Risk of Rain

Scavenger edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Eu lobby

i found easter eggs on a distant island in the merc time rift. what's on the second, even more distant one? the logbook?

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fixed the chestplate
hope this is the last time I'm posting this

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Worth 22 AUD? can i even play this shit with you guys with my shitty Oz internet?

should flame be nerfed or am I just a scrub? it's responsible for 90% of my deaths and feels like such a massive threat compared to everything else

playing as lemurian is fun but also bullshit. I wish there was some way to improve him while not making it too easy to play him

hotpoo confirmed fire dOT will be "looked at"

single > multi
although its fairly lag free even on mobile connections

1/4 rainstorm US lobby

Oh, look, user! It's a Shrine of Order! Why don't we try it out? Maybe we'll get a good sequence, like 40 Sticky Bombs, and 25 Leeching Seeds, and three Teslas!

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forgot image

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>hotpoo confirmed fire dOT will be "looked at"

>yfw portal has no cover

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loader's not coming
they gave HAN-D a winch instead

when it comes to how easy the game is, you're correct

>hotpoo confirmed fire dOT will be "looked at"
Perfect. Blaze elites do the damage of a slap so it will be nice to see them actually become threatening.

>4 transcendance and 28 leeching seeds + 34 slugs
good lord, game sure hates you


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get with the times grandpa

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i got 'her biting embrace' item from a elite frost wisp it said become the aspect of ice , but all it did was sslow enemies on hit , or am i missing something ?

If you play an OP survivor like MUL-T you can actually survive the DoT fairly well but if you play huntress it's 100% death.

Where's the logbook in the platforming place where you obliterate yourself?

this can't be real

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This was a pretty fun build but not being able to go fast is pretty shitty.

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Risk of rain? What is this? Game for meteorologists?

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underneath the starting island.

anyone have a link to the mods?

All the elite enemy equips just give you the elite enemy's gimmick on command.

Engineer players are chads

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>quadruple healing
Oh man that's not that bad you'll do piss damage but be nearly unkilla-
>4 bugs

It's directly below the starting platform. You can reach it as any class I think, because it spawns platforms for you.

huntress is 100% death on most bosses. wisp horde and titans specifically

it gives you their buff
two things white affix buff does is frost explosion when you die & slow enemies when you hit them

Thanks. I went to the end already so hopefully I can get back up there

Rain, in original game, was the falling USS Contact Light debris and cargo

so i basically got the worst one ,great
basically waste of equip slot

Takes more after Spacechem where you try to predict and create specific weather phenomena for off planet colony's in various environments.

where's the dick

bigger butts mod when

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>Stephen Universe
my man I got bad news...

2/4 stop talking about butts and join pls

>just the butts
>no belly

false flag. engichads only watch the highest quality japanese cartoons. none of this gay ass steven universe shit

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bigger breasts are welcome too

Whatever man, you bought the game. Have fun with it and post more thicc hunter asses.

A man of true taste, I see.



>when you're so fast not even walls can hold you back

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>enforcer when

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>can't even unlock huntress as commando
>can't even unlock MUL-T
>can't even unlock engineer

look at this fucking faggot. imagine being this bad at the game

No. Fatfags stay go.

Are there only 6 characters? Or are there going to be more once it's out of early access?

>too shit to unlock MULT, Huntress, Merc and Engie in a single run

Holy fuck this was fun. I was literally destroying worlds. That bug was a mistake in getting I feel

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there will be more before it is out of early access

There are slots with a wrench icon on them indication "we will be adding a character here eventually"

Brittle crown is fun!

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Are enough of my fellow Americans up to fill out a six man game?

What bug

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You people should be culled.

Paladin AND Enforcer for shieldbros when?

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>Unlock mercenary
>Finally doesn’t feel like I’m hitting shit with a wet noodle

I swear Merc and Artificer are the only characters that do damage.

All you had was a fungus and infusion so it wasn't too bad of a choice. The only time bug is a bad item to take is when you have a fuckton of healing items.

user the truth is every character can do damage when the RNG lines up just right.

how do i unity

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we restarted due to reasons, 2/4 rainstorm

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That bug you get from opening those pods for one space coin or whatever, I was curious in what it did and I think it messed up my survivalbility in harvesting blood. Speaking off is there diminishing returns on that item now and you can't just farm HP forever?

Acrid when?

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infusion is now capped at 100hp per copy

Yeah, they kinda nerfed it into the ground, not nearly as good as it was before.

Just fall off, it'll respawn you at the starting platform.

>PS crashes and I lose progress

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Merc's damage falls off in the late game unless you get really good RNG. It's the tradeoff for having pretty good survability and being fun.




Should i buy Borderland handsome collection or this?

I'm still looking for a way to edit her that won't fuck up animations and I will tell you right now that you're going to have to start scouring the asset store for a tool that can do that. Only go for the free shit on the store unless you are absolutely sure that what tool you're grabbing will do what you want.

go take a walk fatties

>generic "soldier" character
>generic bow character
>generic mage characters
>generic robot/""mech"" character
>generic engineer character
>generic melee/weeb character
I'll keep an eye on this game but there needs to be an """original""" character first

If friends are ransoming you into buying borderlands and playing it with them then it's going to be both, but risk of rain 2 is the better game obviously.

they're all really weak
blue affix cuts your health in half & replaces it with max shield (which doesn't fill immediately when you use it btw)
red affix makes you do 200% of your character's damagestat over 4 seconds. however it doesn't stack
As a comparison, commander's shots deal 90% of your character's damage stat each

This, without a doubt.
Just a shame some of the money will still go to Randy.

