Are you ready Yea Forums?
Are you ready Yea Forums?
I'm a little disappointed lizardmen are kinda short shrift again but it's hard to be upset when were finally getting remove ratbob. My main problem is Skaven getting a shitload of new mechanics while lizards get a legendary hero (and Brettonia has proven how useless that is) and instead of Salamanders and spineybois we're getting salamanders and bigger salamanders.
Still, I'll pre order it and the price isn't too bad. Sub $10 is hard to find these days for DLC. Fucking paradox charges 15 for pictures of plants
Maybe now they'll fix that retarded frenzy mechanic
Unfortunately no it's even worse now because cold blooded no longer heals, just ends it.
What they should do is give Skink heroes/Lord's an AOE rally ability that cancels out frenzy. Since that's literally how it worked in TT, you'd have skink chiefs or shaman's tard wrangling your sauruseses and Kroxibros so they didn't chase enemies
Fuck yeah. I'm probably going to play a Skaven co-op campaign with a friend, though I don't know how the hell we're going to decide which one of us gets Ikit.
>Don't like Rats
>Don't like Lizards
Have the fixed fucking sieges yet?
i am very excited for the new crack, hopefully will fix the post battle crashes
Hilariously that's not a problem with the crack, but the last legit update.
Also if you just idle on the post battle screen menu for like 30 seconds to a minute before leaving the battle map it won't crash 99% of the time.
I don't like this Ikit.
God damn it I just want them to get the basic Total War elements sorted already.
Can you gift/demand cities yet?
>get a new PC, breddy gud
>pirate TW: Warhammer II and all the DLC
>turns out you need an SSD to play or you're fucking doomed to 30 minute load times
With a mod you can gift/buy them
Playable Pygmies when?
Get "auto deny diplomacy mod"
Use it per instructions (click little hand during turn end)
Alt tab and do whatever during turn ends
Sweet i'll look into it.
>playing Total War post-Shogun 2
The trailer is 10/10. Gotta hand it to their marketing team, they know their shit.
>get a new PC, breddy gud
>pirate TW: Warhammer II and all the DLC
>crash on startup no error
SSD has been essential for years now, what are you doing with a new PC but no SSD? Prices have even been dropping.
>Have the fixed fucking sieges yet?
Probably won't happen, magic and fliers kind of fuck shit up anyway. You can't defend a chokepoint and shit like that when a single wizard can farm 999 kills on your ass with magic or have much of a traditional siege when you get raped by dragons, super-artillery, summons and other such shit.
>Can you gift/demand cities yet?
There's a region trading mod, works in co-op campaigns too. You can buy regions from factions which like you sufficiently and you can also gift regions, but it's kind of its own separate thing and the AI will never try to initiate a region trade or such.
Their marketing team spends all day on reddit and shilling board games to 8 people on a stream.
praise sotek
remove ratto
Reminder not to support SJW devs.
Pirate this DLC if you really have to play as one more reddit rat or lizard.
I'm hoping that the new units will give lizards more tactical options than
>point at enemy and watch
I'm pretty sure the RoR cold ones immune to rampage will be mandatory MP choice
>build gaming PC
>Pirate this gaem
>Get bored after 3 hours
>Go back to shogun
The skink red crests and skink ripperdactyls are ap anti infantry and fast so that covers one of their huge weaknesses. Salamanders provide some much needed ranged anti-regen and tree fucker fire power too
I imagine the ripperdactyls will also be a good method of tangling harrasment cavalry/dogs, allowing the more mobile infantry to have greater freedom to maneuver.
>rat nuke DLC announced
>more exciting than the whole of 3K
>even the trailer is better
Before Fimir I'd have said never, but who knows what the madmen will do next.
This but vise verse.
How are they SJW?
Seems like they are doing well because its a decent adaptation and a not shit warhammer game which is rare.
The right thing to do when the dlc comes out is to put fortunate son on loop and play Teclis.
>SSD has been essential for years now
>SSD has been essential for years now
Still on HDD.
everything is sjw according to /pol/ tourists
do we know who the free LL is yet?
TWH DLC do offer great value especially for II, but the DLC for historical games usually don't
muh female Rome II generals, honestly I don't know why they bothered with it
And enjoying your loading times, I'm sure.
>it's slow as fuck but it works!
