The eternal debate

The eternal debate.

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bb for me since im not a weeb fag

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BB simply because I dislike the upgrade system in Sekiro.

I love both of them but I'll stick to Bloodborne
>best lore
>best art direction
>best bosses
>trick weapons
>infinite dungeons with cool shit to fight, collect, explore and just have fun with the challenge

is sekiro cracked yet?

Sekiro's combat everything else from BB.

Why are anglos so insecure?

>30 fps
e e e e a e e e o i a a

BB because I like the mechanics and aesthetics and overall atmosphere of it. No other game is quite like it in that respect.

>best bosses
Sekiro's bosses shit all over base game Bloodborne. The only part of BB that has great bosses is the DLC.

>infinite dungeons with cool shit to fight, collect, explore and just have fun with the challenge
Ah you have horribly shit taste it makes sense now

both are masterpieces. if I had to choose, I'd go with BB for the lore and setting.

>20fps with dips vs 60fps with mod that allows unlimited fps
There's no debate retard

>Giant overbearing clocktower heavily promoted through the premarketing materials, cutscenes and the gameplay itself
>Can't even access it truly until the DLC comes out

That always bothered me

>Sekiro getting shit on this hard

The bigger debate is if sekiro and bloodborne take place in the same world

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BB has actual replay value. Also, it looks cooler.

Cracked from what? Sekiro doesn't have any DRM so there's no need for a crack. The best version (pirated) even came out a day before it was released for everyone else

to be fair yeah, base game bosses are shit, but chalice dungeons are fun as hell
then again, it's a niche feature
I had a dream the other day, where the great serpent was the same one the Yamamura brothers took care of

sekiro's combat is better but has too many half assed / unpolished systems so bloodborne is the better overall game

>Bloodborne 2: Nightmares Die Thrice
Make it happen.

>Gimmick Bosses
>Area Design:
>World Design:
>Enemy Variety:
>In game NPC's:
>Lore and Item Descriptions:
>Difficulty Curve
>General Difficulty:
>Least amount of examples of cheap or "artificially difficult" encounters

But honestly, it's not worth comparing them until all the DLC is out. As it always improves the game monumentally, and BB is no exception, without its DLC the game is pretty average for a souls-like game, and a lot of the bosses are pretty mediocre or just downright bad.

Bloodbornes entire combat system is half-assed. You can R1 spam stunlock almost every enemy in the entire game without issue. Enemy design in general is just terrible. For how fast you move you barely fight any enemies that can keep up with you. Parrying wasnt well thought out as well. The timing is way too lenient for how little risk there is. Some of the best encounters in the game are ruined simply by using the parry system the way it was intended.

how is this even a fucking question.

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bb>everything else souls related stop making this shit thread every fucking single day REEeeeeeeeeee

I've lost count of the number of eternal debates there are here because you faggots will argue about literally anything.

>Least amount of examples of cheap or "artificially difficult" encounters
No, fuck off. anytime you fight inside is arificially difficult, because the camera is garbage.
atleast BB had large indoor spaces so you dont get camera fuckery.

Is Sekiro the least linear game?

Bloodborne is one of the greatest games of all time.

Sekiro is a serviceable action game.

BB literally can't be topped, Sekiro is good though

To get the platinum trophy in Bloodborne, which I consider part of "completing" the experience the game offers, you must go through a half-health gauntlet against tedious enemies and bosses that are prone to near enough insta-killing you.

That alone puts it well above Sekiro in the artificial difficulty rating for me.

Both aree good. Nuff said.

Sekiro is one of the greatest games of all time.

Bloodborne is a serviceable action game.

good bait

BB is better everywhere and also has significantly more content, not even taking replay value and various builds/weapon loadouts into account.
t. actually love both of them

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Bloodborne is the single best creation devised by any intelligent being in this universe or the next.

Sekiro is a pebble of nothingness in a blank void that doesn't even exist.

Sekiro was good until PCfags came.
BB is good because PCfags never came.

i got the BB plat, which trophy was that again?
atleast the I-frames BB gives you is extremly genorous.

So do we call From Soft games "Soulsbornekiro" now or what

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>Sekiro was good until PCfags came

Dishonored 1 had a massive clocktower you don't access ever. You can see it from almost every level.

just souls series.

well sekiro is nothing like those other games, so you probably wouldn't include it in the same group despite being made by the same developer

PC players ruin everything. Every fanbase that has a game on PC ruins the fanbase and turns the thread into cancer.

He's probably talking about the Chalice related trophies and the Pthumerian Queen. High level chalice dungeons cut your health in half and everything kills you in one hit.