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gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8


blank archetypes are the best kind of characters
fuck off deviantart oc weeb

t. has never had an original or creative bone in their body

you can modify the damage burn DoT does

Play the first one if you want more variety in classes. This one is pretty bare bones in content compared to the first.

what's the best character to do diecide with

i have literally no experience with unity or any 3d modelling program
i just ripped the mesh for her, except that doesnt have the thighs seperated
one of the animation files or whatever is how i got to where i am now

also artificier players have BIG BRAINS

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>8 stone titans with 0 cover

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Does monsoon have better item drops/more chests?

>Be me as mercenary
>Sequenced and got 17 tougher times and 8 kjaro's band, and also got a hellfire tincture
>Literally invulnerable and 2 fire tornadoes + hellfire tincture is enough to destroy everything
>Hmmm should be able to loop maybe 2 or 3 times
>Blazing Golems spawn in swamp on 1st loop
>Heh should be easy
>Died in 1 second from burning

Nice meme

Make up an original character! What's your idea user?

Chibificer mod when

really good trilogy

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difficulty ramps up quicker and no drizzle armour bonus


>This one is pretty bare bones in content compared to the first.
Gee, it's as if the first game already doesn't have years of content behind its official release while this one has just came out in early access a week ago.

there was an user who inflated the thighs just like you and got it into the game somehow, but he was a fag and didn't share

The does the difficulty still increase throughout HAHAHAHA or does it plateau?

i'm a 3d modeler but i'd rather wait for proper mod support so i can have content guidelines


He clearly doesnt know about the first one you fucking doofus.

>fire dot so strong that a literal 70% chance to block each tick didn't save you
this made me angry just reading it, hopoo please fix this

stating the truth is not a complaint
RoR2 IS bare bones atm

Simple characters with neat aesthetics are better and easier to work with than trying to make some super unique characters. The gameplay is fun and it works, that's what matters

I'm guessing it does because the creature levelup sound still plays from time to time

not sure, I think it does but I haven't checked the files to see if it actually does

He did it in a way that's not easily sharable. You'd need to know C# .

it increases until it bugs out and things stop spawning so all you're left with is the initial enemies on the map.
Also prices continue to go up so eventually you can't afford anything


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I mean they could have put all the same classes in the demo since they work pretty much the same in 2D and 3D mechanically. More classes that take advantage of 3D will come later of course.

>scavenger added
>Attacks are pretty basic
>But it's randomly equipped with bunch of random items since enemies function the same way as players.
>The higher the difficulty the more items.

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I just want a character that looks cool. Commando looks the best imo but he's the starting character which makes him normie tier unfortunately.

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I didn't really care for enforcer that much RoR1 but I'm really interested to see how he'll work in 2. Will his shield be bigger/have some kind of extension/energy barrier? Will it cover above him as well? I already know his shotgun will be REALLY fucking satisfying to use.

My surviva

you mean he modified a dll and didn't upload it anywhere
didn't even make a pastebin with instructions
on top of that C# is the most babby-friendly modern language
OP was a fag

Eugh, what did you do?!

I just like a little bit of chub, not full blown gargantuan.

not really. you can just select thighs in external 3d editor, push the polys by their normal direction and save the file back into the game

based as hell

In terms of design, Miner and Loader are among my favorites. That might just be because I like yellow tho.

consider suicide

>playing merc
>scav is birthed into reality right in front of me
>has tesla and like 8 wisps
>it one shots me and everything around me in a small 2 mile wide radius
I want this to happen

Just a reminder that modanon updated about an hour ago
New update allows Huntress, Commando, and Bandit to continue sprinting after roll, blink, and smoke bomb.

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so sfm porn when

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I was even able to facetank beetle queen's shotgun and it barely took away 10% of my hp when some of them slip through the block.

Single tick of fire on the other hand, shredded away 50% of my hp like it's nothing. Pretty damn hard to dodge the burning path when they kept moving back and forth, forcing me into contact just to hit them.

see yes


>didn't mention it's compatible with 1.4 both ways
you don't HAVE to update, but if you are annoyed by those things, you can

About to try monsoon for the Kill Elite Boss challenge. Any tips?

i merely shooped the dick out

What's the fucking drop rate on these lunar coins? I've been playing for so long that the game has given up on spawning teleporter bosses.

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I gambled on the preon accumulator and won.
GOLEMGANG stages are hilarious, especially when you figure out how to cheese them.

p.s., how is the filesize limit on this site only getting worse, 3mb is horrendous

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hope for good rng

>no command fix yet

damn. at least he fixed the sprinting bullshit though, I've lost so much time with that

nice meme, I see what you did there

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Desu Hopoo would be mad not to add those later, himself, so I omitted the compatability thing.

Best post in the thread tbqhwyf

Oh duh, I should probably look at RoR1 characters since those will likely be added.
Enforcer, Bandit, and Miner look cool I suppose. I reckon if one of them gets added I'll buy the game.

The logbook is directly under the starting platform. One of the blue platforms even spawns to let you get down more easily.

He made it so Command will spawn bunches of three item terminals, though. It's pretty good.

The red beams made me shiver

If he comes back in addition to Paladin getting added, I think it would be cool to have Enforcer's shield always block a small area on himself and then have stance extend it, either making a wall of cover or a multi-directional barrier. That way Enforcer is more of a self protection guy and Paladin's mobility makes him more of a team player. Also make the Enforcer able to ride the shield if you jump before using stance

thats what I mean. in 1.4 it was broken and still spawned chests

Is it even worth it to play Merc on Monsoon?

