already was two zones, there just wasn't an explicit barrier, just an implied one.
Like we talked earlier in the thread about Silverpine Forest, another zone cut in two by an invisible wall.

So what will happen to Private servers next month?

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>does unstuck still work?
The lava works, I guess.
I've only leveled up through Cata once, so I don't know for sure. It doesn't really matter, the Cataclysm world was wasted because of the Dungeon Finder option. You could 100% of the time be in dungeons, which were pretty easy to do, and get random rare items and potions at the end as a bag of goodies for using LFG. Honestly just sitting in town hitting the LFG button was probably the best way to level up.

is this just chink fuck you ban or did u buy?

I'm pretty sure there are a couple paths out on each side if I remember correctly.

>Start a human warrior on a pserver
>lvl 5 and start killing bandits
>Suddenly a second joins in, then a third.
Not even mad. Nice to feel danger again in the world at such an early stage.

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>lakes at the highest point
>drought at the lowest point

Obviously a few may take a population hit as most servers do as they run over time. Probably still have the same dedicated autists playing them.
You forgot the initial reason private servers for wow existed. People are poor and/or don't want to give blizzard any money. Not that it's a bad thing.

spiders in NE starting area

>He would ever buy gold on WoW
>Especially in a Private Server.
They just teleported me in to GM room and killed me and then i got banned.
I dont think it was about gold but that fact i deleted all my other characters and and made new one played 15 hours straight with it.

>needing a third enemy to die
>as a warrior

Git gud.


This guys head looks like a thumb

>literally any cave until level 20 or so

Ranged weapon, son. Do you even warrior?

>I would rather give my money to some corrupt chink or russians

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Wait are private servers now charging too? Haven't really played any in the last 2-3 years.

>Tell us more about how you never played vanilla, private server baby
> # #
Tell us please, because meeting stones were an inconvenience no one but scrubs bothered to use.

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>level 5
>ranged weapon

I certainly fucked up that post

you know rogues have it pretty rough



I was diagnosed with amnesia after stopping it.

although its more like everquest


>play a troll
>finally get a piece of armor that covers your stomach

God what a great feeling that was. Finally getting a good reason to remove the guild tabard

best rogue item

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>the world looks much better after Cataclysm
wrong, shitting lava and generic palm trees everywhere took away the appeal of actually pretty locations

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>tfw getting a long cape for the first time

they're weak babies whose neck cant withstand weight of leather

Wandering Isle

What made me mad about WoW was them taking away
Day and Night Cycle
and Sky Box image changes

>playing retail because i'm an addicted loser with too much free time
>while listening to vanilla soundtrack
at this point i'm just torturing myself
so many memories...

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>>playing retail
user stop

>buy 2g
>admin gets assblasted he has to work for pennies and bans you

>fantasy game
>most popular race is human
what did we mean by this?

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>no dressing room so you had no idea what gear looked like
>friend and i desperately wanted a long cloak
>get a random drop silver-thread cloak
>it's grey/silver and long, looks badass
>show my friend
>his face when
And it was just a stupid cloak, they're a dime a dozen nowadays, with patterns and colors but it was damn special to us
Also my first gold, I felt like I was a fucking millionaire.

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we're the masterrace

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I hate you faggots so much
You just need to force your shit fetish on everyone and everything

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which race/gender actually looks good displaying their cloak? undead male looks alright

calm down bro I pick human most of the time too but it's still funny to think about

Blame Blizzard for giving them the most OP racials

Has there ever been any chart whos the most picked race in the game?

>most OP
>not wotf giving you 5 second immunity to sap, fear, seduce and gouge
>not fully resisting a stun
come on now

You don't remeber the LFG channel? It was a global chat in later vanilla patches.

if i could be a dwarf mage i would be.

The weaponskill bonus doesn't really add much in the grand scheme of things.

Westfall is Barrens, but actually has content in it


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I cannot wait to see the shit show that will be launch.

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>you leave the group

>can I have a wank at your naked char :3?

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wow vs eso???????