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Chalice Dungeons

And the reason the I-frames are generous in Bloodborne is because that game is designed around dodging through attacks with "video-game" magic, whereas in Sekiro, and its more parry-focussed combat, they wanted the dodging to be more realistic and thus, much less lenient.

That's not even a debate.

>BB is better everywhere
BB's combat is significantly worse as well as its boss fights and enemy design.

Sekiro fucking sucks. It's a sorry excuse for an action game that has nothing going for it beyond "dude it's hard". The juxtaposition of it next to DMC5 is really embarrassing for it.

BB has more content than all the Soulsborne games. BB has more Chalice exclusive bosses than base Dark Souls 3 has in total.

It's more a souls-standard for me.

It's usually the case that big, stunning setpieces like the clocktower are places you'll eventually explore. The DLC area is basically what I expected the Upper Cathedral Ward to develop into.

Bloodborne. Sekiro was ok but I feel like its entire point was difficulty whereas BB was geniunely fun to play. Not to mention superior graphics, art direction, music, story, level design and so on.

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That's... not the same clocktower, user. Yharnam has multiple clocktowers with a similar clock face. That one doesn't even have the Runes, which is found in the Astral Clocktower.

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>And the reason the I-frames are generous in Bloodborne is because that game is designed around dodging through attacks with "video-game" magic
this got me thinking, simple animation change could fix this, instead of the regular sidestep a perfect dodge could be a B twist (I.E. table hopper) or something, just to add a little bit of spice.
i fucking delet'd that from my head.
atleast the claw weapon was cool tho.

Chalice dungeons are pretty shite m8y

Bloodborne does everything better than Sekiro with the exception of responsiveness of control and movement. I won't even say gameplay overall, because I'm already done with Sekiro after ng+3 due to no variety; but I could happily go back and play Bloodborne

they play pretty differently. i havent finished sekiro yet so cant fully judge but its hard to imagine liking it more than BB, simply because there were multiple builds to tinker with in BB whereas i dont see how a subsequent playthrough in sekiro could really be much different. having a blast though.

If bloodborne could have the verticality of sekiro it would be perfect.

>Superior graphics

Eh, I don't know if I agree with that one user, from a purely technical standpoint I think Sekiro outclasses Bloodborne, but in art direction and feel I can understand.

Bloodborne way better setting, gameplay, music, atmosphere and replay value.

Sekiro because I can use kb+m

And that changes the fact that Bloodborne was always shoving a massive clocktower in your face, but you never got to access one until the DLC?


No way Sekiro looked better than this. I even played Sekiro on PC and it still looked worse.

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i enjoyed sekiro more than bb, but i can say BB a masterpiece

its about on par with bloodborne as far as linearity, just because you get to go to a long-ish deadend once in awhile doesn't magically make it nonlinear. people on Yea Forums shit on it but DaS2 was still the least linear of all the games since you basically had ~5 routes you could take early on



The recognition Souls-likes get ALWAYS massively improves in retrospect after their DLC is released.

It happened with Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and Dark Souls, although to a lesser extent considering its relative novelty at the time.

>people on Yea Forums shit on it but DaS2 was still the least linear of all the games
Which is proof enough that linear = bad is a literal brainlet argument.

>flavor of the month
>all-time great

I played Sekiro at 4k/60 on PC from start to finish. BB still looks better. Better art direction, way more detailed environment. I wonder how much Sony co-developing it has to do with it.

Sekiro. Its Bloodborne but better.

>Game released last month
>PS4's only decent game

>its Bloodborne
I see you've never played Bloodborne.

>evolves the Souls combat
Yes it is, from a mechanics point of view. Sekiro evolves BBs combat

>underage queers on Yea Forums said it so it must be true

i agree that linear doesn't necessarily mean bad, but the flexibility in DaS2 was pretty awesome. best builds, most equipment, best fashion, etc. made it one of the most replayable souls games. DaS3 was a huge step backward in that regard, though i disliked it for a number of other reasons too. bland as fuck

It's not even remotely similar, autist.


Bloodborne is too casual

This. You can't name a Soulsborne game with the posture system or any real stealth.

I understand why people compare Sekiro to Souls and Bloodborne but it's different enough that I don't see the point in squaring them off like this.

Sekiro at times felt more like what I wanted MGR to be. It shares some structural stuff with Soulsborne but it's a distinct beast to me.