In fairness their PR after the generals shit was pants on head retarded, but the fact remains that the Warhammer team is clearly distinct from the history team. Their PR isn't exactly amazing, but by industry standards it's practically Godlike.
and file sizes for games have been increasing, it also doesn't help that for some games you need free space that's as large as the game even for minor updates, looking at you CA
>he believes in the multiple teams meme
Beyond twwh it isn't remotely a problem
I'm constantly amazed how the Skaven are simultaneously the cutest and most horrifying faction.
If their teams were the same, the fantasy team would have dropped at least one major PR fuck up by now. They've had plenty of opportunities to use WH's female roster to virtue signal, but so far they haven't.
Even after the VC LL rumblings, nobody stepped forward to wax on about how progressive it was and how everyone's a bigot if they don't like it. If it's not multiple teams, somebody at PR has at the very least grasped the importance of pre-emptive 'tard wrangling.
this game is trash
Hi history faggot put a bullet in your brain
Not buying them just for TWW, I can shitpost here, read or watch something between loadings. It's a strategy game with turn times (besides battles) after all.
Slavic history fan I assume?
Did they remove denuvo from the first one yet?
good game fan
>Daughters of Mars unit pack
>push female generals into Rome 2
>the main face of the Desert Kingdoms expansion is a strong woman general
>make damsels ugly - they did this on purpose too, according to their community manager
>make the problematic scantily dressed dark elf women look like trannies
>in the previous DLC pack there were two legendary lords who had no business being in the faction they were released for, guess which gender they both were
>the lead writer also made it clear that one of them was made to promote fat acceptance
>turn people who never fought in battles into heroes and generals in Three Kingdoms, just because they're women
>the stickied post on CA's twitter page for the past two years has been about how unique their employees are - and yes, unique in this context means what you think it means: women and minorities
Retarded history fan who needs to be put down like the trash you are then. Go back to /pol/ filth.
Not even a historyfag, the quality of this series is all over the place. WH1 was decent.
never played the OG total war just this one and its
Which is better Warhammer 1 or Warhammer 2?
Stop false flagging and trying to start a shitflinging competition, faggot.
Not even a historyfag but you're very transparent.
CA are a bunch of deluded morons who think they can work on half a dozen games at once, including a Destiny clone and card game. When things are going their way, they proudly call themselves a AAA company, but as soon as they start being criticized, they're a small indie family-owned cottage industry. Fuck CA.
2 is 1 with more faction-specific mechanics and improved controls.
2 has a lot more building variety for all factions, and makes heroes/caster lords far more useful.
Gelt and Kemmler went from being completely fucking useless to incredibly strong campaign choices, for example. Goblin Great Shamans are still absolute dogshit, however.
what? they're working on a destiny clone?
Depends on which races you want to play, 1 is old world 2 is new world. But if you own both you can combine them into a fuckhuge megacampaign, that's what most people play.
And vise versa.
Yeah, a Destiny clone in 2019 with CA's seal of ''''quality'''', can't wait for that clusterfuck.
I still remember when the total war franchise was praised for historical accuracy and immersion. Now it's just manchildren figurines roleplaying. Sad, sad, sad.
I play ME (combined map) only, though WH2 has my delfs.
I mean how do you know that?
>I still remember when the total war franchise was praised for historical accuracy and immersion.
>in the franchise that brought us kensai in the first game
stop baiting
>roman ninjas
>flaming pigs
Probably because there a re female units in some of the non-fantasy total war games.You've got to remember SJWs live rent free in /pol/s head so almost everything is sjw to them
You can/people did do that with historical games too. Hell, I liked building family tree in Med2.
They've also been hiring for people specifically knowledgeable and experienced online game economies, loot balancing, shit like that. It's probably a few years away.
It's not because of units. Though they probably are not very accurate, but whatever.
I know about the tactical fps, but it's hard to think of it as a Destiny clone when they said "tactical", the closest thing is The Division and it'd be terrible if there's something else really similar, I didn't know about the part about hiring people for loot balancing though, thanks
They made every other DElf lord a womyn (I suspect over 50%).
Yes, they conscript men and women alike for their basic infantry, and have witches, hags and harpies. That doesn't make them a pussified egalitarian society.
Goes to show you can't give SJWs a hand or they'll take an arm and a leg.
they existed tho
Just like gladiators they wouldn't take to the field with the Roman army tho. But how many rome games have had gladiators as playable forces despite that.
You can get it for 5$ right now, user
First IBCM in Total War series
based. Warhammer Total War is the first Total War game where every army doesn't feel exactly the same and has real dynamic, creative units
I'm sure you are baiting, but that is accurate to lore. People were mad over historical games having female generals. Maybe units too, but I think a lot of those only came in with daughters of mars dlc which you could ignore, unlike female generals.
