How would you rate the blocks?

How would you rate the blocks?

Attached: Dzg9I-dWoAAfyFf.png (414x427, 12K)

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>played 100+ matches of 99
>only 1 win
Why is VS tetris so hard?
Whats the best way to deal with incoming blocks dumps?

make lines

>Tetris 99
Well there's your problem. Tetris 99 is extremely luck based and if you are looking to up your skill I recommend Puyo Puyo Tetris

Yeah make lines, don't cover holes

Ok so there's no guaranteed way to win 99 then beyond just mindful play and patience?
I get top 10 almost every other match I'm in, way too many rank 2's
It's really fun beyond just being one mode but i feel like im missing something when it comes to wins in the end
I've even tried to switch up who im attacking now and then with the sticks
I don't get what the medals do either

holy fucking shit get gud

Medals increase the garbage you send and reduce the garbage you take

Switch to attack kos around 30 players left. Get their badges and try to set up a Tetris and a few other lines. You need to come with one last huge hit to win.

Ahh ok, i thought it had to do with speed, i know the game gets naturally faster over time regardless but that's good to know
ill try that, i usually have it set to attackers and try and blast them with tetris clears at first and then just start spamming one or two line clears fast to keep up with garbage but sometimes near the end I just get a near endless garbage dump with absolutely no time to react and die, which probably means i need to balance and keep medals handy as well

I can't into T-Spinning, so this is how I'd rate them.

Attached: Untitled.png (414x286, 13K)

my mind don't understand tspinning

>see the little T-Spin bubble pop up in 99 all the time
>mini t spin
What the fuck is a full T-Spin then???

Attached: damn.jpg (399x310, 30K)

The hardest part is setting it up,
To T-spin you need to clear lines using a T-block rotated in a tight spot so you just need to practice the two rotate functions
When you spin a T-block if it clears 1 line or 2 lines it's a mini and when you clear 3 lines it's a full one

T-Spin is when you spin the T-block at the right time to place it into an otherwise unreachable opening. Depending on how many lines you clear it can be single, double, tripple.

Mini is when you do the slotting in but don't clear any lines.

what does that set up even look like if you want to clear all 3?

Massively complicated

Attached: Knipsel.png (457x534, 456K)

Guess I should pop in Puyo for practice, i have it on my Switch as well but ive just been playing 99 more because i cashed in the free year of Switch online with Amazon prime

Goddamn SRS.

I wish they would write a new randomization ruling into the guideline. The bag needs to be larger than just seven with a guarantee of one each piece within.

Twelve pieces with one of each kind guaranteed makes the gameplay more exciting.

>Tetris 99 is extremely luck based
You must be extremely shit at the game to lie like this

i win about 25% of my games, most of my losses i just get surprise dumped on midgame and its impossible to clear or counter unless i play it fast and correctly and get good piece luck and garbage luck and my stack was in a decent position before the dump and the garbage timer doesn't run down hyperfast (for reasons i still don't understand). part of it is you probably don't realize how good some people are at tetris.

because the line clears. garbage delays and controls make it a little sluggish compared to other versions people are using the down time to calculate tspin setups and perfect piece placement. if you can survive until the endgame where it speeds up a lot of people can't deal with the higher fallspeed and crumble when even a slight breeze of incoming lines is directed their way. ( though sometimes I will run into someone very strong and/or with more badges and it can get rough)

wumbo has 93% win rate.

>get garbage'd in 99
>canyon lines up perfectly with a canyon I was already building, letting me execute a Tetris sooner than I planned

Attached: GET SOME.png (503x374, 282K)

If Wumbo loses 7% of the time then what hope do we have

Wumbo is an inhuman freak.

>Near death
>Manage to battle my way back down to the bottom
>Finally clear 9+ rows of junk that have been stuck there for a while, screen is close to being empty
>Suddenly get bombarded with junk and get pushed right back up to the top again in a matter of seconds

Attached: 1523028749510.png (449x470, 25K)

Wumbo is an inspiration

swap c + e.

>6 tiers
>only uses 3
A tier:
B tier:
C tier:
D tier:
E tier: this post

Learn to combo. By leaving two columns open instead of one, you can pull multiple line clears in succession which ups the garbage you send. Three- and four-wides are even more powerful, but more difficult.

How the fuck do I increase reaction time?
I can do T-Spins at lv 15 but even after a while things start to compound too much for me to barely pull off regular Tetris'.

just be a god

It took me like 350 matches to win anything but now I'm generally winning within every 5 to 10 games.
I feel like 99 is a freaking gamble. I still have yet to learn DT cannons or performing perfect clears because I feel that it's too fucking risky anything but T-Spins and regular tetris attacks.

>T piece
>not A tier

Come on OP

fuck nu tetris

Attached: 1300+_Wins_93%_Win_Rate_1st_Place_Streaks_w_@Wumbotize_bounties-431364374.webm (1280x720, 979K)

That's not a god
This is a god

yo what the fuck is wrong with the square?
It's B or C imo.

Git fucking gud

seems legit

How does that work after the first one?

at some point this "new" mechanic is going to have been around longer than it hasn't.

You're spinning the piece into an occupied space so the game pushes it out, allowing you to slide down.

Just purposely fill your screen and bait retards while set to Attackers.

Attached: 1552082973312.jpg (500x376, 109K)

100% of fuckers complaining about nu-tetris can't even finish sprint in less than 2 minutes

git gud

S and Z blocks are cunts
O block is based


Why is Sandra so high?

I mean, just look at her.