>no blocking
>you counter by interrupting attacks at the right time with your gun
>combat relies entirely on integrating dashing into your combos and using the rally mechanic to eat damage and stay alive
>anything like sekiro
Again, not even at a surface level is it anything like Sekiro. Come back when you've played it.

>Yharnam has multiple clocktowers with a similar clock face
No, it really doesn't. There is only one monolithic clocktower that dominates the skyline for the entire game. The only place with multiple clocktowers is the Hunter's Nightmare because that DLC is 3 different incomplete/scrapped DLCs duct taped together under the guise of "TIME IS CONVOLUTED IN THE NIGHTMARE", as is From Software tradition.

Bloodborne. Better lore, better atmosphere, better locations, better gameplay.

Sekiro is for fucking edgelords.

>chikage has a more in-depth moveset than Wolf's entire arsenal put together at its highest level
ayy lmao

fundamentally different. Both masterpieces.

>The only place with multiple clocktowers is the Hunter's Nightmare because that DLC is 3 different incomplete/scrapped DLCs duct taped together under the guise of "TIME IS CONVOLUTED IN THE NIGHTMARE", as is From Software tradition.
Fucking retard. The game bashes you over the head with Lovecraft's concept of Dreamlands, with it's own twist (the higher the Dreamland, the higher the being inhabiting it).

posture is just a better version of poise. and souls games basically have stealth in that you can sneak up and backtab people. obviously its much more fleshed out but you're full of shit

>that DLC is 3 different incomplete/scrapped DLCs
It's their most polished work to date.

>Sekiro is for fucking edgelords
The fucking irony

Posture and poise are completely different in every imaginable way. Poise only helps you continue your combos when getting hit. Posture is literally just stamina as you hold your shield up. Neither shields nor posture is in BB.

>Lovecraftian horror is edgy

I hate nu-Yea Forums

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>living failures being shit
>laurence being a re-skin
>complete lack of any typical DLC standard area-area inter-connectivity

Honestly, outside of the three excellent bosses, ToH's content has never impressed me as much as its improvements to other areas in the game (Multiplayer, Weapons etc.) did.

>Feudal japan is edgy

BB's plank is a joke that mocks the player for using it, and the Loch Shield is actually a useful tool for reducing magic projectile damage if you can't avoid it.

Sekiro has Isshin.

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Aside from those bosses, the Old Hunters is only good for giving the player a shitload of other weapons and builds to play with. It made the Chalice dungeons way more fun.

>laurence being a reskin
Except he isn't. You have a fundamentally different approach to him than cleric beast and has a vastly different 2nd phase. The DLC is wholly excellent. Even living failures are visually interesting and have a fantastic score (as with all the bosses in the TOH). It's brimming with narrative and weapons too. It's their best piece of content to date, and by far their best DLC.

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Bloodborne because I'm better at it

Both shields are also great against bullet spam, too.

So who is the girl at the top of foutainhead and what happens when i pray to her?
Finally manage to get to her

His model is in essence, a reskin, with fiery effects and an interesting final phase. However, that's not Laurence's key fault. No, that belong's to fight and mechanics.

The gargantuan health pool and fire AOE's made it feel like the developers were genuinely trying to make a boss that felt as annoying as possible. It's just not a good fight. And beyond that, it's rather simple beyond the "Waiting for you to make a mistake" design it hinges on as a test of endurance and saving blood vials beyond anything else.

Frankly, it was an unnecessary addition that would have served better in some sort of special "ToH" chalice dungeon or something.

Not him, but it's kind of unfair to call his model a "reskin" when his character is supposed to be afflicted by the plague that turns people into those beasts.

You are nu-Yea Forums

Both are shit

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You can tell BBfags are consolebabbys. At least three posts in this thread are crying about Sekiro being multiplat. Lmao cope more you bought an overpriced brick

>>General Difficulty:
Someone didn't play past depth 4 chalices lmao.

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Likewise, you can tell you're underage. A lot of posts are discussing the actual games.

>Parrying wasnt well thought out as well. The timing is way too lenient for how little risk there is.
Says the retarded defending Sekiro Metal Gear Rising tier parry windows

go back to /vp/ faggot

>at least three posts
kek, clutching at straws here
nah sorry man, even soulsfags didn't enjoy deflect spam simulator

I find the world of Bloodborne to be really boring.

Project more sub 25 zoomerfag

>Really unique setting vs weeb shit that's been done 9000 times
Get some taste

>Dying in one hit
If a cursed chalice dungeon is making you insta-die, you have less than 40 vit. 40-50 Vit are a neccessity for endgame enemies, chalices and PvP.

