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>the casual game wins because journalists can actually complete it.
No surprises

Devil May Cry 5 is the better game to be quite honest with you famaladingdong.

Sekiro is Souls game trying to be an action game but refuses to let go of control and input buffer decisions that don’t make sense with a game based around reactions.

DMCV is an action game.

That’s how

I personally enjoyed Sekiro more, but anything that makes fromdrones cry is music to my ears.

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You have 2 seconds to explain how Devil May Cry 5 is casual


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This is true, Sekiro's controls are a step up from Soulsborne but still leave a lot to be desired. Whereas DMC5 is practically perfection in that regard (at least for Dante and Nero, V has some built-in delays on his familiars).

Human mode LOL

Sweet, glad to see DMC is back to being popular again. It's been too long.

Sorry journalists are shit at Souls-games, Sekirobros. Hopefully you'll get the recognition you deserve too instead of making it worse like mistakenly did.

Highest available starting difficulty is easy enough to pass for a tutorial


>human mode

It's way easier than sekiro

ABSOLUTELY SEETHING fromdrones never played DMD, which makes Sekiro look like baby mode

>literally called PLAYERS' Choice Poll
>"d-da journalists...."
Seethe harder, you fucking pathetic cunt.
You fromcucks are all such cringey losers.

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DMC5 is the best. It deserved to win.

Good to be a DMCBRO

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Only good post

it has a baby mode

>better than Sekiro

I've been trying to find out why i dont like sekiro as much.
this is why. bloodborne did this much better.

>Game doesn't have easy mode
>Casual snoys hate it

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Stop trying to make the fanbases conflict. They're two completely different games for fucks sake and the rest of you stop taking the bait so hard you retards.

>hur dur journalists can't play the game
>player poll

Imagine being a FromDrone in the year of our lord, 2011+8

Human Mode, Devil Hunter Mode, auto. Even Son of Sparda is easier than Sekiro.


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>best game on PS4 is a multiplat


that's about right

>t. seething snoy tranny

>Two amazing games released so close to each other
2019 is already redeemed for me

anything but a YOOOOOO dark souls

Retard, you have to choose to play on dmd. Game "journos" and casuals would never do that. Sekiro is always same difficultry, thats why DMC can be more casual.

Sure thing pal

Attached: Di0Ll0GV4AARUhG.jpg (638x638, 41K)

Better performance and production.
Boring and derivative.
It's basically DMC4: 2.


ok then nigger, the poll is still a player poll, not a journo poll

Kill yourself

Imagine opening a gash between your legs then killing yourself because nobody wants to stick their peepee in in 2008+11

Your average sped isn't any better than a journalist. Have you seen Yea Forums? There has been more people shitting themselves over Ogre filter than Urizen.

absolutely SEETHING snoy FromDrone

>The more casual game is more popular


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Try harder

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Human mode shitter confirmed

>snoyboy opinions

Based. Sekiro is gay af ans dmc5 is based

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If you can't even lie about what gender you really are, what makes you think you can lie about what platform you play on?

Devil Hunter and SOS are so easy you can mash through them.

Not every game needs 6 frame startups on attacks. Souls/Bloodborne/and Sekiro weapons are designed not to be throwing out hitboxes immediately on button press to

1) put the players moveset closer in line with how enemies move (though player on average will still be faster than enemies with equivalent weapons) because
2) (really these points feed into each other) this prevents the player from being to easily avoiding punishment spamming attack since the window to react to danger by hitstunning enemies is made too small for kneejerk reactions so
3) the player has to actually contemplate whether their attack will hit first and is thus encouraged to use intended defensive options like parrying, blocking, and rolling since they're intentionally more reliable than trying to create a wall of hitstun

From fags are used to it.

Attached: W3_awards and tears.jpg (1145x873, 290K)

Capcom is on a fucking roll, holy shit.
>DMC 5

>every single Souls game came out in the time between DMC4 and DMC5
>FROM clearly started running out of ideas after Bloodborne
>DMC team was revitalized and fresh after taking such a long break and making other shit like DD
they deserved the win

>Trying to gatekeep a casual game with a difficulty setting you can't even select at the start

Oh no the enemies have more health I guess I have to juggle loop them for another 10 seconds. The enemies might be more aggressive and deal more damage too but it means jack shit if they can't escape juggles

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weebs may cry released in early march, Sexuro in end march. It's not hard to calculate, brainlet. Your just baiting like a useless pos you are lel

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>MORE casual
Figures a braindead DMCuck can't read.