2 is funnier and has ME, but 1 is better lore-wise. The chaos invasion happens at turn 100 no matter what, unlike now when it happens when you reach 25 settlement (and thus with huge armies)
>Female gladiators rarely appear in Roman histories. When they do, they are "exotic markers of exceptionally lavish spectacle"
> I still remember when the total war franchise was praised for historical accuracy and immersion.
> Shogun 1
What is Kensei
> Medieval
What is Jedi Generals and literally fucking unstoppable Jom's Vikings seriously fuck those guys holy shit
> Rome
Arcanai, Flaming Pigs, Amazons
> Medieval II
Longbow AP meme, literal hero abilities in Kingdoms
Let's not kid ourselves here.
I don't recall ever seeing a female prince ("princess") in the lore or in miniature. Again, only low-tier conscripts, witches, hags and sorcerers.
Okay they were rare, but they existed. Professional Gladiators as a whole were rare too. There were maybe only 50 Gladiatorial luda's in the Empire at its peak, numbering only 2,000-3,000.
because idiots cant comprehend the "historical" teams and fantasy teams are different people and just put them all under one umbrella
Not sure about asur (and that princess), but female dreadlords were a thing both as miniatures and in lore, and all other dark elf lords/heroes and units are in WHFB too. Hell, there is art of female dreadspear in 8th edition and you don't have that in game. No, most were not mad over females in TWW, it was about historical games, especially Rome 2.
>They made every other DElf lord a womyn
those are actual characters, who the fuck else do the Dark Elves even have? Malus?
Absolute state of /pol/ when they can't even get the fucking lore right of the game they're trying to change. Isn't this literally what SJWs do?
He's talking about regular lords, not legendary ones, most likely. There are more options besides Malus tho. Just open some armbybooks.
Since every Lizard gets access to Kroak, it seems fine balance wise especially since he can't spam Saurus early on. Ikit seems like insane power creep though, and is the only one with access to the Workshop and nukes. Everyone gets access to the under-empire, but he gets way more interesting functionality with it by being able to nuke settlements and build in-battle nukes.
Kinda like Orks being the most goofy and fun, as well as being borderline Delf sadistic.
>pol this pol that
I corrected him on delfs, but I still understand that historical games should shy away from that shit. Or better yet, give options as to how many female general you want (no, not using them yourself doesn't make AI stop using them).
When the fuck is it even out?
That's fine but the whole "I think things should be this way because that's what I think without research" is fucking stupid and should be chastised.
April 17
>Or better yet, give options as to how many female general you want
if only there was some .ini file you could edit one line in that has the percent of female generals generated
>Hell, there is art of female dreadspear in 8th edition
Dreadspears, darkshards, blot thrower and chariot operators are conscripts. They have had boobplate since 6th.
did this just come out?
.ini editing is fine for me, I suppose. Don't want 0% tho.
Some of them are volunteers. Anyway, I was just saying that that's not even in the game.
i was sarcastic. it literally is a one line .ini edit
Tell me all the new units and what niche they fill.
They dropped the ball with W2 engine-wise. It looks worse and runs worse than W1 but content-wise it's the king. Untill W3 rolls out that is.
>loos worse.
The lighting engine was for the new world maps. It looks bad when you play Warhammer 1 maps.
2 didn't kill the performance. On release the performance was on par with 1. What killed it was the Mortal Empire's patch, and they'lve fixed it at a snail pace (it's much better then it was then, but not as good as 1's.)
Rome 1 is the most historically inaccurate game i've fucked played. Ryse levels.
They could have learned from ocean of people bitching and hidden the loading times, instead of actually increasing them, like the XCOM2 bois did.
I believe there are still some problems with character 3D portraits looking like they are on low even if they are set on ultra and missing sun and moon. These are the ones I noticed the last time I played a couple of months back besides lack of proper shading on some maps in old world and ugly snow maps for Naggaroth.
Disable 3d portholes (they seem pointless anyway), that mostly helped me on campaign map stutter and performance. Meanwhile battles run smoothly even on ultra.
Literally why is 3d portholes such a problem? I don't get it, what did CA do?
I dunno, but they make my game stutter a lot. Granted, it still can stutter without them but nowhere near as much. I could probably reduce it some more by reducing quality for other setting but whatever.
and had such a shitty engine the mod maker doing a historically accurate overhaul gave up and did it for med 2 instead.
i got the no dust mod and turned down fog, anti-aliasing and turned ssao off and that did the biggest fps for me
I might try some of those. But a bit of stutter for campaign map is ok, as long as battles run well. And they generally do run well, unless you have a lot of numbers on both sides.