Can you spoonfeed me on how to change this? I cant into programing stuff

Depends on how much time you're willing to sacrifice to bad RNGs until you get the good RNG.

>all those red lasers

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what the fuck do you mean command fix
you never clarified this
some cunt said it still spawned chests for him, so I invited him to a server, he said it was working for him then, then he went to play on a different server & said it worked there as well

if you mean it doesn't let you pick from any item in the game, unless I get hired by hopoo that's not happening, because I don't want to generate UI purely from code

>the lasers

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This is the future you chose, thiccfags

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download the mod from pastebin.com/nf8RuPnj (and look through it for more info)

if you want to change it for a single run, open up console (ctrl + alt + ~) and type "Yea Forums_burn_multiplier {value}" (without " & {} obviously)

for example:
Yea Forums_burn_multiplier 0.25

if you want to make it do it every time you boot the game, put that same line in config.cfg or autoexec.cfg

bless you kind user, bless you

Sub 1 lessens the damage, yes?

okay they need to tone down the blazing elites jesus christ
i was practically fucking invincible until i accidental graze one and and i'm dead within a few seconds

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>modfag shitting up the thread and spams his meme shit

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You got more tf? A page somewhere?

NA four player

dumb anime girl

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where can I find you my dude?

Piratefag here, is there a scavenger now??

is unlocking items random?

What about if, instead of a woman that uses a bow, it was a MAN that used a bow?

no go to the challenge menu and hover over shit to see what you need to do to unlock things

wtf now it's working

I swear to god it wasn't before. I had it activated in single player testerday and it spawned chests. I have no idea what's going on anymore

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No, no new enemies have been added yet and probably won't be for a while.

it should I've always tested it with higher values because it's much easier to confirm it's working
if you want to test it, you'll probably want to set the honor cost multiplier to low & play a game of honor with it, which then should spawn a bunch of various types of elites

No, tied to achievements

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Does your mouth ever get sore from all the publisher cock you suck, you stupid fucking contrarian? Hopoo even made sure we're flagged as modded versions so you don't have to worry about dealing with our 16 player all glass mercenary monsoon funball runs, you stupid little bitch.

Attached: 797.jpg (345x726, 69K)

good thinking, clint

Sorry, I don't exist outside 4channel :')

Can you get any reds from the terminals?

Nah, sounds gay.

Damn, people were asking for a source when I was sharing it. You should set one up, got good art. For now, just saving it.

then you just have robin hood or hanzo

Got any more of these images? Holy shit I am crying

Game run like shit for anyone else?

I get 60fps in games like Nier and Apex but in this game my performance is ass.

I jump around between 60 and 30fps and by 6 or so stages in I'm averaging 20fps.

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dumb anime girl

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Na east lobby 4 rainstorm


One more player

That's all fine and dandy but you don't have to spam that shit every 20'th post.

is anyone else annoyed by the fact that if you don't find a soldier's syringe/crit lens/sticky bomb printer at some point you basically won't be doing enough damage by the end of the first loop

how do we fix artificer Yea Forumsros

>unoptimized EA game runs like shit

wow what a suprise

All the shadows and effects going on at once is a bitch for CPUs. Disabling shadows REALLY improves FPS.

I didn't unlock the mercenary yet because i'm a noob and can't loop on normal difficulty so I did a quick drizzle run and obliterated myself
The mercenary has to be the most fun character I played in a video game

bigger boobs and arse

Golden chest only drop a single red item wtf fucking scam

Very. But it makes those times when you find the syringes during the loop that much sweeter.
Ice wall can block projectiles and that is fucking it. I can't believe Hopoo looked at snapfreeze and said
>Hmmm this shouldn't block projectiles.
Like wtf


EU west 6 man lobby

more damage
longer flamethrower
attack speed reduces cooldown on m1

I wanna see you keep that optimism once you've faced a couple blazers

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I would start with QOL shit like M1 and M2 not breaking sprint anymore. You can already sprint while holding down M1 and M2 by hitting the button again, so why not just remove that step to make it feel smoother? And of course general buffs to Snapfreeze. The damage from the move can put them into excecute range and it'll just not kill the targets sometimes which feels pretty bad, not to mention all the times the freeze just decides not to work.

Should I risk it?

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do it

do it

You must become the Risk of Rainâ„¢

Yes you should

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do it pussy

no Risk no Gain

How do i get tesla?


Could you not

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I hope you get medpacks and missiles

I'm going to fucking kill you niggers I swear to god

lemme check
it seems to have the functionality for all four tiers of items (white green red & lunar)
I can't find where it sets the tier though
There only seems to be a single spawncard for tripleshop so I can't imagine it's based on that either

legendary chests should still spawn though, since those are done directly by the map

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Alright guys, let's fuck them up.

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luck, it's the best item in the game imo

mildly impressed

Based, brittle crown is the best. Fuck anyone who ever said it was bad.
>b-but you can lose gold!
Can't hear you, I don't speak broke nigga.

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is there a way to give myself items during runs yet?
i wanna mess around with SPEED

now you need a load of extra mags so you can throw ki attacks like goku

Nice roll.

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Nice, a gamble that payed off.

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For a EA unity game made in 2.5 years by a single person this shit is amazingly optimized.