None of those give you a huge dps increase in raids

2.5% extra crit, 2.5% extra hit and 10% fewer glancing blows (thus raising crit cap) is pretty big

>you leave the group


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[The Nicker]

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its 1% hit moron

before or after bannerlord?

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Looks worse than the UO private servers after they were jewed to oblivion. Only the low IQs left that don't understand what even happened to them.

>LFG wasn't in Vanilla
>What is Meeting Stones and Inn Keeprs for 500g?
>But it was still in the game, thus LFG was in Vanilla

The absolute fucking denial. This is what we call shifting goalposts. Yes, it was garbage and did not account for tanks, healers and damage dealers and so not many used it, but it also did in fact exist as a primitive LFG tool. There's zero reason to be in denial. There stands a possibility nubabbys won't be able to deal and will try to make it work this time around, so be expected to see more use of it to an extent.

um, no it's the blackrock slicer, sweaty

do people want holy paladins in raids or nah

when people say lfg they mean teleporting you into a dungeon automatically

It's not that they can't, but rather would have no cannon interest in doing so. It's a rag worn by lowlife, petty civilian criminals. It's a symbol only Rogues would have genuine interest in sporting, as it takes one to know one.

Yeah, of course. It's tedious af though.

Holy Paladins are BiS healers so what do you think.

I think...maybe.....but not sure

I used meeting stones and no one cared about group comp for anything below 40. If they did they were shit at the game. Even then you
usually didn't need a dedicated tank or healer until Blackrock spire thanks to how broken every hybrid was.

>all those people on the official forums complaining about how rude he was, scolding blizzard for giving him a platform, etc
>blizzard actually ends up adding an npc to the game named after him

i miss old blizzard, bros...


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In my first ever Deadmines we were literally only healing wool and cloth bandages.

Making a paladin tank btw just so I can piss off everyone

It's better to take the zeppelin to Org once you're lvl 11-12 and start doing Barrens shit. You'll get rep with the other Horde races so all the vendors and services become cheaper (Undead start with had rep with the other Horde races iirc) and you aren't missing out on the SFK quests by not doing any quest line in Silverpine as they're all standalone quests unlike WC where you need to do all those Oasis quests first before you get the quest that gives you a blue piece of gear

>tfw you first take the zep from Undercity to Orgrimmar at level 10 and go quest in sunny, exotic Barrens on your UD rogue, feeling like you really did just travel halfway across the world

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hell yeah, i both tanked and healed (sometimes at the same time) scarlet monastery on my shaman between 30-42

I remember runs like that. No one ragequit either. Players were a stronger breed back then.

what is happening here?

If you pick Concreation at 20lvl and then dump everything rest in to Prot you can actually tank a lot of Group content better than Warriors during leveling. Then you can also farm Lashers in DM.

you're equivocating hard between the optional auto-join feature of the group finder and wrath's lfd which was immediately disastrous

This is literally in Light's Hope and nobody uses it because it's shit.
There is a good reason why Blizzard removed.

blizzard promised no changes though wtf

level 5 more like.


I ended up tanking as fury. Even when I wasn't the tank. Taunting mobs off them was a good way to kill stuff faster if you got a good one that didn't throw an autism fit over it.

PvE servers are always capped and most HC raiders usually play there.

did someone say [Thunderfury Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?



They don't use it because Chink's hope has a global chat channel, which vanilla never had.

And Blizzard never removed it, they just changed it to summon you to the instance because WoW's playerbase had become too lazy to travel to an instance.

You're not going to be pissing off anybody sitting in SW waiting for groups.

Paladin tanks and Druid tanks get spots you noob. Except in pug raids.

How bad is Prot Warrior leveling if I really like to do dungeons and shit so I can walk around in full blues 24/7?

It's either Warrior or Shaman on the PvE server so I can either be Tank mode or Heal mode but I'm pretty sure I can trust at least a few % of the populace to know how to heal in Classic compared to how 95% of Warriors simply won't know how to tank.

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They'll always pick me, the chad warrior, over you though. Good luck with that.

Don't go prot and still do dungeons.
Prot adds fuck all to your ability to tank in lower levels.

You dont need prot to tank leveling dungeons.

Just Sword and Shield.
Outside Dungeons just use 2h.