>you can't even select at the start
>he couldn't beat Urizen in the prologue fight
Man Yea Forums really are casuals.

both games are godlike you idiots stop arguing over nothing


Who's the worst fanbase?
>from fags who want to molest a little prince(male)
>snoy fags who want to abuse boys into taking hormones

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I know what you said shitter and DMD is still harder.

>DMD is still harder.
for a shitter like you, yes

>The enemies might be more aggressive
Yeah. They attack once every ten seconds (you have to face them though—if you don't the AI won't attack you) instead of once every fifteen seconds.

Did you just post that gif along side saying "weebs may cry"

PS4fags were cool today.

dmcucks without a doubt

PC discord trannies.
DMC cunts that make threads like these.

Then why are Sekiro threads full of retarded DMC fags screeching about how BS difficult the game is?

DMC on hardest difficulty makes sekiro look like a toddler's game you retarded fromsoft stan

Yes user, everyone is wrong but you.
As always.

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meant for

dmc5 on hardest difficulty is just new game for sekiro

I hope you're talking about 1 and not 5

>fromsoft stan
I want leftist twitter to leave

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It feels so good to see the "veteran souls" audience get so angry about being inferior to DMC. I can almost taste your rage.

>long awaited proper sequel to old fan favorite franchise
>new IP
Gee I wonder what would win a poll

sekiro isn't inferior, it's just more difficult and causing asshurt among gaming journalists and gAmErS alike, so they're mad about it and calling it bad.

I like both. can you mods ban this retard who keeps pitting dmc5 against literally every game on this board?

Source me up on that claim lad

Geralt on DMC 5 when

>crying to jannies
why are the left such children?

DMC is combat feels better, looks better and controls better then Sekiro. No one should be surprised.

This. I beat Sekiro pretty easily. Hardest boss was Demon of Stay under his ballsack and he can’t hit you; and he got beat in like 30 minutes. Currently stuck on Bloody Palace and DMD in DMC5.

did you play ng+ and beyond? playing sekiro once is literally normal mode of dmc.

>DMCV is yet another rinse and repeat sequel that's better in some aspects and worse in others, almost the exact same game you played a decade ago
>Sekiro is the heroic tale of a studio successfully breaking out of the artistic corner they paint themselves into all throughout a decade, shattering all expectations and receiving all kind of different reactions from critics and public alike
Yeah, I think From has got this.

Attached: pablo.jpg (664x900, 57K)

>retard who keeps pitting dmc5 against literally every game on this board?
I'll stop when I lose

>DMC5 is a tranny/tumblr zoomer leftist game
>Sekiro is tedious boring slog with nothing going for it beside aesthetic and muh difficulty but makes journous and liberals seethe

No victory here really

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No, but I played most of Sekiro with the demon bell. Was still pretty easy. I’m bored with it and don’t plan on going back until I finish DMC5

Sure it is. You keep telling yourself that. Maybe it will make Sekiro, or any souls game good for that matter, good games someday.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I'm talking about the retarded people that would say they "beat dark souls" as a badge of honor in any videogame discusion. They are the only ones that care about stupid shit like this poll. I love both sekiro and DMC5, but I must say I enjoy seeing arrogant idiots cry.

Why can't you enjoy a game without external validation user? Are you unsure about your life choices?


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Yet DMCV is still better. How does it feel to be beat by a decade old game? That your beloved studio still can't do better.

get fucked from drones, how does it feel to eclipse the sonic fanbase as the worst group of people in all of vidya? tell me, what's stopping you from killing yourselves?

the fact that you die from chip damage is retarded and they didnt think it through.

DMC can start on Easy/Normal and have you unlocking harder and harder modes because there's enough depth to the combat that it's fun on any difficulty
From has to keep Sekiro hard because without the difficulty, you'd breeze right through the game and realize just how little depth it has

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I don't know what's more disappointing.

The fact that this thread didn't get deleted yet or the fact that according to the IP number in this thread almost every person in here has made at least 2 posts or more.

Why even compare games that are going for completely different things? I don't get this shit mane.

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I'm as massive Fromfag and think Sekiro is amazing but honestly Capcom has been doing really great lately and I'm glad they are getting the recognition they deserve. Maybe I'll pickup DMC Trilogy when I'm done Sekiro and give the series a go.

As long as Japan games win I'm happy, fuck western developers.

you unlock harder modes in sekiro by starting new game+. whats the difference between selecting new game and higher difficulty and new game+ thats harder?

filthy phoneposter get OUT of my board REEEEEEEEE

snoy fags period

Higher difficulty modes in DMC games modify enemy AI and encounter compositions.