US 109775240993370865

You're literally set for the whole game. Better be a 3 hours run

Too bad Overloading Greater Wisps spawn

What am I looking at

so is it good
making it 3d seems a bit iffy to me

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it only took me 30 hours before i caved and beat off to the huntress
this image specifically

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team of three*


EU west 6 players, 2/6

oh lmao

I'm serious it really wasn't working yesterday

i dont know what's different. I didn't change anything or update anything

is it just me or is wake of vultures just an awful item?

Attached: 0c6.jpg (800x793, 188K)

What version? link pls

>only 30 hours
the in-game model was enough for me


I'm just using this

It's not just you.


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It's great and transitioned better than any tranny could dream to

I think they should massively reduce the damage dealt by the DoT, and instead make it reduce healing while active. Would still accomplish the same role of offsetting healing, but won't instantly melt you from half health if you don't have the healing to outpace it.

having wake of vultures is unironically worse than not having it
it should be removed, honestly

Thanks for starting this thread, and motivating me to start modifying models. I'm going to make some thicc ass girls

Attached: it begins.png (858x1148, 312K)

two healing items, a red that increases the effectiveness of healing items, and lunar items that replace all of your health with shields so no healing items work anymore.
isn't it still just Mr. Hopoo, the art guy, and the music guy? i thought the programming was still basically just one person

is my man sniper still in?


Die, thanks
Same with all the other waifufags

US 109775240993378881
Unmodded 1/4

good luck

>isn't it still just Mr. Hopoo, the art guy, and the music guy? i thought the programming was still basically just one person
Correct, but I think the art guy helps out with the programing a bit.

you can modify the assembly to take the cheat flag from give_item, which you can then use
I used it for my headhunter testing since I didn't have honor at the time, so I had to try & get through levels ASAP to get to shield elites ASAP

Attached: headhunter.webm (960x540, 1.2M)

godspeed user, as good as ass is there needs to be some huge tiddy love too

Not yet but soon as files indicate

I tried to resist, but i couldn't...
something about the muscle tone and the way the body fat was depicted in that image really did it for me, the sweat lines are what made it patrician nut material

>kill Greater Wisp
>he becomes ghost
>"??? picked up Monster Log: Greater Wisp"

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>he doesn't have the fix
the duration is a bit short and the buffs they give you are a bit weak, there's a lot of red items that are much better but hey

>Literally shred everything, nothing can touch me
>Hadn't been below 75% health the whole run. >Flame titan charges up
>I get on top of a huge boulder that it's underneath
>Lasers me through the boulder and insta kills me from 2100 to -350

Attached: FlamingStoneFaggot.png (1920x1080, 1.15M)

There's mod potential in this, right?

seconding huntress belly

Bandit is probably going to be the first character they add, since he appears to be near completion in the files, but who knows.

Until they fix it it is, yes. Once the reducing you health to half thing is fixed, it will be at least worth picking.

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let her use her jetpack by holding space

god fucking bless you

as soon as I figure out how to get it back into game yeah, I would be uploading.

But they're already thicc. Any more is just shitty exaggerated fetish shit

are there any items that somehow simulate clapping noise randomly because that shit scary as fuck

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I just had my run ended by an Blazing Stone Titan as well.
Is there anything known about their exact damage modifier? Because fucking hell it has to be something crazy like 100x more damage than anything else. One second beam from one Blazing nigger is more than 4 of them do in their full duration.

like this?

How do I get good with the Artificer? She has so little health and some boss ends up fucking me every time.

huntress's asscheeks

Pretty sure you need to have Unity installed

It's the Beetle Guardians

yeah yeah bud we know the drill only the things I like aren't weird move on next question

the fuckin hoof, pay fucking attention


Hrrrnnngh Commando

>mfw 9 Bungus, Foreign Fruit, Rack and 2 Opinoin, Tesla and 3 Fuel Cells in one run

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I do, I've just never tried modding a compiled game. I'll have to look into it. I might start a thread on /3/ or /vg/ if I make any serious progress.

Reducing resolution really helps if you're desperate.

I said clapping noises?

Know the boss well and know what they can do while being cautious of them, and also rotate your attacks so you're always pumping out dps, all while on the move and in the air as much as possible.

Her damage is good enough
But the true problem with her kit is it doesn't help to make up for her mobility and to make breathing room.
She doesn't have the ability to make distance between herself and enemies.
Engineer can makes up for his mobility with shields and his turrets as bait.
Make her icewall bigger, make it not break if enemies are at full health but block them, block projectiles
Flamethrower longer range
M1 faster projectiles really.

They should just take it out until they fix to it to be not an actual detriment to your run.

Titan has 40 base damage + 8 per level, I'm gonna test for the damage multiplier of the megalaser rn

fuck golem lasers, why did they have to put such an annoying attack on something so tanky?
its got a ton of range, it hits hard as fuck, it knocks you around, and it's way too hard to avoid. if you're not sprinting at the right angle or hit dodge too early or late you get smacked by it. such a stupid fucking attack

Fight him near cover.

How the fuck do i get good at moonsoon? I cant get past 6-7 stages. It is too hard for me bros, but i wont stop trying.

Attached: 45xKJKWtcPM.jpg (490x491, 74K)

i meant regular golems, those fuckers are so annoying

Just died to the golden portal faggot boss on AHAHAH.
I've been chipping him for a while, got him down to about 20% and then he just barely grazed me with his gay beam and I instantly went from like 1k HP to -100.
What pisses me off is that he
a) Somehow managed to graze me despite me orbiting him which proved to be consistently effective at dodging the gay beam;
b) Dealt an absurd amount of damage out of fucking nowhere as I got hit by the gay beam before numerous times. It did hurt but it didn't "1100 damage in a tenth of a second" hurt.