>Ratling gunners
Suppressing enemy infantry
>Doom Flayers
Doomwheels but melee-only and faster, shock cav
>Red Skinks
Shock infantry
>Salamander pack
Shock cav
>Huge Salamander
Frontline monster, can buff the above
Anti-inf and AP, tie up backline or hammer and anvil
>Ancient Stegadon (Engine of the Gods)
Artillery that can defend itself or fuck shit up in melee
>Bastiladon (Ark of Sotek)
Anti-blob frontline monster
Skaven gets to have more anti infantry/armour options and greater ranged capability
Lizards get AP units that are designed around area control and flanking and anti blob units.
What existing Lizardman Artillery are good? First time getting to a deep campaign because Kroq is boring and Mazdamundi is surrounded. I have every unit I could pick from, but its hard to tell what is useful in what situation from range/ammo count and damage.
As a long time skaven fan i couldnt help but be hella happy to see the doom flayers come out. Sure on the tabletop game they were absolutely useless, but damn i found the models great.
If i go back to my skaven in aos i might use a bunch of them again.
Stegadon and Bastilodon artillery are based around the idea that they can move relatively rapidly, can charge vulnerable spots when necessary and are practically immune to harassment tactics.
They get a respectable amount of kills for their cost, but they're nothing flashy, tire from using their ammo, and have a relatively low ammo count.
Ancient Stegadons don't have artillery platforms, instead they have more skink riders.
is the ark of sotek going to be a lizardmeme mortis engine?
>Beyond twwh it isn't remotely a problem
Of course, if you like your PC to be slow as fuck then it "isn't remotely a problem".
>not on EGS
Fucking Valve shills
All basic dark elf spearmen are men, get your shit straight
If they're sjws then games workshop themselves were sjws when they made the dark elves
Looks like a major distraction unit to me.
>Tehenhuain makes red crested skinks core infantry with his buffs so you can actually control your mainline
>still no tau or space marines
fuck these fags how can they not add their flagship races?
If I'm reading it right, combining the red crested skinks, Engine Steg with the RoR spears could unleash an absolutely devastating rain of rape on any ranged heavy army.
It's not even about videogame you retards, having the OS installed on a SSD is life changing, the entire experience feels so smooth, not having an SSD feels like still using Pentium 4.
how many new units and what types?
They were, but that was before Warhammer itself existed. By then they had put females in BDSM bikinis.
>spoofing an 80s era hardmusclegunsaction movie
Well damn. I'm ashamed I don't play the game more now. And I'm about to go out of town for a damn week I won't be able to play shit.
>spoofing an 80s era hardmusclegunsaction movie
>Ancient Stegadons don't have artillery platforms
Well they do now
There's a Predator reference in the trailer
*tips virginity*
The trailer pretty much copies a scene from Predator.
Yes I know you're a virgin, but why are you bringing it up?
i wish warhammer 2 was a bit more like a bfme 2
the trailer on steam is a spoof of Predator you dingus.
even has Billy Sole's (Big fucking Indian) laugh during the skaven nuke drop.
So, can I play Mortal Empires with just Warhammer II installed? I got an SSD a few months back, but I've been putting off installing it for fear of having to install both I and II.
Oh. Pretty cool.
We'll see who's laughing when girls appropriate this hobby like they did with many others. We're already at the normie stage.
Thankfully the setting's fucking dead
There. Go fucking get some culture
Yes, as long as you own TWW1 you have access to ME in TWW2. You can uninstall it unless you want to play the Old World campaign for whatever reason.
Pirated versions also have it unlocked.
I didn't watch the trailer and thought he was referring to the title.
>Awesome WW1 style trenchpunk gatling guns and sniper rifles, and a faction revamp to include the mighty Under-empire that stretches over the entire world and offers many new and strategic aspects to the campaign map
>Smelly lizards who still use stone clubs in the current year and a faction revamp to let you use a fucking Pepe wrapped in bandages as a hero in a single army
The choice is clear.
Ten second load screens and less aren't usually seen as slow, you elitist shithead.
They have guns
Why is Gnawdwell angrily jabbing his finger at the physical manifestation of his God
Technically it's an empty seat
>"You see-see this? You speak before His image, where is your respect? Great-mighty Horned One would be ashamed if he could hear your *tch-tch* bullshit-nonsense."