I mean you'll have fun you dont mind healing raids and getting the AQ40 gear, then you can just have tons of fun with it.
Pointless, completely and utterly pointless, you're better going arms, fury at about 40, then you're set to do whatever generic tank build at 60.

What global chat channel?

If theres only 1 chad warrior tank and 50 different parties it means all tanks are in high demand you ass hat.

PVE servers? where are they? i want to try out some classes before classic.

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There's no need for name calling, bro. Tell you what, slap on some int gear and I'll let you heal me. That way you can see the inside of a dungeon.

Real men level fury start to finish.

just play on a pvp server like the game was intended

No it wasnt.

>mfw i levelled as arms warrior in vanilla retail

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Full of human garbage. Why do this to yourself? Just play them when and if it comes out.

PVP servers are for people who enjoy getting ganked by rogues every 5 minutes


I mean if thats what you're into sure.

That's nothing. I levelled as a prot warrior (I think?) because I was a little kid who couldn't speak english. Didn't even do any dungeons or nothing basicaly just grinding mobs on my prot warrior

It actually was. WoW was going to be built like Warhammer Online eventually was until they hired a bunch of shitty ex Everquest devs.

Can you really imagine Blizzard making a non-PvP centric MMO without some extraordinary circumstance derailing development?

What is the standard leveling spec nowadays for Warriors anyway?

You weren't alone.
I just wanted to spam heroic strike more, and eventually mortal strike. I even used gear that had intellect or spirit because it had more stamina.

>tfw cute goblins don't exist for me to marry

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>tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
>talent trees
>gold was important (saving 100g for a mount was a big deal, getting your talents right was important because respecs were expensive)
>world pvp
>skill > gear (otherguy, drakedog, world of roguecraft)
>no death knights
>shaman and paladin are in the factions they belong
>pvp ranks
>AV's objectives actually mattered
>no arena
>no flying mounts
>no lfg or cross realm trash
>no quick travel
>lore hasnt gone down to the shitter yet
>cool quests like the mount quest and rogue pick lock quest
>no daily quests
>no pet battles
>40 man raids (that actually require coordination)
>no multiple raid difficulties
>5 mans actually felt like real dungeons
>no more data mining
>way more skills to utilize
>no e-shop
>no archeology
>no achievements
>no vehicles
>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
>world felt dangerous
>professions were fun, unique, and useful
>no blood elves, draenei, worgen, pandashit or goblins
>b-b-but no one wants it
>nost peaked higher than retail
Pure kino

So how are macros going to work with the how they're setting up the retail client but with Vanilla settings?

And what the fuck do you keybind all the Warrior stances or worse all the totems for Shaman to?

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Generally the popular one now is just full arms, and use whatever strongest 2h weapon you can find is. Including staves

whoa epic sick gamer bantz haha niggers

Boosts I guess. That's what I did when I resubbed for BfA briefly. If you want to autistically number crunch though, fury has the
self healing to solo level the fastest. Also the greatest potential for PvP outside of a dedicated group. They'll try to make you go arms in one.

>so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion

Leveling priest with my paladin gf and we literally never died once. What's so hard about it?

>2h fury to 20
>dual wield fury to 30
>2h fury to 40 with whirlwind axe
>respec to arms at 40 and spam mortal strike to 60

This is the Classic thread user...

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>>meeting stone
>literally no one fucking used them
When I played classic everyone used them you retard

I can't tank shit as a level 20 paladin what am I doing wrong?

>leveling in a group is easier than solo
what the fuck!?

>play two healing classes
>get to level 15 in a week

I played shortly after launch and whem Burning Crusade came out, I was in high school at the time.

It wasn't that great a game, good for an MMO but all of them are skinner boxes that actively seek to fight your life for your time, and my life wasn't so boring and empty that I need to waste my time.

Sorry guys, but the nostalgia glasses are real.

>two healers never die
No shit sherlock

They were pretty much useless. They did not respect roles of a group or anything , you had a bigger chance of being put in a group with 3 hunters and 2 rogues than getting one with both a healer and a tank.

