sp this is the power of pc
Sp this is the power of pc
Why are PCfags so cringe
Atleast invert the wallpaper so it isnt blocked by the desktop icons, and what is up with the harry potter in the corner.
Are Deadpool fans the most pathetic out there?
My post divorce setup
>marriage in 2019
Wtf is this weird ass Harry Potter blue head on the pc
>tfw never married so don't have to deal with divorce
The only relationship i would have been close to marrying in wanted kids and i didn't, shame really but not that much, we did the right thing
why dont you want kids?
As a Deadpool fan myself I can confirm, yes.
kys OP.
My Pre-Divorce setup *dab*
now that would be based
>the way the desktop wallpaper is applied on the second monitor
Fix that shit, what are you doing
I've done introspection and looked at myself and my life and while I have a lot of "logical" and explainable reasons in my head, at the end of the day that "drive" or what ever desire is there for people who do want them? I don't have it, I can't explain it anymore than that
Hell, the girl i was with for 4 years (we'd been friends since high school so known each other even longer) if there was a woman in this world to have my kids, it was her, no doubt but, id never been with someone that long and when i realized she was potentially a "forever" kind of person, i asked myself "is there anything major stopping this from happening/that could fuck this up in the future" and the only thorn was kids and our known different feelings on them, and i took a month personally to think on my own and really think if breaking up was the right thing to do and no matter how i tried to think about it and search within myself, i just couldn't find a spark or desire to have kids. Was sad at first but if anything, i feel like i know myself very well now and how to handle future relationships
I have that same case, its amazing.
Also >reddit
Go back redditor
>Creepy ass set-up
No wonder she divorced his ass.
>that weird harry potter portrait in the top corner
Why the fuck do people think LEDs on PC's look good. It's so fucking gaudy and disgusting
>all that neon rainbow shit
>capeshit wallpapers
>has been married
>you've never even had sex
its not fair
I'm seeing this a bunch now at my age. People who got married based on having the same interest in things, not on building a stable future or personality or anything that really matters. Went to them all: the cringe video game based marriages, the naming the kids after comic book characters, filling the house with merchandise, etc.
Usually it's the woman who wakes up first. Probably the biological 'get knocked up' clock kicking into full gear.
Is that Harry Potter?
They have literal monkey brains.
On the case hell no. I do love some glowing peripherals though.
>tfw poorfag and seeing all this money wasted on shitty set up
Why one vertical and one horizontal?
The thing is, they take public transport
is this 50:9?
can't speak for that guy, but i know i would like it for reading text next to me, like a chat log, while doing something on the main screen. would be useful for AutoCAD as well
how is the second one a shitty setup. Seems decent to me. no rgb shit nice desk
This, I often just use my second monitor for guides and instructions, sadly I'm poor and it's a literal square.
>post divorce cope
you can tell he got cucked hard by a more attractive white male, what a onions boy
God for manga and 4chin.
For Exhentai
>average lifespan of a relationship in western nations is 1-2 years
>marriage divorce rates upwards of 68%
>80% divorces initiated by women
I cant stop laughing, are the ones who laugh mad? Or ones who know this truth yet still participate even more mad? What is insanity in todays world when the insane walk the streets unopposed with state enforcement? Have we all on laughing gas?
>Retarded screen upper other screen
>ugly ass speakers on wall
>keyboard not aigned so you have to move to type something
>rick and morty
Prettier than the other one I'll give you that
I can understand one solid color perhaps but its always a fucking assault on my eyes smorgasbord of non-sense
I can kind of understand this because sometimes they just come like that but I guess I just prefer simplicity in my set ups for things
>pc gaming isn't a reddit mem-
You did the right thing
Yeah, four equal sides and all that?
This is unironically my marriage setup.
Ive added 16 more gb ram, and added a capture card since then. And my wife bought me a Vive for christmas
how the fuck is it a square. what res?
This was a pain to read. Would proper punctuation have killed you?
Okay it's not really a square, but it's close enough. 1280 x 1024
i heard some men actually change their views after they have kids but i can't say how true it is
if you felt that strongly about it, i think you did a right thing. you don't want to be in 10-20 years later and just start to despite your wife and kids, and be a dogshit husband and dad because you never wanted this in the first place
Talking about yourself
>proceeds to tell him to fuck off back to lleddit
It's like looking into a mirror and viewing yourself cancerous as weddit but projecting the fact that you are nothing like them. OP is a faggot as well and so you are.
holy fucking shit this one is COMFY