Is this game worthless without friends? I Have some cash in my steam wallet but I'm not convinced I can trick my friends to get it.

Attached: 1554254214541.png (682x461, 363K)

Golem lasers can be dodge with some timing with your jumps, knockback fucks you up however.
Lesser Wisps can go fuck themselves though

This, being able to slowfall would make her great.

Not at all, it's pretty fun without friends too

>she needs others to have fun

lmaoing @ u

Engineer is the best one to beat him considering engineer shields are a absolute beast against Titans.

Are you sure it was him and not a blazenigger?

I've only played quickplay with randoms so far and it's gone alright. Only a few shitters and I haven't seen anyone trying to steal shit.

>Is this game worthless without friends?
you will never need something else than those thighs

Attached: 1554324044194.jpg (3300x5100, 1.56M)

but you have us

Attached: 1554214960818.png (550x720, 20K)

use this instead

It's more fun solo.

they start punching you out now it seems, I got hit to 10 hp and I waddled my dead ass back into my shield

funy bird

>play as Huntress
>zero magazines

>play as Engi
>find 7 magazines on the first 3 stages

Attached: 1485955809_PEPE IN FIRE.gif (480x481, 1.65M)

>playing with friends
>kill mountain shrine'd tp bosses
>everyone running up to tp to get items
>they all spawn on the tiny pedestal
>i get golem laser knocked into them
we had a good laugh and I bought boxes for others the next level but holy shit that knockback is crazy

Stealing when playing quick play is the least of your worries, host leaving and massive lag is the biggest problem

Attached: meleebros.png (1200x400, 61K)

>TetoCommand gave 1000 gold!
I just tried out quickplay for the first time.
What is this shit?

thank you
don't forget to remove the cape and give some tratment to the ass as well

how would a person who cannot comprehend code go on about doing this

user please. I need more

>Exclusive on Steam.

Attached: pirate.gif (300x203, 507K)

What does huntress smell like?

Attached: 1546898790208.png (340x523, 344K)

Like 90% sure. Maybe I've missed something, but the surroundings were relatively clear due to all the collateral damage, I didn't see any blazing enemy around just moments before that, and I didn't see any other lazer pointers on me.

follow instructions in pastebin.com/nf8RuPnj
that assembly will fix headhunter, don't need to do anything else

Is the Sniper a woman?

Attached: 1553550609848.gif (720x480, 397K)

Yeah I should've mentioned that. Slipped my mind since I do my best to host my own games so I don't deal with it.

The outdoors and nano tech

my cum

Not really

like something burning.


i hope it's sweat after a long Hunt
>ywn lick her whole body clean
why even stay alife bros

Attached: tPCPz4g.png (1500x1500, 218K)

Just use one of the questions threads or wip threads if you go on /3/

how to fix artificer

>m1 reload scales with attack speed, or gains additional charges per x% of as
>m2 (and all other channel & release spells on other characters desu) can be charged without breaking sprint
>shift is either a functional, taller wall that blocks movement and projectiles or a short blink with freeze aoe effect
>r gets more range or gets an item that improves range per stack

>Chocolate rain post in 2019


Attached: 1554256047329.jpg (309x231, 15K)

>m2 (and all other channel & release spells on other characters desu) can be charged without breaking sprint
why the fuck does normal walking even exist?

First, if you're thinking of scaling bones dont even bother, its not possible and would produce disgustingly bad results.
I never dabbled with modding but there's a couple ways i would go about this, ideally, Hopoo should make the character's animation file available, and by animation i mean the final file that goes into the game, containing the model, rig and animation of course, on which i would duplicate and modify the model appropriately, copy skin weights from the original to the modified version, then manually correct whatever the copy couldnt handle. This method allows for the greatest freedom in modding, allowing one to even modify the topology for a high definition character or replace the model, rig or even animations completely, however im not sure how open Hopoo is to disclosing source files like that.
Second option is extracting the model, modifying it and replacing it on the skinned mesh reference slot inside unity, which doesnt allows topology to be changed.

A lot depends on how the modding API will be handled, Unity allows a shitton of stuff to just be replaced.

Just how massive is Vagrant's AoE, holy shit

Attached: 1545841328302.jpg (318x344, 16K)

Artificer is fine.
Git gud.

Attached: 2019-04-05 14_37_37-Window.jpg (617x361, 112K)

Stop naming threads "editions", retard. You're going to get us moved to /vg/.

so you don't go too fast and shoot into the stratosphere

her snapfreeze is shit tho. give her a proper barrier or something else

And if not a barrier, make it a fully offensive ability by making the area of effect a much larger area.


Attached: 1554470375420.png (634x752, 960K)

a range item could be neat. It would easily work with other characters too

fucking finally

Attached: nonna dis madders.jpg (366x268, 29K)

Okay, but what about all the other Blazing enemies that one shot us while the other Elites don't even qualify as minor nuisances?

ffff lobby crashed on me guys. Can't get back in.

I fucking love this man

based and golempilled

Well that would certainly explain the run-ending instakill

NA four player

My only remaining challenge is defeating an elite boss on Monsoon. What's the best way to go about this? Do Shrines of the Mountain turn a boss into an elite, or do I just need to progress until an elite shows up?