Soulsfags are retards though and suck at the game. That’s why they still seethe about it to this day that their precious janky mechanics were left in the dirt.

I played 30 hours of sekiro and beat it while i only played about 9 of bloodborne, and I’d still choose bloodborne all the way

Alice: Madness Returns did what Bloodborne did (but better)

I recognize the setting of Bloodborne is unique in that it's not a setting that is commonly seen in media but something not being common is not enough to appeal to me.

Laurence was a reason with an entirely different move set and a second phase

Care to explain what a walking sim EA game do better than BB?

I never played any of DaS3's DLC, is it worth checking out if I enjoyed the game? I started a NG+ and I didn't care to rebeat the game to check the DLC. Never did the DaS2 DLC either.

Also is Sekiro planned to get any DLC?

Lovecraft has been pretty big for like the past 5 years. Anyone trying to act like it's a niche genre is pretty retarded.

Just finished Sekiro with the Isshin boss fight.

Meh. Bloodborne is miles better. The more I played Sekiro, the more i wanted to play Nioh if i'm playing Nipwank shit.

And I will take rollfest over parryfest evey day.

>enemy variety BB over Sekiro
Really nigger

DaS3’s dlc is worth playing for the bosses but the areas are pretty wack, for example the ringed city has TWO swamps

Bloodbornes setting is unique but I enjoyed sekiro more

Sekiro sells most on PS4

Bloodborne is better, but not by much.

But that's because it's a 4/10 and Sekiro is like 3.5/10.

I respect your opinion user. The reason I love Bloodborne is because I have a boner for gothic architecture and weird fiction. If you're not into those, I can see why it's not appealing.

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>Bloodborne OST

>Sekiro OST
Not even gonna waste your life linking this shit.

I really enjoyed Sekiro but I don't think there's much to debate here. BB is a masterpiece. Sekiro is an interesting new design direction but it isn't as finely crafted, I assume largely because so much of it is new. Given another game or two to refine the posture system, the verticality in level design, the stealth and enemy AI, and a better middle ground between traditional vidya storytelling and Souls-like storytelling I'm sure it could be much better.

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If only you knew what irony was, babby.

Sekiro's difficulty was about getting on the same power level as the bosses instead going over it. All you can really do is find the tools or combat art that works better against certain bosses but you'll still have to figure out the best ways to use them. Each tool has a proper test run when you fight a boss where bloodborne has plenty of weapons you could never use, never want to use, or want to use but already invested too much materials in upgrading one that already works for you. There's just more freedom and difficulty when you remove the rpg aspects.

Cursed chalices are the very definition of artificial difficulty, they aren't even hard if you are actually good at the game they are just unfair.

Talking about the chalice bosses here, some of the like HMPH are the very antithesis of design of how to approach Bloodborne bosses, actively punishing you for remaining close to them and dodging towards them.

>they aren't even hard
>t-they are just unfair.
lmao git gud shitter

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He is right in the sense that Sekiro and Bloodborne both reward remaining close to your enemies. They are similar at the core, completely different on execution.

>HP drain
That's literally artificial difficulty

I have gemmed three different HMLS'S and several elemental saws and I am on my way of gemming a Kos parasite, also I found a new glyph for Abyssal Nourishing in a third layer on Isz with easy bosses for L1 and L2. I know my shit.
They are not hard, they are just unfair, prove me wrong.

Those are the most common ones you can get too, second most common ones are -60 WPN durability which make using the chikage for more than 10 hits before it breaks impossible.

Bloodborne is better, hands down. Sekiro has the superficial polish which makes dipshits think "muh combat better",but as an action game BB clearly has so much more freedom. Not to say that Sekiro isn't good.

>They are not hard, they are just unfair, prove me wrong.
They're fair because if you die it's literally your own fault nigga, none of the bosses are "unfair", if you get hit my defiled amy you die, that's your own fault for getting hit.

Even the most "bullshit" thing about them (double respawning spiders) are fair because you have a means to stop them from re-spawning. All traps can be seen beforehand too.

It's literally a git gud issue buddy.

I like the souls games more, I platted sekrio and then went back to das3 and bloodborne
There's nothing that keeps me playing and it doesn't help that I think the nippon setting is probably the worst thing in the world

I liked bloodbornes setting much more, bosses mostly too and weapon variety. Though I also really enjoy sekiro and those 1v1 human npc battles are nice af

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Bloodborne did better with more.
Sekiro feels good but it stretches thin after a while where as Bloodborne really only had problems like that when you tried doing chalice shit.

Will From ever top Bloodborne?