NG+ in From games just modifies enemy health and damage multipliers.


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But I thought Yea Forums said PS4 owners didnt play anything that wasnt FIFA? Did you guys lied to me?

Fromcucks cant handle the thicc thighs

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Because people are stupid. Now post more of my wife Liru

I don't have much but here.
And also, she's marrying me fuckwad, back off.

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>unironically using eminem terminology in current year
go back to the old folks home gramps

this is the only reason i think fromsoft should have difficulty modes, or just make NG+ do this by default.

>discussion is bad
snoy trannies on actual suicide watch

Finished both

DMC5 is miles better

Sekiro is honestly not even that good. Nioh got a better combat.

>A game is good because the company subverted the way they do games despite the fact the game is a new franchise/ip while the other game is a direct sequel therefore the core gameplay stays the same as its other games.
So, uhh, wheres the fun ?

>Its the sonyfags fault!
>when both games are on the PS4
When did Yea Forums became so obsessed with Sony?

Hahaha, no. Sekiro is more loreful than anything CRAPCOM could ever come up with. Most items in DmCV don't even have descriptions that connect with the rest of the game world. It's shameful.

>muh NG+
>just gives nemeies more health and ups their damage

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The problem is the first three difficulties are boring. Who wants to play through a boring game multiple times to unlock "AI behaviors" that still mostly consist of lumbering around waiting to be juggled?

>she's marrying me fuckwad, back off
She's not real, dumb straightie

>shattering all expectations
I expect every from game to be a half-finished piece of untested shit that looks like garbage and performs sub-par, while boasting the gameplay depth of an upstart MMO.

So far my expectations haven't been as much as scratched, let alone shattered.

neither is your gender, fuck off

There's almost twice as many replies as there are IPs in this thread and considering that I know at least one of you faggots are on a VPN just from how much shitposting is going on I highly doubt there's any legitimate discussion going on and it's more on the end of samefagging and shitposting.

Also I'm a PC+Switch fag because I'm not poor like you.

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>that still mostly consist of lumbering around waiting to be juggled?
Imagine not playing a game, but acting like you did just to participate in an argument.

This boys! It's true.
Just ignore metacritic, peak players, concurrent players, topical conversation on Yea Forums, the fact that DMC is forgotten, etc.

>The problem is the first three difficulties are boring.
Yeah, it's much better to have just one difficulty level that's boring and never changes. Sekiro FTW!

>muh ivory tower of holy internet discussion
fuck off

>male isn't a real gender
Lmao, what?

The only game where the enemies did shit was DMC1. I beat DH and dropped it halfway through SOS.

>turning my vagina inside out is real guys

""male""" is a binary denomination while gender is a spectrum. it's not real.

>muh lore
>muh lore
but what about the game
>muh lore
is this your first time taking in any media that revolves around the jade empire and the seven branched sword?
its nice, and done very tastefully. but what about VIDEO GAMES

Like what, exactly? You can frame cancel attacks in sekiro.

Sekiros default difficulty is more challenging than Human/DH/SOS.

>I beat DH and dropped it halfway through SOS.
So you dropped it the moment it got hard? Good to know.

yes I play hack and slash games for the story

Attached: dodge and weave.webm (720x360, 2.43M)

>dmc fag doesn't think his game with a dozen characters and side characters is immune from lore creep

lore = gameplay > DmC
why do you think so many people love Souls and Sekiro while DmC is universally reviled outside of weeb circles?

DMC5 is a spit in the face to progress, innovation, the culture and art itself. Time itself will remember Sekiro more fondly and in time, Dark Souls will be remembered as a bigger, more influential classic than DMC ever was. There's nothing you can do to prevent this.

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This is a level of delusion that rivals even VR fags

Probably because it was a really bad reboot and didn't stay true to the DMC foumula.

Grown men fighting over their favorite anime swordsman. Is there anything more cringe than Fromfags and DMCucks?

Created a genre all by itself.
>Dark Souls
A sequel to a retread of Severance.

Yup. I can see why people would think Dark Souls is more influential.

I'm not a dmcfag, and people are talking about video games, not how a writer is able to manipulate history and mythology into setpieces and back story.

what kind of fucking mongoloid plays DMC5 primarily for lore?

Why make a baseless assumption?
The game never gets hard, it least not in the first 3 difficulties.

jesus you might be right, this isnt very progressive at all. how did we miss this?