>Blazing Titans and elites getting nerf
Press F for Fuck Blazing

bros... I don't want to chase crabs

They are getting buffed to compensate

EU MODDED 8 players
using modanon's dll



I play on minimum graphics 1366x768. Obviously I know the game is unoptimized but since my friends get decent frames I was wondering if something was wrong on my end.

then just put 1 extra word in your XML file for unlocks, dummy.

get black hole


Attached: 1550368449395.jpg (600x408, 42K)

brainlet here, what word and where

zipline melee combat loader sign me up

You can hide behind something to stop the damage.

Do it

it might be if it's that bad on that low of a resolution. maybe hit it up with rortech support in the discord


post your computer specs there and maybe show them your framerate issues. try to be as detailed as possible

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\(your number)\632360\remote\UserProfiles
open that file in notepad, find the line at the top for achievements, add the word SuicideHermitCrabs

>beginning to regret my 14k investment

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-04-05 13-47-38-97.jpg (1920x1080, 168K)

if i host then my framerate gets reduced to a third. are you hosting for your friends?
can anyone else confirm that hosting fucks with performance, like a LOT?

>Play as Mercenary
>Game drops Bustling Fungus like it's going out of style
>Switch over to Engineer
>Get 4 Rose Bucklers in the first level
I swear drops in this game are weighted towards useless bullshit depending on what class you pick.

Thinking about playing this with a friend. How long does the game hold up for without getting old?

when the fuck will my nigga bandit be in the game

he's basically already done

>don't get it :^)
i fucking love this nigga

lmao theyre so bad, theyre just useful to divert aggro from enemies

what about all the other achievements, my profile got fucked and the only thing i remembered was editing lunar coins and characters

It's like I'm playing Nuclear Throne

Attached: 3-3.png (1152x648, 28K)

Stop being gay that should help

i think you could at least get a good 15 hours out of it. the gameplay is very addicting but if it doesn't stick with you then it won't be for you.



EU west 2/6

>look mommy! I posted it again!

I've got 36 hours and I'm starting to get burnt out until they add more content

Attached: 1554361512504.png (400x725, 21K)

I'm not the one playing on baby first bidea difficulty

kys faggot

>drizzlefags posting their max gear thinking anyone is impressed

Attached: 1553061449751.jpg (314x314, 38K)

Is it really just one guy working on the game and one composer?

KillEliteMonster Discover10UniqueTier1 CompleteTeleporter StayAlive1 Discover5Equipment Die5Times RepeatFirstTeleporter TotalMoneyCollected CompleteTeleporterWithoutInjury LogCollector FindDevilAltar FailShrineChance CompleteMultiBossShrine CompleteThreeStages KillTotalEnemies MoveSpeed LoopOnce HardHitter FindUniqueNewtStatues CompleteThreeStagesWithoutHealing SuicideHermitCrabs MajorMultiKill CarryLunarItems TotalDronesRepaired FindTimedChest Complete30StagesCareer RepeatedlyDuplicateItems AttackSpeed KillElementalLemurians CompletePrismaticTrial ChargeTeleporterWhileNearDeath HardEliteBossKill Complete20Stages MaxHealingShrine FreeMage CompleteUnknownEnding KillBossQuick MajorMultikill

this was literally my only fucking issue with the game was randomly dying to fucking fire
fucking thank god

Attached: 1554084038278.png (873x2780, 116K)

You guys want me to fix this?
I could make the procCoefficient of the attack be either significantly lower (which would lower the duration of the burn effect), alternatively, I could make it only have a small chance to apply a burn effect so that you would still take a full burn duration, but only for a portion of the hits. This might mean you get hit & don't get burned though

But at the same time I don't know what would happen if you were to get hit for a burn duration of 1/6 seconds (default is 4 seconds, divided by 24). Since it procs every 0.5s, it might either do 0 damage or apply the first proc then expire before it applies the second proc, which would still mean it deals a lot of damage.

>actually thinking people posting screens to "impress" some mouthbreather on Yea Forums

based retard

>lost my investment

I'm just trying to get the 20 levels achievement

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-04-05 13-53-04-98.jpg (1920x1080, 234K)

Artificer buff
>Fire ball charges increase to 6
>Fire ball gains charges when killing with her 4
>Lighting ball can be popped for more range and damage with her 1
>Ice wall can be switched to vertical with M2 and horizontal with M1
>Runs faster, 1.2 or 1.3.

Attached: IMG_20190307_121302.jpg (1596x2048, 237K)

Give me Bandit already god fucking dammit

Attached: FUCK.gif (128x128, 10K)

Says the one too mentally handicaped to play a game that is already easy on its regular difficulty

lads i got 2 altars of gold in the same map wtf happens if i use both???

Thank fuck. I've been looking for this. Based.

>RoR1 has garbage hosting
>threads are full of people asking for host, hosting, or saying that they are open again
>RoR2 has easy hosting
>threads barely have any hosts

Attached: 1450770536000.png (510x510, 181K)

Whole Yea Forumsirgin squad wipes to a single blazing lemurian elder.
We tried.

Attached: blazing wipe.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

Does drizzle do anything other than slow the difficulty progression?

That's alright then but don't do it again or I'm calling the gay police!


Attached: 3ED7A333-9162-4A17-B9A2-5C111E02E628.png (704x1000, 91K)

Still 2/6

Attached: 1430295886198.gif (640x360, 189K)

I can't get past the second level

EU 4 man Monsoon for the boys

Attached: 1554237976654.jpg (325x231, 11K)


>Sekiro Easymodo Journalist shit has energized HARDCORE players of every game to bitch and moan about anyone playing any difficulty other than MEGA HARD SUPREME BUTTFUCK
Look, I'm with you. A hard game should be hard. But it's just so obnoxious. Every thread, you dweebs are there, tugging your dicks about how you're better at video games than some stranger on the internet. It's gotten to the point where you can't talk about any game without some doofus butting in and saying "Hey just so you guys know, I play on hard difficulty. I don't have anything to input about the game, I'm just very badass and my life hinges on everyone on Yea Forums knowing it"
You're already typing "drizzlet" in response to my post but it doesn't change what I said.

people were posting hosts nonstop for a week
i guess some got burned out

nvm ended the lobby

gimme a sec, gonna join in a minute

Join niggas
3 slots left

Some of us are wagecucks and work during the day.

