There's nothing wrong with playing on an easy difficulty if that's what you enjoy...

There's nothing wrong with playing on an easy difficulty if that's what you enjoy. Playing on hard difficulty for the sake of playing on hard is nothing more than a digital dick measuring contest. Nobody actually cares besides the most profound autists.

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I don't even talk to other people about video games.
But I just can't play on easy mode, it hurts my own opinion of myself if I do.

git gud

You should work your way up to harder difficulties because games should be based on skill, not coddling people.

Who gets more should get more respect
>man who completes marathon by taking taxi to the end
>man who completes marathon
>man who completes marathon with a backpack full of bricks

Hard mode is the only way to immerse yourself in CoD campaigns and really see how many courses show up when you set it to insane

I finished all the CV games and every souls game. I still play on easy or normal if given an option.

I'm only upset if the harder difficulties aren't well balanced and if they're locked from the start.

The taxi because running a marathon is retarded.

>if you don't want devs to be forced to add an easy mode by video game "journalists" it's because you're a tryhard gatekeeper
>if you don't like Epic introducing artificial exclusivity to the PC games market you're a Steam loyalist, says video game "journalists"
when does this particular chapter in history end? I'm over it already

playing single player games for their difficulty is the sign of a shitter

if you want to flex your dick you would play a multilayer game against opponents who are actually challenging and will adapt to any given situation. AI isn't there yet so you won't get that from single player games. all games like dark souls and the like have to offer is rote memorisation of a boss's moveset and then it's just a case of timing your i-frames

soulsfags are a stain on this board

Git gud

maybe just don't waste your time playing a shitty series like cod

>digital dick measuring contest
>solo game


>Nobody actually cares besides the most profound autists.


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>playing multiplayer
I'm not 12, sorry

The left can't meme

>against opponents who are actually challenging and will adapt to any given situation
Thank you for the laugh

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>Playing on hard difficulty for the sake of playing on hard is nothing more than a digital dick measuring contest.
and that is exactly why games should have difficulty settings. both hard and easy modes are detrimental to the game's presentation. it is the developers job to balance the game to make it not impossible and sekiro, the game in the center of this current shitstorm, is beatable.

This is a retarded analogy as I wouldn't respect someone more for beating XCOM on classic compared to someone beating it on easy.

Fuck you faggot, the MP hasn't been good since 2 but the campaigns are fun

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But you can git gud

Why would you respect anyone for finishing Xcom without Ironmaning?

And nobody but a bunch of stupid faggots think a game is too hard to play and let's be honest, these shits are only wanting to play it simply because it's the " new " thing - they don't care for the genre at all.

We all know once you start catering for a broader audience the game / series goes to shit. Also fuck """"GAMING JOURNALISTS "".

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Someone who completes a marathon normally because they're not trying to prove anything.

>why would you respect anyone for finishing xcom without being blindfolded
fixd that for you

I can't believe Sekiro wrecked journos so hard.

I beat it by watching it on youtube

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Sure, you can have your easy mode. But only if they look like this.

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Plenty of video game related skills carry on from game to game.
If you are still playing on easy or normal that means you haven't played enough of them.
Playing on normal is just boring to me.

>games are hard
maybe if you're 7. I don't remember ever being stuck at a game barring shit RNG

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So just cheat if a game doesn't have an easy mode. That solves the problem.

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A marathon is something that's an actual real achievement, beating a game is just a past time not an achievement.

That's also ridiculous. The man who gets the most respect should be the man who finished the marathon first. Generally, but there's more to it than that. Not everyone deserves respect. Not if they've done it with some silly limitation. Not that anyone's finishing a marathon with a backpack of bricks.

That's not really a huge modifier for a turn based game,

Why not just play inherently easy games instead of demanding difficult games be made easier for you?

>if you want to flex your dick
I don't, I want a series of set challenges to overcome. Besides that, there's no multiplayer game giving even close to the same experiences of a singleplayer game.

You're right.
If a game doesn't do this you shouldn't have to play it, unless you do want to play it.

But cheating makes me feel like I didn't really win, I want my actions to have meanin- wait I mean, uh, shit

you're right, but there's also nothing wrong with not adding an easy mode to your game


I always play Persona games on easy since the story is the main draw for me, for example.

>only difference between each mode was enemies have more health and do more damage

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>discord tranny still seething THIS hard

Don' t you wish your cock could get so hard? Oooopsie! You don' t have one anymore.

Just keep going. We will sage the shit out of your seething coping tranny threads.