I liked dw fury, but it sucks since you have to keep track of updating two weapons instead of just one two hander. Flurry was my crutch.
Arms with MS is real good too.

Summoning stones are going to be in classic and if you disagree you're just a dummy with useless opinions that wants the game harder for no reason. Artificial difficulty.


Do you have consecrate and righteous fury on?

>>>so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion

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>AV's objectives actually mattered
they killed that in patch 1.11
>world pvp
mostly dead after patch 1.5 outside of leveling (dishonourable kills)
>skill > gear
not true, any shitter in tier 2.5 will push your shit in

That's bull, they always put 1 tank and healer in the group


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>Prot Warrior leveling

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Male Dwarf Paladins.

>When I played classic
so never?

Don't talk about Vanilla mechanics, thanks.

>no dressing room
ctrl+click an item to preview it on your character. I think you could even look at multiple items at once.

those are all based though

I don't remember this happening in any of my groups back then.

Every time someone says Bannerlord, another 6 years gets added to the dev time.


dressing room came in 1.7

No they didn't. And everyone did not use them, because they were garbage.


Yes they did. Whether you were specced for it was a different matter, but nobody gave a fuck about that before level 60.

Because hardly anyone used them. And then the function was just removed, because no one used them and replaced with the summoning function instead.


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People did use them though. How else were they gonna find a group? Sit in a city all day? Stay next to the instance for a few hours?

Imagine being this fucking deluded, holy shit lmao.

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Like the other user said if you don't have consecration and righteous fury you aren't gonna tank shit as a Pally. If you do and still suck, make sure you're using blessing of righteousness during the early dungeons and pacing your judgements to balance threat and mana usage.

>People did use them though.
They clearly did not, or they would not have removed the feature a few patches after it was introduced and reworked it into something else entirely with nothing to replace what the old feature did.

People found groups in text channels, just like they did through out all of TBC.

>13 races
>42% of the player base is playing as either human, blood elf or night elf

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And why the fuck would you do that when you have leveling to do you inbred mouthbreather?

Meeting stones were around for 18 months before they were changed to summon. Stop talking about vanilla when you never played it, thanks

>How else were they gonna find a group?
In fucking '/join LFG' you zoomer retard. It's a GLOBAL chat room where you talk and search for groups. Find a party anywhere doing anything and when you are all together you go to the dungeon.

>Always played rogue during vanilla and TBC
>No idea what to play now since everyone is going to play rogue now

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I had a friend who was a prot warrior. I was a holy priest (I didn't know what I was doing. I just believed that big heals == good priest), and we tackled zones together. We very rarely died, and had no problems getting a group going. Good times.

Tam, wherever you are, I hope you are doing well.

Looking for Group was only a global channel for one patch. If you'd played vanilla you'd know that, zoomer

seething retailcuck

>Stop talking about vanilla when you never played it, thanks
This is highly ironic coming from someone thinking there wasn't any problems with the meeting stone system and they just magically decided to change how they work and not put in a substitute for what it was before.

If you can't imagine how people found groups without the meeting stones, then how did you get through the next expansion and a half where nothing like it existed?

All chats you made yourself were global...

>does nothing
>adds nothing
What a worthless joke
It's like BfA in item form; grey vendor trash

i leveled my priest and paladin as holy, solo

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don't forget this too lmao youtube.com/watch?v=W438X0O8jzk

just play rogue faggot
no class is gonna make you a special snowflake, no matter what you pick you'll see thousands of clones of yourself everywhere you go so play what you like

Never said it didn't have problems. Just said people frequently used it when you falsely claimed otherwise. Keep making those straw man arguments though..

Ah, it's sorted then. We'll all just join your private chat channel.