The game should be balanced around monsoon. Trying to develop this game around drizzle will completely ruin feedback.

EU MODANON 1.4, up to 16 players, probably way less


wow you are so cool

Rainstorm isn't hard difficulty, it's normal difficulty and fairly easy once you start getting the hang of the game, there isn't a good excuse to play Drizzle outside unlocking grindy achievements because using it for new players encourage shitty habits that don't get you past the third level on Rainstorm or Monsoon.

didn't this happen to you before?
jesus christ fix your computer and/or photoshop install faggot

Stop breathing.

Suck on an Overloading Magma Worm, faggot. This isn't /vg/.

Well yes I play games on their standard difficulties, how could you tell?

Hopoo isn't coming to Yea Forums threads to consult them about what to balance.
>there isn't a good excuse to play Drizzle
How about "it's a video game and some people don't give a shit about challenging themselves and just want to play something fun"

So I just Ifrit's Distinction, the blazing "active" item. Does it protect you from enemy blazing dots?


Rehost of the EUW lobby

Alright that's it, I'm seeing you in homo court.

give me your mod version, shit is telling me im outdated

latest one from modanon: pastebin.com/nf8RuPnj

okay it looks like DoTs run on a global timer, so if I were to lower the stack durations of titan's laser's burn applications, up to 0.5s after getting hit (based on said global timer), you would take the amount of stacks you have, then they would expire.

so in a short timeframe, it would still do the same amount of damage, however past that first (up to) 0.5s the damage you take from burn dots would be greatly reduced (or completely gone if you haven't gotten hit since that dot stack)

Does anyone have the twitch clip of the alleged hoopo dev dunking on some streamer

>How about "it's a video game and some people don't give a shit about challenging themselves and just want to play something fun"
Then don't go around and brag about how good of a run you have when the game is playing itself for you.

The isntall is fine. The issue is that when making gifs PS needs so many RAM and CPU that at some point it may crash if there isn't enough. You gotta be careful and clean up the virtual memory but it's a bit unpredictible to know which will explode and which will work.
Here's the current state. Speed got fucked and I plan on adding some lightning. Don't go post it around.

Attached: And-his-music-was-electrifying....gif (500x506, 98K)

gonna have to ask you to never set foot in ror threads again, friend.

Attached: IMG_0012.png (500x500, 213K)

He requires a different itemization to do good damage that ends up cutting into 'this item is good for every class'.

I just really like spewing funballs
US Vanilla

I used to host all the time in RoR1 threads, but my internet is too shit to host RoR2.

Because I also do that you fucking retard. Kys you elitis faggot cuck.



I genuinely want to send them feedback to put this sound back in

That's fucking great user. Waiting for the final release.

How do I get past the hell level on monsoon difficulty? I always end up getting one shotted when the boss has like 20% life.
Inb4 gitgud

No, you play on easy, that's not standard difficulty.

you can play as a lemurian? please spoonfeed me how

God damn, now I need more lemurian TF. Or any RoR TF.
I know you said you don't have a page, but have you drawn any other TF before?

you can't use one when you've used the other

If your difficulty is at I SEE YOU or above by then, you've taken too long. Otherwise, n e v e r s t o p m o v i n g e v e r .


just download more ram

>no crabs spawned 3 games in a row
this is worse then no red rng

2/?, get in cunts



post yfw the item comes out of the box but it's THE RED COLOR

Attached: 1553739058738.jpg (720x796, 120K)

speed is key especially on monsoon. leaving behind items for the sake of time might be something you have to do

Artificer floats so that means she has soft feet

Is there any trade-off for playing on hard instead of medium? Like the difficulty just escalating faster but it also meaning more and quicker items?
Because if everything's just beefed up that kinda just means that my run will likely end sooner so I don't see the point in picking monsoon outside of getting that one achievement

Attached: 1539921739175.jpg (1300x889, 223K)


Nobody makes fun of people who play on Rainstorm. Drizzle is literally the only thing where people joke about being too easy, because it literally is. Don't be a shitter and maybe you won't have to cry and complain about how people are mean to you over a video game difficulty setting.

This is the second worse red item in the game.

Attached: 1532283988784.jpg (647x448, 62K)

>no responses

get assembly from pastebin.com/nf8RuPnj

>Hopoo isn't coming to Yea Forums threads to consult them about what to balance.
>he doesn't know
fucking new holy jesus

Attached: smugdog.jpg (540x564, 67K)



Attached: 1551890582454.jpg (600x480, 68K)

God bless you user.

Attached: needed this.png (341x497, 179K)

More enemies is more money, also when your run succeeds it actually means something

Attached: E5A5E5DB-1B12-4AE9-A1E0-E220A57493D1.jpg (750x409, 82K)

does anyone know which file contains mouse sensitivity? trying to keep it matched with the other games I play

Not on Merc and Engi

Attached: 1430026759160.png (2500x2641, 607K)

It needs to be an AoE around you much like the Hellfire Tincture, also needs to last as long as you keep getting kills instead of each stack having a limited lifetime

I'd say Monsoon is a more concentrated kind of fun.
Even Drizzle will catch up to it eventually, but it'll take like an extra 30 minutes to do so.