From Left to right
>"I'm just gonna stand here and put my paws down and look important"
>"Hey, you wanna start swarming my room... if you know what i mean?"
>"No way fag"
>"I got a sack of gold"
>"Give me your sack of gold"
>"I have high technology armor and shit but fuck trying to speak to that headtaker prick"
>"He said 'You are unarmed!' So i said 'Well lemme point something out' and i stabbed him in the throat with THIS FINGER! So cool am i right?!"
>"Hey great horned rat... can you look at my cool orb please?"
>"I have no fucking clue... why am i here?"
wow, they better don't make an age of sigmat total war or you faggots are going to drown on your own bile.
What's with the hateboner for women? Did your mothers hit you with wet sockets when you were little children or something?
I kek'd mightily.
this is such a great image, wish I could identify all of the council members, I see gnawdwell, kristillik and nurglitch, also I wonder if they fight and scream at eachother every time they have a meeting
To be fair, forcing women into roles they were never actually placed in when you like to talk about how 'accurate' your games are, is pretty fucking stupid, especially if it pushes some dumbass agendas like making characters intentionally fat or ugly. Doesn't mean it isn't sad when they start crying about women for dumb reasons though.
Look at all the space in Naggaroth and Ulthuan, for fuck's sake. It's free real state.
Ulthuan is full of pricks and naggaroth is full of pricks wearing spikes.
>Brettonia has proven how useless that is
Green Knight is getting buffed in this patch. Once you get 5 chivalry you get unlimited uses.
II'm partialy dissapointed as i Belive Ca could give one more unit per faction in this Lord Pack. I especialy miss Giant Rat/Wolfrats unit.
Mortal Empires is the real draw of Total Warhammer at this point so you'll need both, so either pirate everything or just wait for a hard sale.
Release date is on April 17 ?
>Now it's just manchildren figurines roleplaying
histcucks are deluded, TW has always been for armchair generals pretending that they are great military strategists.
Yes 13 days after annoucment, that was on internatiola day of the rat.
>they better don't make trash
Yeah that would be appreciated, also learn to spell roastie
Gnawdwell probably has "heated discussions" with the clan fester lord
Nah, fuck off faggot.
If CA were truly an ""SJW"" company, why did they decide to go with the lewdest possible outfit for Morathi in terms of the Dark Elf where she has a top with a fucking nipple gem if they could have EASILY chosen her old design or the one made for her in the End Times, which are all according to the lore, and use that lore to back up their excuses to cuck the "incels" of their sexist male gaze?
God sigmarines look so fucking bad.
The space marine look works because they are super combat astronauts, it makes no fucking sense here.
AoS was a mistake, everything they add is so fucking bad design wise.
>>they better don't make trash
You mean the setting with 9 huge realms and every fucking subfaction turned into factions of their own+ new shit?
Enjoy the "you are never going to see what cathay, ind and araby look like despite spending more than two decades developing this shit" old warhammer setting then.
Because nobody will actually sexualize a mother.
Yeah enjoy a shitty Warcraft ripoff made for literal children and downies
>Cathay, Ind, Araby
Litrrall who gives a shit lmao
Where does the term MILF come from?
Fire dwarves are the least offensive honestly.
The sea elves, the sky dwarves and the sigmarines are the ones I cant look at without puking.
>Uglier slayers riding dragons are the least offensive
Not really
>Litrrall who gives a shit lmao
That's the problem dude, they spent 20 years developing warhammer fantasy and we got shit, GW has done more in a couple of years with age of sigmar than they ever did with the original warhammer, and seriously, i would like to hate it but at the end of the day we are getting all the previous factions more fleshed out anyway.
Litrrall who gives a shit lmao
Yeah, literally what could the fucking Street Shitters, the Japs, and "wow, it's the lawrence of arabia faction".
Sigmar is canon sweetie :^)
and you can't fight against it
face it warhammer incel, you've lost
Look I know this is Yea Forums and all but you can't just go around posting gay baby orgies like that.
Bait harder sweetie
No sweetie, you bait harder. Say the line sweetie
Say the big catchphrase for your disgusting ilk
come on! :^)
Have they fixed the perf yet? last i played i was getting 20fps on a 1080ti and 6700k
>big catchphrase
He's a big guy.
It would make little sense for anything but Helves/Delves to be on Ulthuan, you could make a case for Grom but that's about it.
I do agree on the fact there need to be more people on it. Certainly factions hostile to the Helves. Because now it just allows the Helves to grow powerfull in every game without oppositsion.