Oh yeah, im sure nobody wants a holy priest


>>gold was important
Won't be once DM is released and everyone who can farm it ruins the value of gold
>>world pvp
Yeah sure bro, enjoy 5 alliance ganging up on you all day
>>pvp ranks
Promoted premades and premade dodging which ruined BGs for everyone
>>AV's objectives actually mattered
They've stated they're using the nerfed AV
Spamming "Lfg 1m tank/healer" all day isn't socializing
>>no quick travel
Mage portals?
You can just afk 5 min on a griffon either way
man raids (that actually require coordination)
Do you know how shitty it is getting 40 people to do something? 10 mans were peak wow raiding
>>no more data mining
Wrong, the blizzcon alpha was datamined and so will full release
>>way more skills to utilize
If you don't count downranking there's actually on average less
>>no e-shop
>>no vehicles
>>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
Questing gear was clownsuits
>>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
Literally t3 armor
In a 10 year old game? Everything has been explored
>>world felt dangerous
Because you would be randomly ganked by a rogue every 30 minutes or a pack of wild horde dindus
>>professions were fun, unique, and useful
Aside from engineering every profession had maybe 1-2 good items and was useless once those were replaced

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The false claim is that it was frequently used. You also struggled to figure out how people got by without the meeting stones, even though no system like it existed until late wotlk afterwards. You still seem to be dodging this question.

>people frequently used it
Just because you had experience with it doesn't mean, "people used it." Literally look on any forums anywhere, it was a shit system and everyone knows it. Why are you defending it so hard? No modern LFG system is going to be added to Classic, they've already confirmed it will not be added. So why are you shitposting about it?

>any innkeeper
Only ones close to the dungeon

why would you type so much about a game you didnt play

>The false claim is that it was frequently used.
Prove it. The only person struggling here is you lmao, which is because you're basing your vanilla knowledge off private servers.

>If you don't count downranking there's actually on average less
Than BFA? No there isn't.

How long will you realistically last in Classic WoW?
How long will it take until the min/maxers and WoWhead browsers ruin your precious nostalgia?

>which is because you're basing your vanilla knowledge off private servers.
Check mate. The burden of proof is on you, you are the one arguing against the established status quo.

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I played a mage in vanilla and I cleared up to rag in MC. Which is probably further than 95% of Yea Forums got in vanilla.

When you factor in spells from talents and pvp talents, it is higher.
But in vanilla you did have to use more keybinds because of various downranks and keybinds.

Jokes on you, I don't even play wow anymore, I just came here to laugh at delusional nostalgiafags with rose-tinted glasses.

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You can't use pvp talents in raids and instances, and not a lot of talents and pvp talents are active abilities. You do not have more abilities, this is a ridiculous statement. Even without downranking, you had a lot of binds compared to retail right now. Hell even last expansion you had a lot more binds than retail right now, and legion was still after the removal of a lot of spells.

imagine being so anally frustrated that you did not experience vanilla first hand that you meme and LARP about random mechanics on 4channel as if you did

absolutely yikes pilled

The status quo is that they existed in the game for 18 months, were constantly improved upon, and thus were clearly used. 3 other people in this thread have also told you they were used frequently. You are arguing against that, and thus the burden of proof lies with you. Good luck. Can't wait to see what forum post you try and dig up.

People who dislike arena were probably shit that couldn't rank at all. I loved my PvP 1900 rank weps.

>anime poster

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Are you really bragging about being so starved for human contact that you need to post no-effort bait for (You)s?

I never played WoW so I don't have any nostalgia. Classic just looks like more fun than any modern MMO so I'll probably stick with it longer than any game in the genre I've tried in the last decade.

Im going to make a female undead warlock

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haha big oof epic meme gamer :^)

Already deal with them in threads like these and ingame all the time. I imagine I'll last a year until my guild falls apart.

If I can get a year of value and fun from WoW that'll be enough for me.

The initial point and the most popular one is that meeting stones were not used. If you do not intend to bring up any proof, it'll just stay as that. You'll find that you being a contrarian will not affect classic in the slightest.

>Y-you didn't play!
>get proven wrong
>doesn't prove that he played
>B-burden of proof!
fuck off dude.


arena in vanilla would be pure garbage though. half the classes can one shot other classes.

Most vanilla pvp tryhards are shitters for this precise reason.
Pvp with resilience = chess
Pvp in vanilla = rock paper scissors

It's really problematic to use tranny as an insult you know.

Sounds like an Alliance only thing, mained a lock and don't recall that happening ever.

>get proven wrong
Lmao, go on..