With sequel to it maybe. The setting and imagery was top notch, but a lot of people forget a lot of work was also done by Japan studio, it wasnt from alone

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Bloodborne is the perfect sequel to Demon's Souls

Sekiro >>>> BB
DaS1 > Sekiro >> DaS3 > BB >> DeS >>>>DaS 2
My opinion is official and absolute.

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The chalice bosses are the most easy part of the game. And even if you suck you can equip some armour that will help you. Doesn't mean that the only reason those chalices on themselves are considered hard is because of the hard cap on healt. If they had implemented that in the main game in the Nightmare levels I would have no gripes. It's literal artificial difficulty.

>people complained about royal rat authority parroting sif with shitty adds
>let's do that again but with an npc too, that would be epic

guess it's ok when hackyazaki does it

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Soulsborne: Shadows Die Twice

BB > DSII > Demon's Souls > DS1 > Sekiro > DSIII

rat authority is a bad boss no matter how you take it. It's a shit fight, before killing the adds it's completely random, after killing them it's just a plain bad boss.


BB bosses are all look over substance. There's not a single boss in the base game outside of Shadows, Pthumerians (elder and descendant), Logarius that I've enjoyed to fight.
They were always either gimmicky or plain letdowns.

BB is the most overrated From game ever released.

I like them both

BB, sekiro's setting is absolute cringe.

>pic related, absolutely shit boss than no one want to see ever again.
Half of BB is like that.
>One reborn
>Cleric Beast
Even Amelia wasn't that great. If you could stop stroking your cock over the setting you'd see how disappointing HALF of BB is. The DLC saved it, but it was average before it.

Sekiro by far

Probably not. Miyazaki is CEO now so he's less hands-on now than he was during BB's production.

DaS1, DaS2, and DaS3 with it's over abundance of bosses with Artorias Syndrome have a higher concentration of shit bosses than BB.

BB is fucking shit without the DLC

Wildwest Bloodborne where you travel from Texas after weird creatures have shown up similar to Yharnam and your investigation takes you deeper and deeper south until you reach Aztec shit which turns out to be the source of all the crap.

Gameplay focuses more on trick-guns rather than melee weapons and combat is more orientated around making space and parrying things when they close the gap.

Quantity isn't a problem if the quality follows. BB hasn't even quality to back it up. Bosses look good but are completely terrible in fight.
Who the fuck thought emissiaries were a good idea? Witches?

>over-abundence of bosses with Artorias Syndrome
Retard. Also good job parroting mathewmatosis opinion almost word for word. Youre totally a unique individual who can think for himself.

>Half of BB
Nice revisionism.
>Pthumerian Descendant
>Pthumerian Elder
>Abhorrent Beast
>Headless Bloodletting Beast

>FPS determines the sheer quality of a game
Based and dare I say, retardpilled

>muh sword wielding anime man that does 1000x combos and artorias leaps + messy clashing orchestra in the background
Yea, no thank you. The novelty is gone now. It's not impressive.

Question for Sekiro anons:
After you beat the foutain head dragon does it take you to end game and keep you from exploring and what not?

Want to make sure i find everything before going onto NG+

Except only a fraction of boss fights in DaS3 are actually like that? Try thinking for yourself, user. Name me the boss fights in DaS3 that you take issue with for fighting too much like Artorias.

The Old Hunters is the best piece of content From has ever done. It's kind of a unfair comparison because Sekiro doesn't have DLC yet.

>press button
>next slide in the slideshow appears

He's right though. It's dull as fuck and once you've fought Iudex you've fought them all.

BB is a better game. Sekiro is a harder game to a degree but people are pretending its notable because they haven't stepped into true pain like MNM or some DMDs in DMC/NG games for an action game.

>DMC is hard
Nice meme

Stop trying to make Bloodborne a thing. Bloodborne’s not going to happen.

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console-only peasants will argue this but it's true
bb's neat design choices don't matter for shit if they don't enhance the gameplay experience, which they definitely don't due to the constant sub-25 fps drops
if we had an equal playing field (60fps vs 60fps) it'd be harder to compare them but playing BB on launch was a fucking nightmare. made my eyes hurt.

If it bothers you that much then wait for 60fps release on PS5

>only a fraction

>Yhorm (a pathetic attempt at recreating Storm King)
>Abyss Watchers
>Dragon Slayer
The wow factor wears off quick. They aren't diverse at all. The presentation is just too similar. The OSTs accompanying these fights are obnoxious and messy for the most part (thanks to Yuka Kitamura).
The only one I enjoyed was Champion Gundyr, I liked his dynamic movesets. Outside of these bosses, it's not interesting at all except for that one BB reject, Oceiros. Call me again why this isn't a valid critique?