They sort of filled Naggaroth with Aleaf, hobo skeleton and Tretch, maybe get a Norscan LL somewhere in the wastes and it'd be fine.
Shut up fag. Stop acting as if shit like that is important.
>are you ready
for what? to pay more for more jigsaw pieces of an incomplete fuckin game that charges you out the asshole for every bit of it? not likely lad.
complete editions with all dlc for
Grom is fucking dead
>people are more interested in a DLC than Ching Chong Ping Pong Total War
CA fucked up really hard, people flocked to Shogun 2 because the first TW was Shogun and Japs are more palatable than Chinamen.
Cause they added women in their shittiest title besides Empire. Goo goo ga ga. Now its angered some fags.
The fictional always evil monsters of Warhammer are more likeable then the real always evil monsters known as the Chinese
Ok, current Rome 2 is at least better than Thrones.
Cylostra should have been above Ulthuan so the elve fuckers could be harrassed from every angle. Some sea raiding norscans do sound good too so it's not all vampirates and Druchii
>SSD has been essential for years now
For your os, not for games. SSD prices are not at low enough values for large enough space that you can install all your fuckin games on them. When terabyte drives are 50 quid then we'll fucking talk cunt, until then devs can stop being absolute dogshit programmers and work around hdds as standard.
Azhag, Vlad and Issy were as well, doesn't really matter in the game.
I would have liked her to be a bit more focused on Ulthuan, but she just gets bogged down by the lizardmen or Delves in every game. Which is a shame.
This, desu. I like my cannibalism limited to a few factions.
enjoy the 0 real games that'll ever be made about AOS
For you
The fact that there is a Dark Elf faction on Ulthuan is pretty much retarded.
Alith Anar should occupy Ulthuan's northwest borders but CA is too brainlet and would rather force High Elf armies to fight one another even if its lore breaking.
They're making an aos tabletop RPG
Made by the incompetent shitskins who vomited the atrocity now as WFRP 4e, the role playing game with the most fucked release in history and overlooked mechanics
and I'm pretty sure they only did the AOS game because gw held the fantasy licence hostage demanding they do both or neither
Was getting caught part of his plan?
I still have no clue how they managed to fuck 4e up so hard. It's just mountains upon mountains of questionable design decisions.
WFRP 4e is fine, mechanically it's better than 2e which is just okay and is kind of a mess in a lot of places and both are far better than 3e which was just a prototype for FFG's Star Wars games and a bad one at that.
It's rushed
A lot
In the Vortex its not that bad, but in the ME campaign its pretty fucking bad because the maps are squished.
Is the Delf/Helf pack worth it?
These look good for what they are, little crazed beasts abusing substances and herding their little horrible ball animals that aren't new to AoS.
I said least offensive, I'm not saying they are good by any means.
Alright fags
Nakai or Gor'rok
Grab it on sale, it's 4 dollars on Humble right now.
9 units it pretty good.
It's the worst one...but it still has decent value. So yeah, it's worth it especially on sale. I really like the Shadow Warriors and Warlocks.
It’s not even the fact it’s chinamen. The 3 kingdoms is so fucking rich setting wise and could really show off some mechanics a lot of fans want back or want to see. The battles of the 3 kingdoms were huge. Sieges were insane. The land was constant warfare. But what CA is focusing on is lmao heroes. Even in “historical mode” they have that general hero bodyguard bullshiy. Literally no one wants that. We don’t want character driven games in historical titles. Sure little mini dlc campaigns are cool like Caesar in Gaul ot Belisarious but to make the game focus on these fucking no name generals or known only in China and make them the focus is stupid. Shogun 2 didn’t do this and that period also had crazy fucking dudes doing crazy shit and is just as romanticized. Oda being depicted as a literal demon man in a lot of jap media or Hanzo being a fucking magic assassin who could actually become shadows and other shit.
It’s like they think by copying Warhammers heroes mechanics but adding more focus on it then it will be just as popular but that’s not going to work warham gets away with it because fantasy but historical shouldn’t be that way. I was excited for it but now that it’s basically dynasty warriors the strategy game I’m not even gonna pick it up. I only hope it fails to teach CA a lesson with TOB and 3K both being failures maybe they’ll start asking what the community actually wants. Probably not though and I don’t it will fail because Chinese bugmen will literally gobble shit if it has anything to do with their history.
Crone's campaign mechanics are annoying, but both LLs are good and the units/RoR are great.