The initial point is that they were used, go back to the start of the thread. We're all still waiting for your proof that they weren't though..

Where did this come from? Could it be that you are trying to project?
Do you always get so upset when you hear truth?

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>In a 10 year old game? Everything has been explored
didn't they say they would patch out glitches and stuff? no more nogg-aholic

This is NOT a comfy thread

There is no classic presently. Private servers don't count. So I can't really say what the latest trend in warrior leveling is.

Prove you played vanilla.

Trannies play human females in vanilla

Okay, okay, here's another pity (You). It's the last one you're getting from me. I genuinely hope you'll make some changes in your life and become less unlikable and more sociable though.

I like the idea of many servers. On small servers we get autists who camp an entire zone all day and proclaim themselves 'bosses' of the zone griefing people all day. With many servers there are not enough no lifes to go around.

You're arguing against several people with no one taking your side, clearly you're just being an idiot. Just let it go, you'll be disillusioned when it comes out and it doesn't fit your fantasy. Or you'll just complain that blizzard doesn't know what they're doing, even though they have a reference server.

>didn't they say they would patch out glitches and stuff?
Yeah but it's gonna be on the 7.x client so there will probably be new ways to glitch and explore

I'm alliance too. Never saw it happen. May be a server thing.


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>WoW humans
>Being like real humans

It was more like rock, paper, scissors, T-1000, BFG, Goku, Sub-Zero, pokemans and Ninja. PvP could only ever be fun not taking it very seriously and grinding for titles/gear. Arena was a mistake.

The might of mankind is eternal. The Lions of Stormwind march on the savages and fallen kingdoms. We are the heirs of this great nation and will do everything to crush those who stand against enlightenment.

resubbed just for you, retard

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I'm really looking forward to classic, but BC 3v3 arena is probably the most fun I've had in wow

>deluded boomer gets assmad when someone's bashing his dream-come-true skinnerbox

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uhoh someone ebayed an vanilla account

Nope, Night Elf female
t. tranny

Same, I made some good PvP friends through it. Being on skype/teamspeak/vent and coordinating victories was so fucking satisfying and then you got badass PvP weapons to boot.

Not even the dude but nice backpedaling, bro.

I might actually roll a priest since i never did any healingin vanilla, and maybe alt warlock.

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That fucking backpedal

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how do you access that? I just get blue looking battlenet site now

Real vanilla bros ww@?

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Why didn't you just screencap your sub like I did? Kinda suspicious that you'd "sub" just to prove a point to an anonymous person.

I'm kind of salty I sold my bnet account to some guy with hearthstone beta on it because I thought I was quitting WoW forever. My poor chars from Vanilla and TBC, WOTLK are gone forever. :/

true but i imagine they have their legion anti-cheat in place so catch people
i just hope we dont have the fucking auto-disconnect shit in classic like we do now
>oops you fell too fast? disconnect!

Ahhhh uh huu...

Hey! Need a rogue? “...nah” Heh of course you don’t, we’re the most nerfed class in the game

Autism is a hell of a drug user. Remember the Japanese man that perfectly copied a slutty anime pose just to prove it was doable irl

Priests are good. Healing can be a pain though feel free to bully retards in vanilla that are pulling aggro or being dumb.

I had to google it and there was some forum post that showed that they still have this page hidden, it's just not reached through the site UI.

>Welcome to Patch 5.4.7


>welcome to patch 5.4.7

PVP has always been horrible in WoW. The only reason I bothered with it was for the healer mace in BC. Mainly because the blue mace from the Alcatraz never dropped.

can you show me?

Leather belt

>tfw i loved pvp and wanted a nice shiny title but was too busy leveling and exploring so i only got senior sergeant
on the upside i had a blast doing it so it was no real loss

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Probably after. Bannerlord isn't far out.

The Pantheon devs are in no kind of hurry to finish their game.

Hey Rogues have lockpicking and the best PvP engagement kit in the game. You are the boss of battles.

I still take healing over tanking.

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i googled wow account history old

The photoshop program I used changed the name when I edited out my name.

Pantheon looks dope but a kikestarter dev won't be able to deliver.