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yeah cause thats definitely going to happen

Who the fuck thought pinwheel, seath, and moonlight butterfly were good?

Thank god it was multiplat and not exclusive, I play with my X more

>Dragon Slayer
>Yhorm ???
>Champ Gundyr
None of these fights presentation or fight are similar to Artoaris other than that they are fast and that they have combos. And Pontiff is the literal anti-thesis to Artorias. He spends the whole fight slowly walking toward you for fucks sake. Also when does Artorias summon a spectral version of himself? I must have missed that part. The only fights that are truly Artorias rip offs are Abyss Watchers, Friede and Gael. And all of those fights have enough unique elements to their fights to make them stand out. Abyss Watchers has the first half of the fight where they all fight eachother which was a great moment. For Friedes second phase you have to fight both her and the chaired guy at the same time. Gael is also a lot more projectile focused than Artorias.


Sekiro's OST is pretty homogenized.


Chalices are shit you don't play BB to kill monsters in basic shitty souless dungeons

I agree except that DS2 wasn't bad.

I don't know sometimes BB looks great and sometimes I think it looks like shit. For some reason Cainhurst looked horrible, for example. I think it is mostly the art direction that makes up for a lot of things in BB.

Why not both but for different reasons? It's hard to compare them when the only real similarity is being made by Fromsoft.

Glorified tutorial boss once you learn how to actually play the game
>Pthumerian Descendant
>Pthumerian Elder
>Abhorrent Beat
Literally cannot hit you if you simply dodge to the left, BSB-tier
>Healess Bloodletting Beast
Amazing, but also a DLC boss
Great, but also a DLC boss
Amazing, but also a DLC boss
Mediocre fight thats only made decent because of the music

Still has a higher concentration of better bosses than any souls game, including wombo combo anime souls 3.

Yhorm is nothing alike. His damage, speed and size is away off from artorias
Friede is closer to maria if anything
I'm not that guy though and I think bloodborne bosses are pretty unique, even though most are easy. DS3 bosses are challenging even if you play soulborne game before. I really that even the humanoid bosses in DS3 have some gimmicks that make them stand out though. I think Gyndyr, abyss watcher, and somewhat pontiff are a bit "artorias-like". I haven't play dlc so idk what Gael is like. Dragon Slayer has a shield and use a much heavier weapon than artorias so he feels more like a painful wall. SoC has multiple weapons then go full Gwyn but more fair so people don't resort to cheesing with parry all the time. I think DS2 humanoid bosses are much worse and suffer from artorias syndrome much more. So many DS2 has "gimmick" that get arbitrarily eliminated by some action before entering the boss room.

>Here's how to design the average BB boss :
>- it looks like a monster
>- its pattern is waving arms



>they're both on the PS4
>neither is on the switch
what debate?

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From Software games ranked in level of difficulty from hardest to easiest.


>Demon's Souls

>Dark Souls 2 (Ancient Dragon/Fume Knight)

>Dark Souls 3 (Nameless King mainly)

>Bloodborne (The only difficulty in Bloodborne is CRF layer 5 chalice dungeons I even killed orphan of kos first try.)

>Dark Souls 1 (mainly being able to abuse the cliff exploit to rack up your level enough to trivialize every encounter.)

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Sort of unrelated but I played The Surge and it was bland as fuck.

seething pc virgin

Surge is great for a first try and Surge 2 will prob destroy both Sekiro and BB

The one that's a PS4 exclusive desu. Bloodborne also has more soul than Sekiro.

It wasn’t their first try ripping off from is all that studio does

I’ve played Bloodborne cuz I’m not a poorfag and have both. Bloodborne is average. The only reason it gets lauded so much is because of consolebabbys who have nothing else to play on their PS4s (it’s true) but still want to stick it to those other guys in le console wars battles. They tried the same thing last gen with Last of Us and Uncharted.

One's heavy with aliasing, motion blur, chromatic aberration. The other isn't.

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>Runs at a silky smooth 20 fps
>Here's your best game EVER bro!
What a fucking disappointment. I knew playing this after Sekiro would be a let down. Shouldn't have even bothered.

Deck13 used to be part of From’s team. They splintered from them.