The worst one is by far the Empire/Vamp one, its not even close. Decent units, good RoR, but by far two of the worst and most bland LLs in both games.
I'd say the best one will probably be Skaven/Lizards with Greenskins/Dwarves being second. Skarsnik and Belegar have very different campaigns from their contemporaries and I could see Ikit being similar because of the Workshop mechanic.
At least with one of the Vampcunt LLs DLCs they fixed to make him one of the funnest campaigns... several years later.
The game looks almost exactly like Warhammer 2, it even has the same color scheme and filters. At first glance it looks more like a fantasy game than a historic one.
Lorelet here, can someone explain about the two females from the pirate vampire faction?
Mommy number 2.
Naggaroth will be where Grombrindal relocates when they get round to revamping the Greenskins, Empire and Dwarfs
Dwarves already got their revamp.
one is just a normal human so everyone's pissed that she can suddenly command vampires
one is completely OC and fat
Shame about the witch elves
The campaign mechanics are way more interesting than fleshing out the battles, which won't happen without changing the engine again or overhauling how units fight against each other. All the spies/map heroes being in a shared recruitment pool is a great idea, the subterfuge hopefully will be good without the AI being too dumb or too psychic, being able to take settlements or factions over from within seems like something TW should have had ages ago.
Henrick was a default Lord for Vamps, they overhauled him with the Vamp Coast patch. He is definitely one of the better campaigns now, but its also on the back of the skeleton/zombie upkeep tech they added
I think Lizards not having amazing anti-infantry and having to compensate with specialised troops was fine desu.
In the base original game the only faction that had everything was the empire, and everyone else had to plug holes in their roster through use of other tactics. But at this point with all the DLC the second game has a situation where every faction can do everything, which seems a bit boring desu.
Lizard's problem was that they had literally one general strategy.
Now they have multiple effective strategies at the cost of either spreading themselves thin, or opening themselves up to new vulnerabilities.
An army that loads up primarily with the new units is going to be hideously at risk from heavy cavalry, for example.
Fat opera cunt is not apart of the lore and is CA's OC made from one of the faggots in the studio who wanted a woman of size in the Warhammer universe.
The other one is apart of the lore and she's basically a lost Norscan chick who ended up in one of the pirate haven cities called Sartosa and created a massive following of loyal crewmen. Lorewise her pirate fleet is supposed to be made up of mutated sea beasts, and sartosan/mercenary/dogs-of-war crewmen, not just undead fags.
I know and that’s the problem. They want it to be as successful as TWW after the TOB failure but it’s not going to happen. They didn’t learn the lesson from TOB well they learned a lesson but the wrong one. They took away “oh it’s not like TWW that’s why it failed” which wasn’t the reason TOB sucked ass. So they’re effectively making a TWW clone but setting it in a historical period which isn’t what anyone wants. They’ve lost why their titles were enjoyed. I don’t know why they don’t understand I guess the suits at the top or just so out of touch all they see is money value and assume if something is popular replicating it will just make another popular thing. You think they would realize after pretty much any MMO other then WOW being dead on arrival or every other multiplayer looter shooters other then destiny 1 being dead as fuck that copy pasting from one series to another doesn’t work. Just make a large scale historical total war game with good and intricate sieges with no magic bullshit mechanics like ass pull ladders or burnable steel gates, no crazy heroes and magic abilities. That’s what people want. I mean Christ if CA just reskinned med2 keeping all its original mechanics and little designs like roads and foot traffic you can see. Add some units to the roster a few QOL improvements from newer games they would be rolling in cash. But they literally cannot see what makes their games popular.
Just saw it's on sale for about 20% on humble, is there any reason to get it on Steam over humble?
Honestly, I like the way they portray the Witch Elves alongside the Sisters of Slaughter. Lorewise Witch Elves are supposed to be emaciated cunts with veins popping out of their skins due to imbibing all sorts of poisonous/toxic concoctions for the sole purpose of sending them in a frenzy, Sisters of Slaughter should be slightly "sexier" in terms of fitness since they are literally straight up gladiators who hone their bodies for centuries for pique and petiteness/swift-killing performance. Death Hags are different to the Witch Elves because they have long left the duties of Witch Elving to become high priestesses and are the ones creating the brews for the Witch Elves to consume.
I wouldn't mind these being backported into WHFB
>Ikit, Ratling Gunners, Jezzails, Doomflayers, Warpstone Nukes
>Tehenhauin, Salamanders, Ripperdactyls, Skinkfaction, Kroak and another yet unnamed FLC
Honestly I'm very satisfied with this. I've been waiting so long for lizard and rat stuff. No Troglodon is kind of sad though.