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wasn't twinking killed before SoO?

>tfw blizzard doesn't give out free gametime like they used to anymore

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Whats so bad about the NE starting zone? never been alliance but it always looked like a comfy zone.

It was, that was an old toon

neat, thanks

also FUCK meeting stones, that retard can fuck off

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you could cheat game time for yourself if you used old or invalid bank information
like a bank that didn't allow transaction with x

Quick question for classicfags:

How much of your total Spell Damage did your main weapon slot(s) usually contribute? 30%? 40%?

Nothing, it's actually one of the better starting zones for alliance.

I work a full time job and I still want to be able to buy classic time with tokens you buy in classic :3c


some of the last few quests are a huge pain in the ass. I think there was a lvl 5 quest that gave a 6 slot bag though.


spiders and roots

I made a night elf because I thought they were like drow and was greeted with Teletubby land.

>expects people to take him seriously
>only got to the last boss of MC

there are only 3

>Wanting to play a Drow
>Thinking they are like Drow when they are not Horde


TOR, tho bioware changed theyre talents for each class/spec to be more in line with post-cata wow. But the spells are all still there.

You do have more keybinds though, they pruned the abilities down to like 3 button rotations in later expacs.

nigger 80% of players never even stepped into a raid

Depends on how geared you are.

I think pre-raid for mages sageblade was 20 SP and -10 resist which i'm not sure how much that factored into. Total they had a bit less than 300 I think so it would be ~10% ish off SP alone.

Naxx-geared used wraith blade which was like 95 SP and their total was ~500ish so about 20%

I'm a vanilla veteran and I never even hit level 56.

I didn't play Warcraft 3 or read anything about the game before making a character. Skipped all the cutscenes too. My fault really. Wowie what a shock though.

Everyone back then was a shitter, you just needed some dungeon gear a few MC/ZG pieces and you could spend all day pvping

Most of us were in school back then and could only play a few hours a day

>tfw traded accounts so I can't post that dank "I played since 2005!" account sub history

I would have been from 2004 but I was too busy being a younger lad playing City of Heroes.

Then my friend said "hey man, let's stop playing that and play this, it's better!" and we ended up fucking chatting about our skinning levels and shit in gchat in WoW as NE Rouges.

Then he quit and I went Orc Huntard and got into Naxx 40 eventually.

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Thanks for the rough numbers, I appreciate it.

Yes, that is what I'm saying in that post.

The barrens leveling experience with the music turned up is one of the sole reasons I wanna play classic wow. We're going home boys.

Wow don't be so racist

When was that?

>tfw want to play shaman
>remember they need strength leather for enhancement
>fucking int leather for healing or stealing cloth

Man fresh start is going to be brutal only relying on greens to drop for yourself. Warrior definitely going to suck worse though.










well done classic bros

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We did it reddit


WoW is dead.
BFA is dead.
Classic is gonna be dead.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

Where can I confirm these rumors of a release date?

>want to play druid
>don't want to play a cow
its not fair bros

How big will the horde PvE realm community be?

I know there basically are 0 PvE realms in private so it's not possible to properly gauge but I don't feel like getting ganked all god damn day when I'm picking flowers for raids as a Prot Warrior or Resto Shaman.

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b-but it just doesn't FEEL right you know...

>not playing a shaman

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be a futa elf

just play a femnelf?

PvE servers back in vanilla were usually 80:20 A:H

The heartland of the Horde, completely wrecked by the Cataclysm. The newer generations now only know South and North Barrens, but we know better. Back then, the zone was unified, like the Horde used to be.

not canon

then be a male

well to be fair the forsaken were always shady and kinda weird, they were only in the horde because they would be wiped out otherwise
remember varimathras and those apothecaries making blight and abominations and shit?

>shaman and paladin are in the factions they belong

Go fuck yourself and your dumb elf bias. Wahh, my horde has a pretty race in it to make me feel inferior, waahh, i whine even more when i encounter an elf that barely gives a shit

There's most definitely no way that meeting stones came out at any point during wotlk. It was before.

>Classic is gonna be dead.