>if a boss fights similarly to Artorias that means its bad
And yet Friede and Gael are two of the most celebrated bosses in the series despite fighting like Artorias? Theres a reason why people like the Artorias fight user, its because its fun. Being unique is good, but being actually fun to fight is another thing entirely. BB's bosses are unique, sure, but the act of actually interacting with them isn't as enjoyable as fighting bosses like Friede, Gael, Champion Gundyr, Nameless King, and SoC.

ds2 was just unfinished game the dlc saved it

it's like 100% of its level layout did not fit together
level layout was just shit but it has some nice art design at some places

but i never forget the first time at the end part of DS1

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One is fun, the other is a parry autism simulator, with 1 weapon and 1 active weapon art at any time. I didn't enjoy it, sorry bros. The setting didn't appeal to me either.

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the parry system is broken but I played so much with Blood that to consider it difficult almost makes me laugh (and yes, I platinate it and I will have done NG + 15)

Bloodbornes better but it also has Old Hunters which is way better than the base game. Without it it probably is still better than Sekiro but not by much.

Dark Souls 1 is better than both either way.

that wasn't my argument faggot
nobody complained about this trash snow sif

>>General Difficulty:
idk why people are pushing this so hard. Bloodborne is not that hard.

>One has MP
>The other doesnt
Why is this even a discussion? BB objectively is a better game because it has more gameplay

filtered haha, based FROM

Some early game bosses, optional bosses, chalice dungeons, and DLC make up for the difficulty.

The only boss I can honestly say was frustrating in that game was Laurence. Everything else was moderately challenging to straight up easy. Nothing more. It's not a knock on the game, I think its way better than Sekiro, but Sekiro is definitely more difficult.

Sekiro is better because it'll be playable on a real platform in 10 years. Bloodborne will be forever forgotten.

I like both :)

>BB will be forever forgotten
No, the PS3 emulator was created for the sole purpose of playing Demon's Souls, PS4 emulator will be created for the sole purpose of playing BB on PC and besides this the game will probably be getting re-releases on every future sony console

sekiro has a trap

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Only thing here to debate is why we let poorfags have opinions.

That's some shit taste you have here. You put headless Bloodletting beast and Abhorrent beast but they are some of the worst. Even Darkbeast is not really what I would call a good boss.

You may like the setting and the presentation but gameplay wise BB base game is one of the weakest soulsborne.

I agree. Why should we?

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>weakest soulsborne.
That'll be DaS2 and DaS3, friend.

Not even a question desu. Bloodborne has better music, a better dub, more replay value, more variety (in builds, bosses, enemies, levels, everything), a better difficulty curve and a more interesting story. The pacing in the second half of Sekiro is atrocious and it basically turns into a boss rush mode. The bosses individually are all great and dying to a boss over and over while you learn their patterns can be fun, but when that makes up 50% of the game it gets old. There aren't enough levels, they shamelessly re-use Ashina Castle by disabling all your lamps TWICE, and every level is trivialized by stealth, which is useless in boss fights. The only advantage Sekiro has is that it's on PC, which is enough for most of Yea Forums to declare it beyond criticism.

Haven't played BB but since it has the soulslike roll combat I'll go with Sekiro.

Why is is Mergo such a shit and easy boss?

>and every level is trivialized by stealth
>every level is trivialized by using a game mechanic
Almost every level in BB is trivial anyways. Enemies barely pose a threat because almost none of them have any hyperarmor, meaning you can R1 spam stunlock them to death. Lets also not forget that just like Sekiro you can easily just run past everything.

Mergo is not a Boss :( .....

You know what I mean.

Both are amazing.

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I think sekiro has been the only strictly single player game, where the vanilla game at full price can be argued that it's worth the money for the quality of game design you're getting.

Yeah but BB is so much better. Better lore, better presentation, better gameplay, better art design...literally everything is better...

demon souls > dark souls > bloodborne > sekiro

you cannot disprove me

It's fucking shit I literally dropped it halfway through. Maybe it was just the godawful experience of being back on a god-forsaken console though.

We all know DaS2 is the best since it released.

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Are the "stamina usage up" the only good cursed effects?

Rom fucking filtered me for a good afternoon, fuck those spiders, fuck the dumbass crystal magic shit and fuck trying to find your god damn blood echoes in the fucking lake holy shit

I said "both are amazing".

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Well of course that's undebatable, I assume the debate is about the second best.

I don't agree about replayability. Base Sekiro is way more replayable than base BB which was limited as all fucking hell in terms of equipment and playstyle variety. It was only improved by DLC.

>DS2 wasn't bad.

the most foul meme in all fromsoft threads

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>In game NPC's:

BB will wreck you the same as Sekiro if you try to play like dark souls.