DMC created the entire character action genre though

>Grown men
Pffftt yeah right maybe physically

>while DmC is universally reviled outside of weeb circles?
DmC is reviled WITHIN weeb circles. and weebs aren't human so who gives a shit about their opinion on anything.

nigger get your head straight

From is just perfecting it.

knock on wood.


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but sekiro doesnt have royalgaurd

Do you one better. Ape Escape.

>mash punching bag

Eh. Sekiro is an action game. It's combat doesn't really go for more then parry/dodge + attack.
Charscter action games offer a sense of freedom to their combat that no other genre can match because they aren't built for it.

DMC is literally just attack.

Sekiro rightfully btfo

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but user, C*nny posters actually make their own threads instead of derailing ours.


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>playstation players have shit taste

>worst gameplay is best.
Please shitpost kun

>instead of being happy two good games are doing well Yea Forumsincels just bitch and argue with each other

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its not about killing the bag
its about looking stlyish while doing it

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I really dislike how off the dodging and parrying in Sekiro is. Dodging feels more like a last resort instead of something you should be actively doing and the 1second delay between pressing the guard button and Sekiro actually raising his guard feels like a weird compromise From wanted to make because of focusing too much on the parry system.

Fucking what, it's just slang for obsessive fan born from the song, what is even remotely political about it?

For you, sure. I play fightan for that (much more stylish)

into guards, not side steps or jumps as far as Im aware. If so it's definitely not frame 1 of the attack itself.

>fighting games

Attached: 1552854585784.png (1618x911, 1.53M)

i the only thing is, no matter what state sekiro is in, if you perfect parry, you WILL parry the attack.

This... is not dmc 4's introduction, right? Where does this video come from.


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Pretty sure it's the intro for a DMC4 pachinko.

Versus fighting game practice mode against bots (DMC)?

well deserved, Souls has had a 10/10 game nearly every year since 2010, let DMCbros have this one

Why does everything have to be a fucking competition with you people?

in terms of style yeah

Attached: 1529835931929.webm (640x360, 1.21M)

I disagree. DMC is just a watered down fighting game.

>I disagree
dont really need you to agree

>and GOTY will still be a walking simulator
ebin, simbly ebin

>trying to pit DMCfags against Soulsniggers
neck yourself

>and GOTY will still be a walking simulator
When did that happen?

Literally any anime fighting game

No shit. Enjoy your watered down low-skillet fightan

I guess he is talking about TLOU2 if it ever comes out this year, otherwise I have no idea.

onimusha did it 6 months earlier

There's no fanbase worse than Fromsoft's. Even shit like Undertale and Smash are better.

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>DMC is just a watered down fighting game.
>hack n slash are just watered down fighting games
>when they focus on mowing down hordes of enemies and bosses with your varied movesets/equipment while traversing a landscape
It's okay, I miss Tekken Force too, user.

Both games are good you stupid fucking niggers

DMC5 at least has an easy mode so it doesn't alienate the non-autistic population of the world

You hit the nail on the head.
DMC is casualized Tekken Force mode with a few characters and very casual skill floor/ceiling.

>casualized Tekken Force mode
Except Tekken Force is a literally like a babby's first hack n slash except with worse mobility and enemy AI. There's a reason why shit got scrapped in future titles. It's okay, I miss it too, user.

I for one am happy that DMC is popular like CoD, fortnite and the rest of the greats.

DMC is literally baby's first H&S though (you just mash and you'll beat it). Force is jank, but it's not as casual as DMC and much higher skill ceiling.

>all MC are straight white males with toxic masculinity
>womans are useless
>naked woman for fanservice

>those guys complaining about Devil Hunter/SoS being too easy and not wanting to play through them to get to DMD or H/H
You do realize that if you beat the first boss in the prologue that unlocks the next difficulty right? Literally takes 10 minutes to get to the next difficulty if you’re not a scrub.

V is easily one of the easiest DMCs

By Yea Forums's dumbass incel logic the game with the least amount of people who can suffer through it should be the best game

Not too many people would suffer through DMC if the default difficulty was DMD (equivalent to Sekiro standard difficulty)

We told you to Sekirofriends to not try to outshine the masters. We told you guys to humble yourselves but you just wouldnt listen. You flew too close to the sun young Icarus.

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That's just the PS4 players.
On PC it's a different story

>DMC is literally baby's first H&S
Wow, it's almost as if the first one created the genre huh?
>but it's not as casual as DMC and much higher skill ceiling.
Did you have a hard time playing it as a kid? Because I know I didn't, and yes, even as a kid.