>private servers, with all their faults are still around
>constant classic threads on Yea Forums
>large supply of older players and younger neckbeards wanting to play

the only way this is gonna die is if blizz royally fucks it up. id say its 50/50

I've found that everyone that uses this specific image is insufferable and unable to stand by themselves.

>westfall having more content than the barrens
but even getting to 15 with westfall quests is kind of a struggle, and then you have to leave for redridge. there just isnt a lot of quests in westfall, not like in the barrens.

What? When did this happen? Does it no longer rain?

That was only varimathras and putriss. Sylvanas didn't do that.

the group finder system came out in wotlk user. Meeting stones were a thing in vanilla and then removed with TBC prepatch.

I'm torn between Troll Shaman/Priest and the gearing for both is going to be hell at launch. Whenever I feel like the gearing for Shamans is lacklustre I then remember farming wands without any BoE's to buy off the AH for Priests is going to be tedious. Atleast some good memories are going to be made in wailing caverns watching everyone cry and demand every item that drops

>Start playing vanilla WoW
>Hear about Deadlands chat
>Eventually get there
>People are doing Chuck Norris jokes all the time
>Eventually the jokes stop
>Someone fires out another Chuck Norris joke and it continues on for a minimum of 30 minutes

>someone links thunderfury
>chat explodes with thunderfury spam

seething bloodelf tranny

I never understood what was so funny about [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] being spammed over and over.

What about
>anal [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]

I think it's mostly that [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] is a very long link that takes up a lot of space.

Truly based. Think he'll play classic?

what about the poisons they were creating in hillsbrad and plagueing western plaguelands? sylvanas must have known about that

It's funny because [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] is such a long name. It's also orange. Orange is cool.
I also spamed [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] quite alot.
Or anal [Hemorrhage]

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more like blessed brap of the windmaker

Literally no one used the meeting stones in vanilla what the fuck

>your brain on horde tryhards
make the right thing lads, choose alliance

Human females have the best hitbox when it comes to parkouring/exploring, so that's why I'm rolling one.

idk, i just want to genocide green skins and reclame lordaeron clay man


by the way what you niggas rolling

yea, heh, i'll tank that brd run for you...

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I miss OG Alterac Valley so much. It was the perfect balance of pvp/pve and a glorious mess. Especially before cross realm battlegrounds, when notable players would step forward and take up leadership to coordinate attacks. Forming kill squads to take out tower objectives and assassinate healers on the enemy team so your players that were only competent at pve could slave away in the mines or help clear out enemy raid bosses. I used to lead games with a dedicated pvp guild and issue orders from up on high, usually holding down the Snowfall graveyard or a tower while a network of assigned captains would lead their squads to different parts of the battlefield and keep me updated on their progress. The promo trailer back then for WoW should have been a cinematic zoom-in from the top-down of Warcraft III down to everyone playing individual characters in Alterac.

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did you say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]

>tfw this fucking wait

Anyone want to play some EDF5 or figure out a way to get Classic released sooner since BFA is DEAD EITHER WAY

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Troll ele shaman. gonna play with tauron warr friend and do lots of pvp.

>when you want to go Ork for the weapon skills but remember there aren't a lot of tank axe or even DPS axes

What month will it release?

Watch him turn it into more futa shit.


I'm not equivocating shit. A LFG system is a LFG system. If people want to point out how cancer the newer LFG system was, with its ability to teleport its party members and further reduce the need for communication for forming parties, they need to say that instead of straight-out denying that LFG systems didn't exist in Vanilla. I'm in agreence that the latter was aids for the game, but if people are gonna' bitch, they gotta' bitch about things accurately and stop lumping shit together. There was an LFG system in Wrath and in Vanilla and both were, in fact, optional.

These threads make me so nostalgic but we can never go back. It's frustrating, I haven't been able to find a game that can scratch the itch of an MMO that isn't garbage gameplay wise. I'm playing games like Monster Hunter with more real life friends than ever and that's fantastic but not the same feeling.

it's ace if you grab 10 mobs at once

Are you drunk user? Did you leave this thread 5 hours ago to go get drunk and return to reply to people who probably left 3 hours ago?

>Are you drunk user