Attached: 1552257466019.png (534x520, 343K)

Anyone have Monsoon tips? I can't break through the stage 5-8 range.

Fucking pubs man
I finally get a game with two other guys that seem to know what they're doing
unfortunately our 4th, the Engi, has no clue
We managed to get him to pick up two shrooms in the first stage and he somehow died during the boss fight
In stage 2 I find some glorious concepts I know that's not what its called and me and the other two dudes ping it and tell the engi to grab it
he then manages to die to a random fuck and nothing
Shit was actually really depressing

Attached: 1494011682052.jpg (494x597, 43K)


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________don't die

Sniper is sniper

Is red chest worth it when trying to do 20 levels drizzle run for the achievement?

>Wake of Vultures

Attached: 1479052091948.jpg (400x300, 42K)

forget about tanking up and focus on getting Damage + Move speed as later on anything will instagib you. Also Trying Times, you need 16 to get to a 60% chance


Attached: 1550349246786.png (1024x719, 806K)

Attached: jeb8.png (284x260, 43K)

Not much but at least it's not drizzle so you can actually be proud of yourself.
But imagine playing Drizzle and getting mad when people call you a shitter on a taiwanese fish cutting board because you can't even play a game on its regular difficulty.

>Hopoo isn't coming to Yea Forums threads to consult them about what to balance.
Wonder where the game came from?

I have been throwing some effortless garbage in /trash/ before, but I'm not really a TF artist.
Although I could draw another RoR TF pic sometime later.

Attached: 1548503438084.jpg (750x750, 222K)

>12 bustling fungus on two turrets+engie
>cannot outdo one fire DOT on the first loop
Fucking shit why didn't this get nerfed into the fucking GROUND on the first patch?

LITERALLY the top 3 complaints were Teleporter, Mul-T too strongk, and Fire damage, with Artificer being shit as the 4th top complaint.


>About to die
>Telsa comes on
>Have Harvester's Scythe and Leech Seed
>Back to health in minutes thanks to crits
What near death situations have you guys been in?

Thanks. Is success mostly what items you get or can you get past the first loop pretty consistently?

How do I build the Genji guy?
Feels like there's no trade-off for his crazy playstyle unless you happen to somehow reach 100% CD reduction or something


nigga do you cunts never read the thread?
you can modify dot burn damage

>subtle sounds of clashing blades added when leveling up with a war banner

>genji guy

>Published by gearbox
inb4 they add borderlands characters

Attached: 1541404379767.png (818x618, 181K)

don't forget he had the quadruple healing item

Many blessings upon you

I played Risk of Rain before you were even born

The effect is all around you though actually

US 109775240993468954
how do I unlock artificer

Attached: 1548523432007.jpg (1711x2959, 319K)

>Genji guy

Honestly, the difference between rainstorm and monsoon seems miniscule. If you like playing fast Monsoon might actually be better to play, if you like exploring the maps fully Rainstorm fits the bill.
Only Drizzle is ACTUALLY different, since it adds a hidden item to your inventory that reduces incoming damage.

who's dick do I have to suck to get an overloading magma worm log book

>genji guy
>not motivation dude

Attached: 1543453509491.png (199x342, 98K)

Get moon coins
Go shopping

Fuck you buddy Frost Relic is amazing on my boi Merc

i have a 760 and i5 and it runs perfectly

thank u so much
godspeed user

>ceremonial daggers
>tesla coil

Attached: 1529255247744.jpg (1024x1002, 153K)

10 Lunar coins in the Hidden Bazaar
Devs that made it don't return to /agdg/. They pass on to become beautiful butterflies

Attached: when the 12'' hit just right.gif (152x193, 3.13M)

>what do you mean people make fun of me for playing on easy???

fucking pathetic, lmaoing at your life drizzlet

Happy Mask is way the fuck worse.

monsoon lobbies when


Attached: 1501774913091.jpg (676x581, 75K)

he needs to up the chance of proc
I get that it was fucking busted in 1 but it's really shit the way it is now


new thread new thread new thread

Is Newtist all in one run?
I've definitely gotten 8 or 9 different unique alters but it hasn't popped for me.

>red item comes out and I instantly grab it
>it's a n'kuhana's opinion
>entitled engieer gets mad I didn't give it to him

lmao get fucked engie cuck, I paid for it so it's fucking mine.

Attached: 1497140017125.jpg (284x277, 21K)

Hey distractions are valuable when you get to insta gib point on the game

>look mommy, I posted it again!

Is it my abhorrent luck showing or did the large chests became more rare compared to the RoR1?

>thread doesn't include "risk of rain"

Pop Team Epic is funi.

faggots expect others to pay for THEIR shit? seriously?

Have you considered uniroinically GITing GUD? In my childhood we didn't give up on the first game over. Instead, we got better through learning the game.

>he doesn't just search "risk"
why are you the way that you are

based and bellypilled

Attached: 1c0c4b168951681db3457aaead1aa180.jpg (800x1240, 375K)

And I thought mine was bad

Attached: ApplicationFrameHost_NZDQFYDkK7.png (950x239, 329K)

>grabbing an item that is retardedly overpowered on a different class

jokes on you

Attached: 1519135197780.jpg (568x960, 56K)

>3 Titans, 2 Vagrants, 1 B.Queen
>5 Blazing Golems, Overloading, and Ice