DMC5 and Sekiro are both excellent games, normally we'd be lucky if we got a game of this quality once a year; instead we got two in one month.

Don't listen to shitposting faggots and play both these games.

but they're both good games you dip

No one will reply to this, because they're all little chickees

Sekiro just came out when the poll was taken. If you did the same poll today people would be like "wtf is DMC?"
Sekiro has literally 100x more people watching/playing on Twitch (its 8th and DMC isn't even top 50).


I've never missed a jump cancel once but I still drop inputs for Ewgf. This is why I said ceiling

I really thought they were gonna put some resource in the game and have it somewhat "open world" like souls games.
But no, its just shitty corridors again.
Extreme dissappoint.

>have it somewhat "open world" like souls games
I'm glad they didn't.

You werent even alive when that song was popular.

No Sekiro is an action adventure game, DMC 5 is just a pure action game.

yea i sure do love corridors with almost 0 things to discover or pick your route

Yeah, because it's about fighting, not exploration.

Sekiro is also boring as fuck and no one played it rather than watched someone else suffer through it.


>*whistles for magic motorbike*
>*autodrives through rubble to quest marker*
>*demonic vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Scarecrow™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Cavaliere"
>*follows demon senses*
>*guys in Scarecrow™ costumes appear*
>"Hey, whats up" GOTTA LET IT OUT GOTTA LET IT OUT *SWORDTRICKSWORDTRICKSWORDTRICKSWORDTRICK, does a cinematic launch in air and royal releases guys in half*
>"Mhmm....Cultists™ pretending to be Scarecrows™......better tell the soldier boy about this"
>"Come on, Cavaliere"
>*woohooes on road back to military camp*
>"Just some bastards posing as Scarecrows™, here's proof" *shows bloody tatoo*
>10 orbs received

Attached: 1551530925856.png (943x453, 835K)

liberals love the game regardless, they don't care about that shit so long as there's gay men

Good. No one cares about some normalfag votes. I'd rather prefer for Sekiro to stay niche. Enjoy your shitty babymode game DMCfags.

>Scaring the Competition

Attached: luw2fu8v0cw11.gif (320x283, 1.12M)

But theres any gay men in DMC you nigger, Nero is married, Dante has 2 sluts with him 24/7 and Vergil has a son

from drones are bad, but they're still not even close to smashfags' level yet.

Yeah its about killing with style if i wanted to expore id get in my truck and drive to the woods you homo open worlds games are for babies

I did and it was much easier than new game.

yea because fighting has to take in a shitty linear corridors that bore you to death

retard cant read, wew
enjoy your dogshit tier "design" corridors i guess

Sounds like you just aren't being stylish enough if you're getting bored that easily.

cant be stylish while you run around half empty corridors

the only people using stan anymore are those crazy kpop chicks who are pretty much 100% leftist.

Go play skyrim homo


Attached: nero combo.webm (640x360, 2.2M)

no thanks that game is trash
just like dmc's non existent "level design"
yes, and?

>you can bringer knuckle while charging showdown
oh fuck i didnt think about that.

Your sandbag slapping simulator is not impressive.

It's true. DMC is not about beating the game. It's about getting high score. So for scrubs who do not care about scores, it's just a cool not-too-hard action game with meme plot. Everyone wins.

You would have shitposted if it was the other way around, like the pathetic subject of wasted life you are.

Risk of Rain 2 is the best game from March anyway.

based DMChads


>implying this didn’t take frame-perfect practice

Dude most people didn’t even know you could buster the Javelin. I can still barely do it.

People practice on this game and make videos because A. It’s challenging, B It’s fun, and C its stylish AF

>liberal Sony fans voted for the game that has multiple voice actors that push the trans agenda

Yeah, that really soured the entire franchise for me now
Fuck Cuckcom and Sony fans for supporting this trash
Trump needs to tax the fuck out of Capcom and Sony

Or maybe because it's one of the most anticipated games of 2018-2019?

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when you post this you just expose yourself to not playing/understanding dmc

Morrison's VA is absolutely based and Dante's VA said that BLM went too far. I think we're safe.

Seriously. The only time I hear about DMC 5 outside of Yea Forums is when people on twitter talk about how epic it is that the VAs support trans people.

Literally why the fuck do you fags care what VAs think.

>dmc is just mashing against dumb AI
can someone explain how this meme happened? Anyone whose ever bothered to try dmc knows this is wrong like 2 missions in, why do people still post this?

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Sweet surrender on Kuro

>it's one of the most anticipated games of the year!
>only ships 2 million in a month and this includes sales