Sure. If you did it because you wanted to, because you felt it necessary, and because budget and time allowed for it. Not if videogame "journalists" shouted at you enough to make you add it.

>sage is le downvote

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Play all games on normal mode unless the harder difficulty adds to the immersion like in RE games with their ink ribbons. Most games should be played on normal as that's what the game was designed around. Difficulty only really works in 2d and Soulsborne because their story is largely told through text, which you can discover at your own pace. Too many deaths ruin the pacing of a game when you play it for the first time.

Newfag pls

There's nothing wrong with a developer not providing an easy mode if that's what they want for their game.

But what if I find Dante must die mode more fun and challenging, cause I do.

You should be ashamed. Make your own easy game, you wanker.

No it's not. People like to be challenged. If you don't like to be challenged, then you're jaded and sheltering yourself. Grow up man.

>There's nothing wrong with playing on an easy difficulty
There's also nothing wrong with being stupid.
Just don't get in other people's ways.

These are the same people who like artsy fartsy walking simulators. They should realize their own irony and stop trying to alter an artist's creation. What this really boils down to are liberals trying to sink their teeth into anything and everything so they can say, "hey, I did that. Look what I did." These hipsters just want power and control.

Git gud

>things that are difficult are bad
and that's why you're retarded

>Playing on hard difficulty for the sake of playing on hard is nothing more than a digital dick measuring contest
I mean, that's the point of vidya

Difficulty can make a game trash though, Silver Surfer on NES is a good example

How can you guys discuss the same thing over and over every single day like this?

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Challenging yourself is more fun than an empty victory. There's nothing autistic about that.
Would you be proud if you beat someone in cards because they threw the game?

>Played Easy in the 90s and late 80s
>normal ceased being challenging across genres by the time I was in Highschool
>hard isnt hard or challenging much anymore short of unfun beefcake

What's wrong with easy is a game having no difficulty levels other than being able to make it harder suddenly needing one and undermining the trial/experience the game is intended to be. Why dont old titles have difficulty settings at all? Why are masochistically difficult games on the surface, such as Ghosts N Goblins held in high regard? Are fans just try hard faggots or looking for a game that met their rising standard ofchallenge then told them "jump higher faggot, and now do it all in reverse in one run or its all for nothing". Did the person stepping up in an arcade have a difficulty? No, and overcoming them or walkumg away after a couple bucks is the experience/thrill, not the games themselves.


seriously, pure unfettered autism.
It's like a key part of autism. 90% of people on this board are autistic.

>easymode introduced for journalists
>"great gameplay!"
>"makes u feel powerful!"
>"We Only Died Once In Our 5 Hour Playtest Before Reviewing 10/10"

Fuck you.

bad game design is just as bad as increase numbers for more difficulty

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No dude you don't understand that fun is subjective. Except for my fun on easy, I can't fathom why easymode in a game would ever be a direct detriment to the experience others have when the bottom tier lowest challenge lowest threat difficulty is fun for me!

The development studio holds ultimate authority over the experience delivered and if the studio does not deem that their game should have multiple difficulty settings then they are right and that's that.
If they included multiple, equally difficulty settings then they all exist within the vision the studio set out to realize, and are all equally legitimate.

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>reading comprehension

Put on your glasses grandad

Nah I just have more fun in harder difficulties especially if Im repaying the game

>Game has hard mode
>needs to be unlocked by beating normal mode
>readjusts enemy damage, speed, defence and attack patterns
>can only be played on NG+ as attempting a fresh lvl 1 game puts you against an enemy that takes 50 hits to kill and kills you in two hits in the tutorial. Every single enemy will take a third of your hp, even bats.
>one shot most enemies on NG+ or instant death

>you can play on easy, it's okay, don't feel bad sweetie uwu
why is it always like this

Fuck off

Only kids play in easy mode

Piece of Cake

Because a multiplayer game is where you are forced to think for yourself.

Every singleplayer game is set up like an exam, like any course of learning. Each obstacle leads into the next, you have linear progression. It is like having a piano teacher overseeing your development because they set your goals and the limit of your achievement is predetermined.

Multiplayer is when you no longer need a teacher - you are your own teacher, your development can extend into all manner of areas simultaneously as you are tested by opponents who are never the same. You learn to be adaptable and your reward isn't some achievement pop-up - instead you BECOME the boss to all those other individuals who have much to learn.

Competition is what separates the men from the boys, and you don't get competition in singleplayer games.

You just know OP has never even heard of STGs

Based and Alexanderpilled

I own a shitload of strategy guides

I have never seen shootemups abbreviated in such a fashion before your post