Empire has mediocre infantry
At least it was before Malus fucked everything up
>Consider the following
Halbadiers are amazing as anvil troops especially with a general focused on war skills. Though the Empire does lack good assault troops. I feel like TWW does not do greatswords justice they’re supposed to be extremely good shock infantry. Empire is all about holding the line while cav or superior missile and artillery break the enemy.
>people doubting they would ever add ratlings or jezzails
>they add both of them
Absolute madmen
40k when?
What are the chances we'll be seeing the FLC Lord tomorrow in the tournament?
Greatswords are fine considering they're just normal humans. They're completely mundane, they should understandably crumple under Chosen or something like that.
>and another yet unnamed FLC
Nakai or Gor-Rok?
Not thanks, I don't need non elf shits in my area.
If you love druchii as much as I do, then yes.
Almost Mirai,
Iron Mountains, Sea of Malice
Life is cold there, colder than the seas
Harder than the mountains, blowing back the breeze
Country roads, take me home
To the dreadfu I belong
Naggaroth, snow mamma
Take me home, country roads
All my memories gather round her
Dreadlord's lady, stranger to blue water
Dark and pale, painted on the sky
Misty taste of potions, teardrop in my eye
Black towers, brass gibbets
Zero, they've already confirmed it won't be present in the tournament. An announcement at the end of it is very possible, though.
>get a new PC, breddy gud
>no SSD
How big is Tehenhauin supposed to be compared to normal skinks?
Tell me bros, what kind of shrubbery do you think they smell like?
Hmm, that's slightly disappointing. So I suppose announcement/reveal sometime next week, then.
Nakai just so there’s a LL for every subraces
We're supposed to hear what the FLC lizard is soon? How come?
Not sure about size but he's considerably swole
>big fat toad
What else is there that I'm missing?
One that must be cut down with a herring
Kroxigors aka the walking crocodilles.
oof, forgot about them. rip dreams of my albino saur :(
Honestly could see either happen, with Gor-rok probably being the more likely candidate since he's a bigger name than Nakai.
2 literally has 1 inside of it with mortal empires, except it adds all the new factions and a larger map.
I could have sworn Nakai was albino too
What are the must-use mods for Shogun 2 and Warhammer?
He is
Does he even have a model?
No, he had rules but never got a model. But to be fair, that never really stopped CA before (looking at you, Ghorst).
He sounds more like a legendary hero or LL you recruit through a quest than a faction leader, but I mean the White Dwarf is a faction leader for some reason so whatevs.
Really curious to see what Kroak's skills and abilities are. The fact that he's implemented is also a really pleasant surprise, and he's essentially another, Semi-Legendary Lord.
>he’s as underwhelming as VC’s whale
Unlike amameme he's an actual unit with spells and skill trees
We finally get our ratling gunners frends.
>new pc
>didn't get SSD
lmao what
>Tehenhauin can summon an aspect of Sotek
So is this gonna be the Lizard equivalent of the Warpstone Nuke as the big, powerful fuck-you spell but in the form of Sotek?
If so, that's pretty cool.
Kroak is also a WMD
After last DLC I think I'm done with TW:W2 unless they do something really appealing.
>Warpstone Nuke
That's a lot of nukes
>lizards are still shit to play due to rampage
what the fuck were they thinking
Yet the Death hag that is older and the leader of the Witch Elves is a total cutie, I think this is the first time ever the Witch Elves are fugly in a video game, I blame the guy in charge of the model if anything
Nakai could start in Albion though, making for the most fun lizard start
I'd rather he summon a big fucking snake unit
I haven't heard any mention of it. It is hilarious that literally everyone complains about it, the lizards are the least played race in multiplayer, and CA hasn't addressed it years into the game's life.
I'd argue it should be limited to the wild beasts they have, but if CA really were deadset on leaving it as a feature of the race they should add a hell of a lot more than one ability to damage control it. Seriously, give fucking Slann mages a spell or give skink chiefs/saurus veterans a passive that calms everything around them. It makes the race a fucking borefest when you're only in control of your army the first 2 minutes before they go insane and you just hope they can brute strength through whatever crap the AI is fielding.
A strong lizardmen in the old world is good for added variety, Nosca genocide!
Why can we not have nice things anymore?
I think the rating guns might be thier first "man" portable automatic weapon, too
Looks like something you'd see in a western porn animation
Is from the dead MMO, but is a cute model