Sorry but you're wrong. BB is so much better than Sekiro that Sekiro ends up just being kind of mediocre. Why play Sekiro when you can just play the much better game? Sekiro has no purpose. BB is a timeless materpiece and is truly amazing. Sekiro will always be seen as one of their weaker titles.


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I'm always right
Both games are amazing

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Sekiro and dark souls take place in the same universe?
Why did the ultimate form of the dark take the form of a bug while the immortal granting parasites from sekiro were bugs as well?

>*takio drums*
Nah. I liked Sekiro, but the OST was homogenized and bland as hell, desu.

we can all agree dark souls 3 was a bigger shitshow than 2

>all the cool shit from the leaks completely cut
>bonfires spammed everywhere, can't even make your own like the leaks
>retcons everywhere, pigmy is now plural and suddenly they had power and the dark soul is blood now because LE BLOODBOURNE XD, gwynevere went from marrying Flann to marrying Oceiros and he becomes proto seath again because of course why the fuck not
>game literally unfinished and with massive lack of answers until the fucking DLC and even that one just adds more shit to the pile instead of explaining shit like artorias DLC did and instead just makes everything even more convoluted with shitty imagery and symbolism

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>but muh gank squadss!!
git gud faggot

That artbook is one of the best present i ever fucking received, fucking love it

Sounds like shit. Glad I never played it

This is a meme. BB is basically just playing a Dex build on DaS with the game speed turned up. The combat still boils down to

Sekiro has cute shotas

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That's a big boy life bar.

You can cheese every boss in sekiro.

Gyobu? firecracker

Ladybutterfly? dash attack

Genichiro? use L1 or spam axe for hyper armor.

Screen door monkeys? Just run up and kill them.

Guardian ape? Living force first phase, spear second.

The list go on, bloodborne's bosses actually take skill and reaction time to beat they aren't just "spam firecracker to win or use niche prosthetic tool."

Did you even play it?

the bugs are vermin from bloodborne

Let's not forget that Oceiros is a literal rejected BB boss battle.

Both are shit

Soulsborne is shit
Demon souls is shit
Dark souls is shit
Dark souls 2 is shit
Dark souls 3 is shit
Bloodborne is shit
Sekiro is shit
Any future games will be shit

The prosthetics are the easy mode all the fags are crying for. Every boss can be beaten with only the sword once you know what you’re doing

Soulsborne is not a game, lad.

You are a literal bad taste if you think that ds2 was bad. It is, in the least, better than ds3.


Every halfway decent boss in BB can be cheesed with parry spam. The only great boss that can't be cheesed is Ludwig.
>every boss
>only lists half of the bosses

I probably have played it more than you

Your taste in video games must be godlike, can you tell me what's your favorite game?

Yes, and it plays exactly like that you autist. Except you're incentivized(more like forced) to play aggressively and dodge into attacks instead of going a mage build and cheesing the game.

Very few bosses take skill in BB. Most that do are either hidden behind the chalices or have such good cheese strategies that there is no point in doing anything else.

t. never listened to full score

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Because they're all the same shit, you just cheese them with living force/prosthetics it and even without that it's just L1 spam or mikirri everything that isn't a sweep, it doesn't help that mikirri takes no fucking timing to learn. The corrupted monk gets shit on by living force as does every human boss.

I'd say grabs require skill since you can jump and then kick to do posture damage, but it is almost always better to just jump away. The fucking leaping senpou kick actually makes sweeps super easy to avoid now that I remember.

>Except you're incentivized(more like forced) to play aggressively and dodge into attacks instead of going a mage build and cheesing the game.
Nothing wrong with that, the problem is the bosses that break from that since they are the complete opposite of what Bloodborne is.

Sekiro's soundtrack is garbage my dude, the only track that is legitimately good is the corrupted monk's battle theme for it's third phase.

Everything else is so fucking forgettable.

Sekiro's OST is actually better than base Bloodborne's OST.
It weren't until DLC before BB got almost all of its top tier tracks.

Literally right

>Sekiro's OST is better than an OST that basically has no music.

I mean, yeah? that doesn't make it good. When your OST is objectively worse than fucking senran kagura's or onimusha you kind of have a serious problem.

Never reply to my posts ever again

You could have just said you had shit taste and bowed out gracefully user.

No need to confirm your room temperature IQ by comparing completely different games ever further user.

SS Isshin fight shits on anything BB had.


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????? comparing two osts that both base their soundtracks around sengoku era musical pieces is akin to comparing two different games?

You alright user?